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• Clap switch project

In physics, the study of sound and its properties is a fascinating topic. One aspect of sound
that can be explored through a hands-on project is the concept of a clap switch. A clap
switch is a device that uses sound waves to activate an electronic circuit, allowing for the
control of an electrical device. This project aims to introduce students to the basic principles
of sound waves and how they can be used to control electrical circuits. By building a clap
switch, students will gain a deeper understanding of the physics behind sound and its
interactions with electronic devices. Additionally, this project will also introduce students
to basic circuit building and programming concepts. By the end of the project, students will
have created a functional clap switch that can be used to control a variety of electronic
A clap switch is a simple circuit that can be used to turn on or off a device using the sound
of a clap. This type of switch is commonly used in home automation projects, such as
turning on lights or controlling other appliances. In this project, we will be building a clap
switch using basic electronic components, such as a microphone, transistor, and relay. The
goal of this project is to understand the basic principles of sound detection and
amplification, as well as the use of transistors and relays in electronic circuits.
To build a clap switch, the first step is to design the circuit and identify the components
required. Then, the circuit is assembled on a breadboard or a PCB board, and the
components are connected as per the design. The sound sensor is usually calibrated to detect
a specific noise level, such as a hand clap, and trigger the switching circuit.
Once the circuit is tested and working, the device to be controlled is connected to the
switching circuit. When a clap or a sharp noise is detected, the sound sensor will trigger the
switching circuit, which will turn the device on or off.
Overall, the clap switch project is a great way to learn the basics of electronics and
microcontroller programming, as well as to build a simple and useful electronic device that
can be used to control other devices in a fun and unique way.
Statement of the problem
The clap switch experiment is a simple circuit that uses sound to turn on and off an LED
light. The circuit includes a microphone, a comparator, and an LED. The microphone
detects sound and sends a signal to the comparator, which compares the sound level to a
threshold value. If the sound level is above the threshold, the comparator sends a signal to
the LED to turn on. If the sound level is below the threshold, the comparator sends a signal
to the LED to turn off. The experiment can be set up by connecting the microphone,
comparator, and LED to a power source and adjusting the threshold value to match the
desired sound level.
General objective of the project
The general objective of a clap switch project is to create a switch that can be activated by
clapping. This is typically done by using a microphone to detect the sound of clapping and
then triggering a switch, such as turning on or off an electric device. The specific details of
the project will depend on the desired outcome and the materials and resources available.

Literature review
Under heading, its a brief description and brief explanation on work done by other people
based on clap switch. Here its a review of different information related to the project
including books, internet, journals and articles. This part therefore gives the historical
background of the project thereby making easy to determine what misses in the previous
works in relation to current real life situations.

Historical background
For the first time, the clap switch was discovered by R Carlile, Stevens and E Dare Reamer
in the year 1996.They developed a circuit whose main and major component was a ‘mic’.
This mic was used to track the input sound and then transform this sound to electrical
pulses. The electrical pulses produced by the mic were the desired input to the clap switch.
It therefore can be stated that, sound was the basic input to their circuit however the sound
transducer to electrical pulses (mic) was the basic component to their circuit.

Also, Olokede in the year 2008 came up with a research entitled “Design of a clap activated
switch”. This used IC7490 to implement the clap activated switch. Olokede used the input
transducer that was able to receive sound that then transforming into an electrical signal
(pulse). The pulse was then amplified thus be able to drive IC components which changed
the input to energized and also to de-energize a relay causing the device to be able to switch
larger devices and circuits.

Sahiti and Lakshmin in 2010 performed a project called “clap switch”. It was amazingly
of a new way that it didn’t require the use of an integrated circuit in it’s working structure.
It’s operation was simple. Its main controlling instrument as an input transducer was a
condenser microphone receiving sounds of claps or coughs and transforming into electrical
pulses. This was an input for switching on various electronic devices such as radios, lights
or fan just by clap

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