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Group 8

Harlie Deguit
Krietine Shamille Nakazawa
Ma. Patricia Mae Nepaz
Van Aaron C. Dela Cruz
Ma. Nicky Anne Haganas
Learning Objectives
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students, will be able to;
• Describe the importance of entrepreneurship
• Analyze the environment set up relating to small industry and business.
• Understand the importance of small business in various economic.
• Understand many successful entrepreneurs behind major corporations
today established their companies by acting; learning, and building what
they learned into their next action.
• State the meaning of entrepreneurship.
• Outline the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
• State the functions of an entrepreneur.
Learning Outcomes
II. Learning Outcomes
The expected learning outcomes for Entrepreneurship are as follows:
• They will be able to identify problems worth solving. As students apply design
thinking and process tools to evaluate real-world problems and projects, they
develop skills in customer development, customer validation, competitive
analysis, and iteration.
• They will be able to mobilize people and resources. To identify and pursue an
initial target market in real-world projects, students conduct networks, primary
customer research, and competitive and industry analyses to identify customers,
stakeholders, and team members.
• They will be able to sell themselves and their ideas. Students master oral and
visual presentation skills and establish a foundation of confidence in the skills
necessary to cause others to act.
• They will be able to develop and cultivate endurance. In addition to increasing
confidence and agency, students practice self-efficacy and self-advocacy, improve
communication and problem-solving skills, manage strong impulses and feelings,
and identify their own purpose by increasing awareness and deliberately practicing
these skills and disciplines.
• By applying the various concepts to understanding how new businesses are created
and grown, they will explain the role and importance of small and medium-sized
• The concept of business planning will be understood and small businesses'
marketing and financial problems will be expressed.

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