Task 2

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Task 2

Teacher & Student expectations, rights and responsibility (CLO3)

CLO3: Investigate teacher and student expectations, rights, and responsibilities in managing
teaching and learning.

EPC Competency: Managing teaching and learning

Focus area: teacher and student expectations, rights and responsibility (Classroom
management, classroom organization and expectation on student behaviour)

1. List the classroom management techniques observed in weeks 1 & 2.
2. Discuss expectations of teachers and students for managing teaching and learning in
your TP context with your MST.
3. Compare teacher and student expectations in management of teaching and learning.
4. Identify the most and least effective techniques implemented as observed.
5. Analyze and justify the teacher's practices in relation to the discussed expectations
and indicate how you would incorporate some of them in your planning and teaching.
6. Document the teacher's best practices and post them on BBL.

1. List the teacher's practices observed in weeks 1 & 2.
2. Discuss and compare between the implementation and the expectations.
3. Provide relevant documentation of the observed practices.
4. Propose a plan of classroom management practices that upholds the expectations,
rights, and responsibilities.

First technique


From my first year of teaching practice, it showed me that I can't teach any course till I
get my classroom in hand. A successful educational term begins with effective classroom
management.   Every time I try new  classroom management techniques. Whatever succeeds
a year is almost  fail the next teaching practice. Furthermore, I've discovered that
classroom management doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, I believe that should
be  absolute opposite. It should be straightforward enough to keep up with yet exciting
enough for your learners to keep up with.

To keep my pupils interested, my MST planning to use creative classroom management

methods & techniques in this teaching practice. Next, I'll show you how she establishes
expectations of teaching learners and a few of top best classroom management techniques!


My MST say”It is  one of those classroom management techniques which I love
the  most  when we were desperate for a difference!”. It was during the last   day  of the week,
and Ms mariam my MST wanted anything to keep students focused. We are AMAZING is a
classroom management strategy that emphasizes students' better choices.

I did an interview with my MST,just conversation about her acceptation, management so, first I ask
her, what is your expectations, do you think it will work? She says” yes, I think this technique will
definitely work with my kg students because it’s fun and it keeps my student on track, I could easily
manage them. But, to be honest I didn’t expect that it will work, I was saying that it will be hard for them
to understand the technique. I was happy that it works well!

So, my MST saying that this technique works well with kg students but, from my opinion I think that it will
works better with grade1 or 2 because its little hard on them she should be using more easier ways like
stickers board ect. From what I have been observing I don’t think this technique is suitable for all the class
only to some students so, it would be better if she uses other techniques.

This technique was for classroom management it will recognize positive choices, and also
encourage critical thinking. So, it’s like a maze that has start and end. It focuses on the
positive choice’s students make. The thing that doesn’t work is that some student was not
able to solve it and didn’t understand what they need to do. As well as it doesn’t attract
there attention so, If I was the teacher, I would not recommend this technique for kg

Second technique

Think, share, pair

The second strategy that my MST use is think, share, pair During the lessons my MST
gives students time to turn and talk to a partner. This delivers students time to process
their thoughts, share their ideas, build a better understanding, and deepen their

Think, share, pair

My MST say”This technique is the most usefull from all,I use it everyday for every lesson.It
has more than one benefit such as keeping the students focus and developing their
social,emotional and critical thinking by sharing ideas with their friends in the
classroom.As well as it keeps the students focus in the lesson its better than just raising
hands and choosing one student to answer.It gives oppurtuinity for all class to particapate.

I did a small conversation with my MST about her acceptation and management. So, first I ask her,
what is your expectations, do you think it will work? She says” definitely yes it will work, because kg
students need something to make them all participating not just two or three students. So, basically this
technique enhances pairs work, student’s imagination and confident in the same time. I find it too
beneficial, I have some students who doesn’t like to share but they have a lot of ideas and others who move
a lot, when I try this technique, I notice that the class becomes calmer and fun

Furthermore, because it’s fun and it keeps my student on track, I could easily manage the class and I
expect that it will work because I have observed this technique in other classes. I am glad that it works

So, my MST saying that this technique works well with kg students. From my opinion I agree with her
because during the lessons I did observe her using this technique and it work very well. It’s an easy
technique for kg students and it benefits them a lot. I find it suitable and I will use it in my lessons. This
technique was for classroom management and also encourage social interaction. According to
Vygotsky, much important learning by the child occurs through social interaction. (Mcleod,
2020). I would defiantly recommend this technique for kg students.

Third technique
How am I doing?

The third strategy that my MST use is stickers board, during the lessons my MST uses positive reinforce
because she wants to use positive reward instead of punishment. According to skinner “Through operant
conditioning behavior which is reinforced (rewarded) will likely be repeated, and behavior which is
punished will occur less frequently”. (Mcleod, 2018). MS Mariam gives the students stickers at the
end of the class or during the class by putting the sticker behind their name card and it the
last day of the week. She counts who has more and gives them presents.

How am I doing?

My MST say “This technique is sometimes could be useful for some students. I use it every day in the end
of every lesson. It gives them a sense of self-importance and achievement. It's proof and evidence of a job
well done. reward stickers are the one touchable item they need to feel encouraged to keep working in

After asking my MST about her acceptation and management. First, I ask her what is your expectations,
do you think it will work? She says” Actually, I don’t think this technique works with everyone some
students are not interested in stickers. So, the stickers board were simply just stickers then I develop it to
make it more fun. The students who collect more stickers will get a big present at the end of the week on

students need something to make them proud of themselves. So, basically this technique enhances
participation during the lesson, some students are challenging with each other by following classroom
rules to get more stickers., I notice that some of students are changing their behavior to get stickers.
Which is a positive thing.

I agree with my MST because I notice that this technique works with only some students not the haul
class. From my opinion I agree with her because I observe the student’s attitude after using this technique.
Maybe I will use it the future for some of classes. I would recommend it for some students.


Mcleod, S. (2020). Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

Simply Psychology. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from


Mcleod, S. (2018). What is operant conditioning and how does it work? What Is Operant

Conditioning and How Does It Work? | Simply Psychology. Retrieved December 10, 2021,

from https://www.simplypsychology.org/operant-conditioning.html.

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