Poultry and Game LP 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Quarter No. :3 Day and Date: 5

Week No. :2 Module Title: Prepare Poultry Game and Dishes
Module No. :2 Lesson/Topic: Store Poultry and Game Dishes

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Discuss Proper Handling and Storing Techniques in Poultry and Game Dishes
2. Identify different Safety Practices in Handling and Storing Poultry and Game
3. Appreciate the essence of Handling and Storing Techniques in Poultry and
Game Dishes

II. Subject Matter

Lesson/Topic: Store Poultry and Game Dishes
Materials Needed: 3rd Quarter TLE-Cookery 10 SLM, Laptop, PowerPoint

III. Procedure

A. Review/ Preparatory Activity/ Motivation

 Recall the previous topic discussed.
(Plating and Presenting of Poultry and Game Dishes)

B. Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson

 Techniques in Storing Poultry

 Handling and Storage of Poultry
 Freezing and Thawing Poultry
 Storage Time for Poultry and Game
 Safe Shopping For Chicken and Poultry
 Safe Handling of Chicken and Poultry
C. Generalization
 The learners will be given time to scan the book and later reflect on the learning
they have attained.

D. Application:
 Activity: Identity the correct answer of the given statement.
(1-10 items)

1. A purchase refrigerated or frozen items after selecting your non- perishables

Answer: Shopping
2. Meat and poultry defrosted in the refrigerator may be refrozen before or after cooking. What
process it is?
Answer: Refreezing
3. A process to cook all raw poultry, beef, pork, lamb and veal steaks, chops, and roasts to a
minimum internal temperature of 145 °F
Answer: Cooking
4. It is needed to discard any food left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours
Answer: Leftovers
5. Always refrigerate perishable food within 2 hours (1 hour when the temperature is above 90
°F). A refrigerator is a kind of
Answer: Storage
6. It can be done in a refrigerator, microwave or cold water.
Answer: Thawing
7. Always wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after handling food.
What safety handling it is?
Answer: Preparation
8. Cook all to an internal temperature of 165 °F as measured with a food thermometer.
Answer: Poultry
9. What basic food handling is this? A hot food must warm while cold food must be cold
Answer: Serving
10. A product should have a can be stored in a shelf.
Answer: sell by" date or a "use before" date

E. Enrichment
 The learners will be given chance to ask questions about the topic discussed.
IV. Assessment/ Performance Assessment

 No assessment or Performance tasks are to be given this day

V. Agreement/ Assignment

 Prepare for their performance task.

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