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Course Title: Human Resource Information System

Course ID: HRM430

Section: 01

Semester: Autumn 2022

Project Topic: Building a full HRIS system of a company

Institution: Independent University, Bangladesh

Submission Date: 7th December 2022

Submitted to: Dr. Ikramul Hasan

Department: School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:

Name ID Contribution Table

HR Software, Presentation Slide, Video
S.M. Sadman Haque 2021151
Zyma Zaman 2020693 30% writing, Idea Generation
Nabila Binte Bashar 2021876 45% writing, Idea Generation
Namira Binte Haque 1911152 15% writing, Company idea, Products
10% writing, Impact & necessity of HRIS
Md Umama 2021747
for Blinq

Letter of Transmittal

7th December 2022


Dr. Ikramul Hasan

Assistant Professor

Independent University, Bangladesh


Subject: Submission of report on “HRIS System of a Company”


We are pleased to present the report which you had approved us to get ready as HRM430 course
necessity. To prepare this report, we have tried our level best to include the relevant

In the circumstances stated above, you will find it in order to and in that even you have any
query kindly don’t spare a moment to contact.

Thanking you

The Hoomans


We convey our sincere gratitude to honorable faculty, course instructor, Dr. Ikramul Hasan.
This report wouldn't have been nearly as successful without his kind direction and sound
advice. It was flawlessly finished under his supervision and guidance. To make this project
fruitful, he had also supported us by showing his different methods and strategies. Thank you,
sir we are forever grateful to you.

We are also appreciating the assistance from our friends and well-wishers in planning the

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his endless love.

Thank You

Executive Summary
This assignment has started with the notion of establishing a hypothetical start-up company
that is not currently existing in the market. We have chosen Blinq as our company name that
will work for NAIL PRESS-ON Brand with a moto of easing the women’s fashion life. The
ideas were clearly made possible due to academic practices and findings using group discussion
sessions. Collective opinion took place while finalizing it.

The main focus of this report is to design a HR software that our company, Blinq is going to
use for the HR department and how HRIS software can make our HR related activities easier
and smoother. We have chosen HR Partner as our HRIS system and tried to make the software
easy going for our users as much as possible. The attractive part of this report is that it has
shown all the HR related activities and the implementation that Blinq can do with the software.

With our understanding of the assignment, we would like to add that the room for improvement
can be done if there are some real work-related scenario which can be detected using our
description and can be solved a systematic way.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 3

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6

Company Overview ................................................................................................................... 6

About...................................................................................................................................... 6

Statement................................................................................................................................ 7

Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Mission................................................................................................................................... 7

Core Values ............................................................................................................................ 7

Market Type ........................................................................................................................... 7

Importance of HRIS for Blinq ............................................................................................... 7

Action Plan................................................................................................................................. 8

Software Introduction ............................................................................................................ 8

Admin View ........................................................................................................................... 8

Employee View .................................................................................................................... 15

Implementation & Usage ......................................................................................................... 21

Conclusion & Implication ........................................................................................................ 21

References ................................................................................................................................ 21

The purpose of this study is to examine the filing and updating procedures in several
Bangladeshi businesses. Additionally, it will recommend putting the organization's HR
procedures into a good and balanced HRIS that will help the company decrease paperwork and
the delicate problem - of privacy may be kept to the department. With the aid of such a system,
its accessibility may also be guaranteed. In essence, such research is required to determine the
value of using technology in the workplace & indicate the speed at which it will be embraced
and transformed into the norm.

Company Overview


Blinq is allocated in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Launched in 2022, Blinq is a brand that created
to make women’s fashion life easy. Blinq is a nail press-on brand. It’s an offline & online store,
who offers more than 10 products which includes nail polish, fake nails, nail accessories and
others. The key services of product quality assurance and development are offered here. 7
qualified employees are working
for the company. Blinq serves all
over in Bangladesh.

Blinq is a brand created to make a woman’s life easier. A

brand that takes the press-on nails experience very easy,
while having a little bit of fun too!’ It is cruelty free,
nourishing for nails and brings best Nail Press On. Blinq
is trying to make the nail arts easy to excess.

There is a need for people in Bangladesh who want easy

to use, glamorous, and good quality press-on nails and tips
which by the way designed by a Bangladeshi and Made in BD.

No directions that make heads explode. No gloppy glue. No waiting for nails to dry. No hassle
of removing. Nails, that are easy to put on & easy to take off.


