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What is YOUR Impact on the Environment?

The size of a person’s Ecological Footprint depends on a multitude of factors and how you live
your everyday life. For example, do you grow your own food? Do you walk or drive? Do you use
renewable or non-renewable energy sources? We often forget the impact we personally have
on resource availability and renewal, but reducing our personal footprint can have a
tremendous impact both locally and globally. The goal of this assignment is to quantify your
ecological footprint understand what areas of our life may be most impactful on our earth.

Assignment Instructions:

The Global Footprint Network is an organization aimed at collecting data on the ecological
footprints from countries around the world.

1. Visit the website for Global Ecological

Footprint: Follow the instructions on the screen
and begin answering each question to determine your ecological footprint.
2. At the end of your survey, take a screenshot of the SUMMARY page and FACTS AND
FIGURES page and paste each into your written document so I can see the results (1
3. Write a brief (2 paragraph) explanation of the consumption categories and actions that
contribute the most to your footprint (examples of categories are: Food, Shelter, and
Mobility). Explain what you learned through measuring your ecological footprint (4
marks) and effective ways to reduce your footprint (2 marks). Be sure to tell me how
many planets it would take to maintain your lifestyle if everyone else lived the same
lifestyle, and discuss what Earth Overshoot Day is (2 marks).
4. Include in a reference list at the end of your document, the full and proper citation for
the ecological footprint website using APA format (1 mark). Use the Seneca Library to

Please upload your work in a WORD or PDF file only.

Avoid Plagiarism

Make sure to carefully review and follow Seneca College's guidelines for avoiding plagiarism. As
a tool to help you improve the integrity of your written work, your report will be checked using
the SafeAssign tool in Blackboard. You will receive a SafeAssign originality report after your first
attempt, showing you the 'score' of how much of your report has been matched with other
written sources. Your references will be flagged in the report, but this is not a problem. You can
resubmit your report up to 2 times, before the final project deadline, but only the final copy will
be graded.

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that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3)
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TOTAL: /10 marks (worth 10% of your final mark)

Late Penalty - 1 mark per day

Sample Screenshots to Include

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