Congestion Management of IEEE 30 Bus System Using Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator

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2018 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control (PEEIC)

G. L. Bajaj Inst. of Technology and Management Greater Noida, U. P., India, Apr 13-14, 2018

Congestion Management of IEEE 30 Bus System

Using Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
Pallavi Choudekar1, Sanjay Sinha2, Anwar Siddiqui3
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India,3Jamia MiliaIslamia, New Delhi , India

Abstract—Deregulation of power sector leads to overloading system studies is used to perform sensitivity analysis [2]. To
of transmission lines due to high demand of consumers. To fulfill overcome problems like voltage stability, voltage
demand of power, generation companies produce more output, compensating devices like SVC are used to find optimal
but transmission lines are the conventional ones and they get
congested as they carry more power than its capacity. To reduce location. Weak bus locations are identified by FVSI, Loss
congestion FACTS devices are used, which control power flow reduction provided by SVC contributes in cost saving of
and reduce losses, thus reduces congestion. In this paper power generation [3]. Optimization method inspired by law of
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators (TCSC) has been gravity is used to reduce the reactive power losses in system
used, TCSC is a series FACTS device which changes reactance of by attaching/adding series FACTS devices i.e. TCSC
transmission line and thus controls power flow through that line, [4].Generator scheduling and investment cost is reduced using
leads to reducing congestion. Appropriate location of TCSC has
been found out by various indices. TCSC placement is done at PSO (Particle Swarm optimization) after placement of TCSC.
these locations under base case and varying load condition and Optimal Location for TCSC is determined by calculating
improvement in transmission line loading is observed. Work is sensitivity index [5]. Congestion management can be done by
carried out on IEEE 30 bus test system. optimal location and sizing of Unified Power Flow Controller
(UPFC) in transmission network. Sizing of UPFC and Optimal
Keywords—Line Voltage Stability Index (LVSI), Thyristor
Location can be identified by a fuzzy based approach [6] .For
Controlled Series Compensators (TCSC), Fast Voltage Stability
Index (FVSI). least loss configuration where there is overloading,
reconfiguration of existing network is done with sectionalizing
I. INTRODUCTION switches. For congestion management, a new technology of
In the past few decades, generation, transmission, and Smart Wire is used for high reliability and low cost.
distribution of electricity has been decentralized, hence [7].Congestion management is done by using TCSC and
numerous private investors have come in to the power problem formulation includes maximization of social welfare
market.Also, the increase in population and our dependence on function subject of real and reactive power balance and
our daily electronics has caused an unparalleled increase in the capability curve constraints, TCSC location can also be
demand for electrical power. Our dependence on electrical decided by Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming
energy is increasing with the expansion in industrialization (MINLP)[8].To enhance the load of Transmission Line, TCSC
and modernization. Due to this, the power sector is growing is used. For maximum Power transfer capability, we can use
rapidly with few uncertainties. Growth in the load demand is IGSA. Maximum power loss is considered as fitness function
likely to strain the existing power systems, in which the [9].Congestion occurs in the weakly controlled network. The
transmission systems are to work near to the operating limits bidding of higher price and withdrawing capacity are
and causes congestion in the transmission lines. Thus, the analyzed. Location Marginal Price (LMP) gives the impact on
transmission system should be flexible enough that it can transmission congestion [10].
handle unpredictable power supply and other demand Congestion management problem is solved using FACTS
conditions. FACTS devices (especially TCSC) are one of the devices. In this paper, Thyristor Controlled Series
ways to reduce the transmission congestion & allow better Compensator (TCSC) has been used for this purpose. TCSC is
utilization. TCSC; Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor, is to a series FACTS device; it reduces power loss in overloaded
be connected in series with the transmission line to reduce the transmission lines and thus reduces congestion.
transmission losses. Also, TCSC is a variable impedance type
compensator. The sensitivity factor is used to find the best II. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT
location of TCSC for the enhancement of static performance
of the system. Following observations are enlisted from all At the time, when any operational constraint is active in a
these different scholarly works. network, system is said to be in congestion. Some factors limit
the amount of electric power which is to be transmitted
Optimal Location of Series FACTS devices to achieve
between two locations in a transmission network. These
maximum system load ability with minimum installation cost
factors are thermal limits, bus voltage limits.
[1]. Load flow analysis which is the backbone of power

