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How to write a script on Vocation Promotional Campaign using Brand Storytelling?

1 – 2 minutes

Part 1 – Open with the problem – Get to know the needs of our Audience – The Youth who are
discerning their Life Vocation – What are they searching…

The Youth are searching something in the website for a reason… could be they are restless

Why are they there? They might have a problem, they wish that the video can help them to deal
with their problem? They struggling something…they dream and desire to be…

Part 2 – Frame your Product (In our case, we have to frame our Service; Our Life as Daughters of St
Paul missionary, our mission, our devotion, our apostolates) Frame your service as a solution to
audience’s problem – this is our aim to create something they are searching for –A way to solve their
problem – what they will get after watching this

Part 3 – Outline 5 to 5 points

a) What do they need to know to respond to this call as Paulines Missionary – Media Nun

Part 4 – social proof – How can your audience believe this video is true?

To insert some live interview on sisters sharing their life experiences as a Media nun,

Short only eg. One sister would say: Do not be afraid, when God calls, he will gives you the grace,

I am happy here in giving my life to Jesus. Or a short video a Sisters are happily serving in the media
centre or sisters in action

Raise a question: What you like about being a FSP?

Part 5 – Call to action – Your video must get the attention of your audience to take the 1 st step

For a product: Buy now! For invitation, Join us, be one of us! SIMPLE & CLEAR

1st step – Create a Story Board (Narration) what you wanted to tell – Imagine, implement & inspire

2nd step – Prepare your talent

3rd step – Establish shot & end shot (Emphasis Pauline Logo)
Long before the birth of our congregation, Blessed James Alberione a young priest from Northern
Italy had a dream, a dream which he dedicate his passion and attention to recreate in the church the
originality of the mission of ST. PAUL. We evangelize the WORLD with the constantly evolving
communication media. Beginning with the small group of boys opened a printing house in Alba. This
becomes the 1st group of the Society of St. Paul, priests and brothers dedicate themselves with the
new apostolate of preaching of the WORD. One year later, he have formed the Daughters of St. Paul,
women in carry out active role in the apostolate of communication media.

Introducing the Daughters of St. Paul? Who are we? What we do?

Here we are the Daughters of St. Paul ….

We are an International Congregation of Religious women committed to evangelization through
witness of life and proclamation of the Gospel with the means of social communication.
We were founded in Alba, Italy on June 15, 1915 by Fr. James Alberione whose prophetic vision and
passionate love for the Word of God propel the congregation to always seek new ways and places to
evangelize. We are now present in 52 countries around the world.

We the media nun, our charism in the church is to evangelize using the media, you will find us in
printing books, sharing Gospel Reflection in the internet, you can find us too in the social media like
facebook, youtube, etc. Because we want everyone in the world to know about Jesus, that’s our
mission, to let everyone know that Jesus loves them and you, check that out.

What we do? We work, we write, we read, we study, we eat, we laugh, we sleep, we chat, we listen,
we sing, we dance, we pray, we communicate, we text, we collaborate.

What would our Founder say to us in this digital age? Ever onward, Do not speak on what is past but
look about you, behold the sea of humanity searching for meaning to belong…

We are the modern apostle who prepare ourselves, learn the language of the Digital World, study
the ways of this age, so that we can break open the new continents, the bread of the Gospel in its
own language in a way that is attractive and understandable.

The rapid evolution today is bringing about dramatic shift in every aspect of society. It’s not enough
just to know something but understanding is necessary.

We have the responsibility to humanity, to bring about values and vision of the Gospel in this media
environment. As a Daughters of St. Paul, it’s our mission to touch many souls that entrusted to our
vocation. For the Daughters of St. Paul, we are taking the message of the Gospel and bringing to the
people in a vibrant way that they can really understand, and to enliven the Gospel. We study the
needs of the people in order to bring them Good News of salvation. In spreading the love of the
Gospel with love and mercy to the people of this present times.

As a Pauline, our whole life is in the school of the Divine Master, openness in bringing the truth of
Jesus Christ to the WORLD. It is in giving and sharing our Life, we allow Jesus to live in us.

Come and See, share our Mission! Or Come, Join us, and be one of us!
Establishing… Insert Video - Blue Sky (Music-Paulines Trademark)
Insert WORD-The Daughters of St. Paul present…

Long before the birth of our Zoom in a picture frame of Fr. James Alberione…
congregation, Blessed James Alberione a Picture or Video He prayed in front of the Sanctuary
young priest from Northern Italy had a during 1900’s midnight Adoration (Voice over)
a dream which he dedicate his passion Insert Image or Video of young Alberione and
and attention to recreate in the church Image of St. Paul
the originality of the mission of ST. PAUL.
We evangelize the WORLD with the The Daughters of St. Paul Sisters with the social media
constantly evolving communication Video from different countries…
Beginning with the small group of boys
opened a printing house in Alba.
This becomes the 1st group of the Society
of St. Paul, priests and brothers dedicate
themselves with the new apostolate of
preaching of the WORD.
One year later, he have formed the
Daughters of St. Paul, women in carry out
active role in the apostolate of
communication media.
Introducing the Daughters of St. Paul?
Who are we? What we do?
Here we are the Daughters of St. Paul ….
We are an International Congregation of
Religious women committed to
evangelization through witness of life and
proclamation of the Gospel with the
means of social communication.
We were founded in Alba, Italy on June
15, 1915 by Fr. James Alberione whose
prophetic vision and passionate love for
the Word of God propel the congregation
to always seek new ways and places to
evangelize. We are now present in 52
countries around the world.
We the media nun, our charism in the
church is to evangelize using the media,
you will find us in printing books, sharing
Gospel Reflection in the internet, you can
find us too in the social media like
facebook, youtube, etc.
Because we want everyone in the world
to know about Jesus, that’s our mission,
to let everyone know that Jesus loves
them and you, check that out.
What we do? We work, we write, we
read, we study, we eat, we laugh, we
sleep, we chat, we listen, we sing, we
dance, we pray, we communicate, we
text, we collaborate.

What would our Founder say to us in this

digital age? Ever onward, Do not speak
on what is past but look about you,
behold the sea of humanity searching for
meaning to belong…
We are the modern apostle who prepare
ourselves, learn the language of the
Digital World, study the ways of this age,
so that we can break open the new
continents, the bread of the Gospel in its
own language in a way that is attractive
and understandable.
The rapid evolution today is bringing
about dramatic shift in every aspect of
society. It’s not enough just to know
something but understanding is
We have the responsibility to humanity,
to bring about values and vision of the
Gospel in this media environment.
As a Daughters of St. Paul, it’s our mission
to touch many souls that entrusted to our
For the Daughters of St. Paul, we are
taking the message of the Gospel and
bringing to the people in a vibrant way
that they can really understand, and to
enliven the Gospel.
We study the needs of the people in
order to bring them Good News of
salvation. In spreading the love of the
Gospel with love and mercy to the people
of this present times.
As a Pauline, our whole life is in the
school of the Divine Master,
Openness in bringing the truth of Jesus
Christ to the WORLD. It is in giving/
sharing our Life, we allow Jesus to live in

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