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The Himalayan metamorphism

P. K. Verma

Most structural and petrological features, cer- stratigraphic at others. At places, the junction
tainly the present landscape, of the Himalayas between the para-autochthonous zone and over-
stemmed from the continent-continent collision lying nappe, commonly a thrust, appears 'gra-
which signified the closure of the neo-Tethys. In dational'. Two tectonic contacts are fairly
this paper, post-collision metamorphic events continuous throughout the Himalayas, namely,
are therefore termed the Himalayan metamor- the Main Boundary Fault (MBF) separating the
phism, and are critically evaluated. A tectono- Lesser Himalaya from the Sub-Himalaya, and
metamorphic map of the Himalayas is presented the Main Central Thrust (MCT) separating the
and a P - T - t trajectory for the central crystal- Lesser Himalaya from the Higher"imalaya.
line zone has been constructed. The Sub-Himalaya largely consists of the
Siwalik Group (Fig. 1). It is the most prominent
of several molasses distributed through the
General geological and tectonic Himalayas. The Siwalik sedimentation began
setting during the Middle Miocene at the beginning of
the Himalayan uplift. It consists of an unmeta-
Several publications (Gansser 1964, Le Fort morphosed cyclic sequence of sandstones, mud-
1975, 1986, Hailer 1980, Pande 1980, Windley stones and carbonate rocks.
1983) give a good account of geological and The autochthonous zone consists of several
tectonic features of the Himalayas. This paper tectonic and tectono-stratigraphic units. Some
considers the eight units marked in Fig. 1. Two of these are Precambrian but many belong to
of these units, i.e. ophiolites with associated various Phanerozoic groups; the youngest being
blueschist rocks and granites of the Higher the Eocene. They are unmetamorphosed and so
Himalaya, occur as isolated bodies throughout stippled as a single tectono-metamorphic zone
the belt. Other units are extensive linear belts. in Fig. 1. The para-autochthonous zone consists
The southernmost unit is the Sub-Himalayan of quartzite, dolomite and phyllite together with
zone, north of which are the autochthonous, acid volcano-sedimentary rocks, basic lava flows
para-autochthonous and the Lesser Himalayan and some sulphide deposits. The acidic volcano-
nappe zones (the Lesser Himalaya). The central sedimentary rock suite (the present Lingtse
crystalline zone (the Higher Himalaya) and the gneiss and its equivalents), along with some
Tethyan zone (the Tethyan Himalaya) are situ- intrusives, has been considered by Sinha Roy
ated further northward. The northernmost (1980) as basement wedges. These extensively
outcrops of the Tethyan zone represent the crop out north of the MBF and also as tectonic
northern limit of the Himalayas. Likewise, the windows further north. The third tectono-
southern limit of the Sub-Himalayan zone de- metamorphic zone, the nappe zone, represents
fines the southern limit of the Himalayas. The thrust sheets which underwent penetrative de-
western and eastern ends are the Kohistan vol- formation during movement (Pecher 1975).
canic arc and the Namcha Barwa crystalline Some sheets exhibit high-grade metamorphic
complex, respectively. The intrusive nature of mineral assemblages, such as in Kisthwar (Das
the granites of the Higher Himalaya is evident. 1987), Chor (Das & Rastogi 1988), Darjeeling
The ophiolites occur as small thrust blocks, (Sinha Roy 1974) and Sikkim (Verma &
stacks of nappes or exotic blocks. At many Chaddha, in press). However, other regions
places, the ophiolite occurrences coincide with show only medium-grade assemblages (Pande
a discontinuous suture zone called the I n d u s - 1980). All three zones were folded and thrust
Zangbo suture, which constitutes the boundary southward over the Siwaliks as well as recent
between the Tethyan Himalaya and the Trans- river deposits (Thakur & Jain 1975). This
Himalaya. region represented the northern edge of
The boundary between para-autochthonous Peninsular India where latitudinal rifting
and autochthonous zones essentially represents occurred repeatedly between the Precambrian
a junction between very low to low-grade and the Eocene.
metamorphics (prehnite-pumpellyite to lower The central crystalline zone consists of rocks
greenschist) and unmetamorphosed rocks. of varied metamorphic grade (Valdiya & Goel
It is tectonic at some places and tectono- 1983). The zone served as the root zone for the

