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Questionnaire for a Thesis Entitled:

Assessment on Common Equine Welfare Problems in Selected Districts of Central and North Gondar Zones of
Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
Zone : ___________ District : ____________No of sub-cities:_________ No of kebeles:_________
What is the equine population in the district? Horse: _______, Mule: _____Donkey:_____,Total:__
Name of at least five kebeles of the district:_______,__________,________,___________,__________
Participant’s Profile
Sex Age Kebele Village Remark

15-30 31-45 >45

1. What is your livelihood job? __________________________________________________

2. Do you have livestock? Yes No
3. What spp. of animals do you have? Cattle____, sheep____, goat____, horse____, mule____, donkey____,
4. Are livestock important for your life? Yes No
5. If yes, which types of spp. are the most important? ___________Put them in order of importance___________
6. For what purposes do you use your equines? For pack___, for draught___, for ploughing___, other__________
7. Are your equines giving you the necessary services as much as you need? Yes No
8. If No, what are the reasons behind? _________________________________________________
9. Regarding to equine welfare issues, are there problems that you believe as your weaknesses? Yes No
10. If Yes, what are they? _____________________________________________________________
11. What are the factors that commonly limit you to keep your equine welfare? Poverty_____, knowledge gap______,
perception (traditional view)_______ ,
12. Could you tell me some proverbs that are commonly told about equine? __________________________________
13. What measures do you take when your equines show disease symptoms? __________________
14. Could you mention any traditional treatment (if any) that you practice when your equines are diseased?_________
15. Do you use saddle/harness/ for your equine? Yes No
16. What kinds of raw materials do you use to make harnesses? ____________________________________________
17. Do you give your equines feed and water? Yes No
18. If yes, what types of feed do you give them? Concentrate______, serial_____, hay_____, other_
19. How much Kg of packs do you load your equine at a time? <50___, 51-100___, 101-200___, 201-400___,
20. How many days per week do your equines work? ___________
21. For how much time per day do your equines work? ___________
22. Is there any advice you were given about equine welfare and related issues? Yes No
23. If yes, by whom did you get the advice? _____________________________________________________

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