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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol.28, No.4, 98-106, Dec. 1988 Engineering Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Found EFFECT OF SOME FACTORS ON K,-VALUE OF A SAND Ryoreut Fuxacawa! and Hioext Oarat ABSTRACT Aiming at estimating Ky-value (the coefficient of earth pressure at rest) of a saturated medium dense sand, a series of anisotropic consolidation tests (o’sJo':=constant) and Ky- consolidation tests (¢,=0) were carried out. Toyoura Sand, the relative density of which is about 70%, was used in the experiments. In the anisotropic consolidation tests, it was shown that the principal strain ratio (e,/s,) converges to some values in response to the increase of stress level. Then the Ky-values were interpolately (or extrapolately) determined as a prin- cipal stress ratio corresponding to zero principal strain ratio based on the relationships between the principal stress ratio and the principal strain ratio. The K,-values estimated from the anisotropic consolidation tests and the Ky-consolidation tests were 0.61 and 0.58 respectively and were found to be about 50% higher than the values estimated from Jaky’s equation. In the experiments of this investigation, the influences of the volume change due to membrane penetration or compression of filter paper, the end friction, the reference state ete. on the experimental results were carefully investigated. It was made clear that the obtained Ky- values were largely affected by the volume change correction. Key words : at rest pressure, consolidation test, laboratory test, sand, test procedure (IGC : D5/D0) from the Jaky’s equation, i.e, K,=I-sin g! INTRODUCTION The estimation of the Ky-values of sands has been studied by many researchers as summarized by Mayne and Kulhawy (1982). They clarified the relation between K,-values and overconsolidation ratio in the process of virgin loading, unloading and reloading based on the many reserchers’ data for 171 kinds of soils including clays, silts and sands, It is recognized that the K,-values of normally consolidated soils could well be estimated in which 9 is the effective angle of internal friction. However, the obscurity in the experimen- tal procedure of Ky-estimation still remains unsolved resulting in an unclarified conclusion concerning K,-values. Okochi and Tatsuoka (2984) carried out precise Ky-consolidation tests using a double-cell triaxial apparatus, and made clear the effect of several factors on the Ky-values. They also compiled the sources of obscurity related to the » Lecturer, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Ehime University, Bunkyo-cho 8, Matsuyama 790. 1 Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920 Monuseript was received for review on October 21, 1987. Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before July 1, 1989, to the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayema Bldg. 4F, Kanda Awaji-cho 2-23, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month, 4 FUKAGAWA AND OBTA experimental procedures of estimating Ky- values. The effect of some factors affecting the measurement of Ke-values has been already clarified quantitatively, e.g. by Okochi and Tatsuoka (1984), but the effect of other factors still remains unknown yet. Major obscurity is arising from the techniques of measuring the components ; axial strain, radial strain and volumetric strain. In some of the methods for Ky-estimation, the measurement of the volumetric strain is relatively influential on K,-values. Since the penetration of the membrane to the gaps of sand particles is not necessarily negligible in determining Ky-values for sands, the cor- rection for the membrane required. In this paper, aiming at estimating Ko value of a saturated medium dense sand, a series of anisotropic consolidation tests and K,-consolidation tests were carried out. The effect of some factors on the Ky-value was carefully investigated. These factors are the volume change correction due to mem- brane penetration or compression of filter paper, the end friction, the reference state etc... Since it was made clear that the ob tained K,-values were largely affected by the volume change correction, a new testing technique, ice. a modified metal rod method is proposed for the volume change correction caused by the membrane penetration. strain penetration is TEST PROCEDURES In the test program, @ conventional tri- axial testing apparatus was used. Toyoura sand was used as 2 sample. The physical properties of this sand are: G.