From DALY,J. S., CLIFF,R. A. & YARDLEY,B. W. D. (eds) 1989, Evolution of Metamorphic Belts, 377
Geological Society Special Publication No. 43, pp. 377-383.
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The Himalayan metamorphism 379

Lesser Himalayan nappes. The area is thought metamorphism, following the obduction of
to be a part of the Precambrian Indian shield ophiolites in certain sections of the Himalayas
remetamorphosed during the Tertiary. (Le Fort 1986). Two distinct events are estab-
The northernmost zone is the Tethyan lished. The first was regional metamorphism
Himalayan zone consisting of a fairly complete marked by the emplacement of granitic plutons
fossiliferous succession of the Palaeozoic- and the second was a low-grade event.
Mesozoic-Palaeocene rocks. In Himachal Deformation during the Tertiary occurred in
Pradesh (Powell & Conaghan 1973) and Nepal three stages. The deformation accompanying
(Le Fort 1975) some of these are metamor- the obduction produced the first generation
phosed up to kyanite grade. The junction be- folds (DA1) (Acharyya 1978). Major folds were
tween the central crystalline zone and the formed during DA2, which was the most intense
Tethyan zone is gradational at a few places, but of the three stages. The first metamorphic epi-
in general a fault. sode was pre- to synkinematic DA2 (Saxena
The post-tectonic granites (granites of the 1964). Large-scale thrusting marked the cul-
Higher Himalaya; also called leucogranites) are mination of this deformation. Many thrusts were
two-mica, two-feldspar granites and are devoid reactivated more than once and folded, as well
of foliation and deformation features of the as new ones developed, during DA3. The latter
country rocks (Le Fort 1981, Verma 1983). The also resulted in refolding and simultaneous
general opinion favours an origin by partial folding of both allochthonous and autoch-
melting of the continental crust (S-type). Geo- thonous units giving apparent continuity of
logical and tectonic data indicate a post-Mid- structure at places and decollement at others
Miocene age, although the geochronological (Gangopadhyay 1980).
data is scattered (100 to 13 Ma). These plutons The effects of progressive high-grade meta-
are restricted to the central crystalline zone and morphism (the first episode) have been studied
a few localities in Bhutan (Dietrich & Gansser in detail. Within the central crystalline zone and
1981) where the Cretaceous-Palaeocene suc- the metamorphosed Tethyan succession, the
cession is intruded. isograd patterns are normal in many places but
divergent in others (Thakur 1977). Within the
thrust sheets of the Lesser Himalaya, many
Pre-Himalayan events sections show reverse metamorphism. Some
authors (Windley 1983) have related this feature
The shield elements in the Himalayas are re- to the MCT. In Nepal (Bordet et al. 1981) the
vealed in some chance thin-sections contain- relationship appears to hold, but elsewhere it is
ing relict cordierite-bearing assemblages and by not so. Moreover, the MCT is a part of a duplex
old R b - S r ages, such as 1830 Ma (Bhanot et system (Bahuguna & Saklani 1988), so the
al. 1977, Powell et al. 1979, Trivedi et al. 1984), ground relations are complex. Some isograds
from the central crystalline and the nappe zones. terminate against thrust sheets (Ravindra
The rocks of latitudinal rifts yield R b - S r age Kumar pers. comm.) and therefore only a partial
data clustered between 600 and 500 Ma (Mehta progressive metamorphic sequence is shown
1977, Bhanot et al. 1978, Le Fort 1981). K - A r there.
data on basic flows gave an age of 228 + 10 Ma Some geothermobarometric data, from the
(Varadarajan 1976). Comparable basic rocks central crystalline zone and a few thrust sheets,
occur in association with fossiliferous sediments have become available. Temperature estimates
in other parts of the Himalayas, e.g. Kashmir, from progressive zonal sequences are more
Arunachal Pradesh, etc., and point to a Middle common. For example, Lal et al. (1981) have
Carboniferous to Lower Permian age. used garnet-biotite pairs to estimate tempera-
Pande (1980) advocated two Palaeozoic- tures in zones bearing chlorite-garnet (530°C),
Mesozoic periods of metamorphism. Sinha & staurolite-biotite-garnet (570°C), kyanite-
Bist (1986) calculated K - A r data that cluster biotite-staurolite (675°C) from the Darjeeling
around 91.3 Ma and 197.3 Ma, but advise area. Das & Rastogi (1988) analysed separated
caution in interpreting the data. biotite and garnet fractions and propose 543°C
(garnet-chlorite zone), 560°C (staurolite-
biotite zone) and 637°C (kyanite-biotite zone)
The Himalayan metamorphism from Chor (Himachal Pradesh). From Kashmir
(Das 1987), the characteristic assemblages
The dominant textures and mineral assemblages reported are garnet-chlorite (554°C), staurolite-
of the metamorphic rocks of the Himalayas biotite-chlorite (597°C) and kyanite-biotite-
were formed during the Tertiary Himalayan staurolite (680°C). Gairola & Ackermand (1988)
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380 P. K . V e r m a