Blinq is not just stopping at nails. More products will be added under the Blinq’s umbrella,
products that people will love. Most importantly, Blinq is sticking to promise - every product
Blinq releases will make the customers’ life easy.

That's what the brand is all about. In the blink of an eye, it can be all done. Taking the
complicated and making it easy so that people don’t have to worry. Blinq has you covered.
Well, your nails that is!


To become a trendsetter by inspiring a new beauty lifestyle made simpler and easier for all


Bring clients by offering best quality in best deal/reasonable price

Core Values

• Customer-focus
• Innovation
• Quality
• Marketing strategy
• Teamwork
• Relationships

Market Type

Blinq is the only Bangladeshi company that has brought press-on nails in the country. So, Blinq
is currently in the Monopoly Market.

Importance of HRIS for Blinq

HRIS can provide Blinq with a rigorous approach for collecting, maintaining, accessing, and
validating data on its human resources, personnel activities, and organizational unit
characteristics. It provides precise information for individuals making HR-related choices.

Blinq will have an advantage over their competitors thanks to technology, which will help with
better HR choices and better staff monitoring and management.

Blinq's HR department will be able to operate more productively and efficiently thanks to the
HRIS system. In addition to pay planning, competency assessment, benefits administration,
and performance evaluation, these duties also include management training and development.
Succession planning, applicant monitoring in recruiting and selection, and management of
personnel information and identification – the HRIS system will help Blinq in these cases too.

Action Plan

Software Introduction

To create the HRIS system, HR Partner has been used. With its broad functionalities and
options, the HRIS system has been built. Blinq has its own HR software where they can easily

access to their employees, employee’s data and can monitor different types of day-to-day
activities. The HR software has two views. One is Admin view where only admin can access.
Another one is Employee view where employee can access to their own information.

Admin View

Admin view has many applications. In the left side, there is a Menu Bar. Menu Bar contains
all the application list.

Shortcuts: There is an option named ‘Home’ in the menu bar. This option provides the all-
shortcuts option that are talked in detail in the report. Such as: Add employee, view all
employees, Assign checklist, Job-listing, Update leave balances, Upcoming birthdays,
Reminders and many more. Through this option, HR manager can easily access all the
employee information in a very short time. So, this shortcuts option is very much effective.

Employees: Employee menu has 5 sections that are All employees, Self-service,
Organizational chart, Remainders and Data.

I. All Employees: In all employee section, the software shows the employee’s overall
information. For example: All Employee’s code, Name, Position, Birth date, Gender,
Status. It can add new employees. By clicking individual employee cell, all personal

and job-related information of a particular individual will be appeared such as: the
employee’s gender, status, leave/absence, benefits/plans, any grievance etc.
II. Self-Service: Self-service allows admin to invite employees to sign in this portal.
This portal can invite employees by sending mail.

III. Organizational Chart: This portal shows the organogram which says which
employee reports whom. This chart will be helpful for both employee and manager.
Employees can easily understand to report whom. Besides managers can understand
which employee he should charge for incomplete work. In our organization, S.M
Sadman Haque is a HR manager. Zamia Zaman, and Nabila Binte Bashar will report to
S.M Sadman Haque. Md Umama and Namira Binte Haque will report to Zaima Zaman.
Namira Binta Haque will report to Nabila Binta Bashar. 2 Delivery men will report to
Production Manager, Namira Binte Haque.

IV. Employee Reminders: In this portal, Admin can set a reminder against any
employee. For example: If manager assigns any task to employee, he or she can set a reminder.
On a due date, the reminder will remind him or her that he assigned a task to whom. This
reminder application will help the HR carry out the work easily. Through the filtering option,
admin can filter the reminders by specific options.

V. Data: The Data portal has 3 different section which are Bulk update, Integration, and
Import CSV.

a. Bulk Update: Bulk update option enables to edit or update any information. If
someone gets promotion, his or her reporting boss will be changer along with other
sectors. At that time, information of that particular employee’s needs to be changed.
HR can do that through the Bulk update option.

In this portal, there is a filter option where HR can specify which employee’s
information will be updated. Otherwise, all employee’s information will be changed.
Firstly, HR needs to choose whose employee’s information needs to be changed, then
what to update lastly the information update option.
b. Integration: This portal integrates employee data through CSV file and integrate
with chosen the payroll system. Firstly, HR manager will import employee data from
CSV file. After that ‘Set-up payroll integration option’ will be appeared. By clicking
the option, the software gives the option of ‘choose payroll system’ that will be
integrated. After the selecting the option, the payroll system will be integrated with the
employee data.