= 2.64, Dy=0.16mm, Dy=0.21mm, U, 1.31, ener=0.967 and émin=0.583. Oven- dry Toyoura sand weighing 80.00 grams was poured into a sand former little by little keeping constant falling distance (about 50 mm) between the sand diffuser and the water surface in a sand former, which was filled with the deaired water beforehand, The side of the sand former was then tapped with a small metal rod twenty times for each of three layers. According to Okochi and Tatsuoka (1984), the preparation method of the specimen give an effect to the obtained Ko-values, i.e. the Ky-values obtained from the tests for specimens prepared by the air- pluviation method were found to be slightly larger than those for specimens prepared by the wet-tamping method. The specimens are 35,5mm in diameter, 52.00.5mm in height. The void ratio is 0.699:0. 016 (re- lative density D,=69.544.2(%)). These specimens are considered to be medium dense. To lubricate the top and bottom ends of the specimens, @ teflon sheet of 0.3mm thickness and a thin rubber membrane of 0.2mm thickness covered by thin layers of silicone grease were used. Judging from Tatsuoka, Molenkamp, Torii and Hino (1984), it is concluded that the effect of the bedding error originated by the extrusion of the silicone grease is not so serious since the grease used in this investigation is not so viscous, and the thickness of this grease layer is very thin, The bedding error was therefore not corrected in this investigation. Only a teflon sheet was used in B-E series of anisotropic consolidation tests (shown in Table 1). This may not be so effective to decrease the end friction if compared with the combination of a teflon sheet and a rubber membrane which was used in A and F series shown in Table 1. Therefore it is written as “not lubricated” in Table 1. As a reference state at which the strains are considered to be zero, a very low isotropic consolidation stress state was adopted. This reference state was attained in a way des- cribed as follows. Before removing the sand former, negative pressure equivalent to 300 mm water head was applied to the sand specimen to make the spectmen stand by itself. The dimensions of the specimen were measured after removing the sand former. ‘Then the de-aired water was poured into the triaxial cell. The triaxial cell was filled with de-aired water and high viscosity oil which was used to refrain the leakage of the confin- ing pressure from the gap between the piston Ko-VALUE OF A SAND 95 Tablet. Experimental conditions of anisotropic consolida in tests and Ky consolidation tests (1kgf/em'=98kN/m*) FOEEFORCE_ PFECORRGI ~ com SEE" [SERME] el, | ednmim [oane rs | Rese po | 3 | cee | Ge | coreea | sotutrtentedes | ass anisotropic consolida- | oa | 0.03 not corrected | not lubricated | 0.40 = ea ioctl oie [sca a eas a ice iets | see |e Ee I SESE Krconsolidation tests [corrected | lubricated [088 and the triaxial cell. The water level of the burette connected to the specimen was set to locate at the same level of the middle height of the specimen by adjusting the level of the burette. Then the drainage valve was opened and the specimen was left alone for 10 to 30 minutes untill the water level of the burette settled at the height for which the average confining pressure acting on the specimen was only the water head difference between the top level in the triaxial chamber and the middle height of the specimen, that is nearly equal to 0.02 kgfjem? (2.0 kN/m*) This state after the water level in the burette settled was taken as the reference state. Much attention was paid in achieving the reference state because the magnitude of the isotropic consolidation pressure giving the reference state considerably affects the experi- mental result. The anisotropic consolidation tests (o's) o',=const.) were conducted in a following manner. The lateral stress and the axial stress applied to the specimen were manually controlled simultaneously by two operators to give a prescribed stress ratio K(=0's/a',) under drained condition, By detecting the change of the lateral strain ¢, calculated from (2,—e)/2, where e, is volumetric strain and ¢, is axial strain, the axial load was modified slightly so as to keep the prescribed stress ratio after the cross sectional area of the specimen changed. After the stress ratio K converged to the target value, the next step was executed. Basically two kinds of aniso- tropic consolidation test were conducted. One is the test in which the stress path followed as shown in Fig.1 by O-O'—A. 0-0-~A over consolidation 0-0=B-0—-A f geo, reference state_y 0 3 Fig. 1. Stress paths in a consolidation tests isotropic The point O’ corresponds to the reference state. The other one is the tests the stress path of which is O-+O'+B-0'A. The latter type of test was conducted to investi- gate the effect of preconsolidation