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L20 [API SraNoARO 850 AP | API Std 650 Storage Tank | D2! Sheet Status: Data Sheet Page 1 of 8 * For bones marked with flank, Mf shall determine and submit as per Annex L. For Annex fo Iine-bysineisinuctons ‘GENERAL Spoclal Bosurontalon Package Rewuroments Measurement Unis to be used in API Std 660: SIC US Customary 1 Manufacturer Contact Nov saree Mig, Seri No Year Bul alton & Addandunt to API 650" 2 Purchaser ‘Contact No Asarose Tank Designation 3. OwnerlOveratar Location 4. Sze Linitatons” Tank Diameter ‘Sha Height CCapacty: Maximum” Net Working Cetera 5, Prosels Stored jqug_ sign Specie Gravity ate Minimum Design Specie Gravity a _ Blankstng Gas Vapor Pressure PSIAat Max. Operating Tem. % Aromatic _ Sup, Spec. HS Service? Yes Cl No Cl Suppl Spec. ther Special Service Consitons? Yee C1 No Suppl Specs DESIGN AND TesTING Purchase o Review Design Proto Ordering Material? Yes CI No CI. 6. Applicable API Stondard 850 Appendices"A CB OCOFOGONGIOJGLOMOooPosquavawa 7. / Mx Design. Tomp._*__Design Metal Tomp.*__*__ Design Liquid Level Design internal Pressure Dosign External Pressure Intoral Pressure Combination Factor Exloral Pressure Combination Fact, Maximum Fil Rae Maximum Emptying Rate Flotation Considerations? Yes I No Gl Flot Supp. Spec ‘Applied Supplemental Load Spec, 8, Seismic Design? Vos EI No EI Amex E C Allerate Selsmse Crier Selame Use Geoup MBE Ste Class Verical Seismic Design? Yes Cl No C1 Vertcal Ground Motion Accelerator Ay ‘ans of Lateral Acceleration (Select one): CI Mapped Seismic Paramsters? S,___S;__Sj_; C1 Ste-Specfie Procaduras?: MCE Design Required? Yes Cl No CI; Other (Non-ASCE) Methods 1 Frochoad Reguired fr SUG I Design Root Te Rods @ Outer Ring? Yos No 8, Wind Velocty for non-US. ses, Sr wind speed (2-860 Gust* Top Wind Gide Sie Dimensions* Use Top Wind Gnd as Walkway? Yes CV No Intermediate Wind Gicdrs?* Yes CI No Cl Intermediate Wind Geer Stet Dimensions (Check Buckling in Coroded Cond.? Yes CJ No 10, Shelesign: > Yes CI No LI; Varale-Des-Pt Mina? Yos Cl No Cl Atemate Cl; Elaste Anal. Mtne?™ Yes CY No Cl Atenas Plate Stacking Crier" Corterne-Stacked? Yes C1 No C] Flus-Stackod? Yos CI No Cl inside CI Outside C1 Plato Wis (Shel cours heights) and Thicknasses * Numbers below Indicate Course Number 6 7. 8 8 10. 1 1, 13, 14 18. Join Etioney™ 4% Shel-o-Botiom Weld Type ‘Shell4-Bottom Weld Exam MU" Excopions to Soalwolded Alachments (#00 Section 5.1.37) (Rorovat Revisions Tw By oka Date Drawing Nox Shoot__of — \Weune9 TAvks FoR Ol. STORAGE Lat AP | API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page 2 of 8 = box blank, Manufacturer shall delermine and eubmit as per Annex. 1. ‘Open-Tep and Fixed Roofs: (See Shoe or Floating Roots) Open Top? = Yow Cl No Ch Feed Roof Type" Roof Support Clune": Pipe CI Or Structural Shape cone Slope Dome or Unbvella Radius” Weld Joints Tae Baa, Oy ‘Seal Wels Underside af: Lap-lins? Yes © No C2; Sea! Weld Underside of Wind Gide Joins? Yos No CGassght? Yes 1 No D2 Joint Eficincy" % Thickness" _In. Snow Load* ‘App. Suppl. Load Spec ‘Column Lateral Load "Normal Venting Davces™ Emergency Venting Does Free Vents in Atoas Were Snow and ise Way Block Ver” FFor