JPF 2023

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JPF 2023



April 3, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments

Today's blog consists of two entirely different sets of articles, and my bit of (really) high octane speculation that
they might be connected in a Robert Gates - New Japanese Government - Fukushima earthquake-and-tsunami-
and-reactor-meltdown sort of way. What am I talking about?

For one thing, as the following articles from W.G. and E.E. note, Italy - which is the only  major European
power showing some spine and common sense lately - has moved to ban Frankendavosmeat, which is what
we're calling the artificial and synthetic "food" concoctions being advocated by the likes of Der Hochklaus von
Blohschwab Freiherr von Bomburst. (And yes, I'm aware that the French are protesting like crazy against their
government Davos-lacky-in-chief, M. Macron, but unfortunately the French haven't elected a government that
has some spine and common sense like Italy has. So for the moment, I'm sticking with my assessment of the
Italian government and the country itself). Anyway, as the following articles make clear, Italy has moved to ban
Frankendavosmeat - though we sincerely hope that if Der Hochklaus swoops in on his broom for a state visit,
that the Italians will feed him a steady diet of bugs, cricket breads, and Frankendavosmeats on a three-D printed
pizza. You vill eat your bugs und be happy!

Anyway, here's the articles: Italy moves to ban lab-grown meat to protect food heritage

What's very intriguing to note here is a statement by the Italian Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty,
Signor Francesco Lollabrigida, cited in the second article linked above:

The government of Italy has backed a bill that would ban lab-grown meat in the country to protect its
rich food heritage.

If the bill passes, it would fine violators of the lab-grown meat ban up to €60,000.

“Laboratory products do not guarantee quality, well-being and the protection of our culture, our tradition,” said Minister for
Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Francesco Lollobrigida on Wednesday

He followed up on Twitter, declaring, “Italy is the first nation free from the risks of synthetic foods.”

“A courageous result from the Meloni government, a strong stance in favor of the many traditional producers,
besieged by a few increasingly unscrupulous multinationals,” he tweeted.

What is interesting to note here is that Signor Lollobrigida has tied a cultural issue to a safety issue (Laboratory
products do not guarantee ... well-being" and to a quality and health issue ("Italy is the first nation free from the
risks of synthetic foods").  Or to put it in the clearest terms: an attack on our food, its quality, safety, and so on,
is a potential attack on our health, our sovereignty, and our Italian culture.  Italy's stance is thus reminiscent of
Russia's reaction to the West's (and the Ukraine's!) adoption of lax intergenerational testing standards to ram
through their governments' acceptance of GMO foods and their "substantial equivalence" to regular normal
food.  Russia simply rejected GMOs until such intergenerational studies could be rigorously conducted.

As for substantial equivalence, that is a form of the argument that if it looks like carrots and tastes like carrots,
then it's carrots, in spite of the genetic modifications done to the GMO version, which are patentable, and with
some modification, could be used to cause genetic modifications in the consumer of said GMO carrots, and thus
perhaps be a way to allow the corporations producing them to assert a lein on anyone's body so genetically
modified. It sounds like a far out, off-the-end-of-the-twig speculation, but I've been raising this alarm about the
possibilities of GMOs and their consumption to assert such liens for some time. Add to this the quackcination
technology, and the fact that Baal Gates and other synthetic food advocates have been talking about
"vaccincating" populations via the introduction of their injections into GMO foods, and voila! get the

With that in mind, let's turn to the other part of this possible Robert Gates - New Japanese Government -
Fukushima earthquake-and-tsunami-and-reactor-meltdown scenario. Just to clarify, in case you're a new reader
here and not familiar with my speculation concerning the Fukushima tsunami, earthquake, and reactor
meltdown story, let's review the broad sequence of events.  You might recall that for a very brief period prior to
the accession of Shinzo Abe to the Japanese premiership, that Japan elected a new government which
essentially was completely out of synch with the Liberal Democratic Party governments that had ruled that
country for many years, and which still does. That brief period was a considerable hiccup, for it immediately
signaled its wish to renegotiate the presence of the US military base on Okinawa - a sore spot for many local
Japanese and therefore with their national government - and additionally, that same Japanese government even
broached the idea of a rapprochement with mainland China, suggesting the unprecedented step of a state visit of
then-Emperor Akihito to that country in an attempt to bury centuries' of mistrust between the two countries, and
to repair the damage to Sino-Japanese relations caused by the Japanese invasion of China during the World

In response to this, then US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the only Republican hold-over in the Obama
administration from the previous Bush administration, issued a statement to that Japanese government that
could only have been understood to be a direct threat. Shortly after Gates' message, there was a massive
earthquake in the Pacific, which caused the tsunami, which caused the reactor meltdown at Fukushima. The US
then used its forces stationed in Japan to "assist" the Japanese after the disaster, thereby demonstrating the
utility of not shutting down the bases on Okinawa.

My point then and now is that in a world where it is possible to weaponize the weather and geophysics itself,
such "acts of God" are more likely to be "acts of a sophisticated and very secret exotic technology", and the
formula for interpreting such "acts" are the geopolitical and/or financial contexts in which they occur.

This brings us back to Italy. Consider the following article shared by U.: AN ELVE OVER ITALY

Note this from the article: For a few milliseconds last Monday night, March 27th, an enormous red ring of light
appeared in the sky over central Italy. Valter Binotto photographed it from the small town of Possagno in the
foothills of the Italian Alps:

This is an "ELVE"--short for Emissions of Light and Very Low Frequency Perturbations due to
Electromagnetic Pulse Sources. It's a rare species of sprite discovered in 1990 by cameras onboard the space
shuttle. Binotto may have just taken the best ever picture of one from the ground.

"The ELVE was generated by intense lightning in a storm near Ancona about 285 km south of me," says
Binotto. One bolt was so strong, it generated an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The red ring marks the
spot where the EMP hit Earth's ionosphere. Normal lightning bolts carry 10 to 30 kilo-ampères of current; this
bolt was about 10 times stronger than normal.

Binotto created a graphic showing the scale of the ELVE:

"It was about 100 km high and nearly 360 km wide," says Binotto. "I have been photographing upper
atmospheric lightning and transient luminous events (TLEs) since 2019, hundreds of them, and this is one of the
biggest structures I have ever seen."

And here is the ELVE itself:

Now for those who've been following the story of ionospheric heaters like America's HAARP or
Europe/Germany's EISCAT, these heaters essentially can create "channels" for plasmas - such as large lightning
discharges - in the atmosphere.  With enough power and under the right conditions, the normal protection from
the solar wind afforded by the Earth's magnetosphere might be turned off just long enough to create effects
much more stupendous, and destructive, than this.  IN other words, the massive lightning bolt that produced this
effect may have itself been the artificial creation of such a technology. After all, it packed a current much larger
than the typical lightning strike.

The bottom line?

I do not view this as just "another normal incident" which an Italian with fast reflexes was fortunate enough to
photograph. I think this was on the order of a message, and if so, then the message would seem to be clear: get
back on the reservation, and let us rake in massive profits on synthetic foods and their patents, while we put
your farmers out of business, and ruin your health.

Apropos of today's main blog, U. also sent along this article about a solar explosion and a sudden surge in
lightning strikes concentrated in a region of India: Over 5,000 lightning strikes in 30 minutes in Odisha
April 1, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments

Happy April Fools' Day everyone. Unfortunately, all these stories are true. Our thanks to S.D., V.T., K.M.,
L.G.L.R., and W.G.:

Russian Soldiers Discover “Baby Factories” in Ukraine where Young Children are Grown for Child Sex
Brothels and for Organ Harvesting

This Week in Ukraine: Soldiers Storm Orthodox Monastery, Arrest Priest During Service, Cut Off Access to
Sacred Caves, Close Three Orthodox Churches … Continue reading This Week in Ukraine: Soldiers Storm
Orthodox Monastery, Arrest Priest During Service, Cut Off Access to Sacred Caves, Close Three Orthodox

Churches The Gateway Pundit

Trafigura faces $577 million loss on alleged nickel fraud

FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the Fed Killed Europe So, Credit Suisse is no more. Good
riddance? I think this is an open question given the very complicated landscape of the global banking system
today. By the time I’m done here I think you’ll have an answer that no one, including me, was expecting.
There’s a lot to cover, so let’s start at the … Continue reading FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the

Fed Killed Europe Gold Goats 'n Guns

China discovers huge gold deposit worth $3 billion Signed as Law: Tennessee Authorizes State Gold and
Silver Reserves

FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the

Fed Killed Europe
So, Credit Suisse is no more. Good riddance? I think this is an open question given the very complicated
landscape of the global banking system today. By the time I’m done here I think you’ll have an answer that no
one, including me, was expecting.