on the obtained Ky-values. K,-consolidation tests (e)=0) were also conducted as outlined in Fig.2. In Fig.2 the point corresponding to O! in Fig.1 is omitted. At first the lateral stress and the axial stress are manually applied to the spec- imen simultaneously by two operators to achieve o'Jo’,=0.7 (OA). The value of 0.7 is selected as the primary approximation of the Ky-value (¢,=0). The value of 0.7 was also chosen as the value slightly higher than the true Ko-value so that the modifica~ tion of the stress ratio for )=0 condition can be made from a state closer to the isotropic stress state rather than from a state closer to the failure line, Next the axial nrr-E1 ic Library Service 96 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA Ko-line o-otp 03 Fig. 2. Stress path in K- consolidation tests stress was increased untill the K,-condition was attained (A+B). The Ky-condition was considered to be attained when |es| <0. 005% (see Fig.14). Though the magnitude of the increment of o', in each steps may have possibility to affect the obtained Ky-value, this problem remains unsolved in this paper. After the convergence of the stress ratio, the next step was started (B+C). Conse- quently, 6 series of the anisotropic consolida- tion tests and a series of Ky-consolidation tests were carried out to examine the effect of @ volume change correction, @ end lubri- cation, @ reference state and ® preconsolida- the obtained Ka-values tion pressure on Ghown in Table 1). CORRECTION FOR VOLUME CHANGE In conducting a conventional triaxial test for a sand under drained condition, the mem- brane penetration into interstices of sand particles must be carefully corrected especial- ly when a confining pressure changes during the test. To estimate the volume change due to the membrane penetration, the follow- ing two different methods have been develop- ed. One is the method to assume the isotropy of the sand specimen. This method was de- veloped by Newland and Allely (1959). On the isotropic loading in a triaxial cell, the volume change due to the membrane penetra- tion is evaluated as the difference between the volumetric strain and three times of the axial strain, This method seems to be the easiest experimental way to estimate the volume change due to the membrane pene- tration, but the assumption of the isotropy of the specimen remains doubtful. ‘The other method developed by Roscoe, Schofield and Thurairajah (1963) is to use a triaxial specimen containing a metal rod in the center of it, This method is called “metal rod method” (abbreviated to MR method). A series of tests using rods of different diameter is needed in estimating the membrane penetration by the MR method. The volume change due to the membrane penetration was originally evaluated by the following procedure (typically shown in Fig. 3 quoted from Moroto (1972)). At first the measured volume change is plotted against the diameter of rods for each value of cell pressure. Next, these points the number of which is equal to the number of the metal rods was connected each other by a straight line. Consequently the volume of the mem- RUDOER MEMBRANE vouume omeTeR oF Roo (a) (b) Fig. 3. due to membrane penetration by MR method (1kgf/em'=kN/m*) (after Moro- Determination of the volume change to, 1972) (a) Outline of metal rod method Ch) Result of correction tes ic Library Service Ky-VALUE OF A SAND 97 [ean [thin rubber membrane [water teflon sheet jeer pressed by the next equation under the condition that the confining pressure acting to the top and the outer wall of the sand specimen is oy (=constant). @PLY Boat a+b, 1+ (a/b) vs, % fitter paper [brass rod ‘sample pedestal O-ring rubber membrane Fig. 4. Outline of modified metal rod method brane penetration is given as the intersecting point of the ordinate by extraporating this Tine. The MR method was adopted in this investigation after some modification. Raju and Sadasivan (1974) pointed out that in the experiments unsing the MR method, a flexible cap rather than the rigid cap must be used to achieve an isotropic loading. It is reported that the estimated volume of the membrane penetration by means of the experiments with the rigid cap is 20-30% igher than that obtained from the experi- ments using the flexible cap. In the author’s experimental works, the conventional metal rod method was im- proved. The improved method is named “modified metal rod method” (MMR meth- od), the outline of which is illustrated in Fig.4. The cap has small holes penetrating itself. The cell pressure is applied directly to the upper face of the specimen by the water through a thin rubber membrane. By using thus improved method, a condition of isotropic