Non-Frangible Roofs: Seal Weld Roof Plates to Top Anglo on the Inside? Yes C) No C1; Wald raters to Roof Patos Yes C1 No C1 Rootto-Shall etal Racial Pojacton of Horzantal Component of Top Angle Inward CQ Outward O 72, Bottoms Thieknass™ Sivi" ‘Slope Weld Joint Typo" Provide Drip Ring? Yas (2 No Cl Altenate Spec. Annular Ring? Yes C1 No Cl Annular Ring’ Minimum Radial Width Thieness" 13. Foundation: Furnished by" Tye Soil Allow. Bearing Pressure Per Spe ‘Rachors: Se" OW Foundation Design Loads: Base Shear Force: Wine” Selamic* ___Overturing Moment: Wing"____ Seismic" Ring Forces: Weight of Shol + Roof Now Comrodedt Roo! Live Loas” Internal Pressure” Paral Vacuum’ wine’ Select Hydrotest Exemption design por 7.3.6, llom 2) a) Bottom Forces: Floor Wi. New" Cortodod" ___ Product Wt"___ Water Wi" ___Intornal Prossuro™ Partal Vacuum’ Other Founcation Loads Min. Projection of Fdn. Above Grade: 14. Exemption rom hydrotest? Yes [1 No CI Responsitiliy for Heating Water, f Require: Purchaser C) Manufacturer CI HyerocTest Fil Height” ‘Settement Measurements Required? Yes (No Cl Extended Duration of Hydro Tet Prosicted Sottement Profle isAtached ‘Aplction of coating on wed Joins shal be performed ater hycrostaic tasting s performed, unless cherwise specfied to be {before hyerostatic testing is performed. Responsiilty for Solting Water Qualty: Purchaser C1 Manufacturer [1 Supplemental Test Wator Quality Spec. “Tost Wator Source & Disposal Ten Locations Hydro-Test Annex J Tank? Yes No Post Pressure-Test Activities Required ofthe Manufacturer: Broom Clean £1 Potable Water Rinse [) Ory Interior Cl ter 15. Inspection by, in Shop; in Field ‘Supplemental NDE Responsibly, Supplemental NDE Spec Por Wig. Chery Positive Material dentition? Yes C1 No C1 PMI Requirements: Max. Plate Thickness for Shearing Must Welds not excoeding 6 mm (1. Be Mul-Pase? Yee C1 No C) Must Weds greater than 6 mm (in. Be Muti-Pass? Yes CI No Cl Leak Test Mth: Root shel Shell Noz Manhole Rel. PIL* Bottom* Floating Roof Components Modity or Waive API Dimensional Tolerances (see 7.5)2No 1 Yes Specify ‘Specity Adional Tolerances, if ary, and Circumarentil and Vertical Measuremart Locations: + Allowable Plumbness: Measure and Record ata Minimum ef ___Locations or Every __m (t) around the Tank, at the Following Shell Heights: (Select one box): C1 Tis, Iy Hand ( Top of Each Shell Course Other: + Allowable Roundness: Measure Radius and Record ata Minimum of Locations ar Every min) around the Tank, atthe Folowing Shell Heights (select one box): DTopofTank,H 54,2 HandH CD Topet Each Shell Course Othe “See Data Sheet Instructions forthe Maximum Allowable Additonal Radia Tolerance, ‘Approvals: Revisions ie By ove Date DrawingNa: Shoot __of__ Lae [API SraNOARO 850 AP | API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page $.of 6 18. Coatings: Internal Coatings by: Per Spec (Wot Req, Others, Tank Mig.) External Coating by: Per Spec (Not Reg, Others, Tank Me.) ‘Under-Bottom Coating by Per Spec (Wot Raqa, Others, Tank Mi) 17. Cathoaie Protection System? Yes) Nol Per Spac.* 18. Leak Detection System? Yes Q No Per Spec 18, Release Prevention Barrer? Yes C1 Nol Per Spec. 20. Tank Measurement System: Required? Yes) No Type: Flat and tape gauge: Serve gauge: Hyerostatic eauge MTG multifunction gauge: other gauge: Romote Capabiliy Required? Yes No By Per Spec.