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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards

Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #2 Learning Differences

Course Competency: EDU 218 1.2: Create an assignment that teaches tolerance and acceptance.

Essential Development Outcome: Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement

Course: EDU 218

Date of Implementation: March 2022

Title of Artifact: Social Issues Assignment

How did completing this assignment

help you to grow in your understanding of Learning Differences?

This assignment grew my understanding of the social issues that exist outside of school.
All students are affected by different things and differentiate in that way but also in the way that
they learn. For each student to receive the best education possible, their specific needs must be
met, this includes the learning style that helps them learn best. Although students come from
many different backgrounds, it's important to treat all students the same. However, treating
students the same is not always fair.
help you to learn how to teach tolerance and acceptance?

This assignment taught me that it is crucial to be patient with every student because you
do not know what they go through. Some students may never feel cared for or safe and being a
teacher that students can be comfortable around or can come to when they need anything is
very important for me to accomplish. I look forward to being a teacher that is patient and listens.
I want each student of mine to feel loved and that means I have to accept problems they may
cause and address how we will fix that as a team.

Help you to learn about Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement?

By completing this assignment, I am now aware of social issues and their effects on a
variety of things. It is not something that will just go away, it takes time, but handling it in a
classroom is incredibly important. Both of these topics involve working towards the betterment of
society and enforcing positive change. Humanitarianism is mandatory in a classroom because
everyone should be helpful and support one another. Civic Engagement is also incredibly
important as everyone should work together to address issues together and promote a positive


(Explain what you learned from completing this assignment/artifact about social issues)

By completing both the assignment and artifact about social issues, I have so much
more knowledge on how to handle social issues than I previously had. In my classroom, I now
know how important it is to welcome everyone and not judge them based on initial meetings. I
understand that you must get to know each student individually to create relationships and help
them through challenges. Also getting to know them, you can understand social issues that they
may go through and be there for them either academically or emotionally. It is extremely
important to accomplish these things as a teacher and be someone that is there for your

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