NCM 117-Somatic Disorders

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Somatic symptom disorders are characterized by physical symptoms

suggesting medical disease but without demonstrable organic

pathology or known pathophysiological mechanism to account
for them.

The term psychosomatic began Hysteria refers to multiple

to be used to convey the physical complaints with no
connection between the mind organic basis; the complaints
(psyche) and the body (soma) are usually described
in states of health and illness. dramatically

Somatization is defined as the transference of mental experiences and
states into bodily symptoms.


Physical complaints suggest major medical

illness but have no demonstrable organic
Psychological factors and conflicts seem
important in initiating, exacerbating, and
maintaining the symptoms.
Symptoms or magnified health concerns are
not under the client’s conscious control.

Somatic symptom and related disorders are

classified as mental disorders, by the DSM-5, when
the excessive focus on somatic symptoms is
beyond any medical explanation and it causes
significant distress and impairment in one’s


Somatic symptom disorders include:

Somatic symptom disorder is Conversion disorder, sometimes called

characterized by one or more physical conversion reaction, involves unexplained,
symptoms that have no organic basis. usually sudden deficits in sensory or motor
Individuals spend a lot of time and energy function (e.g., blindness, paralysis).
focused on health concerns, often believe There is usually significant functional
symptoms to be indicative of serious illness, impairment. There may be an attitude of
and experience significant distress and la belle indifférence, a seeming lack of
anxiety about their health. concern or distress, about the functional

Pain disorder has the primary physical

symptom of pain, which is generally Illness anxiety disorder, formerly
unrelieved by analgesics and greatly hypochondriasis, is preoccupation with the fear
affected by psychological factors in that one has a serious disease (disease
terms of onset, severity, exacerbation, conviction) or will get a serious disease
and maintenance. (disease phobia). It is thought that clients with
this disorder misinterpret bodily sensations or

Related Disorders:
Fabricated or induced illness
body-related mental disorders, in which people
feign or intentionally produce symptoms for
some purpose or gain.
In malingering and factitious disorders, people
willfully control the symptoms.
In somatic symptom illnesses, clients do not
voluntarily control their physical symptoms.

Malingering is the intentional production of

false or grossly exaggerated physical or
psychological symptoms; it is motivated by
external incentives such as avoiding work,
evading criminal prosecution, obtaining
financial compensation, or obtaining drugs.

Factitious disorder, imposed on self,

occurs when a person intentionally
produces or feigns physical or
psychological symptoms solely to gain
The common term for factitious disorder
imposed on self is Munchausen syndrome

Psychosocial theorists believe that people with somatic symptom illnesses keep
stress, anxiety, or frustration inside rather than expressing them outwardly, which is
called internalization.
Both internalization and somatization are unconscious defense mechanisms.

Psychosocial theorists posit that increased

incidence of somatization in women may be
Research has shown differences
related to various factors:
in the way clients with
Boys in the United States are taught to be stoic
somatoform disorders regulate
and to “take it like a man,” causing them to offer
and interpret stimuli.
fewer physical complaints as adults.
In other words, they may
Women seek medical treatment more often
experience a normal body
than men, and it is more socially acceptable for
sensation such as peristalsis and
them to do so.
attach a pathologic rather than a
Childhood sexual abuse, which is related to
normal meaning to it.
somatization, happens more frequently to girls.
The presence of a host of
Women more often receive treatment for
somatic symptoms can also be
psychiatric disorders with strong somatic
associated with other diagnoses.
components such as depression.


1. Any physical symptom for which there is 6. Requests for surgery.
7. Assumption of an invalid role.
no organic basis but for which evidence
8. Impairment in social or occupational
exists for the implication of psychological functioning because of preoccupation with
factors. physical complaints.
2. Depressed mood is common. 9. Psychosexual dysfunction (impotence,
3. Loss or alteration in physical dyspareunia [painful coitus], sexual
functioning, with no organic basis. indifference).
Examples include the following: 10. Excessive dysmenorrhea.
a. Blindness or tunnel vision 11. Excessive anxiety and fear of having a
b. Paralysis serious illness.
c. Anosmia (inability to smell) 12. Objective evidence that a general medical
d. Aphonia (inability to speak)
e. Seizures condition has been precipitated by or is
f. Coordination disturbances being perpetuated by psychological or
g. Pseudocyesis (false pregnancy) behavioral circumstances.
h. Akinesia or dyskinesia
i. Anesthesia or paresthesia 13. Conscious, intentional feigning of physical
4. “Doctor shopping.” or psychological symptoms (may be
5. Excessive use of analgesics. imposed on the self or on another person).