loading in the experiments seems to be attained, But strictly speaking, the isotropic stress condition in the sandy portion of the specimen can not be theoretically sat- isfied because the rigid metal rod exists in the specimen (Wu and Chan, 1982). For ex- ample, according to the elastic thick wall cylinder theory, the pressure acting on the inner wall of the sand specimen, o; is ex G+ +I, DP where a, 6 is the distance from the center of the specimen to the inner wall or the outer wall of the sand specimen and v, is Poisson’s ratio of the sand specimen. How- ever, this stress nonuniformity was found not to be so serious through the result of the following experiments. A kind of min- iature pressuremeter tests were carried out triaxial cell to check the stress non- uniformity (shown in Fig.5). The testing apparatus is the same one as used in Fukagawa et al. (1985). The inflating probe is set beforehand in the sand specimen. The sand specimen was isotropically consoli- dated under the constant confining pressure. ‘After the consolidation, the inflating pres- sure is started to increase step by step. If the stress becomes nonuniform around the inflating probe, an outstanding volume change of the specimen must be observed at the pressure level not corresponding to air pressure air pressure t Oe iid membrane} expansion =I prt | specimen-+=4 O-ring 7 Suter tube Fig. 5. Outline of minature pressuremeter test (after Fukagawa et |. 1985) onic Library Service 98 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA inflating pressure (kgtlem2) o 1 2 3 4 circumferential strain at inner wall in‘ Fig. 6. Result of miniature pressuremeter tests (Ikgf/em*=98kN/m?) the initial consolidation pressure. However the results show that the pressure level at which the obvious volume change of sand specimens starts to take place is similar to the level of the initial consolidation pres- sure equal to the confining pressure (Fig. 6). This means that the effect of stress non- uniformity is not serious in this type of tests, Even if there is the effect of the stress nonuniformity around the metal rod, a becomes closer to 5 as “a” approaches “b” in Eq. (1), this means the stress state approaches the isotropic stress condition. Then the estimated volume of the membrane penetration becomes closer to that obtained from correction test carried out really under isotropic stress condition. In the experiments of MMR method, rubber membrane enveloping a specimen is 0.2mm in thickness and the elastic coefficient is 20kgf/em? (1960kN/m*). De-aired dis- tilled water was used in the experiments to evaluate the volume strain correctly. The air bubbles in the measuring system were removed carefully before the experiments by acting high vacuum to the triaxial cell and the drainage line, Four kinds of the rods with the different diameter, ie. 10, 15, 20, 10 ‘P:mean principal stress in kaflem? 0] brass rod diameter in em | 08 ° 0 20 » 0 8 total sand volume in cm? Fig. 7. Determination of the volume change due to membrane penetration by MMR method (ikgfjem?=98kN/m?) 25mm, were prepared. In Fig.7 shown are the relations between the total sand volume and the apparent volume change 4V (the real volume change of the specimen plus the volume change due to the membrane penetra- tion) in experiments using these rods. Ac- cording to the report of Raju and Sadasivan 974), when a rigid cap is used, the points corresponding to d=0mm (in Fig.7) are expected to have a tendency to shift upward if compared with the extrapolated straight lines. This result leads a wrong estimation of the volume change due to the membrane penetration. The result using the MMR method indicates that perfectly straight lines were obtained as shown in Fig.7. Assuming that volume change dV corresponding to total sand volume =0 is the volume of the membrane penetration, the corrected volume was evaluated by extrapolating these straight lines. In order to compare with the MMR method, the MR method and the Newland and Allely’s method (e,=3«, method) were also conducted. The relations between the estimated volume change due to the mem- brane penetration, 4V., per unit area and the logarithm of the confining pressure is shown in Fig.8 based on these methods, .e. MMR method, MR method and «,=3 ¢, method. These correction curves were not necessarily the straight lines in a semi-log scale as reported by Frydman et al. (1973). ic Library Service K-VALUE OF A SAND 99 steed SSMS Cs + BL ERGRNT ge 276° 5 Pear te i ° J o005) a ‘ a kee a os 1 2 5 lateral pressure in kgf/cm? Fig. 8. Volume change due to membrane penetration by four methods (1kgf/em? =98KkN/m?) Molenkamp and Luger (1981) gave semi- empirical equations estimating the