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Lesson 3 – Worksheet

Activity 1:

In your groups, read the article your teacher will provide you with and answer the
questions that follow.

1. What is happening and who are the key people involved?

2. Are the people being treated fairly or unfairly?

3. Identify the type of discrimination taking place and who is responsible for the
discriminatory actions?

4. What stereotypes / prejudicial views / bias views may lead the person or people to act in
this negative way?

5. Discuss TWO short-term consequences of this discrimination on the individual?

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6. Assess the negative long-term consequences of this discrimination on society?

Activity 2: Reflection
Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of discrimination by explaining a time
where you felt discriminated against.

1. Explain what happened.

2. Explain how it made you FEEL (sad, angry, disgusted etc).

3. Explain how you BEHAVED in response to the situation.

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