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August 2011

End of the Summer

Special points of interest::
Finished out the summer this year with all the teams from the U.S. Continuing to shape the ministry here in El Salvador and seek the areas where God would have us invest ourselves. God has opened many new doors for us here, and we are continuing to make new connections with leaders in El Salvador that want to change their country. Some of the most memorable events have been happening to us this summer, things that we will never forget for as long as we live.

Hey everyone, Well, we just finished off with the last teams of the summer, and had probably the best season that we can remember. So much has happened all around us that it has been difficult just to process it all. We have made many new connections this year, and we are really starting to see what God has destined for this ministry in the coming years. We know that God has really been challenging us and growing us with each passing month, and its such an honor and privilege to be a part of all that God is doing down here. We truly believe that in the coming years that God is going to continue to use this ministry to change lives forever, and we are so excited to be a part of it all.

Its also been such a joy and so much fun to be on the missions field in our first year of marriage. God has been truly blessing us over and over as we learn and grow together as a family. We truly would not trade the world for this wonderful season that God has us in. Please continue to pray for us diligently. Everyday possesses a new and greater challenge than the last as we continue to live and work so far from all the comforts of home and family to finish a great work for which God has called us. God bless you all and we miss you so much, Doug and Danielle

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Many Thanks to the last 5 teams of the Summer for all your hard work!!!!

Fusion Youth Group, MN

Chris Mancl and Christian Life Fellowship, WI

River Valley, MN

People of Purpose Orlando, FL

Emmanuel Christian Center, MN

Danielle and I have had one amazing summer this year! This was the first time that weve led a missions team unassisted for the entire trip. This was such a huge honor and great challenge that we were so excited about. God really pushed us to the next level as we worked rigorously this summer preaching and serving all over as we pioneer this ministry here in El Salvador. It was so much fun in spite of the challenges we faced as we built new relationships and watched God do so many miracles in peoples lives.

A Story to remember forever!!!!

Every once in awhile we go into a place with the intention of ministering to the people in that area, but sometimes, just sometimes we leave way more blessed than the people whom we are trying to minister to. This is a story of that very same thing, and it left a mark forever on our hearts and on our teams as well A while back, as we were planning to receive Fusion Youth Group from Minnesota, the pastor/leader of the group told me of a member in his church that was originally from El Salvador. The pastor told me that this particular person would love for us to be able to visit his family and minister in the area where he was born, Santiago de la Frontera, El Salvador. Well, I checked this town out on the map, and seeing that it was only about 2 hours away, I decided to meet with the people in this area and see if we could come and minister. Well, not realizing it right away, I quickly found out that the father of the church member living in Minnesota was the mayor of about 20 small towns in the area we would be ministering in. I was blown away when I had a meeting with this person and about 20 pastors and youth leaders from local churches in Santiago. Well, after the meeting was over, we all came together and agreed we would visit several schools and churches in the area, and finish it off with a big outdoor event with all the townspeople. Several weeks later, Danielle, our team, and I arrive at Santiago de la Frontera. We werent expecting it at all, but the mayor, being a devout Christian, was so thrilled to have us that he no less than rolled out the red carpet for our arrival, and literally opened the entire city to us as well as his home for us to stay in during our time in the area. I had never felt so welcome anywhere I have ever gone. (See Picture Above) He told us of the incredible love that he had for our country, The United States. He explained to us that he had been the mayor of the surrounding area for almost 30 years, and he had survived in the area during the great civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s. Because during that time it was extremely dangerous for politicians and even more dangerous for their children, he had to send his children to the United States to live for fear that they would have been kidnapped and murdered. He told us that because our country kept his family safe during these times, hed always had such an