978-1-5386-2341-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 649

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Congestion in deregulation refers to transmission lines
clouting its limits. The following physical characteristics limit
transfer of electric power:

1. Thermal limits
2. Stability limits
3. Voltage limits Fig. 1:TCSC schematic
The limits like thermal transformer ratings etc., limits the TCSC schematic is shown in Fig.1; it is a device which is
extent of electricity which is passing through the transmission added in series to compensate the reactive losses in the
line. In a short and concise way we can say that the electricity transmission line. TCSC is supplemented and adjusted in series
demands need to be satisfied on a real-time status, because with the line and function of series controller is to introduce
energy cannot be stored it has to be generated and supplied. voltage in the course of the line. Both types of reactance
compensation are possible; reactive and inductive, with the
x Stability Limits: The system must have the ability to help of appropriate values of capacitors and inductors. The
appropriate values of capacitor and inductor can be realized
sustain disturbances over the different time periods.
with the help of reactance equations:
When the system undergoes different disturbances
then generators starts oscillating which leads to ܺ‫ ܮ‬ሺߙሻ ൌ ܺ‫ܮ‬ (1)
ߨെʹߙെ‫ߙʹ ݊݅ݏ‬
fluctuations in the plant frequency and voltage level
etc. For the system to attain stable state fluctuations Where XL is the inductive reactance
and disturbances must diminish to the negligible α is the firing angle of the thyristor
x Voltage Limits: The range of voltage must stay XL varies with respect to α
within the limits and lower voltage limits signifies the ܺ‫ ܥ‬ൌ
amount of power that can be conveyed from one ʹߨ݂‫ܥ‬
point to other location. Where XC is the capacitive reactance
x Thermal Limit: Thermal limits determine the flow of
current over the line for certain period of time before ܺܶ‫ ܥܵܥ‬ሺߙሻ ൌ െܺ‫ ܥ‬൅ ‫ ͳܥ‬ሺʹሺߨ െ ߙሻ ൅ •‹൫ʹሺߨ െ ߙሻ൯ Ȃ ‫ ʹ ݏ݋ܿ ʹܥ‬ሺߨ
permanent contamination due to overheating. െ ߙሻሺ߱ –ƒ൫߱ሺߨ െ ߙሻ൯ െ –ƒ༌ ሺߨ െ ߙሻ
For a market based solution with economic efficiency, ܺ ‫ ܥ‬൅ܺ ‫ܥܮ‬
‫ ͳܥ‬ൌ (4)
congestion management in multi buyer/seller system is ߨ
involved. Generation is shipped to achieve least cost Ͷܺ ʹ ‫ܥܮ‬
operation. Economic shipping eliminates the possibility of ‫ ʹܥ‬ൌ (5)
ܺ‫ߨ ܮ‬
congestion in the system. ܺ‫ܮܺ ܥ‬
ܺ‫ ܥܮ‬ൌ  (6)
ܺ ‫ ܥ‬െܺ ‫ܮ‬
In deregulated market, every buyer wants the cheapest rates of
power, regardless to location of buyer or seller. Congestion ܺ
߱ ൌ ට ‫( ܥ‬7)
management involves some corrective actions. ܺ‫ܮ‬

x Only a set of transactions must be allowed which can

keep the system under some limits. IV. OPTIMAL LOCATION OF TCSC
x Transmission corridors sometimes get overloaded
because of unsettled flows for which corrective Optimal location of FACTS devices has been found by various
actions are necessary. indices. By installing FACTS at most appropriate and correct
location can lead to wonders because system stability increases
For controlling power flow in the transmission network and and violations are reduced. When the index value is close to 1
thus reducing congestion, series FACTS devices; TCSC has then system represents unstable conditions, and is on the edge
been used. of instability. If the index value crosses 1, i.e., when system
has exceeded stability limit, then system comes into the state
III. MODELING OF TCSC of voltage failure, which can also lead to total power failure.
FACTS are usually equipped on the most critical areas of the
TCSC is a device which is added in series to compensate the power system, i.e., on lines and buses which are determined by
reactive losses in the transmission line. TCSC is added in various Line Voltage Stability Indices.
series with the line and function of the series controller is to
introduce voltage in the course of the line.


