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Health and eating habits in my

There are many schools, mostly abroad, that all have healthy eating weeks
and in general consider the health of students when it comes to nutrition
and eating habits. For example, certain schools organize healthy eating
weeks where the students only eat healthy food for an entire week.
However, our school doesn’t try helping students eat healthier. The school
canteen has no healthy foods and mostly offers foods whose quality is
similar to that of junk food. Personally, I try to bring homemade food to
school and rarely buy anything from the canteen, as that is the only way to
eat healthy in school in my opinion, and so do other students.

Because this is a serious problem not only in my school but in most schools
in Greece I think some solutions from a 14 year old boy who barely knows
anything about health and nutrition would be useful. Firstly, a solution that
our school could consider is organizing and constructing a healthy eating
week which all students will be encouraged to follow. In this week, the
school canteen will try introduce healthy and nutritious food like fruits and
vegetable replacing sweets and other unhealthy foods. In this way students
will be eating healthy without having to prepare food from home. Another
way of improving students’ health in terms of nutrition is by talking more
about healthy eating habits and informing students on which foods are
healthy and which are not. Teachers could get this done by taking an hour
each week and dedicating it to informing us about nutrition, presenting the
benefits of healthy eating and thus encouraging us to eat healthier.

In conclusion, these are the problems that our school is facing and the
solution that I propose to massively improve students’ health.

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