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Code and Name of Course: PENG 6008 – Advanced Reservoir Engineering

Date and Time: May 04, 2022; 5:00 pm Duration: 2 Hours

INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES: This paper has 4 (four) pages and 3 (three) questions.



Question 1

The production data in Table 1 are available from a dry gas field offshore the North Coast of

Table 1: Gas Flow Rate and Cumulative Production

qt Gp
MMscf/d MMscf
320 16,000
336 32,000
304 48,000
309 96,000
272 160,000
248 240,000
208 304,000
197 352,000
184 368,000
176 384,000

Determine the following:

a. The cumulative gas production when the gas flow rate declines to 80 MMscf/day.
(4 marks)

b. The time to reach a gas flow rate of 80 MMscf/d. (4 marks)

c. State two assumptions that must be satisfied before performing a rate–time decline-curve
analysis (2 marks)

(Total 10 marks)

Question 2

A small gas reservoir offshore the West Coast of Trinidad is produced for 500 days at a rate of 1.0
MMscf/d. The p/z vs p relationship for the reservoir gas is given in Figure 1. Calculate the amount
of encroached water (We) after 100 days of production. The aquifer is infinite acting and the
reservoir has the following characteristics given in Table 2 below. (20 marks)

Show all steps and calculations required to obtain your answer and state any assumptions
you have made. Table 3 and Figure 1 are available for use.
(Hint: Calculate B gi , B g , P and then W e . Justify using the gas material balance equation
that there is no significant change to W e . State any assumptions you have made).

Table 2

Pi = 807 psia cw = 3.0 X 10⁻⁶ /psi

T = 78 °F cf = 5.0 X 10⁻⁶ /psi

Φ = 11 % µw = 1.0 cp
k = 14.0 md S wc = 25 %

Reservoir thickness, h = 28 ft
Radius of original gas water contact, GWC = 1702 ft
Gas initially in place, GIIP = 1.118 Bscf.

Table 3: Dimensionless Water Influx W eD for Infinite Aquifer

(Van Everdingen and Hurst W eD ; Source Tarek Ahmed, 2006)

Figure 1: Plot of p/z vs p for Reservoir Gas Offshore the West Coast of

Question 3

An under-saturated oil reservoir producing above the bubble point had an initial pressure of 5,000
psia, at which the oil formation volume factor was 1.510 rb/STB. After producing 100,000 STB
of oil, the pressure dropped to 4,600 psia, at which the oil formation volume factor was 1.520
rb/STB. The connate water saturation (S wi ) was 25% and water compressibility 3.2×10-6 psi-1.
Based on an average porosity of 16 %, the rock compressibility was 4.0×10-6 psi-1. The average
compressibility of the oil between 5,000 and 4,600 psia relative to the volume at 5,000 psia was
17.0×10-6 psi-1.

a. Geologic evidence and the absence of water production indicated a volumetric

reservoir. Assuming this is the case, calculate the initial oil in place. (5 marks)

b. When all cores and logs had been analyzed, the volumetric estimate of the initial oil in
place was 7.5 million STB (MMSTB). If this figure is correct, how much water entered the
reservoir when the pressure declined to 4,600 psia? (4 marks)

c. The GOR at the initial reservoir pressure of 5000 psia is 800 scf / STB. What is the GOR
at 4200 psia? (1 mark)
(Total 10 marks)

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