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s start at the beginning.

In the wake of the “three-fer” take out of Silvergate, Silicon Valley and Signature banks by the ‘market’ I think
we have a pretty clear picture of what’s really going on.

This wasn’t a ‘market’ operation. It was a Fed/NY Boys operation and a very successful one.

The Fed (and only the Fed through its proxies) had the motive, means and opportunity to perform the hit job. I
wrote a big post for my patrons on March 11th (now made public) going over this.

These Three S’s were all operating as offshore Shadow banks. As Phil Gibson pointed out on his most recent
Substack article:

SVB ultimately runs its funding the way Startup funding does:

 A person with $1b comes in and puts $1b into SVB. They go out to a startup and sign a term
sheet. This sheet says that the startup will deposit its money in SVB.
 Then SVB goes out and loans that $1b out to another VC. Who ‘invests’ it in another startup,
who’s term sheet says they will keep their deposits in SVB.
 So now SVB has take $1b dollars and made it $2b dollars. Without any fed regulation or

To which I would add the deposits coming back in were then invested in long-dated US Treasuries and marked
as ‘hold to maturity.’ This meant they couldn’t be sold. This was a good deal as long as the short-end of the
yield curve stayed at the zero-bound, or at least below that of the long-end.

As the Fed raised rates, well, not so much. Too bad, so sad, see you at the Auto Show, SVB.

Rates rising were one thing impairing SVB’s balance sheet but the inversion of the US yield curve didn’t help
things either. All it took was a whisper campaign by people with three working brain cells to see the situation
for what it was and execute the bank.

Easy peesy, bank run squeezy.

A lot of people have been all over the Fed for this screaming that the Big Banks are rolling up the small banks,
but if that were the case why have no other small banks failed?

Why did the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) basically allow the Regional banks who had similar holes in
their balance sheets to SVB (but who also had risk management officers on staff!) to swap them at par with the
Fed at a fixed-term rather than forcing them onto the Walk of Shame to the Discount Window?

Bueller? Frye?

It’s because the BTFP actually saved the regional banks, while simultaneously raising FDIC insurance for
insured accounts to infinity and beyond. And while that is a real problem of moral hazard which the Fed and the
US will pay for later, it was absolutely the right strategic move from the Fed’s perspective today.

It also created a virtuous cycle for the onshoring of US Treasuries now that the US banking system will need
high quality collateral to offset higher savings rates that are inevitable thanks to the Fed taking the smaller
banks under its protection.

The ones screaming for the Fed to lower rates and go back to QE are the ones who can’t use the BTFP or they
are gold bugs who need to be right that this is it, this is the day they get vindicated for years of being myopic
putzes thinking only gold is the answer.

Don’t even get me started on the Bitcoin Maxis.

When, honestly, tboth groups refuse to realize they are simping for the very people who have ensured that gold
and bitcoin stay on the margins of the financial system through egregious leverage for more than a decade.

But, I digress.

In effect, the swiftness with which the Fed acted (and crammed an unpalatable solution down Janet Yellen’s
throat) actually shores up the regional banks while leaving the Fed free now to continue raising rates and
shrinking its balance sheet all while increasing the demand for US Treasuries during a period of intense de-

The price? A few extra billions of rent was paid off to the thieves. But, that’s it. The spigot has been closed, the
stopcock broken off and the valve filled with molten lead. Gone. Done.
Well, except a few here and there via swap lines to make it look like they aren’t heartless.

But please note the ECB got the same terms on a USD/Euro swap that the Regional Banks get from the Fed. We
didn’t see Powell announce an emergency rate cut or anything like that.

If anyone did the bank Walk of Shame it was the ECB.

The point of my opening argument is that the Fed did exactly what it was chartered to do here…. protect the US
banking system. And it did that while paying lip service to coordinating central bank policy to keep US dollar
funding markets liquid, which is also part of its job, as long as it is in service of its primary job, protecting US

And, as I’ve argued over and over, while there are still massive holes in the global financial system because
there aren’t enough dollars to go around, the Fed is now in control of who gets those dollars. Watching who
does and who doesn’t get preferential treatment is now the key to understanding what happens next.

You, Me and the FDIC

Right up until his death, the Calvinist OG of the Austrian Economic Sewing Circle, Dr. Gary North, wrote
about FDIC and its importance in ending the Great Depression. He wrote volumes on the subject. North
understood better than nearly everyone that fractional reserve banking is a confidence game.

And FDIC in the US is the bedrock on which confidence in the post-Great Depression US Empire was built.
Well, okay, FDIC, the Marshall Plan, LIBOR, and the whole Eurodollar global reserve fantasy world if you
want to be pedantic.

Whether you agree with fractional reserve banking or not is irrelevant. It exists, is the paradigm on which our
banking system operates, and has very predictable fault lines within it guaranteeing bank runs at some point.

Milton Friedman and his disciples are wrong about what started and stopped the Great Depression. Capital
flight out of Europe because of a sovereign debt crisis sent US equity markets to new highs thanks to a strong
US dollar, per Martin Armstrong’s analysis, and North was right that FDIC was the only thing that curbed the
demand to hoard dollars under mattresses and put them back to work in the banking system.

So, read his 2019 missive explaining the situation in the aftermath of the Repo Crisis and think through the
massive liquidity injection by Keynesians in our government in “response” to COVID-19, which FOMC Chair
Jerome Powell argued against, and you’ll see echoes of where we are today.

Under today’s circumstances {2019}, the money supply will not shrink. The money supply is
based on how much debt the Federal Reserve System has in its reserves: the monetary base. {In
2023, the Fed is shrinking its reserves} The fact that depositor A in busted Bank A has lost his
money does not shrink the money supply. Another depositor, who was paid by borrower B (e.g.,
a mortgage borrower) at Bank A, still has his deposit in Bank B. The banking system does not
lose money. But doubts spread about the economy. People start moving their portfolios toward
near-cash assets. They start selling stocks so that they can buy Treasury bills or T-bonds.

To North’s point about selling stocks to buy US Treasuries, today is different because there is a massive stock
of money in the Reverse Repo Facility but the dynamic is the same. As the Fed raises rates money is flowing
out of where it is into Money Markets and variable rate US Treasuries, as Ted Oakley suggested in my last
podcast with him.

People are getting to near-cash assets as the Fed raised rates.

This has been going on all year {2019}. The 90-day T-bill rate is under 2%. It fell before the
Federal Reserve announced its reduction in the federal funds overnight market. The FED has
trailed T-bill rate all year. The FED gets credit for lowering rates, but this has been an illusion in
2008. The FED has been playing catch-up with the T-bill rate. It announces what T-bills have
already achieved: lower rates.

The Fed did the opposite of what the market told it to do in 2019. Powell raised rates fast. He did this to “break
something” as Danielle Dimartino Booth said all through 2022.

This is why the “Pivot” crowd is crowing today that the Fed is headed back to the zero-bound and will restart
QE. But they are wrong.

I read everything North wrote during the bailouts and advent of QE during the 2008 Financial Crisis as part of
my real education. I know he would be part of the pivot crowd because he had no faith in the Fed. And rightly
so. None of us did in 2019 and should be skeptical of it in 2023.

But North also understood incentives. He understood that if the Fed broke something the first thing it would do
is lobby for raising FDIC limits.

He argued then, rightly so, that FDIC expansion was the right step then and eventually it would go to infinity.
Fine, no argument there. Nothing is off the table when the Fed is out to protect the US banks.

And right on schedule, when a few particular regional banks of dubious character (and allegiance) blew up,
Powell gets Yellen to agree to unlimited FDIC insurance for insured accounts (not, crucially important here,
uninsured accounts) while also filling the holes on the Regional Banks’ balance sheets.

This was the main thing Powell did to put the US banking system in a superior position to all the other banking
systems. We have the ability to absorb these depositor losses and the political incentives line up to ensure that
occurs, from both sides of the populist political aisles.

Even Elizabeth Warren can’t complain about what the Fed did here.

But North also was right about Bernanke’s sterilization of QE through another Fed manipulation of capital flow,
Interest on Excess Reserves (IOER). He argued, rightly in 2009, that IOER would be stagflationary, creating
the financialized world we have today but where the real economy would suffer from constraints having to
compete for capital with any idiotic idea out there because money was free.
The slow growth era of the Coordinated Central Bank Policy Era was instrumental in hollowing out what was
left of Main Street.