* 21. Weight of Tanks Full of Water Emp" Shipping” Bracellit Spec 22. References": API Std 650, Annex L 23, Remarks" ‘Approvals: Revisions: Tite: By cK Date DrawingNo: Sheet of, We1ne9 TANKS FoR Ol. STORAGE Las API API Std 650 Storage Tank Page of 8 Data Sheet 7 ifbax gs blank, Manufaciurer shall deerine and submit as per Annex. ‘TABLE 1 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ‘Component ator Thickness a. Component oa. Thal, Course _to Roinforcing Pads ‘Shel, Course to ‘ManholoNozzlo Necks ‘Shel, Course _to Manhole/Nozzle Flanges ‘Shel, Course to Flange Covers ‘Shel, Course to ‘chor Atacomants Root Submerged Piping Botom Wetted Structurals 7 ‘Annular Ring Nonwetted Stucturals + + Check here fC. isto apply to each exposed surface ©. TABLE 2 BOLTS AND ANCHORS: ‘Component ‘Bottor Anchor Materia Nut Materia ca Flange Boting rn ‘Siructural Baking * ‘anchor Bas rn “+4 Tolal CA, on the narinaldlameter ‘TABLE 3 NOZZLE AND MANHOLE SCHEDULE” (Yor Fixed Roof, Shell, and Bottom) Fallen ps,oc |"srwall’ | Rent pate | open. Cie Gasket Tick, ark | serves | dia) | Thee | Cimensions | (WN) ‘Thiet ‘and Dime ‘Approvals Revisions “ie By oe Date Drawing No Sheet of Ls API SraNoARO 850 API |API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page 50f8, 7 ibox_e blank, Manufacirer shall delermine and submit as per Annex. ‘OTHER TANK APPURTENANCES 24. Platform, Staiway, and Railing: Galvanizing Reqd?” Yos 1 No Staiway Stylo" Wak Surt. Type" (Suaigt or Hatcay andra night (raqured" (20-28 n), "Weed rata? ‘Stair and Walkway Clear Wisth* National Safety Standards Architectural’Stuctural Specication* Material Specifeaton(): Gauger’s Platform Reqd? Yes Q No aly Reais Per Spec." 25. Jacket Required?” Yes 1 No OtherHostersiCoolers Required? Yes No Ol ‘Supplemental Jacket, Heater, or Cooler Specifieatons* 26. MixeriAgiator: Quantity Siz Per Spec 27. Insulation: Required? Yes No Thickness” Materia Per Spece! Responsiilty for Insulation and installation (Purchaser, Manufacturer, Others) 28. Structural Attachments: Lit Lugs?" Yes Q No Desc Shel Anchorage?” Yes NoO Type" Scaffold Cable Support? Yes) No O 28. Vatious Other tems: Welded Flush-Type: Shel Connection 1 CleanoutFting CQ Waive Applicaton of Annex P? Yes C] No O Miscellany #1 Miscellany #2 Miscellany #3 Miscellany #4 Miscellany #5 Miscellany #6 TABLE 4 OTHER TANK APPURTENANCES* Mark | cuantty | Devcinion | size Orientation Height tor Ostury] Material Remarks ‘pprovale Revisions Tie By, Ka Date rawingNo: __Shest__ of We1ne9 TANKS FoR Ol. STORAGE L25 API API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page 6 of 8 per Ronext, FLOATING ROOF DATA 30. Floating Roof Selection Design Sass: Amexc EL OrAmexH Oh ‘ype ot Root (Enamel or inamal Sage Deck Pontoos” C1 Double Deck” i 31 Only; Tubular Ponoon® CY Metae Sandwich Pana” C1 omer Supplemental Spec. 31. Seals Primary Seal Show C1 Envelope WeaeGompresson Pho C1 Other Cl Supplemental Spec Shee Machanem: Mit. Sti. other C1 realy Walle Mocharem tom Shows? Yor [1 No CW Scrapers Required? Yee C No CI emi Shoo Tiexness* Carbon Stoel Shoes tobe Galvanizes? Yes