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Presentation 4 1.

Team 4

Presentation 4 2.
“So, what is and Adverb. Adverb is a word that describes or tells
more about a verb.
Many Adverbs are Adjectives with –lee at the end of the word.”

“Ex: She can sing.

‘sing’ is the verb. This sentence doesn’t give much detail.
Ex: She can sing Nicely.”

“Look at how the sentence changes when you add the adverb
‘Nicely’ to talk more about the verb ‘Sing’.
Now you know how they Sing.”

“Here are other examples:

She dresses. = She dresses beautifully.
I have heard this. = I have heard this before.
She’ll be here. = She’ll be here soon.”

Presentation 4 3.
“Note: Many adjectives ending with –y forms the adverb by replacing
-y with –Ily”
Ex: Angry = Angrily
Hungry = Hungrily

“For adjectives ending in c, add –ally

Ex: Automatic = Automatically

“Some Adverbs of manner are irregulars that mean that they

don’t end in –lee”
Ex: Good = Well

“Some irregular Adverbs have the same form as the adjective”

Ex: Fast = Fast
“As we bring our presentation to an end we once again want to
thank you for allowing us to be here this morning and hope that this
Activity has given you a much clearer understanding of

LEADER: Nadine
WRITER: Lionel
EDITOR: Lionel

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