TREATMENT Client and Family

Treatment focuses on managing
symptoms and improving quality of life. • Establish daily health routine,
A trusting relationship helps ensure including adequate rest, exercise, and
clients stay with and receive care from nutrition.
one provider instead of “doctor • Teach about relationship of stress
shopping.” and physical symptoms and mind–
Antidepressants - selective serotonin body relationship.
reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine (Prozac), • Educate about proper nutrition, rest,
sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil) and exercise.
are most commonly used among clients • Educate client in relaxation
with depression and anxiety disorders. techniques: progressive relaxation,
For clients with pain disorder, referral to deep breathing, guided imagery, and
a chronic pain clinic may be useful. distraction such as music or other
Services such as physical therapy to activities.
maintain and build muscle tone help • Educate client by role-playing social
improve functional abilities. situations and interactions.
Clients can use nonsteroidal anti- • Encourage family to provide
inflammatory agents to help reduce pain. attention and encouragement when
Involvement in therapy groups is client has fewer complaints.
beneficial for some people with somatic • Encourage family to decrease special
symptom illnesses (cognitive–behavioral attention when client is in “sick”
The overall goals of the group were
offering peer support, sharing
methods of coping, and perceiving
and expressing emotions. COMPLICATIONS
Education or providing information has
Somatic symptom disorder can
also been effective for clients with
be associated with:
somatic illness or symptoms.
Poor health
Problems functioning in daily
life, including physical
Problems with relationships
Problems at work or
Other mental health
disorders, such as anxiety,
depression and personality
Increased suicide risk related
to depression
Financial problems due to
excessive health care visits

Clients usually provide a lengthy and detailed account of previous physical problems,
numerous diagnostic tests, and perhaps even a number of surgical procedures.
Clients may express dismay or anger at the medical community with comments such as
“They just can’t find out what’s wrong with me” or “They’re all incompetent, and they’re
trying to tell me I’m crazy!”
Clients with somatization disorder usually describe their complaints in colorful, exaggerated
terms, but often lack specific information.
Mood is often labile. Emotions are often exaggerated, as are reports of physical symptoms.
Clients are unlikely to be able to think about or respond to questions about emotional
Clients are alert and oriented. Intellectual functions are unimpaired.
Clients focus only on the physical part of themselves.
Clients may report a lack of family support and understanding
Clients who somatize often have sleep pattern disturbances, lack basic nutrition, and get no


Nursing diagnoses commonly used when working Treatment outcomes may include:
with clients who • The client will identify the
somatize include: relationship between stress and
• Ineffective coping physical symptoms.
• Ineffective denial • The client will verbally express
• Impaired social interaction emotional feelings.
• Anxiety • The client will follow an established
• Disturbed sleep pattern daily routine.
• Fatigue • The client will demonstrate
• Pain alternative ways to deal with stress,
Clients with conversion disorder may be at risk anxiety, and other feelings.
for disuse syndrome from having • The client will demonstrate
pseudoneurologic paralysis symptoms. In other healthier behaviors regarding rest,
words, if clients do not use a limb for a long time, activity, and nutritional intake.
the muscles may weaken or undergo atrophy
from lack of use.

Encouraging them to focus on emotional feelings is important, though this can be difficult for
Two categories of coping strategies are important for clients to learn and to practice: emotion-
focused coping strategies, which help clients relax and reduce feelings of stress, and problem-
focused coping strategies, which help resolve or change a client’s behavior or situation or
manage life stressors.
The nurse can help the client plan social contact with others, can role-play what to talk about
(other than the client’s complaints), and can improve the client’s confidence in making

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