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Leave / Travel Application Form

instructions: V a c a tio n ID #
i ^ L All leave and travel must be supported by written application

ADDAR Fields in italics to be filled in by Addar Group Admin/Accounts/HR depts.

Employee must retain one copy and take signature of Admin on submitting passport

Name 1 Date of Application:

Employee No. Joining Date:

Client Position
Contact Email

Destination: Phone:
Leave From (d d /m m /yy Balance Before leave
eg 01 ja n 0 3 )
Leave To (d d /m m /yy
Current leave
eg 01 ja n 03 )
Resuming Duty on Balance after current leave
(d d/m m /yy)

A n nu a l / C au sa l / S ick /
Destination Total Leave Leave. B u sin e ss / O the rs

S e c tio n - B (To b e fille d b y A d d a r A d m in is tra tiv e S ta ff o n ly)

Eligibility during leave Loans / Com pany Property

(yes/no) Am ount Am ount Remarks

Salary (vacation) Loan A m ount

Salary (W orking days) Loan Balance

Ticket Loan Maturity

Exit/Reentry Salary Advances

Travel Allowance Com pany Equipm ent

Advances (Business) (D) Total (B). SR.

Visas/embassies (if yes G .M . c o m m e n ts a n d a p p ro v a l:

mention country)

Total (A) : SR.

Reim bursals A C C O U n tS (take signature o f employee on setting account)

Rate Days Total Eligible reim bursals (A + C)

(less) A d v a n c e s g iv e n
Accomodation (D )

Food N e t S e t t le m e n t

Accounts (sign and date) Employee (Sign and date)


This signature is on accounts department copy
Total . SR. A p p lic a n t s ig n a tu re w ith d ate :
S e c tio n - c (to b e fille d o n re s u m in g d u ty)

A d m in s ig n a tu re w ith d ate :
W ork resumption notice
I hereby su rren d e r my p assp o rt to se cure m y residence p erm it to adm in.
D ept
G .M . a p p ro v a l s ig n a tu r e w ith d a te
Sign o f A d m in D ept (and date):

This sign is on e m ployee copy


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