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pressed peoples, for their real self-determination and federation, and which internal life and progress, but

ut also the settlement and development of the for

does not pursue any imperialist goals in its Balkan policy. eign relations of our State and the strengthening of our good name and credit
3. The IMRO will most decisively intensify its struggle against both the abroad suffer from this unhealthy political state of the country. Blind political
Serbian and Greek governments and against the Bulgarian government, passions have begun to misuse the parliamentary system, which has, as a politi cal
which are or may become instruments of their own or foreign imperialist instrument, by the traditions of my unforgotten father, remained my own ideal, to
designs on Macedonia. In this sense the organization breaks all contacts such an extent that it has become a hindrance to any fruitful work in the State. The
with the governments in Sofia and will wage a struggle against their policy. pitiable dissensions and incidents in Parliament have shaken the na tion's faith in
4. Valuing the enormous importance of a united revolutionary front in the the usefulness of that institution. Agreement or even the most or dinary dealings
Balkans to struggle against European and Balkan imperialism, the IMRO between parties or individuals have become absolutely impossi ble. The
will make its wholehearted contribution lo the formation of a united parliamentary system, instead of developing and strengthening the spirit of
Balkan revolutionary front in the immediate future ... unity of the nation and of the State, has, in its present state, begun to lead to a
spiritual dissipation and national disintegration.
[...] It is my sacred duty to preserve the unity of nation and State by all means;
and l am determined to fulfil this duty to the end without hesitation. The
preservation of national unity and the integrity of the State is the supreme pur
pose of my rule, and must be the supreme law for myself and for everyone. This
No. 73 is dictated to me by my responsibility before the nation and before history. It is
dictated to me by my love for my fatherland and my pious duty towards the in
ROYAL PROCLAMATION ABROGATING THE CONSTITUTION AND numerable precious sacrifices made for that ideaL To seek a remedy for the evil
DISSOLVING THE PARLIAMENT OF THE SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE KINGDOM in changes of parliamentary government, such as have hitherto been tried, or in
Belgrade, 6 January 1929 new parliamentary elections would mean losing precious time in vain attempts,
which have already absorbed the past several years. We must seek new methods,
To my dear people, and strike out new paths.
To all the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, I am confident that in this serious moment all Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
will understand this sincere pronouncement of their King, and that they will be
The supreme interests of the nation and the State and their future make it im my most faithful assistants in the course of my future efforts, of which the sole
perative for me, both as ruler and as a son of this country, to address myself di purpose is in the shortest possible time to realise the establishment of such insti
rectly to the nation, and to tell it openly and sincerely what at the present mo tutions, such State government and such form of constitution as shall -best an
ment my conscience and my love for my fatherland dictate to me. swer to the general needs of the nation and the interests of the State.
The moment has arrived when there can, and should, be no intermediary To that end I have resolved, and hereby lay down, that the constitution of
between nation and King. After all the efforts and all the patience I have shown the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes of the 28th June, 1921, is no
in the execution of my high duties, my spirit has rent by the lamentation of the longer in operation.
masses of the nation, who are industrious and patriotic, but sorely tried, and All the laws of the country remain in force until, according to need, they are
who, guided by their natural and sound reasoning, have long been aware that it cancelled by my decree. In the same way new laws shall in future be promul
is impossible to continue in the way that has been followed hitherto. My hope, as gated.
also the hope of the nation, that the evolution of our internal political life would The Parliament elected on the 11th September, 1927, is dissolved.
bring about the settlement and consolidation of conditions in the country has In proclaiming this decision of mine to my people I order all authorities in
not been fulfilled. The parliamentary system and our whole political life are tak the State to act in accordance with it, and I command each and all to respect it
ing on an increasingly negative character, from which the nation and the State and to submit to it.
have hitherto only suffered harm. By this, all useful institutions in our State,
their progress and their development, have been brought into danger. Not only [...]



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