volume change due to the membrane penetration based on the several reported data and the mechanical consideration to the phenomenon of the membrane penetration. They ex- pressed the volume change due to the mem- brane penetration as the functions of the mean particle size, the confining pressure and the elastic coefficient of rubber mem- brane. The results obtained from the Molenkamp and Luger's equations are also shown in Fig.8. The volume changes due to the membrane penetration estimated by these four methods are somewhat different from each other. As these differences give some effect on the experimentally obtained K-values, it is important to select a reliable correction method out of these four methods. In this investigation, the relative superiority of MMR method comparing with other two experimental methods was tentatively taken. ‘The Molenkamp and Luger’s equations are most convenient in these four methods. But the superiority of this method cannot be convinced in the present stage. Its evalua- tion will rely on the future study. Since a filter paper was used in place of a porous stone, the water volume expelled air pressure pi-——— 10 sheets of filter paper burette Fig. 9. Measurement of water volume ex- pelled from filter paper 12k correction for water volume expelled from filter paper $ io g a 08} 4 8 2 oa] % 02| ° 1 2 39 4 8 axial pressure in kgf/cm? Fig. 10. Correction curve for water volume expelled from filter paper (Ukgf/em?=98kN/m?) from the filter paper was calibrated. The calibration tests were carried out as follows. In the triaxial cell, the axial load which equals to isotropic confining pressure case was applied to the cap and 10sheets of filter papers, then the water volume expelled from the filter papers was measured by the burette connected to the triaxial cell shown schemati- cally in Fig.9, The calibration tests were conducted five times for newly prepared filter papers and gave almost the same stable re- sults. The correction curve for the water volume expelled from the filter paper is shown in Fig.10. This was also used in calculating the net volume change of the specimen in this investigation. onic Library Service 100 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA 14 ESTIMATION OF K,-VALUE BY MEANS OF ANISOTROPIC CONSOLIDA- TION TESTS The anisotropic consolidation tests (o's) const.) were carried out in taking follow- ing factors into account;@ the volume change due to the membrane penetration and the compression of soaked filter paper was corrected, @ the magnitude of the initial isotropic consolidation pressure to achieve the reference state was lowered as small as possible, @ the both ends of the specimen were fully lubricated, The effect, of these factors on the estimated Ky-value will be discussed later. The results of the anisotropic consolidation tests (o'xJa";=const.) are shown in Fig. 11 as relations between the minimum principal ee 2°80 g strain ¢3 and the mean principal stress p. As seen in Fig 11, any of the stress ratio K could not maintain the con series A principal strain ratio (E3/€1) ° (E3/Et)steaoy 0.2 through anisotr - roughout the whole process of anisotropi 04 § + 7 5 7 & mean principal stress p in kgflom? sis 2 Kegge Fig. 12. Relations between principal strain 3 8B of On ratio (ey/e,aeuay and mean principal gl 8 G8 © © O80 stress p in anisotropic consolidation © Oke tests (series A, 1kgf/em*=98kN/m?) af ange Ae oe 3 series A : a a ae Bost © 3 volume change maps 8 corrected 3 wipes foe 8 2 end platen 8 °°0 vere ve = lubricated s a0008 ogee 5 Bo sag s 3 a & a° 5 3 & series A *. ’ 0 1 2 3 4 i mean principal stress p in kgf/cm? mo 05 1.0, Fig. 11. Relations between lateral strain ee eee ee ‘e, and mean principal stress p in an- Fig. 13. Determination of K-values by isotropic consolidation tests (series A, anisotropic consolidation tests ‘kgf /em!=98kN/m?) Geries A) Ky-VALUE OF A SAND 101 consolidation. Consequently, the trial to estimate the Ky-value by e-=0 was given up. Since the values of (c)/¢,) had a tendency to converge certain values as the mean principal stress p increased, this steady value was defined as (es/e,Jerenay (See Fig. 12). The condition under which that (cx/¢;)seeaay equals 0 was tentatively considered as the Ky-condi- tion. Then, from the relations between the CealeDusaer and the principal stress ratio K, K- value could be estimated by means of the interpolation or the extrapolation. Fig. 13 shows the relations between(e,/¢)eseaay b- tained from Fig. 12 and principal stress ratio K. The Ke-value thus obtained from a series of anisotropic consolidation tests was 0.61. ESTIMATION OF K,-value by means of K,-CONSOLIDATION TESTS ‘The Ky-consolidation tests to keep