Et Voila, 2023.

And that brings me, finally, to Credit Suisse.

Burning Down the Haus

One of my favorite heuristics in analyzing big moments in history is to look at who is saying nothing and who is

Whoever is bitching is vulnerable and getting the shaft, especially if they are aligned with certain groups of
people, in this case the devil we all know, The Davos Crowd.

Whoever is saying nothing is winning. Notice that Jamie Dimon isn’t saying anything other than helping to
shore up First Republic Bank with JPM’s own capital? As Luke Gromen would say, “Signpost!”

So, here’s your timeline of events leading up to this weekend.

1. The US/EU force Russia’s hand into invading Ukraine in Feb. 2022
2. The US/EU try to destroy Russia setting off a liquidity spiral of insane commodity prices
3. The Fed raises rates to combat inflation while having decoupled US banks mostly from Europe
4. SOFR overtakes the Eurodollar as the US dollar funding vehicle of choice.
5. The Swiss gov’t gives up their centuries old neutrality by backing Ukraine publicly
6. The Swiss President is clearly a compromised figure, undermining Swiss sovereignty for the Great Reset (See my
Podcasts with Pascal Najadi on this. Episodes #122 and #132)
7. Because of this Switzerland starts seeing capital outflow b/c it’s no longer neutral
8. During the takeover of the UK last summer, Credit Suisse comes under attack, forcing the Fed to shore it up
through swap lines to the SNB.
9. The Fed keeps raising rates forcing the ECB to follow.
10. Eurodollar liquidity collapses, the BoJ begins giving up Yield Curve Control.
11. Russia keeps grinding out the Ukrainian Army in the Donbass
12. Once the Fed breaks the Three S’s Davos counters by pulling their liquidity from CS.
13. The run on CS intensifies forcing the SNB and UBS into action.
14. They screw the AT1/CoCo bondholders.

The question raised by #14 is why? Why not let them get their shekels?

This is a clear assault on the vestiges of Swiss sovereignty and the credibility of its banking system, on which
the entire country’s reputation is based. To think that they wouldn’t bend the rules on who gets paid first in this
situation is hopelessly naïve.

So, this morning everyone in Europe is furious over the forced merger of UBS and Credit Suisse. For the record
I put out what I thought strategically about Credit Suisse and why it would never be allowed to go under:

Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) Quick thread on the strategic importance of Credit Suisse and why the Fed's support of it
is so important. Famously, the SNB holds a big equity portfolio, at last count ~$139B. These are mostly US large caps. /1 8:55 AM · Mar 18, 2023

The main sticking point for UBS’s buyout of Credit Suisse is the 100% write-down of the $17B in
“Contingently Convertible” (CoCo) or AT1 bonds, while shareholders of Credit Suisse were put in front of
them, getting a few pennies for their previous investments.
Here’s the thing. Everyone was wiped out in the Credit Suisse debacle. I believe the point of the attack was to
limit the Swiss National Bank’s ability to conduct monetary policy by impairing its $139 billion equity portfolio
as a way to raise cash and/or supply US stocks to European investors seeking a safe haven from any fallout in

Moreover, these AT1 or CoCo bonds are effectively permanent bonds, paying out in perpetuity as long as the
issuing bank stays solvent. If you take out the bank then they get converted to equity. Knowing that CS was too
important to be allowed to fail, I’m betting someone was expecting to force the terms of the bailout.

And the Swiss just said, “Um. No. Sue us.”

Oh but you can’t because there were covenants in both UBS and Credit Suisse AT1 bonds which allowed for
shareholders to be put in front of bondholders. Again from Zerohedge:

As Bloomberg notes, the clauses that led to the bonds being marked to zero aren’t common. Only
the AT1 bonds of Credit Suisse and UBS Group AG have language in their terms that allows for
a permanent write-down and most other banks in Europe and the UK have more protections,
according to Jeroen Julius, a credit analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence.

Now, where have I heard about perpetual bonds before? Oh right, from George Soros who wants Europe to
default on all of its sovereign debt, wipe out investors, and hand them perpetual bonds as compensation.

Let’s put this all together.

UBS bought CS for $3.2 billion. There were $17 billion in Credit Suisse CoCos. As of last Friday’s close
UBS’s market cap was $56.5 billion. That would have made the CoCo holders the biggest ownership group in

And yet, no one is talking about this.

Does anyone really think UBS would buy Credit Suisse and hand over ownership of their bank at the same
time? No. There would be no deal if that were the case.

And what did the UBS term sheet for merging with CS do? Not only did it block the effective takeover of
Credit Suisse by the CoCo bondholders who likely were behind the attacks on it in the first place, it impaired
the idea of CoCo or perpetual bonds in the minds of investors ensuring that this form of hostile takeover doesn’t
happen in the future.

This was the only outcome where both the SNB and the Fed maintained any semblance of control over Swiss
monetary policy. Merge UBS with Credit Suisse and write the CoCo bonds to zero, freezing out a hostile
takeover attempt.

If I don’t hear about George Soros having a heart attack in the next 24 hours I will be honestly shocked, because
this was clearly something he would have tried to orchestrate.

Here’s the money shot folks from Zerohedge (finally getting something right in all of this):

Junior creditors should bear losses only after equity holders have been fully wiped out, according
to a joint statement from the Single Resolution Board, the European Banking Authority and the
ECB Banking Supervision, who apparently were not consulted on Sunday during the whirlwind
decisions that preserved some equity value at CS while wiping out its entire AT1 tranche.

Now why do you think the ECB and European banking authorities weren’t consulted on this?
Because this is the key to destroying the capital structure of what’s left of the European banks while also
hamstringing the SNB.

These AT1 bonds, all $275 billion of them across Europe (okay $258 billion now), were the financial time
bombs meant to go off and wipe out the current owners of these banks and transfer them to those who would
consolidate power in Europe.

Now, bring back in FDIC. The US has one monolithic FDIC system. Europe doesn’t. There are $100,000
insurance programs in individual countries, but no EU program to protect savers. So, think this through. When
the banking crisis evolves in Europe the countries will be bailing out their depositors blowing gaping holes in
their budgets, which EU rules for many of them will preclude, especially if they are running deficits.

The AT1 bondholders will be gaining control over their banks. The people will be thrown out into the streets.

Depositors over $100,000 will be wiped out. The same fears of small businesses being frozen out of their
accounts to make payroll that forced Yellen’s hand to go big on FDIC for deposits will play out across Europe.

The entire European commercial banking system will cease to function. It leaves the door open for a massive
EU led bailout during the height of the crisis to do what Soros has been demanding they do:

 Have the ECB buy all the outstanding Eurozone debt

 Convert it all to perpetual bonds, in effect issue new CoCo bonds for the entire Eurozone.

o This is a default on all the sovereign debt and wipes the slate clean
o This is a default on all the sovereign debt and wipes the slate clean

 Then convert all existing euros to digital euros overnight

 Minority Report with more Germans.

And the people who created the problem will be the ones who implement it because well, they now own all the

But, here’s the rub. It is why Europe is furious this morning despite anything that comes out of Christine
Lagarde’s pie hole, sorry broccoli hole.

The CoCo bond market is now frozen, the bonds are getting gutted. These are some of the most important bits
of Tier I capital under Basel III for European banks. Ooops!

Goldman is saying there is now risk of “permanent destruction to demand for AT1 bonds.” You don’t say

The entire idea of CoCo bonds has been undermined by the Swiss and, I think, by extension, the Fed.

On two major fronts, limited insurance for bank deposits and terminally impaired capital structures for
European banks, the Fed just positioned the US to be the recipient of major capital inflows as all of the interest
rate and credit risk is transferred back to Europe.

This morning I consulted with Dr. North’s Ghost: Join my Patreon if you don’t want to be converted

Séance w/ the Ghost of Gary North... Tom: What stopped the Great Depression for Real? Ghost: FDIC Tom: Why doesn't
the EU have this? Ghost: They thought they owned the Fed Tom: But they don't. Ghost: They better hope the Fed still
likes them. Tom: They don't Ghost: Kek.