Calendar: Everything is written in the calendar. This calendar is for admin and employees.
When the employee joined work, when he got sick, when he left, employee birthdays,
anniversaries, upcoming events, who is doing which activities everything can be found in this
calendar. Everything will be auto updated.

Time off and Leave: Company will know who, whenever is absent in the workplace.
Moreover, company will know other things as well. Those are:

I. Planner: Here every plan will be written here. Annual leave, sick leave, these will be
there for each employee. Employees will let to know their date and time very easily.

II. Request: An employee applied for a leave, that application will go to the admin
profile. Admin can approve it or may reject also. So, it is the request section.

III. Availability: Here includes the employee worker’s position, leave type, allowance,
balance, planned, available units. These will be included here.

IV. Bulk Update: In the bulk update, there are balance, allowances and import.

Checklist: Through checklist we can see that admin has given some works to the employee.
For example, employee ‘X’ has been assigned 6 pdfs. How many pdfs has been read by the
employee will be automatically updated there.

Expenses: Admin can directly see what an employee is spending in any sector of the
company. For any work of the company, employee needs money. He can make a direct request
to the admin for that purpose of money which the admin can accept or reject the proposal.

Goal: Admin will create a goal according to which every employee should work to achieve
the mission and vision.

Form: It is a form where employees can make any kinds of complain or if any accident occurs
here will be written briefly.

Library: Blinq can add necessary documents here.

Employee View

From the employee view, the individual employee will see only his or her information and the
activities he or she has done or assigned to be done. What an employee can do or see from his
or her account is briefly described below:

Home: In the home section, there is a dashboard from where the employee can go to any
portal and can be able to see all the activities he or she has done and or he or she is assigned

My Profile: My profile option provides all the peresonal information of the employee such
as: address, contact information, biography etc.

Directory: Here, employee can see other employee’s position, department, job location etc.
It will help the employee by providing the direction.

Organizational Chart: Employee can also see the organogram chart. This chart will be
helpful for the employee as well. Employee can easily understand to report whom.

Calendar: This section will show the holydays, the leaves that the employee took when they
took a leave and for how many days, they took a leave etc.

Time off & Leave: Time off & leave menu has 2 sections. One is request and another one
is history.

I. Request: Through this section, the employee can send a leave request to the admin.
Admin’s decision (Approve/Reject) will notify the employee. He or she can see that is
the request is approved or rejected.

II. History: Here, employee can see his or her leave history like how many days he or
she took a leave, when the leave is taken etc.

Checklist: If admin assigns any task to the employee, the notification will be appeared in the
Checklist section. Employee can always know about his or her assigned task. If the employee
finishes the task, he or she can update the progress and it will notify the Admin.

Expense: Employee can claim for the expense he or she incurred on the behalf the
organization. There is an option of sending a receipt of the expense where employee can send
the receipt to admin.

Goals & Objectives: Admin can assign company’s goal to the employee or employee can
assign a goal by himself through this section.

Forms: Here, employee can fill up different kinds of forms like complaint form, employee
satisfaction survey, health and safety form, training request form etc. By filling up the forms,
employee can send the request to the admin. For example: employee had an accident. He or
she can fill up the accident reporting form can notify the admin. Besides employee can request
for training program by filling up the training request form.

Library: Employee can see any kind of document about the company from this portal. For
example: Company forms, company guidelines etc.

News: Employee can write any content and share in this portal. Other employees and admin
can view his or her content and can also comment on that. Employee can also see that who has
seen his or her content.

Implementation & Usage
The pay-based frameworks that businesses use to determine fair and equitable remuneration
for all of their employees are called compensation structures. A compensation structure
provides a company with precise instructions for determining starting pay rates, controlling
raises, and allocating bonuses.

In our company, compensation is given on the basis of merit.

As it provides a performance-based payment based on an employee completing or exceeding

specific company targets, merit pay is most common in sales positions.

Salary reviews will occur twice a year. Direct deposit of salary into employee's bank account.

To secure a permanent position, Interns must meet certain requirements.

Conclusion & Implication

With the proper use of the HRIS system, Blinq will be able to maintain its employees more
effectively and efficiently. By doing so, Blinq will be able to grow more. As Blinq has only
one outlet now, in future it will be easier for Blinq to recruit and list the employees. Thus HRIS
will be able to put an impact on the overall process of Blinq.



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