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Roxas-Avenue, Roxas City, Capiz, 5800 Philippines
Member: Association of Christian College School,
Colleges and University (ACSCU)

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Thank you and Keep safe

General Education 8 (Ethics)

“If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill the Buddha, free yourself from
everything that is, and hold nothing. It is you who is in charge of your
own enlightenment” –Genjo Sanzo

1. What are your OWN moral beliefs or convictions?

2. What is the Golden Rule of Ethics?

3. What can you say about St. Thomas Aquinas natural law as compared
to progressive laws such as abortion, contraceptives and lesbian
marriage? Is his philosophy still holds true of natural law or outdated

4. Are you a pro or anti death penalty? Support your answer at least with
two ethical theories.

5. Do you think that in today’s society, is it still important to tell the truth
at all cost? Or do we need to lie to impress others?
6. Consider three policies, P1 promotes health of all citizens, and without
P1 many of the citizens will get sick, P2 promotes education, and without
P2, many of the citizens cannot go to school, P3 promotes the lessening
of discrimination of the lgbtq, pwds, senior citizens, and without P3 many
of them will be discriminated. Assume only one policy can be
implemented and then after some time, another and so forth. Which of the
following will you best prioritize as a leader?

7. A person refused to be vaccinated by other vaccines except the one

made by Brand Z. He is eligible and is a priority to receive Brands X or Y
vaccine but he refused. Instead, he waited for 3 months for the brand Z
vaccine to arrive - which didn't. He caught COVID-19 from his
workplace and he was admitted to an ICU for a long time and was
intubated for critical COVID. Thankfully he was discharged well.
His next problem is his hospital bill which ranked up to almost a million.
Since his deliberate choice to defer Brands X and Y, whether by critical
appraisal or by prejudice, led him to be unprotected, get critical COVID,
and incur a large financial loss; is it still Right to ask others for financial

Bonus questions:

8. If God happens to talk with you and tell you this is your destiny. Will
you change your destiny?
9. Do you think youre beautiful? If so, justify your answer
10. If LOVE is the answer, what is the question?
11. If given a chance to be reincarnated what animal would you be?

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