The Prophet Dudley

As Ive been saying, the US move to raise insurance put ECB at a major disadvantage. The fact that he's saying they need
to do this means they cant act quickly. The stage is set for massive capital flight from Europe to US as CS skeletons will
emerge from the closet 7:38 AM · Mar 21, 2023
utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f367ac9a-c9da-474b-9127-ffcda34d4b59 03/15/23

Exclusive: As Death Rates Surge for Kids and

Teens, Researchers Blame Drugs, Guns and Cars
— Critics Say It’s Far More Complicated
In an interview with The Defender, all-cause mortality researcher Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., criticized a study
published Monday in JAMA attributing a surge in deaths among children and teens to “drugs, guns and
automobiles.” Rancourt called the article a “political paper” and accused the researchers of going beyond “what
you can reasonably conclude from hard data.” Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

The mortality rate for U.S. children and teens surged to the highest levels in decades between 2019 and 2021,
according to research published Monday in JAMA.

Researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and the University of Washington
reported that all-cause mortality increased 10.7% for people ages 1 to 19 between 2019 and 2020, and an
additional 8.3% between 2020 and 2021.

The excess deaths were not caused by COVID-19, but by injuries, including incidents involving firearms, drugs
and car accidents, the researchers said.

“Medicine and public health have made remarkable progress in lowering pediatric mortality rates, but the lives
they have saved are now endangered by man-made pathogens,” the authors wrote.

“Bullets, drugs, and automobiles are now causing a youth death toll sufficient to elevate all-cause mortality
rates,” they said in the paper.

The researchers argued the increase in pediatric injury deaths is a trend that predates the COVID-19 pandemic,
pointing to the “nadirs” of rising suicide rates since 2007, and homicide rates since 2013, and to increasing
access to opioids over the last several years.

The pandemic, they said, “did not initiate these trends,” but they concede “it may have poured fuel on the fire.”

Not everyone agreed. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., all-cause mortality researcher and former physics professor at the
University of Ottawa in Canada, told The Defender the JAMA article “spins” the research findings to make it
seem as if the spike in all-cause mortality for children is part of a larger trend linked to broad societal dynamics
affecting youth, rather than to the draconian lockdown policies that disproportionately affected the poor and
vulnerable across U.S. society.

“The piece is what I would call spin, right up there with the best spin that a politician could make, but it’s by
three M.D. scientists,” Rancourt said. “The spin is disgusting, shameful and misleading.”

Rancourt said the paper is peer-reviewed, but added, “I think peer review just means ensuring that the
establishment doctrine is communicated with little regard to the actual data.”

He said the data in the paper show a large, stepwise increase in mortality rates in 2020 and 2021:
“That should be the basis of trying to interpret this data. In other words, the data clearly tells you that something
dramatic happened that caused mortality to increase in this age group, in 2020 and was maintained in 2021.

“That’s unambiguous. Something dramatic happened. Okay. So that should be the focus of the article. Instead,
what these authors do is they couch this as though it were just part of an increase in the recent historical trend.

“They word it as though this were just, you know, oh, there could be a contribution from whatever happened
during the COVID period, but generally this is increasing.”

What the JAMA article leaves out

It’s what the authors left out of their analysis that’s important, Rancourt said in an interview.

For example, the increase in all-cause child mortality during 2020 and 2021 happened alongside a much greater
rise in all-cause mortality among other age groups.

In the U.S., among people ages 25-44, there was a 40% increase in all-cause mortality since the World Health
Organization announced the global pandemic on March 11, 2020.

For ages 45-64 it was an approximately 25% increase. For ages 65-74 it was about a 30% increase and for ages
75-84 it was just under 25%, according to research by Rancourt and his colleagues at CORRELATION, a
nonprofit research organization that conducts public interest research.

“They are talking about the youngest age group where it happens to be the smallest in percent increase,” he
said, but those numbers can’t be understood in isolation from the entirety of the all-cause mortality data.

They also didn’t address the fact that the vaccine rollout occurred halfway through the study period and had no
positive impact on all-cause mortality, he added.

But perhaps most importantly, Rancourt said, “There is no mention of the fact that this excess mortality that’s
generally seen for all age groups is highly correlated in the United States to poverty.”

He added:

“The Pearson correlation coefficient with poverty for the excess mortality during the COVID period in the
United States is plus 0.86, which is a very significant correlation coefficient not normally seen to have such
high values in the social sciences or in epidemiology.

“It is an absolutely strong correlation with poverty. Poverty is the main, associated social factor that determines
whether or not you’re gonna be part of this cohort.”

The JAMA paper commented on gender, race and ethnicity, but not economic status. For example, it found the
increase in injury-related deaths in 2020 mostly occurred in males.

Non-Hispanic Black individuals made up almost two-thirds of the homicide deaths, while suicides among
American Indian and Alaska Native youth ages 10 to 19 were twice as likely as those among non-Hispanic
white individuals in that age group.

Based on those statistics, the authors end the paper saying that “research and policy efforts to address the
underlying causes — eg, depression, suicidality, opioid use, systemic racism, widening inequities, societal
conflict — are urgently needed, as is system redesign to provide help for people affected by these conditions.”

Rancourt said when they point to those underlying causes, they’re “just talking from a script, they’re not
actually showing data to support what they say.
He added:

“There’s the, ‘of course, you know, in our point of view, it’s known that there’s structural racism in the United
States, and therefore that must be part of the cause.’

“In other words, they’re conveying points of the dominant ideology. They’re not conveying the result that
comes from empirical measurements of what’s going on.

“And that’s another disturbing aspect of a paper like this. It’s a political paper rather than being scientists
limiting themselves to what you can reasonably conclude from hard data.”

For example, he said, the paper blames “bullets, drugs and automobiles” for increasing death rates.

According to the researchers, “Current efforts to understand gun violence, overcome political gridlock, and
enact sensible firearm policies are not progressing with the speed that pediatric suicides and homicides require.”

But, he said, those are the vectors that cause death, not the underlying cause. “The problem is this: It’s not the
firearms that are causing the deaths,” he said, adding:

“The fundamental cause has to be the government’s assault on people and families and institutions during the
COVID period, which dramatically increased psychological stress and social isolation of adolescents and
children and on adults …

“This is absent from the paper, there’s not even a mention of it.”

Canadian researcher and Substack writer Jessica Rose, Ph.D., in an email to The Defender, agreed that guns
aren’t the underlying cause.

“It’s not gun violence that needs to be understood, in my opinion, it’s the kids themselves,” she said. “There
likely are sensible firearm policies enacted, but if you’re in a certain destructive mindset, and likely on readily
available drugs, then no amount of sensible anything is going to matter.”

Kids need “better circumstances and supportive communities,” Rose said.

Rancourt said lockdown policies disproportionately affected the poor, the institutionalized and the mentally ill,
who were the most vulnerable.

“This is an article in a major medical journal that’s supposedly addressing a major problem and doesn’t even
mention or try to explore the question of who died?

“Who are the people in this cohort that actually died? Where do they live? Under what social conditions? Under
which family conditions? … There’s no mention who they are. It’s just a general population that you imagine.

“But you never ask the real question, which a social scientist and someone who’s really concerned about public
health must ask, which is where are these people dying and who is dying under what circumstances? What are
the social groups that we’re talking about? Are they institutionalized people? Are they suffering from various

Instead of recommending further research on these questions, he said, “The only thing they recommend is that
we eliminate bullets, drugs and automobiles. I mean, come on. What kind of a crazy recommendation is this?”

Rancourt added:
“You cannot address underlying causes without looking at the granularity of the human condition, because it is
specific people who are dying, who are mostly at risk because of their circumstances.

“And if you’re not doing that, you’re not doing medicine, you’re not doing science, and you’re not addressing
the problems.

“If you have to talk about homogenized statistics then never use the term ‘underlying causes.’

“If you cannot go in and look at what is actually happening, and you don’t have a plan to study that, and you
don’t have a recommendation that it should be looked at, then you should not be allowed to use the term
‘underlying causes,’ because those are simply vectors.”

Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10
years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master's from the University of Texas at Austin.

Updated 7 December, 2020 - 17:31 ashley cowie

Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Unpublished 17th-century AD alchemical documents reveal Sir Isaac Newton’s private Egyptian pyramid studies, in his
quest to calculate a date for the End of Days. In July 1936 AD, a metal chest surfaced at Sotheby’s auction house in
London filled with Isaac Newton’s unpublished, private, hand-written papers and lab books. After economist John
Maynard Keynes bought the treasure chest he was shocked to find Newton was not only a force in mathematical theory,
astronomy and optics, but that he was also a clandestine esoteric theologist, and an alchemist , questing otherworldly
realms beyond physics with the assistance of supernatural forces.

According to Sam Kean´s “ Newton, The Last Magician ,” the great man of science was “secretly Europe's leading
alchemist” and believed his deepest universal insights came from his communications “with ancient spirits.”