the con- dition of zero lateral strain were carried out. Some experimental factors such as the correc- tion of the volume change due to the mem- brane penetration, ete. were considered in x< 2 08) ’ Bo.) 3 o2 Ko-consolidation test 2 e one © 1E310.005% © 1E31<0.005% e £ 0.02 3 ° ° 1 2 3 4 mean principal stress p in kgf/cm? Fig. 4. Stress path and stress-strain rela tion in a K,-consolidation test the same manner as the case of anisotropic consolidation tests. The K,-condition was considered to be attained when the absolute values of lateral strain |e;| became smaller than 0.005%. The relationship between the principal stress ratio K and mean principal stress p, and the relationship between ¢, and pare shown in Fig. 14. After the increment of isotropic confining stress was applied step- wise on the specimen, the Ky-condition was achieved by one or two additional loading increment in the axial direction in each load- ing step. Fig.15 shows the stress paths observed in two tests on K,-consolidation. These results seem to have been very little influenced by the delicate difference of the sample preparation since these stress paths are almost identical. The stress paths in Fig. 15 indicate a good straight line for the axial stress range beyond the value of about 0.5kgf/cm* (49kN/m*). The gradient of the straight portion of the line is 0.58. Al- though the K,-value obtained from K,-con- solidation tests was found to be a pressure- dependent value, thus obtained value of 0.58 Ko-consolidation| test 05 in kgtleme Fig. 15. Stress path in Ky-consolidation tests (1kgf/em?=98kN/m2) ic Library Service 102 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA 1 os # Ko-consotiation test © anisotropic consolidation test a (series A) =< 2 04 & os a g g & g 2 g & 3 5 ° 1 2 3 4 ‘mean principal stress p in kgf/cm? 16. Determination of Ky-values by K,-consolidation and anisotropic con- solidation tests (1kgf/em?=98kN/m*) is tentatively assumed to be the estimated Ky-value. Fig. 16 indicates the relations between the principal stress ratio K and the mean prin- cipal stress p during the Ko-consolidation tests. Judging from the shape of the stress path in Fig.15, this relation between K and p may be approximated by a hyperbola. ‘Thus approximated hyperbola converges 0.58. The relations between K and p ob- tained from Fig. 12 as the intersections of between e,/e-p curves and the p-axis during the anisotropic consolidation tests are also shown in Fig.16 by open circles. A curve connecting these open circles seems to con- verge K=0.61. After all, the Ke-values were estimated as 0.61 and 0.58 respectively from the anisotropic consolidation tests and the Ky-consolidation tests. EFFECT OF SOME FACTORS ON ESTI MATED K,-VALUES Volume Correction ‘The correction of the volume change main- ly due to the membrane penetration affects seriously to the estimated Ky-values. Fig. 17 and Fig.18 show respectively the relations between (e,/e,) and mean principal stress p during the anisotropic consolidation tests mean principal stress p in kgtlem? Fig. 17. Relations between principal strain ratio e,/e, and mean principal stress p with volume change correction (series B, Lkgf/em?=98kN/m*) with and without the correction of the volume change (without the end lubrication in both cases) The (es/e:Jeteacy values estimated from Figs. 17 and 18 are plotted against the princi- pal stress ratio K in Fig.19. It is clearly seen that the Ky-value estimated from the anisotropic tests with the volume change correction is greater by about 0.2 than that estimated without the volume change correction. The importance of the volume change correction should be appreci- ated. Even if the other correction method of membrane penetration would have been employed, it seems that the effect on the K-values is not negligible. Liu et al. (1987) conducted a series of K,-consolidation tests by use of Toyoura Sand the relative densities of which are 50% and 90%. In case of D,= 90%, the Ky-value (0.57) obtained adopting the volume correction based on the Roscoe et al, (1963) method (MR method) became 50% larger than that (0.38) without adopting the consolidation onic Library Service K,-VALUE OF A SAND 108 poo a K=06 8 2 8 os} Peo 3 84 04 Soo, S g 02 & a $ onl volume change £ rnot corrected ~osk series C 0 t 2 3 4 mean principal stress p in kgtlem? Fig. 18. Relations between principal strai ratio ¢,/e; and mean principal stress p without volume change correction Geries C, Ukgf/em*=98kN/m*) ost series Yolume end change platen © B corrected not lubricated out © C notcorrected not lubricated 02 principal strain ratio (€2/€1)stesdy ° -0.2 e 6 -04 '0-«02 Oh 08 08 «10 principal stress ratio K Fig. 19. Effect of