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EDU218 Assessment Assignment

Watch the following video: Formative and Summative Assessment - YouTube

You will want to take notes and write a few things down. I especially like the Venn diagram at the
end of the video.

Read this short article by Chris Zook: Formative vs. Summative Assessments: What's the
Difference? (

Again, take a few notes from this article to use in your final assignment.

Complete the following steps for this assignment. You should use notes from class and notes
from the video and article.

In your OWN WORDS, write a 2-3 sentence definition of what formative assessment is.
(5 points)

Formative assessment is for the teacher and students to see how well they know the
information being taught/learned. This form of assessment is taken to receive feedback
and what the next step is as a teacher.

In your OWN WORDS, write a 2-3 sentence definition of what summative assessment is
(5 points)

Summative assessment is the final grade of what the student has learned and which
standards were met, and which standards the student has not yet met. This form of
assessment should be a grade that reflects how well the student knows the information
that was taught.

What are three differences between formative and summative assessments? (5 points)

1. Formative assessments help the teacher modify instruction throughout the rest of
the unit whereas summative assessments help the teacher collect information
that can be modified in future years.
2. Formative assessments are done throughout the unit whereas summative
assessments are the final test taken after completing the unit.
3. Formative assessments are taken in the form of quizzes, writing, or exit tickets
whereas summative assessments are taken in form of state assessments,
end-of-unit tests, or exams.

In the chart below, provide 5 examples of formative and summative assessments (10

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1. Quizzes 1. State assessments

2. Observations 2. End-of-unit tests
3. Homework 3. SAT tests
4. Exit tickets 4. District benchmark tests
5. Paragraph writings 5. End-of-term exams

In two quality paragraphs, explain the importance of each type of assessment in your
future classroom. (You may want to address the following questions: Which is more
important? Which will you use more often? Does each type of assessment have a place
in the classrooms of today? Will different types of learners need different types of
assessment? Feel free to add any other additional information) (15 points)

In a classroom that is going to thrive and grow as learners, both formative and
summative assessments are necessary throughout the year. Formative assessments
allow students to get feedback on how well they understand the information and can
prepare for future summative assessments. They also allow the teacher to see where
students are academically and what the students understand or need more guidance
on. Summative assessments are crucial to education because it reflects which
standards the students have met and which have not been met. Personally, I believe
formative assessments are more important than summative ones because formative
assessments benefit both students and teachers by allowing instruction or lessons to be
reevaluated or explained again to benefit and educate students better.

Formative assessments should be used more than summative assessments

because formative ones are used throughout the entire unit and multiple formative
assessments should be used to receive feedback on what the students need more
guidance on. Summative assessments are the final feedback taken at the end of the
unit, meaning there will only be one. I believe both assessments are used in classrooms
today, especially formative assessments as teachers are understanding it will create
successful students in the long run. Teachers need to provide a variety of formative
assessments to reach every student's learning style and I think summative assessments
should be the same way. Some students may be great at taking written tests whereas
some need to draw out what they've learned. Each student has different strong and
weak suits and it's important to give them a fair opportunity to succeed.

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