Having spent five decades exploring the macro and micro-mechanics of the universe seeking a date for Armageddon,
Newton is believed to have decoded it from the measurements and proportions of the legendary Solomon's Temple. But
now, more unpublished papers reveal a key step in Newton´s search for the date of Armageddon: the quest to find a
hidden mathematical code within the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

One of the unpublished burned papers for sale. (Isaac Newton/ Sotheby's)

Isaac Newton’s “New” Papers Worth A Small Fortune!

Isaac Newton has always been the number one, primary icon, for rational thinking , logic and reason. So, when his
alchemical interests were first revealed it was a great embarrassment to the scientific community, and it’s happening

The works revealing more of Newton´s attempts to ascertain a date for the apocalypse are now being sold by Sotheby’s,
and show his genius interpretation of the geometry, scale and proportions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

According to a report in The Guardian , Gabriel Heaton, Sotheby’s manuscript specialist, says the papers take you
“remarkably quickly straight to the heart of a number of the deepest questions Newton was investigating.” And, she
added, that the three papers are expected to fetch “hundreds of thousands of pounds,” at auction next Tuesday. The
Sotheby´s antiques specialist said Newton was trying to “uncover the unit of measurement used by those constructing the
pyramids,” as he suspected it would disclose a microcosmic expression of the measure of the earth.
Isaac Newton: Master Of The Universe

Newton studied the pyramids in 1680s, but his real goal was to calculate the prime measurements of the biblical Temple
of Solomon , in which he was convinced the date for the apocalypse was embedded. Heaton says “the alchemist” was
looking for proof for his theory of gravitation and he believed the secrets of ancient Egyptian alchemy would provide the
required evidence.

Building on Heaton´s suggestion, I wrote and published a four-part series of research articles on my website in 2016. In
the first instalment, Isaac Newton and the Temple of Doom , I present Newton´s study of the Temple of Solomon, the
“Philosopher's Stone of the Emerald Tablet.” Newton believed the Emerald Tablet had alchemical Egyptian origins and as
he matured it satisfied his theological thirst. The 10 magical lines of the tablet became a “foundation” for Newton´s
cosmological outlook, and his development of universal models . I go so far as to suggest the Emerald Tablet actually
inspired the alchemists most famous universal laws. For example, Line 10 of the Emerald Tablet says “Its force is above
all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.”

A 17th-century-AD translation of the Emerald Tablet. (Deutsche Fotothek / Public domain )

Pop culture tells us that Newton conceived the concept of gravity after an apple fell on his head. But read this 10th line
again and you will see how succinctly and clearly the sentence describes “gravity,” which is defined by modern science as
“ the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass. ”

Isaac Newton And The End Of Time

In a letter dated 1704, which is currently on display at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem , Newton explained that after 30
years of analyzing the measurements, ratios, proportions and architectural features in ancient buildings he had unearthed
a secret number system within the biblical books of Daniel and Revelations. And from his secret code he declared the
prophetic year, 2060 AD, as the date for Armageddon, The End of Days.

Sir Issac Newton's study of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Not many people know of an obscure work by the famous Sir Isaac Newton entitled:

"A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of several Nations: in which, from the Dimensions of the
Greatest Pyramid, as taken by Mr. John Greaves, the ancient Cubit of Memphis is determined".

Newton had an obsession of establishing the value of the replica rolex daytona orologi "cubit" of the ancient Egyptians.
This was no mere curiosity. His Theory of Gravitation was dependent on an accurate knowledge of the circumference of
the earth. The only figures he currently had were the inaccurate calculations of Eratosthenes and his followers. With these
figures his theory did not work out.

Newton felt that if he could find the exact length of the Egyptian "cubit",replica rolex daytona uhren this would allow him to
find the exact length of their "stadium", reputed by others to bear a relation to a "geographical degree". This measurement,
which he needed for his theory of gravitation, he believed to be somehow enshrined in the proportions of the Great
Pyramid. Thus, he would have the necessary measurements for his Theory of Gravitation.

He used the measurements of replica armani sunglasses the base of the pyramid arrived by Greaves and Burattini in his
calculations. Since there was much accumulated debris at the base of the pyramid, there figures were inaccurate. Thus the
false measurements of the base failed to give Newton the answer he was looking for.

Newton did not work on his Theory of Gravitation for the next several years. In 1671, a French astronomer, Jean Picard,
accurately measured a degree of latitude to be 69.1 English statute miles. Using these figures, Newton was able to
announce his theory of gravitation. It is that all bodies replica rolex watches in the universe attract each other in proportion
to the product of their mass and inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart.

The pyramids measurements were forgotten for the time being. In the 1800's there was a revival in looking for
astronomical and geophysical values enshrined in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Isaac Newton’s Secret Great Pyramid Studies Revealed in Burnt Ancient Manuscripts

Ivan PetricevicPosted on December 7, 2020

Sir Isaac Newton believed that the ancient Egyptians possessed profound knowledge that had been lost to the
modern world.

Sir Isaac Newton was profoundly interested in the Great Pyramid, and a series of ancient manuscripts reveal his studies
of the monument.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is without a reason of a doubt one of the most enigmatic structures built by human hands.
Captivating the imagination and attention of researchers, authors, and tourists for millennia, the Great Pyramid is the most
impressive monument constructed by our ancestors.

Believed to have been built during the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, the Great Pyramid is thought to have been completed
around 4,500 years ago. It is the largest, most massive pyramid in Egypt, but not anywhere close to Earth’s largest. The
largest pyramid on Earth, discovered to date, is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, a massive monument buried beneath a hill
located in present-day Mexico, in the district of Cholula, Puebla.

Nonetheless, despite the fact it is not the largest ever built, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a repository for secrets. Its very
existence is the embodiment of the word mystery.

It has been revealed that a series of unpublished, burnt notes show that Sir Isaac Newton believed that Egypt’s pyramids
held the key to the apocalypse.

The father of classical physics and the man who laid down many of the foundations for today’s science, including the laws
of motion and gravity, held a profound admiration for the land of Pharaohs and the incredible monuments built millennia

It was well known in the past that Sir Newton was greatly interested in alchemy and theology, something that only became
obvious two centuries after his death. Now, a series of burnt documents reveal that the father of classical physics was
highly interested in the Pyramids of Egypt too, and he even thought that the key to the apocalypse was embedded within
Egypt’s ancient pyramids.

“These are really fascinating papers because, in them, you can see Newton trying to work out the secrets of the
pyramids,” Gabriel Heaton, Sotheby’s manuscript specialist, explained in an interview with the Observer.

“It’s a wonderful confluence of bringing together Newton and these great objects from classical antiquity which have
fascinated people for thousands of years. The papers take you remarkably quickly straight to the heart of a number of the
deepest questions Newton was investigating,” Heaton added.

The series of unpublished notes offer insight into sir Newton’s attempts to crack the code hidden within the Bible and
understand the apocalypse’s exact time and everything related to it.
The unpublished notes, sold by Sotheby’s in an auction, are three pages of Newton’s writings on the Egyptian pyramids.
The damaged papers offer an unprecedented look into the mind of Sir Newton and why he believed that the Egyptian
pyramids held profound secrets that could provide the answer to the apocalypse.

The notes written by Sir Newton were damaged after Newton’s hound, Diamond, jumped one night on the table, tipping
over a candle, causing the notes to catch fire. Luckily, the letters are still readable.

Sir Newton studied the meaning and secret of the Egyptian pyramids back in the 1680s when he placed work aside during
a period of self-imposed exile following criticism of his work, the Guardian reveals.

Specifically, Sir Newton studied the Pyramid’s construction, and he was trying to understand the unit of measurement
used in ancient times to construct the Gret Pyramid. He believed that this unit was of great importance because he
believed that the builders of the pyramid managed to measure our planet’s diameter by unlocking the “Great Pyramids
Cubit,” Newton thought he too would be able to measure the circumference of the earth. This tells us that Sir Newton
firmly believed that the Great Pyramid builders—and likely their ancestors—were remarkable scientists, engineers, and

As revealed by Sotheby’s, Sir Newton believed that ancient civilizations successfully measured the Earth using
techniques that were lost to modern man.

Sir Newton believed, like many other scientists and experts, that civilizations like the ancient Egyptians possessed a deep
understanding and knowledge that was eventually lost to the modern world. In essence, he thought that many ancient—
occult—secrets that existed millennia ago were lost throughout history.