volume correction on K-values volume correction, Their experimental re- sult is in accordance with the present inves- tigation. volume end series change platen Fos lo A. corrected lubricated £8) | 8 corrected not lubricated & 04 8 : B02 go f a Of vf 0 02 04 06 08 10 principal stress ratio K Fig. 20. Effect of end lubrication on K-values Lubrication of End Platen Fig. 20 shows the effect of the lubrication of both end platens on the result of anisotro- pic consolidation tests. Almost identical Ky- values were obtained in the cases with and without the end lubrication indicating the end lubrication does not strongly influence on the estimated K,-value regardless whether the end platen was lubricated or not. The more strictly the condition of (ealey)meacr=0 is attained, the less the friction between the specimen and the end platen is. However in case that the total process of the deforma- tion is of interest, the end platen should be lubricated, Reference State A low level of isotropic consolidation stress was applied to the specimen in the triaxial cell to attain the reference state in ¢ investigation. But this isotropic consolida- tion stress seems to affect the estimated Ky- values. To check the effect of the magni- tude of the isotropic consolidation stress for achieving the reference state, a series of anisotropic consolidation tests were con- ducted. Before the anisotropic consolidation tests, the samples were isotropically consoli- dated at Lkgfjem (98kN/m*), This value onic Library Service 104 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA reference state reconsalidation, : 06 series [eterer i 06 + series Pres Sore (uation?) i © Bde = 0.02 (kgt/em2) a 38 99s : 4 5 30 a 04 F 1.0 ° Bost se bo g wlorrected / be 2 02 / 2 02 & é g Bo B 0 Bae Boe B £ 04 “04 0 02 04 0s 08 10 oO 02 04 06 08 1.0 principal stress ratio K principal stress ratio K Fig. 21. Effect of reference state on Fig. 22. Effect of preconsolidation on K-values Ky-values may be too large for the reference state, but is chosen as an extreme example. ‘Then the stress state moved from the isotropic consoli- dation state to the anisotropic consolidation stress state under conditions that the confin- ing pressure was kept constant. The refer- ence state was taken as the state after the isotropic consolidation. Fig. 21 shows the of these anisotropic consolidation tests. Though the relations between (cy eDueray and K showed a good straight line in this series of experiment, the estimated Ky- value was about 0.88, and it was rather high. Therefore it is necessary to carry the pre- liminary isotropic consolidation pressure as low as possible. results under a Preconsolidation The effect of the preconsolidation on the K,-values was evaluated by the anisotropic consolidation tests. At the beginning of the tests, each sample was isotropically consoli- dated at the preconsolidation pressure of 0.03, 3.0, 5.0kgf/cm® (2.9, 294, 490 kN/m*), and subsequently rebounded to 0.02 kgf/em* (@.0kN/m*) and thereafter the anisotropic consolidation was carried out. Fig. 22 shows the test results compiled in the same way as in Fig.13, The relations between(es/¢,)atesay and: K became a straight line. The straight Tine of (eile.)seesay versus K shifts parallel towards a positive direcrion of the K-axis as the preconsolidation pressure increases. Ky- value is estimated 0.58 for the preconsolida- tion pressure of 0.03 kgfjem* (2.9kN/m*), 0.85 for 3.0 kgfjem* (294 kNjm*) and 0.9 for 0 kgffem* (490 kN/m?) by means of extra- polating thesee lines. It should be noted that the end lubrication was not fully made in this series of experiments, This tendency is qualitatively in accordance with the data given by Mayne and Kulhawy (1982). The numerical analysis was performed based on the equation proposed by Mayne and Kulhawy, (1982), but the caleulated Ky-values did not match to the present experimental data because OCRmax (=Cvmax/emin) used in the Mayne and Kulhawy’s equation was too large in this case. EVALUATION OF K,-VALUE BASED ON §' VALUE The formulae for determining the Ky- values have been proposed by many re- searchers, typically by Jaky (1944). Most of these formulae are given practically as the function of the effective angle of internal ic Library Service Ky-VALUE OF A SAND 105 friction g', and consequently are relations more or less similar to each other. The K-values experimentally obtained in the present investigation will be compared with the calculated Ky-value based on Jaky’s formula. The angle of internal friction $4 ($° obtained from the drained triaxial compression tests which were carried out after the anisotropic consolidation (series A) or the K,-consolidation tests ranged from 