incredible love for the U.S. Well, it just so happened that as he was explaining this to us it was July 3rd. On the morning of July 4th, we woke up readier than ever to visit schools, churches, and minister wherever needed. Well, when I first saw mayor Martinez, I told him how since he loved our country so much, he needed to know that today was a SUPER IMPORTANT holiday for all of us. I told him that on July 4th the entire nation of the United States of America celebrates. He was so shocked to hear this that he offered to cancel all of our ministry events so that we could have time to celebrate. I was like, noooo wayyyyy!!!! We are here to minister, to work, and to serve the people of Santiago de la Frontera. We dont need a break sir, with all do respect. Thank you though. He left it at that, and didnt say another word. Well, we proceeded with all the events that we had scheduled, and worked harder in one day than just about any other day I can remember. (See Pictures) Well, mayor Martinez called us up on the phone, and told us that he wanted us to come back over in the afternoon to his house, so that he could introduce some city officials to us and tell the story of Santiago. We had no idea what we were actually being invited to come to Upon arriving to the mayors house, there were several officials from the city already there waiting for us. Also, waiting for us, was a huge sound system set up with a whole bunch of chairs for us to sit in. We werent sure what was going on, but the mayor had us sit down while he spoke. He then began explaining that he loves our country and he wanted to honor us during our special day, July 4th. He said, so we have a little surprise for you. The next thing we know, one of his officials starts up the sound system, and coming through the speakers, louder than ever, was The Star Spangled Banner!!!!!! We all stood with much honor and pride for our country as the song was being played. Next thing we know, another official from the city comes out of nowhere and starts lighting off these huge fireworks/rockets right in front of us!!!!!!!! We were all freaking out in complete and total disbelief, and we were all screaming our heads off for this unbelievable surprise on the Fourth of July in a country that was not our own. And if that wasnt enough, the next thing we know, the mayors wife comes out of their house carrying a huge cake that she just baked. But it wasnt just any cake. She decorated it in the form of the American Flag, and it had written on the side, Happy Fourth of July. I can never in my life remember a time where I or the people I have been with have ever been so welcomed and blessed in someone elses

home or in someone elses town. We were all cheering like never before, some of us shed tears, and we were so overwhelmed with emotion for this blessing that a complete stranger had given us. There was no way that we could repay this back. It was too great a thing!!!!!! That night we proceeded with the big event that we had been planning for a few weeks. Its so crazy when a mayor is on board for what you are doing, because when that happens, nothing stands in your way... The city, on their own expense, decided that they wanted this to be a special night for the people, so they rented a massive flat-bed semi and used it to block of the main streets of the city. They rented a huge tent, and placed it in the middle of the road, and they ordered a sound system for us to use during that evening. (See Bottom Pic) That night was an unbelievably powerful event. Several churches in the area cancelled their normal services, and their entire congregations showed up. Also, hundreds from the city came walking by to see what was going on and stayed. There were about 400 people present that night, and many who were there received from God like never before. It was one incredible event. As we left Santiago the next morning, I felt a certain sadness in my heart that I had not felt leaving anywhere else I had ever been. It was hard to leave such a place, such a people, who had welcomed us with arms wide open even though we were complete strangers. I know that I will never forget this as long as I live. I also believe that God has something special for the people of Santiago and for our future relationship together. This was an incredible lesson to me that I dont ever want to forget, and I pray great things for the people there that blessed us many times more than we could have ever blessed them back through our ministry.

Another Powerful lesson, another incredible story!!!!