calculated an average pressure of over 7 kbar of the first phase. In the third group, we place
using g a r n e t - biotite-muscovite- sillimanite- R b - S r (Hamet & Allegre 1978, Vidal et al.
quartz-rutile. A higher pressure value of 8.9 1982) and K - A r (Dietrich & Gansser 1981) age
kbar, using garnet- r u t i l e - i l m e n i t e - kyanite- data on muscovite and biotite and fission track
quartz, has been calculated by Broughton & age on zircon and apatite (Lal & Nagpaul
Windley (1988) from western Kashmir. Since 1975). This data set, with the help of the closure
Le Fort et al. (1986) reported a pressure gradient temperatures of the minerals, yields points on
from 8 to 6 kbar as one moves away from the the cooling part of the P - T - t loop. The cooling
MCT (central Nepal), the author considers that rate appears to be roughly constant, i.e. 200°C
pressures exceeding 7 kbar were generated only per 8 Ma. Lastly, there are quite a few dates on
locally in the vicinity of thrusts. Although micas based on R b - S r and K - A r methods that
textural details of the points probed for tem- range from 110 to 33 Ma. Fresh isotopic obser-
peratures calculated are lacking, it appears, vations on the samples are necessary since no
from the general setting, that data is related to a geological events can be correlated with these
progressive metamorphic sequence and so dates.
corresponds to the heating stage of the meta- Figure 2 depicts a P - T - t trajectory for the
morphism. Verma & Chaddha (in press) re- central crystalline zone based on the data and
ported a kyanite-sillimanite assemblage from discussions presented above. The sense of the
north Sikkim and also present evidence of loop is clockwise with its peak pressure higher
partial melting. Hence, the peak of the meta- than that of the aluminium silicate triple point.
morphism is considered to lie in the partial It crosses the kyanite-sillimanite univariant
melting region. equilibrium line and goes into the partial melt
The only retrograde data comes from region. Quantitative data on the retrograde
Garhwal (Verma & Jowhar 1988). The musco- part of the P - T - t loop is lacking except for
vite-alkali-feldspar from Badhrinath granite, one set based on Na/K exchange between alkali
pegmatite and country rocks yielded a range of feldspar and muscovite. Interpretation is based
temperature (Na/K exchange) from 462 to on the geological and tectonic evidence, as well
579°C. as closure temperatures and uplift rates. It may
The highest grade attained was of first silli- be pointed out that the prograde part of the
manite grade (Verma & Chaddha, in press). P - T - t loop would be common for the central
The large-scale partial melting giving rise to crystalline zone and the thrust sheets. But, the
post-tectonic leucogranites (Ghose 1980, cooling history of the thrust sheets would differ
Le Fort 1981, Verma 1983) happened at lower depending upon the location of the point on the
continental level. Obviously, the emplacement cooling part of the loop at which thrusting and
was post-tectonic (DA2) (Vidal et al. 1982), detachment took place.
though older ages have also been claimed The progressive part of the loop indicates
(Sinha & Bist 1986). Prior to the emplacement, near-isobaric heating. This corresponds to that
the thrust sheets had already formed. stage of geodynamic development of the region
There are very few well-coordinated geo- when a thickened crust was produced by the
chronological studies on the Himalayas from collision and underthrusting of the Peninsular
the point of view of metamorphism. Franco- Indian Shield, whose lower part came under
Chinese colloboration in southern Tibet (Debon the influence of enhanced pressure and tem-
et al. 1985) and current studies in western perature regimes. This metamorphism affected
Kashmir (Zeitler pers. comm.) are a few the shield, leaving the supracrustal rocks of the
examples. For the present purpose the available latitudinal rifts unaffected. The enhanced P - T
age data may be classified into four categories. conditions were caused by the thickening of the
The first category consists of ages, such as crust. A magmatic heat source is not favoured
whole-rock R b - S r , that range between 300 and in view of the constant cooling rates.
1800 Ma, and represent pre-Himalayan events. Initiation of sedimentation in the Siwalik
Then, there are large number of ages, whole- foredeep marked the Himalayan uplift and indi-
rock as well as mineral, that cluster around cated a phase of crustal thinning. The uplift
30 Ma, which, on geological grounds, are syn- would initially create an isothermal decom-
chronous with D2 deformation. The data pression, and this is shown in Fig. 2. Progressive
of Hamet & Allegre (1978) from Nepal on thinning due to uplift resulted in a constant rate
a leucogranite (post-tectonic granite) giving a of cooling as opposed to a Newtonian exponen-
whole-rock R b - S r age as 29 + 1 Ma represents tial curve due to withdrawal of heat from a
a period of D2 deformation and generation of cooling magmatic source.
granitic melt as well as the metamorphic peak Verma & Jowhar (1988) proposed that the 12
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The Himalayan metamorphism 381


