Cerita Fabel Inggris Bunga

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Name : Andi Bun ga Ayu Nafilah

Class : IX - H
Number :5

Helpful Bona Elephant

In a forest there lived a big elephant named Bona. One day he went for a walk
around the forest to see the situation. Until he met Rara the skinny deer who was
groaning in pain because he was hit by a fallen tree. "Bonaa.. help me, I'm having a lot of
trouble getting out of here," said Rara. "Don't worry Rara, I will help you" Bona replied
confidently. Finally, with all his might using his trunk, Bona managed to save Rara from
the fallen tree. Rara also thanked Bona, "thank you Bona, thanks to you I can get out of
the tree that fell on me", "you're welcome Rara" Bona replied smiling.

On another day, as usual, Bona always went for a walk to see the situation and
conditions in the forest. And while crossing the river, Bona heard a cry for help. “Help
me… I can't swim”. It turned out that the sound came from Tata the little squirrel. "Stay
calm Tata, don't worry I will help you. Come closer and hold my trunk” said Bona while
holding out her trunk. And haaapp… Tata also managed to hold Bona's trunk. “Waahh…
thank you Bona” Tata thanked Bona.

And since then life in the forest has become beautiful and peaceful thanks to Bona
who likes to help her friends, Rara and Tata. They live together with other animals
peacefully since then Bona is known as a helpful elephant.

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