This is another really cool thing that happened to us this summer which I doubt that we will forget for a very long time. There is a church in a tiny village about a mile and a half from the base in El Salvador. One of our workers, Antonio, goes to this church, and his brother is the pastor. Well, for one of our ministry events with one of our teams this summer, we decided that we wanted to do a childrens service. I talked to the pastor of this church real close by, and we agreed on a time and date. A few weeks later we showed up to the church ready to have fun with the kids and share a little about Jesus. Well, what we did not know is that Jesus had a little something in store for us that we werent quite ready for As usual we did our part of the service which lasted about 45 minutes or so and included songs, games, teachings, stories, etc. Well, after we were done, the childrens pastor asked us if the children could pray for us for safety, strength, and Gods provision as we continued to travel and do missions work with the team. We were all very much in agreement for that. Well, the childrens pastor had us all kneel at the alter while the children laid hands on us and prayed. (See pic above) Well, I was expecting child like prayers to come out, soft spoken, sweet, and tender hearted. Well, that did not happen. Next thing we knew, these children were laying it all down in their prayers for us. We were hearing all kinds of powerful words coming out of their mouths: IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I JUST PROFESS THE PROTECTION OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS ON THESE MISSIONARIES, THAT THEY WOULD GO PROTECTED, THAT NOTHING WOULD HARM THEM, THAT THEY WOULD HELP HEAL PEOPLE AND SET THEM FREE. I PRAY FOR THEIR PROTECTION LORD JESUS. GUIDE THEM. HELP THEM IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. We were all stunned beyond belief as the children prayed. Even those of us who did not know Spanish could feel an incredible amount of the Holy Spirit flowing through these children and their prayers. We stood up after they were done, and many of us wiped tears from our eyes, and all were in disbelief at how powerful these children were for the Lord. It was unreal!!!! Well, I had to ask the childrens pastor after the service about these kids and their incredible faith and power in Jesus. I was very impressed with the words that the pastor gave to me about children in

the kingdom of Heaven, and this has been a very important lesson to me since that day. The pastor explained to me that when we are young children, we believe anything that our parents and leaders teach us. We have a child-like faith to move mountains. In this church, the pastor explained to me that they teach the children that they are mighty in the Lord, that the children can lay hands on the sick and heal them, and miracles can happen through their prayers. It was very much demonstrated in these kids. Ive never heard such boldness from a child, and its been such a lesson to me ever since. Imagine what we could do if we all had child-like faith to move mountains. Children do not doubt the teachings of Christ, but somewhere along the way to adulthood, we stop believing what God can do through us. We doubt the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The last thing that stunned me more than anything else was this Antonio told me that the church brings the sick to the children for the children to pray for them, and they heal them. Thats incredible! What a completely different way of doing things! The adults actually come to the children. God is really working through this church, and we were all so blessed to be a part of their ministry.

Busiest Summer Ever!!!

Just relaxing after some ministry in a couple of beautiful rocking chairs and loving the adventure God has us on together!!!!

Sometimes you just gotta show off your double dutch skills with the girls at the orphanage. :)

Going to the orphanage is Danielles favorite thing to do. She loves the kids so much.

A little hard work in a very hot sun!!! :)

Chris Mancl being his crazy self.

Feeding The Children In The Area

Just a cool pic of us on a boat on Lake Atitlan headed to a church to do a service.

Danielle making her very first pupusa ever. Pupusas are the most popular common food in El Salvador. They are essentially handmade tortillas stuffed with whatever you want. Usually they have cheese, beans, pork rinds, or a mixture. They are awesome, but I dont like the ones with pork rinds. Yuck!

This little guy just had to come over and sneak a peek at one of our ministry events, so we painted his face through the fence and gave him some candy.

Click on video above to follow a link to a message from Danielle and I.

Hey Everyone, Well, its been another incredible year for us to say the least. So much is happening around us constantly that we have to stop at times just to think about it all. Summers are by far the most fun time of the year and also the most work, so we are now enjoying a little bit of a slower pace but are always geared up for more. We are so excited about all God is doing in our lives and in the ministry. Please continue to keep us lifted up as we continue this work for which God has called us. We miss you all so much, so please write us whenever you can.
God bless you all, Doug and Danielle

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation online, you may do so here:

Support Address: Douglas Burwell/Teams Commissioned for Christ International 2300 Jetport Drive Orlando, FL 32809-7895

Contact Information: Doug and Danielle Burwell Telephone: 011-503-7949-9304 (El Salvador) Email: Skype: Username: christslove7 Facebook: Search same info as above

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