A scan of the handwritten notes of Sir Isaac Newton on his investigation of the Egyptian pyramids.
Image Credit: Sotheby’s.

Indeed, the Great Pyramid is a repository of scientific wonders, and evidence of its incredible precision is well attested. I
have discussed its incredible precision and many of its mathematical secrets in this article. The Gret Pyramid was the
most perfect built by the ancient Egyptians. It is a moment composed of around 2.3 million blocks of stones. The
pyramid’s total weight has been estimated at around 6.5 million tons.

The ancient monument is a true ancient wonder; its base is level to just 2.1 centimeters (under 1 in); the average
deviation of the sides from the cardinal directions is 3’6″ of arc; the most remarkable difference in the length of the sides is
no more than 4.4 centimeters (1.7 in).

The Great Pyramid is also the only known eight-sided pyramid in Egypt. This curious characteristic—which not many
people know of—was spotted for the first time by British Air Force pilot P. Groves in 1940 as he was flying above the

Why such phenomenal precision? Why such incredible accuracy? Why such a unique building? For the Pyramid’s royal
designers, such mind-boggling precision and accuracy might have been imbued with symbolic and cultic significance that
now eludes us, reveals Egyptologist Mark Lehner. Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Great Pyramid was one of the most
unique monuments ever built. He hoped that the understanding of this ancient structure would help him better understand
the ancient system of measurement, allowing him to reveal the architecture and dimensions of the Temple of Solomon—
the setting of the apocalypse—and eventually the interpretation of hidden meanings embedded within the Bible.

“He was trying to find proof for his theory of gravitation, but in addition, the ancient Egyptians were thought to have held
the secrets of alchemy that have since been lost,” explained Heaton. “Today, these seemingly disparate areas of study –
but they didn’t seem that way to Newton in the 17th century.”
Although Sir Isaac Newton was a superstar scientist, a title he cemented in 1687 when he published his work
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Newton was very attracted—and perhaps obsessed—with alchemy and the
study of unorthodox subjects of the time.

The ancient manuscripts auctioned by Sotheby’s are a treasure trove of history and prove that science and alternative
science can go hand to hand.


March 10, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / .... well.... finally! T.M. spotted this one and passed it along, and it's another one of
those articles I've got to blog about and bring to your attention, even though anything I would add to the article itself is
merely moot.  I have to talk about it for several reasons though.

If you're like me, you probably watched in disbelief as the planscamdemic narradigm unfolded. Before we go any further,
let me briefly explain what I mean by my  onomatopoeia with the word "narradigm." A "narradigm" is a narrative of events
or things that, lacking well-founded support, are otherwise being pushed or driving into society in the hopes of creating a
paradigm-shift in the consciousness of people or experts by creating an artificial concensus or agreement around it.
Quantum mechanics was a paradigm shift; relativity was a narradigm shift (Eddington, you might recall, fudged some of
those numbers during the eclipse...)  Anyway, you might recall being as appalled as I was by the sudden embrace of the
narradigm in Australia. That's what makes this article so interesting; it's coming out of Australia, where we witnessed
some of the most over-the-top draconian and tyrannical lockdown and other "health" policies imaginable:

Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright

Note what Mr. Kirsch, the author of the article, has to say:

Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read:

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more
COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.

Other key insights from the paper

If you don’t have time to read the entire paper, here are some of the highlights.

Here are some other direct quotes from the paper:

1. COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine
2. Not only does spike protein produce unwanted side effects, but mRNA and nanoparticles do as well.
3. Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine
4. Again, it is inconceivable why it would be impossible to go through the study data in a few months, when it took
the CDC less than 4 weeks to give the injections emergency use authorization - unless you want to entertain the
idea that the study data were never actually read and scrutinised, a frightening perspective.
5. The official public message is that the mRNA vaccines are safe. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration
(TGA), the medicine and therapeutic regulatory agency of the Australian Government, states quite clearly on their
website that the large-scale trials are still progressing and no full data package has been received from any
6. The mRNA vaccines were supposed to remain at the injection site and be taken up by the lymphatic system. This
assumption proved to be wrong. During an autopsy of a vaccinated person that had died after mRNA
vaccination it was found that the vaccine disperses rapidly from the injection site and can be found in nearly all
parts of the body [1]. … Research has shown that such nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier and the
blood-placenta barrier.
7. Despite not being able to prove a causal link with vaccines, as no autopsies were performed, they still believed
that a link with vaccination is possible and further analysis is warranted.
8. In summary, it is unknown where exactly the vaccine travels once it is injected, and how much spike protein is
produced in which (and how many) cells.
9. The S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein when injected into transgenic mice overexpressing human ACE-
2 caused a COVID-19 like response. It was further shown that the spike protein S1 subunit, when added to red
blood cells in vitro, could induce clotting.
10. The authors found consistent alteration of gene expression following vaccination in many different immune
cell types.
11. Seneff et al (2022) describe another mechanism by which the mRNA vaccines could interfere with DNA repair.
12. It is an amazing fact that natural immunity is completely disregarded by health authorities around the world. We
know from SARSCoV-1 that natural immunity is durable and persists for at least 12-17 years [17]. Immunologists
have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different
13. Immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long lasting.
14. mRNA vaccines seem to suppress interferon responses. A literature review by Cardozo and Veazev [26]
concluded that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially worsen COVID-19 disease.
15. Natural immunity is still not accepted as proof of immunity in Australia.
16. A study at the University of California followed up on infections in the workforce after 76% had been fully
vaccinated with mRNA vaccines by March 2021 and 86.7% by July 2021. In July 2021 75.2% of the fully
vaccinated workforce had symptomatic COVID.
17. Acharya et al. (2021) and Riemersma et al. (2021) both showed that the vaccinated have very high viral loads
similar to the unvaccinated and are therefore as infectious.
18. Brown et al. (2021) and Servelitta et al (2021) suggested that vaccinated people with symptomatic infection by
variants, such as Delta, are as infectious as symptomatic unvaccinated cases and will contribute to the spread of
COVID even in highly vaccinated communities.
19. Countries with higher vaccination rates have also higher caseloads. It was shown that the median of new COVID-
19 cases per 100,000 people was largely similar to the percent of the fully vaccinated population.
20. Multiple recent studies have indicated that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected with Omicron than the
unvaccinated. A study by Kirsch (2021) from Denmark suggests that people who received the mRNA
vaccines are up to eight times more likely to develop Omicron than those who did not [40]. This and a later
study by Kirsch (2022a) conclude that the more one vaccinates, the more one becomes susceptible to
COVID-19 infection [41].
21. This has to be seen in context with the small risk of dying from COVID-19… The chances of someone under 18
years old dying from COVID is near 0%. Those that die usually have severe underlying medical conditions. It
is estimated that children are seven times more at risk to die from influenza than from COVID-19. [Editor’s
note: so why do colleges mandate the COVID vaccine instead of the influenza vaccine?]

OK, the paper is 18 pages long and those were just excerpts from the first 3 pages. Get the picture?

Yea, we get the picture, though I'm quite certain most of the regular readers on this website had that picture clearly tuned
in shortly after the planscamdemic narradigm started. For most of us, I suspect there was a particular moment when we
realized we were being had, sort of like that moment when the lamestream propotainment media told us that Jack Ruby
shot Oswald because he loved Kennedy and was "upset." For me the wake up moment during the planscamdemic
narradigm occurred when Orange Man Bad started pushing Operation Warp Speed. I had wondered why, previously, he
had been successful in negotiating a drop in drug prices with big pharma, and what the quid pro quo was, when along
came the planscamdemic, and my answer. A new virus, requiring a new "vaccine" (which turned out not to be a vaccine in
any classical sense), and then the Orange Man Bad said something that made my skin crawl: he openly stated that it
might be possible to get the US military involved in its distribution...

No thanks, Don...

Which brings us back to the article: why this hard-hitting article, now, and why from Australia, where we also saw some of
the most tyrannical and nonsensical Covid policies?

Well, call me crazy, but I suspect another narrative is being prepped... not a narradigm, just a narrative, which is not
nearly as serious as a narradigm, but in its own way, is much more serious, and we may put the whole speculation in very
simple terms: a global crime was planned, committed, and carried out, on a global scale, and the means by which that
crime was perpetrated was on the basis of the legal immunities from civil and criminal liabilties that pharmaceutical
companies have managed to wrest from their host governments. In order to rescind those immunities, fraud must be
shown and documented, on a nation-by-nation and - in the case of federal countries like Australia, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, or the USA - on a state-by-state or province-by-province or canton-by-canton basis. Already in the USA
some state governments have passed laws forbidding mRNA injections or even their promotion...

