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CĐ21 - TA

• Prehistory
• The Roman period (43 – 410)
• The Germanic invasions (410 –
• The Medieval period (1066 – 1458)
• The 16th century
• The 17th century
• The 18th century
• The 19th century
• The 20th century

The most famous and mysterious archaeological

In the 8th century BC, the Celt arrived → the Britons
→ Simple organization

Silbury Hill, Wiltshire (2000 BC)

The first ‘date’ in The Romans Queen Boudicca The Romans
popular British come to stay leads a revolt leaves Britain
history against the
The Roman The only lasting
period → reminders of
One group experienced
adopted Roman Roman presence
Roman rule (England
culture (dress are Chester,
and Wales)
and Latin Lancaster and
The other group did not
language) Gloucester
(Ireland and Scotland)
The Queen of the Iceni
people of eastern Britain led
them in the battle against
the Romans. In pictures,
Boudicca is usually shown
driving a chariot.
One of the reasons that helped
the Romans could defeat the
Scots and the Picts
A national heroine of England
410 432 597 793 878 973

The St. Patrick St. Augustine Vikings The Peace of Edgar became
Romans converts arrived in destroyed Edington king → the first
left Ireland to Britain → his the partitioned. time of the
Christianity headquarters monastery name England
at Canterbury of
401- 1066: Germanic invasion
-Early th
5 , the Romans retired.
-The Anglo – Saxons invaded
England (Briton)

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