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Vial of Bliss

Vial of Bliss

Cost: 300 gp
Weight: 1/8 lb.
This vial is filled with a red liquid, which sloshes around
tantalizingly. Bliss is a drug that’s secreted by blood hags
and has euphoric effects. When you ingest this liquid
drug, you become immune to the frightened condition,
your Intelligence and Wisdom scores are reduced by 1,
your Dexteritty score is reduced by 1, and you gain a +5 to
your Charisma score to a maximum of 20 for 1 hour. Each
use of this drug may result in progressing to becoming a
tiyanak. Every time you use this drug, roll a d4. The outcome
determines the progression of your addiction. These effects
are associated with tiyanak transformation points and are
permanent unless removed with a remove curse spell. If
you reach 8 tiyanak transformation points, you transform
into a tiyanak, you lose all your former memories, and your
game statistics are replaced by those of a tiyanak. Tiyanak
transformation points stack from previous uses of bliss.
Rolled d4 results: 1.You suffer no ill effects. 2. You gain 2
tiyanak transformation points which can be cured with a
cure disease spell or similar magic. You can smell blood.
Your speed is reduced by 5 feet to a minimum of 5 feet. Your
Constitution score is reduced by 1. This reduction stacks with
former uses of bliss and can be cured with a cure disease
spell or similar magic. You have an addiction to bliss. Any
time you are within 90 feet of bliss, you must succeed on a
DC 13 Wisdom saving throw every hour or attempt to ingest
it. 3. You gain 4 tiyanak transformation points which can be
cured with a cure disease spell or similar magic. You can
smell blood and have an appetite for blood. Your speed is
reduced by 5 feet to a minimum of 5 feet. Your size becomes
Small. Your Constitution score is reduced by 1. This reduction
stacks with former uses of bliss and can be cured with a cure
disease spell or similar magic. You have an addiction to bliss.
Any time you are within 120 feet of bliss, you must succeed
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw every hour or attempt to
ingest it.4. You gain 6 tiyanak transformation points which
can be cured with a cure disease spell or similar magic.
You can smell blood and have an appetite for blood. Your
speed is reduced by 5 feet to a minimum of 5 feet. Your
size becomes Small. Your Constitution score is reduced by
1. This reduction stacks with former uses of bliss and can
be cured with a cure disease spell or similar magic. You are
considered charmed by blood hags. Any time you are within
1 mile of bliss, you must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving
throw every hour or attempt to ingest it.

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