... and my bet is, civil suits for the companies that participated and perpectrated it are not far behind, and my hope is,
criminal prosecution not far behind that.
In that respect, this article may be the first signal that Australia needs to be watched carefully, for just as it appeared to
function as a beta test for the narradigm, it also might be being positioned as the beta test for its overthrow...


Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but
outright dangerous"

In case you missed it. Every health authority in the world should be warning the public about this. The paper was
published Sept 21, 2022.

Steve Kirsch Mar 3

Figure 1. “Not safe or effective”

Executive summary

COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review was published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on Sept 21, 2022.

Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read:

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine)
causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated
with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright

Other key insights from the paper

If you don’t have time to read the entire paper, here are some of the highlights.
Here are some other direct quotes from the paper:

COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine

Not only does spike protein produce unwanted side effects, but mRNA and nanoparticles do as well.

Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine

Again, it is inconceivable why it would be impossible to go through the study data in a few months, when it took
the CDC less than 4 weeks to give the injections emergency use authorization - unless you want to entertain the
idea that the study data were never actually read and scrutinised, a frightening perspective.

The official public message is that the mRNA vaccines are safe. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration
(TGA), the medicine and therapeutic regulatory agency of the Australian Government, states quite clearly on their
website that the large-scale trials are still progressing and no full data package has been received from any

The mRNA vaccines were supposed to remain at the injection site and be taken up by the lymphatic system. This
assumption proved to be wrong. During an autopsy of a vaccinated person that had died after mRNA vaccination
it was found that the vaccine disperses rapidly from the injection site and can be found in nearly all parts of the
body [1]. … Research has shown that such nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-placenta

Despite not being able to prove a causal link with vaccines, as no autopsies were performed, they still believed
that a link with vaccination is possible and further analysis is warranted.

In summary, it is unknown where exactly the vaccine travels once it is injected, and how much spike protein is
produced in which (and how many) cells.

The S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein when injected into transgenic mice overexpressing human ACE-
2 caused a COVID-19 like response. It was further shown that the spike protein S1 subunit, when added to red
blood cells in vitro, could induce clotting.The authors found consistent alteration of gene expression following
vaccination in many different immune cell types.

Seneff et al (2022) describe another mechanism by which the mRNA vaccines could interfere with DNA repair.

It is an amazing fact that natural immunity is completely disregarded by health authorities around the world. We
know from SARSCoV-1 that natural immunity is durable and persists for at least 12-17 years [17]. Immunologists
have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different

Immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long lasting.

mRNA vaccines seem to suppress interferon responses. A literature review by Cardozo and Veazev [26]
concluded that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially worsen COVID-19 disease.

Natural immunity is still not accepted as proof of immunity in Australia.

A study at the University of California followed up on infections in the workforce after 76% had been fully
vaccinated with mRNA vaccines by March 2021 and 86.7% by July 2021. In July 2021 75.2% of the fully
vaccinated workforce had symptomatic COVID.

Acharya et al. (2021) and Riemersma et al. (2021) both showed that the vaccinated have very high viral loads
similar to the unvaccinated and are therefore as infectious.

Brown et al. (2021) and Servelitta et al (2021) suggested that vaccinated people with symptomatic infection by
variants, such as Delta, are as infectious as symptomatic unvaccinated cases and will contribute to the spread of
COVID even in highly vaccinated communities.

Countries with higher vaccination rates have also higher caseloads. It was shown that the median of new COVID-
19 cases per 100,000 people was largely similar to the percent of the fully vaccinated population.
Multiple recent studies have indicated that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected with Omicron than the
unvaccinated. A study by Kirsch (2021) from Denmark suggests that people who received the mRNA vaccines are
up to eight times more likely to develop Omicron than those who did not [40]. This and a later study by Kirsch
(2022a) conclude that the more one vaccinates, the more one becomes susceptible to COVID-19 infection [41].

This has to be seen in context with the small risk of dying from COVID-19… The chances of someone under 18
years old dying from COVID is near 0%. Those that die usually have severe underlying medical conditions. It is
estimated that children are seven times more at risk to die from influenza than from COVID-19. [Editor’s note: so
why do colleges mandate the COVID vaccine instead of the influenza vaccine?]

OK, the paper is 18 pages long and those were just excerpts from the first 3 pages. Get the picture?

Excerpts from the conclusion

Never in Vaccine history have 57 leading scientists and policy experts released a report questioning the safety
and efficacy of a vaccine. They not only questioned the safety of the current Covid-19 injections, but were calling
for an immediate end to all vaccination. Many doctors and scientists around the world have voiced similar
misgivings and warned of consequences due to long-term side effects. Yet there is no discussion or even mention
of studies that do not follow the narrative on safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccination.

Medical experts that have questioned the safety of these vaccines have been attacked and demonized, called
conspiracy theorists and have been threatened to be de-registered if they go against the narrative. Alternative
treatments were prohibited and people who never practised medicine are telling experienced doctors how to do
their job. AHPRA is doing the same here in Australia to the detriment and in ignorance of science.

The final paragraph sums it up

As scientists we put up hypotheses and test them using experiments. If a hypothesis is proven to be true
according to current knowledge it might still change over time when new evidence comes to light. Hence,
sharing and accumulating knowledge is the most important part of science. The question arises when and
why this process of science has been changed. No discussion of new knowledge disputing the safety of
the COVID-19 vaccines is allowed. Who gave bureaucrats the means to destroy the fundaments of
science and tell scientists not to argue the science?

Is this paper right?

I was very impressed with this paper. The authors were very thorough.

The paper has been in public view since September 21, 2022 which is more than enough time for scientists to question it.

As far as I am aware, there have not been any mistakes that have been called out that would change the statements or
the conclusions of the paper.

How do you resolve conflicts in scientific papers?

Of course, there have been many papers saying the COVID vaccines are life-saving.

Published papers are often completely wrong.

One of my all-time favorites is the Barda paper published in the NEJM because it was used at an ACIP meeting where
they showed Figure 3. When I saw that it showed that the vaccine dramatically cut your risk of pulmonary embolism, I
couldn’t believe that anyone took this paper seriously.

Let’s be clear: there is no possible mechanism of action that can reduce your risk of pulmonary embolism.

In the X-factor analysis I published long ago, the reporting rate of pulmonary embolism was 954 times higher than
baseline. There is no way that can happen if the vaccines reduce the rates of pulmonary embolism.

The CDC itself knows that “pulmonary embolism” has triggered a “safety signal” in VAERS, but they never investigated it.
The rates of pulmonary embolism with the COVID vaccines are off-the-charts compared with any other vaccine.
Pulmonary embolism was just one of over 700 safety signals in VAERS reported by the CDC in a FOIA request. They
never bothered to warn the public about any of these safety signals (including “death”) because they didn’t want to create
vaccine hesitancy.

Generally, review articles are considered the most definitive papers. So when papers disagree, we can often turn to the
review articles for guidance since these papers look to resolve conflicting evidence.

The current paper was a review paper!

So we have to ask: is there a more comprehensive paper that reviewed the same body of literature which came to the
opposite conclusion?

There was a Cochrane review that appeared after this paper (in Dec 2022) entitled Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19
vaccines. But it was simply a review of the randomized trials and, unlike the current paper, it did not review any of the
adverse event data outside of the main trials. Nor did it question the quality of the trials.

If you restrict your view to just the trial data and ignore all the evidence of tampering, the vaccines look good. It is
absolutely stunning how the Cochrane review completely missed all the anomalies with the trials, isn’t it? See these two
articles: Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 8X or more and Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial fraud
allegations that should be immediately investigated by the FDA. They didn’t even mention that in the limitations sections
that they basically assumed that the drug companies were honest and that they decided to ignore all the obvious data that
the trials were gamed. Evidence of gaming has been in full public view for a long time. Cochrane ignored it.

However, the Cochrane review noted that “There is insufficient evidence regarding deaths between vaccines and placebo
(mainly because the number of deaths was low).”

In short, even in the view of the most supportive paper, there is no evidence that the vaccines did anything to reduce

Furthermore, there were more deaths in the vaccine group than the placebo group in the Pfizer trial. There were 4X as
many cardiac deaths in the treatment group. How do we know for sure that none of those deaths were caused by the
vaccine? Has any health official anywhere in the world asked Pfizer to show us the histopathology that was done on the
people who died in their trial that proves that the vaccine didn’t kill anyone in the treatment group? Of course not. When I
asked Pfizer for that data, they ghosted me.