I ll /'





I- ~. ........

I I 1 1 l f ""',~l I
0 I00 200 500 400 500 600 700 800 900 I000

Tern p °C
FIC. 2. T h e P - T - t relationship of the central crystalline zone deformation event: 1 = DA~, correlated with the
obduction of the ophiolites; 2 = DA2, major folds and overthrusting; 3 = DA3, nappe folding, further
thrusting. Geochronological data (ages in Ma) based on: a = muscovite Rb-Sr (Vidal et al. 1982); b = biotite
K - A r (Dietrich & Gansser 1981); c = fission-track in apatite (Lal & Nagpaul 1975). Reaction curves for
reference are also shown: (1) Salje (1986) and (2) Merill et al. (1970).

Ma cluster of mica dates may also indicate a in thrust zones. Because of this, at places,
period of low-grade metamorphism (the second there appears a 'gradational contact' between
episode). Textural evidence in the form of the high-grade crystalline nappe (Darjeeling
annealing and 'retrogression' is common. The gneiss) and the underlying low-grade para-
hitherto unmetamorphosed rocks of the para- autochthonous rocks (Dalling phyllite).
autochthonous zone were now also metamor- The cause of this event is not yet certain.
phosed. While the pelitic sediments were However, Mattauer's (1986) work on decolle-
converted to slates and phyllite with the help of ment offers some clues. The mantle underneath
continuing deformation, the basic flows were the Himalayas was affected by decollement
metamorphosed to the p r e h n i t e - p u m p e l l y i t e , movements and became sliced. One such hot
or equivalent assemblages in some basic rocks mantle slab could have moved up and caused
of the Lesser Himalayas (Varadarajan 1974). this low-grade metamorphism. This could ex-
The most conspicuous manifestation of this plain the high heat flow and the heat source for
event in the field is some recrystallization the Himalayan thermal springs.
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382 P. K. Verma

Conclusion over, culminating in the large thrust sheets and

causing reversal of isograds in several of them.
The most dominant textures and mineral as- Emplacement of granite then took place. A low-
semblages of the Himalayan metamorphics are grade metamorphism affected the Himalayas
the result of the Himalayan metamorphism that around 12 Ma marking the second episode.
occurred during the Tertiary, following the
c o n t i n e n t - c o n t i n e n t collision. It consisted of
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The manuscript has been im-
two episodes. The first was pre- to synkinematic proved through a critical reading by David Prior. I am
progressive high-grade regional metamorphism particularly indebted to Amitava Kundu, Babu Nair
and affected the basement consisting of parts of and Shobita Misra for their valuable assistance during
the Peninsular shield. The deformation con- the final stages of the work. A. Rooprai and J.
tinued well after the metamorphic peak was Kennedy are thanked for drafting the diagrams.

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