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In this paper, work has been carried out on IEEE 30 bus test Where,
system shown in Fig.2. Load flow is carried out and various X symbolizes transmission line reactance
indices are calculated to find optimal location of TCSC Va symbolizes the voltage at sending end
Pa symbolizes flow of active power at the dispatching end
Qb symbolizes flow of reactive power at the accepting end
Xab symbolizes transmission line reactance
Θ symbolizes impedance angle of the line
ɁSymbolize the angle difference between the dispatching and
accepting end voltage.

TABLE I: Values of Line voltage Stability Indices

line connected LQP FVSI LMN

between two buses
Bus Bus
27 30 0.3843 0.47351 0.55704

27 29 0.26071 0.32159 0.38035

24 25 0.19249 0.14391 0.26524

Fig. 2: IEEE 30 Bus Test System

Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) – It works on the principle Values of various indices used for finding optimal location of TCSC
of flow of power through a single line. For critical are shown in Table I. It is observed that best location for placement of
TCSC is in series with the transmission line connected between bus 27
transmission line, we can calculate the index with the help of and bus 30. Placement of TCSC is done at the best location obtained in
the following equation: the Table I.
Ͷܼ ʹ ܾܳ
ܸܽ ܺ

To ensure that the system is stable we have to make sure that The percentage loading at each line has been calculated to find
the value of this index should be way below unity, preferably the congestion in the lines.
closer to zero. Power flow studies have been performed on the 30 bus
network under 2 different cases;
Line Stability Factor (LQP) – The transmission lines which
have indices values closer to unity determines that they are Case 1 (a): With the standard bus data (Base case)
unstable or on the verge on instability, and are violating the Case 1 (b): With the standard bus data (Base case) along with
stability conditions. If the value of this index goes beyond the TCSC placed at the optimal location.
determined value 1, the bus connected to this line undergoes
abrupt voltage drop and the system collapses. LQP can be Case 2 (a): With 50% load increased at bus 29
determined by the following equation: Case 2 (b): With 50% load increased at bus 29, along with
TCSC at the optimal location.
ܺ ܺܲܽ ʹ
‫ ܲܳܮ‬ൌ Ͷ ቀ ቁ ቀ ൅ ܾܳ ቁ (9)
ܸܽ ܸܽ ʹ
Under each case the power flow results have been obtained,
Line stability index (LMN) – This index explains and percentage loading has been calculated and the optimal
determines the stability factor of every line which is connected location for the placement of TCSC is determined with the
between two different buses. The system is known to be stable help of the Line Voltage Stability Indices.
until the values are extremely less than unity. As the LMN value
increases the stability decreases and hence chances for system The results obtained are demonstrated below. In each case, it
collapse increase. LMN index can be determined using the was observed to achieve reduction in both Active and Reactive
following equation: power losses as well as reduction in percentage loading of the
critical lines.
Ͷܺ ܾܽ ܾܳ
‫ ܰܯܮ‬ൌ ሼܸ (10)
ܽ •‹ ༌


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60.0 Without 41.00
40.0 TCSC
20.0 With TCSC

0.0 21.00


Fig.3. Percentage loading with TCSC and without TCSC in base case. [MW] [MVar]

Reduction in percentage loading of critical transmission lines without TCSC 14.09 53.74
can be shown in Fig. 3 With TCSC 12.44 51.20

1 Fig.6. Real power and reactive power loss when load at bus 29 increased by
0.6 There is considerable reduction in real power loss and reactive
0.4 Without TCSC power loss when TCSC is connected at appropriate location. It
is observed from Fig.5 and Fig.6.
TCSC is used for managing congestion of transmission lines.
Real power losses are decreased by 11.81% and reactive
power losses are decreased by 4.88% under base case and
when load is increased by 50%, there is decrease in real power
Fig.4. Percentage loading with TCSC and without TCSC, when load at bus 29
is increased by 50%.
loss by 11.7 % and reduction in reactive power loss is by 5%.
Major effect of congestion is on the transmission line loading
When load connected at bus 29 is increased by 50%, there is and loading of the transmission line is decreased when TCSC
increase in loading of transmission line, same can be reduced is connected at appropriate location.
by connecting TCSC and it can be observed in Fig.4.
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