Since there is not a more recent, comprehensive review paper, then the precautionary principle of medicine suggests that
this paper should be controlling until such time as it is shown to be incorrect. That’s how science is supposed to work.

Every health authority in the world should inform the public about this study NOW

Unless they can cite a newer, more comprehensive review paper which reached the opposite conclusion, every health
authority (including the CDC) should let everyone know about this paper.

I’m sure they will all do this immediately, right? Just like they let the public know about the benefits of maintaining normal
levels of Vitamin D.
If you have inadequate levels of vitamin D, you can reduce your risk of getting COVID substantially by fixing the

The public health authorities did a stellar job of getting the word out on that one, didn’t they? I didn’t see a single public
announcement. Did you?

Dr. Joe Mercola has been talking about Vitamin D for COVID for years. This is why he’s listed as the #1 misinformation
spreader on the White House’s Disinformation Dozen list.

I know a top scientist at the CDC (who is also an MD and MPH) who wanted the CDC to study vitamin D. She sent over
750 emails on the subject. She was ignored every time by her superiors. After 10 years at the agency, she is fed up; she
is leaving the CDC next month.

My tweet about the paper

Here’s my tweet about it

The mainstream media has no responsibility to report this

Unlike public health officials, the mainstream media has no public duty to report this.

In fact, the mainstream media will make sure NOBODY finds out about this review paper.

They will keep promoting the false narratives from the government no matter how many people are killed and no matter
what the peer-reviewed science says. Nobody wants to lose their job over this!

About the journal

Clinical & Experimental Immunology is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering clinical and translational immunology.
The editor-in-chief is Leonie Taams. It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for
Immunology, of which it is the official journal.
Other reviews of this paper

See Peter’s tweet:

Will anyone apologize?

There will be no apologies because science just doesn’t matter anymore.
What do you think?
Will MIT Technology Review now issue an apology for their defamatory article about me?
When pigs can fly
Highly unlikely
In your dreams
Absolutely! In a heartbeat.
Maybe, if you donate more money
It’s now in the peer-reviewed scientific literature:
The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.
All of us misinformation spreaders were right after all.
What a surprise.
Don’t expect any apologies though. They will continue to defend the vaccines because otherwise they’ll look bad for
recommending them in the first place.
So the public health officials, the mainstream medical community, and the mainstream media will all ignore this paper.
That’s why it’s important that you share this article. Please!

Matthew  Mar 8 Vitamin D is really a hormone and sunlight is the source of it’s production in skin not foods. I strongly
disagree to encourage people to eat eggs, redmeat, oily fish and liver to get Vitamin D. These are proven food poisoning
foods to humans, throughout our history, kings and queens became fat and sick from eating these poison foods.

We are all now eating them in our millions if not billions as a result of the industrial revolution and it is causing far more
death sickness thanks to that desire to eat like aristocrats of the recent past, we should to return to the starch based diet
our ancestors that thrived on Potatoes, rice, corn, beans.

Remember the Bible story about Daniel and his men, eating vegetables, and were compared to men eating animal foods.
At the end of the ten days the vegetarians looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the
royal food.

FEB 23 - WIDE PAGE ***

February 4, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments

This was another of those weeks were we were literally overwhelmed with "bloggable" articles, making selection of which
ones to blog about rather difficult. But here's this week's honourable mentions, and I may yet blog about some of them! 
Our thanks to V..T., W.G., E.G., T.R., and L.G.L.R.:
 A perfect place for other states to tell Nuttyfornia and its "leaders" to take a long  hike down the short nullification pier:
I believe it was Glen Beck's observation that "The (American federal) union is not a suicide pact":
In Unexpected Swing, Germany’s Public Now Favors Nuclear Power
Russia’s intentions are clarifying
Another alleged coup plot foiled in Germany

 January 28, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments

This was another of those weeks when there was just too much to blog about. Our thanks, once again, to all of you who
take the time to send articles. This week's honourable mentions come courtesy of the following articles shared by V.T.,
T.L., S.C.G., and M.W.

Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling “elites”?

Those of you who, like myself, try not to miss any videos or articles by Andrei Martyanov know that one of his “favorite”
topics is the utter incompetence of western … Continue reading Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling
“elites”? The Vineyard of the Saker

A Page Turns
“People underestimate how much resistance to imperial edicts out of DC there is, they underestimate how many people
are waiting for the fall, but they also misunderstand that this resistance is taking a muscular but passive form.” — Deep
South SR on Twitter Kunstler
NC substation sabotage: FBI investigating whether Randolph, Moore county power grid attacks are related
Macron issues warning on Europe's future
Another Power Substation Damaged By Alleged Gunfire: Officials
Victim Of Vax Genocide Tells His Story Before He Dies: Bluntly Warns His Body Is Deteriorating, Organs Failing, Nerves
Dying And His Slow Motion Murder Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes
Russia posts record current account surplus
Why Western CBDCs will fail.
Japan rearms for war: What it means for Asia
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Signs Executive Order Banning CRT In Arkansas

January 14, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments

As you might expect, we have a gold mine of honourable mentions this week. So our thanks to T.S., V.T.,K.M., E.G., T.M.,
G.C.,   for the following articles.
“You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.” — Anton Chekhov

Safety signals for 770 different serious adverse events in VAERS were ignored by the CDC
The right to access cash will soon be enshrined in law
Prehistoric Surprise: Ancient Footprints Reveal the Presence of Man in Spain 200,000 Years Earlier Than Thought
Japanese Doctors Investigate the Link Between Covid Vaccine and Deaths
Doctors in Japan are now investigating the link between the experimental Covid vaccine and the unprecedented numbers
of people dying suddenly. Two more professors are speaking out against the vaccine. Professor Masataka Nagao of
Hiroshima University School of Medicine in Japan, a medical specialist in forensic medicine, performed an autopsy
together with authorities of more … Continue reading Japanese Doctors Investigate the Link Between Covid Vaccine and
The Gateway Pundit

(At least doctors in Japan can see the obvious!)

(Don't stop there, Ron...)

Criminal Malfeasance: Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout
Pfizer’s conclusion: “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.” Seventy-five years. That’s how long
Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer documents from public view — long after just about everyone affected is dead.
It wasn’t until renowned attorney Aaron Siri led a FOIA case … Continue reading Criminal Malfeasance: Pfizer Knew 275
People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout
Former NFL Player Uche Nwaneri Who Called to Jail Unvaccinated Dies Suddenly at 38
Former Purdue and Jacksonville Jaguars offensive lineman Uche Nwaneri died suddenly on Friday. He was 38. The
former OL star was found unresponsive at his wife’s home in West Lafayette on December 30, according to TMZ.
“Nwaneri was at his wife’s home in West Lafayette — about 65 miles northwest of Indianapolis — when police …
Continue reading Former NFL Player Uche Nwaneri Who Called to Jail Unvaccinated Dies Suddenly at 38
The Gateway Pundit
Gov. DeSantis: We’re Suing Big Pharma for Killing Americans With Their COVID Shots
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is suing Pfizer and Moderna for killing millions of Americans with their toxic mRNA jabs.
News Punch


 U.S. Virgin Islands Sues JPMorgan Over Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal
On Tuesday, the U.S. Virgin Islands filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for alleging the bank profited from Epstein’s
sex trafficking scheme. The lawsuit also accuses JPMorgan of “turning a blind eye” to suspicious activity that occurred
from Epstein’s account. In the lawsuit, U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George stated “Over more than a …
Continue reading U.S. Virgin Islands Sues JPMorgan Over Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal
The Gateway Pundit

The Measure of a Nation

Bust: NYC Electric Garbage Trucks Lasted Only 4 Hours In Cold
Batteries failed across the nation during the worst storm/cold snap in modern history. NYC’s garbage trucks were
expected to deliver 12 hours of snow plowing but conked out after 4 hours. EV car owners reported they had trouble
getting home because they had to stop so often to recharge their prematurely depleted batteries.
Technocracy News



Japanese Researchers Investigate Link Between Covid Jabs and Deaths, Severe Adverse Reactions
Scientists in Japan discover curious anomalies in autopsies of vaccinated patients and accumulation of spike proteins in
skin lesions.

All Roads Lead to The Ukraine

Hypothermia, Hibernation, and Space Flight
King Charles III Throws Prince Andrew Out
"Avian Flu" strikes again

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