39.2° to 42.2. The Ky-values calculated by Jaky’s formula are between 0.33 and 0.37. ‘These values are much lower than the Ky values experimentally estimated in the present investigation, i.e. Ky=0.58 from the anisotropic consolidation tests or Ky=0.61 from the Ky-consolidation tests. The effect of membrane penetration depends on the size of the specimen as pointed out by ‘Yamashita, Miura and Toki (1986). But the conclusion that the true K,-value of Toyoura sand is somewhat larger than the Ky-value estimated from Jaky’s formula would not be changed even when much larger specimen was used, Furuta and Karube (1976) estimated K,~ values of a sand by means of the anisotropic consolidation tests (o'sJo"=const.) without the volume correction, They tested on a saturated Toyoura Sand, and commented that the obtained Ky-values satisfied the Jaky's equation. Tanaki and Ishii (1984) conducted an automatically controlled Ky-consolidation test for loose (e,=0.85) and dense (e,=0. 65) Toyoura Sand, The obtained K-values without the volume correction roughly matched to the K-values from Jaky’s equa- tion, i.e. in the loose state, Ky=0.45 (0. 43) against ¢/=34.6', in the dense state, Ky= 0.32 (0.35) against g’=40.5° (the Ky-values from Jaky’s formula is shown in the paren- thesis). Okochi and Tatsuoka (1984) esti- mated the K,-values of the Toyoura Sand by use of the double cell triaxial apparatus without the volume correction. According to them, the relationships between the Ky- value at the effective axial stress o4’=2.0 kgifem? (196 kN/m*) and the initial void ratio eat effective confining pressure o;'=0.2 kf] em? (19.6kN/m*), were Ky=0.475¢, (for wet-tamped samples) and K,=0.52 (for air-pluviated samples). The former relation gives the K,-value nearly equal to that caleulated by Jaky’s formula, In conclusion, the K,-values experimental- ly obtained without correcting the volume change mainly due to the membrane penetra- tion seem to be close to the Ky-value cal- culated from the Jaky's formula using the angle of internal friction ¢ for Toyoura sand. It means conversely that the Ky values become large if the volume change correction is adopted. CONCLUSIONS The coefficient of each pressure at rest, ive K,-values were eatimated from series of the anisotropic consolidation tests and the Ky- consolidation tests for medium dense (D, 70%) Toyoura Sand. The main conclusions of this study are as follows : (1) The effect of the correction of the volume change, especially due to the mem- brane penetration, on the Ko-values is re- markable. The K,-values of Toyoura Sand (D,370%) obtained from the tests with the volume correction shows about 50% higher than that from the tests without the volume correction. (2) The Ky-values are estimated from a series of the anisotropic consolidation tests keeping the principal stress ratio constant, The correction of the volume change and the lubricated end platens ete. are employed. The convergence value of principal strain ratio, exe; against mean principal stress p greater than about 2.0kgf/em* (196 kN/m*) is defined as (esl¢,)seuex Then the K,- values are estimated from (¢4/2;)-teaay-Princi~ pal stress ratio K relations as the value of K corresponding to (esle)aeasp=0. The obtained K,-value is 0.61 which is more than 50% larger than that estimated by Jaky's equation. (3) The K,-consolidation tests in which the lateral strain , is kept to be zero are conducted to estimate the K,-values. The 106 FUKAGAWA AND OHTA volume correction etc. are also considered carefully. The estimated Ky-value is 0.58 which is nearly equal to that obtained from the anisotropic consolidation tests. (4) The effect of the end platen on the K-values is not so large. This is because the more the Ky-condition strictly attains, the less the friction between the specimen and the end platen becomes. (5) The reference state should be given by selecting the consolidation pressure as small as possible in order not to affect the obtained K,-values. (6) The K,-values of the preconsolidated specimens increases with the OCR. This tendency is qualitatively similar to the compiled data of Mayne and Kulhawy 4982). increase in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge Prof. S. Hata, Kyoto University and Prof. T.Muro, Ehime University for their continuous encourage- ment to this investigation. The authors also would like to express their appreciation to Prof. R.Kitamura, Kagoshima University for his helpful advice, The helps of Messrs K. Hitaka and H. Sugimura in carrying some of the tests are greatly appreciated. This research was supported financially in part by the Ministry of Education (63302045). 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