No ‘Secondary Sak Shoe C1 32, Data for All Floating Roofs: ‘Ovarow Openings in Shel Acoplable? Yes CD No) shat walope C1 Wiper) None Comer O Supplemental Spec: tension? Yes. No Rectan Check Valves Requies? Yes [1 No C) ReatDrantsolaton Vaves Requtea? Yes CI No FroezoPrtecton or Roo Drains Requea? No (Yes C2. Supplemoniat Requirements: Roatan Pig mal Nozales Mg. Sis. C)_ Armored Fixe Pipe CD Swivels Rips Pipe Oter OD Foam Dan? Yes C] No [1 Supplemental spec Buh Top Eger tobe Liguis-Tgh? Yor C1 No Cl. Sealweld Undersise of Roo? Yor No Cl local Boring: Shur YosC] No CI Cabs: Yos (1 No) Supplomenal Spec. (ly ot Non-cude-Pole Gouge Wels Reaued ayo a Hotenes Regul ‘Guide Pate or Gauging? Yes O No (Sots in Gude Pole? Yos C1 No C) Ostum Mats? Yes CL No C]_ sung tates? Yes No O (ide Pole EmissonsLinting Doves: Sing Cover Pole Wiper C1 Pole Stoove CI Float CL Fst Wiper C1 Pole Cap OL Oy, of Roof Mannoes* ‘Ateatve Hh Roo! Clearance Above Bom ‘Atamatve Low oat Clearance Above the Highest Obsbusion and tbe Foatng Roc Removable Leg Sorage Racks? Yes) No Cl; LegSteover or Fixed ow Logs C1 23, Additional Data for External Floating Roofs: Wosther Shot? Yes C1 No E) Supa. Spec Roling Leader Rea? Yes C1 No C) Fie Ashisabe Logs? Yes CI No Design Raina Irons He (ihr) Basod on a int Duration Associate wth be Storm Design Accurulaed 24-Hour Ral Inf) B05 eat Sanna orans Ragorsd? Yee C1 No © Supplemental Speciation Distotion an Slabity Cateminations Requves? Yer CD No CD Supplemental Specicaton Lando Live Lae” arora Revers Tie By ore Date DrawngNor Sheet at L268 API SraNOARO 850 API API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page 7 of 8 ‘34. Adultonal Data for intemal Floating Roofs “Two-Pastlon Lops? Yes 1 No C] CableSupported Roo? Yee C1 No C]_Fxed-Root specton Hatches Regused?: Yes (No Q Intel Root Orin Rogured? Yor CQ No} Omit Devon Pads Supping Uniform Live Loads? Yes CI No Cotosin Gauge Reques? Yas No C] Fed Ladder Requred?: Yes C1 No C1: Type af Roof vent osiied Niximum Point Load? Yes CQ No Cl. Supplemental Speceaton Roof Erol Fiaton Tet Fotaton Test Media: Weter Fenton Test: Oration %efConpanments CinAssembly Yard [1 ingtected Poston Witank nate CL at completion ofroof C1 atatr dato Notroqirod C1 Proouct see 86.1) FuHoight oan Tos toms provides by Purchaser (00.8.7: Responsible Paty fr inspecting Rat dung inl Fi Water Quay Potable omer See Supplemental Spe None C Usttacted Cl Pucbeser otner O [Uniram ee separate contact tems TABLE 5 FLOATING ROOF MATERIALS ‘Component ateiar Thickness? | _CAJCoating? Component WatevariThicmness” | CAICoating? Deck Pate Daum Pl ‘Sandwich Pane Face Pate “ide Pol ‘Senewin Panel Core ‘Secondary Seal ‘Gauge Wat ‘Secondary Seal Fabie ‘Operng Shevos Wax Serpe leat Sucton Lines Weather Seal Primary Fabre Sea! Evaope Fabie| smog are ‘hoe Nectarine ansng Log Baton Pass Removable Cover Manhole Necks Rating Leder Roo Revsone [oe Datei Drawing Nez Shoot e109 TANKS FoR Ol. STORAGE Lar A Pl API Std 650 Storage Tank Data Sheet Page 8 of 8 7 Tfbox ks blank, Manufachror Shall doting and submit as por Annex. "Tank Plan and Skelhes: 1 Notes: pprOVaR: Revisions Tile By a Drawing Nox Sheet__of__

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