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It was another day of school, most like another day of hell.

I’m not complaining about

classes or anything, it’s just when you’re 16 and you aren’t the most popular girl in high school
it’s kinda hard. So here was I, sixteen, 5’5, dark hair in a pony tail, no makeup on and with
those old converse I wear almost every day, and there was him, Alex, I knew who he was since
I was like twelve, he had dark hair with some little curls and some brown eyes that I loved back
then, but now he had already beard growing up and his hair was not curly anymore, he has It
shorter on the sides and a little bit bigger on top, but those eyes, oh man those eyes were the

After all this, I was still the girl that no one cared about and he was the popular guy, so
we weren’t what you can call ‘friends’. I was walking through the school hall and there was
him drinking water when I felt someone bumping into my shoulder and all of my books fell off
my hands, it was Ashley, another popular girl and her group of stupid bitches.
- Sorry, I didn’t saw you there – Ashley said, - After all, nobody sees an insignificant
person like you – She added, and all of her friends started laughing
- Yeah, yeah, just stop it Ashley – someone interrupted, it was Alex, why was he doing
- Come on Alex, seriously are you defending this piece of joke? – Ashley said. What a
bitch, I thought to myself
- I think the only joke here is you, I can try to help you find some glasses since you are
bumping into people. You want me to continue? – Alex said
- I don’t care, girls let’s go – Ashley said and quickly disappeared
- You ok? – Alex asked and helped me standing up. I just nodded
- I am- Alex started but I interrupted him
- I know who you are, you’re Alex, the popular boy. – I said
- I thought my name was Alex Robinson, but Alex The Popular Boy is fine –He said
while smiling and started looking at me.
-What? I asked
- Your name, you didn’t tell me. – He said
- Oh right, I’m Mary – I said and shook his hand
- Mary what? He asked still holding my hand
- Well, sometimes I’m Mary The Insignificant Girl, but in normal days I’m just Mary
Holmes. – I said
- Oh like Sherlock Holmes? – He asked
- No more like Dave Holmes. – I said
- Oh, hm… Who is Dave Holmes? – He asked a bit confused
- It’s just my father – I said
- Oh, nice one – He said laughing – See you around, he added.

Yeah, pretty sure you’ll ever again talk to me, well at least he knows I exist, I think.
- Mary! – I heard someone calling, it was Lisa, and Jenny, the only girls that I gladly call
- Hey what’s up? – I said
- We just heard someone talking about your little accident with Ashley, you ok? – Lisa
- Yeah, fine, used to it I guess – I said
-Well, we kinda heard that you and Alex had a little moment together – Jenny said
- It was nothing special he just helped me and asked what my name was – I said
- That’s a beginning – Lisa said
- Come on, he’s the popular guy, and I’m Mary, the girl that no one besides you girls
know – I added
- We know you have a crush on him since forever – Lisa said
- Actually I had, three years ago, now I only see him as just another boy – I said
- Well, a cute, funny and hot another boy. – Jenny added
- Who’s hot? – Jenny’s boyfriend, John asked and gave a quick peck on her lips
- Alex, the popular dude. – Lisa said
- So now you talk about how hot a guy is? How hot am I? – John asked and started
jokingly flexing his arms.
- You’re hot as hell. – Jenny said laughing
- I thought so. – John said laughing and then the school bell started ringing
- See you girls later. – John said and kissed Jenny
- Yeah see you later – Lisa said, since Jenny and I had classes together but she didn’t
- So, English, here we go. – Jenny said and we went into the class room.

In English classes everyone had a singular table for themselves but they were all
attached to each other, so there was I in the middle row, with Jenny by my left and no one on
my right, the usual. Then I saw him, Alex and I had English together? That was pretty cool,
more like fucking awesome, but then he saw me and sat right beside me in that empty chair
that no one really bothered sitting on since it was by my side. But there was him, sitting on the
table right next to mine.
-Hey Sherlock Holme’s cousin – He said smiling
-Hey, popular guy. - I said and he laughed
- So, I kinda need your help – He said. Fuck I knew this was too good to be true
- With what? – I asked
- English, I know you have the best grades in the whole class, so you could help me, I
have an exam next month but some help, would really you know help. – He said
- Yeah, I see why you need help. – I said laughing – I can help you
- Can we start today? – He asked. Slow down cowboy, we just met, I thought to myself.
- Why not? – I said
- Well, where do you live? – He asked.
- Come with me in the bus and you discover – I said
- Well I kinda drive so, I’ll give you a ride home, meet me in the front hall by 1 p.m. We
can grab something to eat at Mc Donald’s and then we’ll go. – He said. Wow, this guy has
- Sure, but forget the Mc Donald’s part, I can cook something. – I added
- So, see you later. He said and kissed me on the cheek.

-What did just happen there? – Jenny whispered since the class had already begun and
Alex was right beside me.
- I don’t even know, well we’ll have lunch at my place, he wants me to help him with
English. – I said
- I bet he only wants to fuck you. – Jenny said
- Jenny come on, I don’t think he’s one of those, well at least if he tries anything I’ll
punch him and then I’ll call you and you punch him too, ok? - I said
- Sure, and that’s everything he only wanted help? – Jenny asked
- Well, he kissed me on the cheek. – I said
- He kissed you on the freaking cheek?! – Jenny asked, a little bit louder this time, so
Alex, the teacher and the entire class heard. I could hear Alex laughing to himself.
- You girls want to share something? – Mr. Thomas said, our English teacher.
- Not really, sorry. – Jenny said. I could feel myself turning red and I buried my whole
face in my hands.

The day went through, and there was I on my music class. It was my favorite class of
them all, but this time I wanted it to end so badly because after this one I had Alex freaking
Robinson waiting for me. Yeah me, I can’t believe it too. Soon the bell rang and I started
getting nervous. I went through the whole school and then I reached the front hall, and there
was him, typing something on his phone, I don’t care, come on Mary you can do it, you just
have to-
- You ready? – Alex asked interrupting my thoughts
- Yes. – I said, he could see I was nervous
- Why? – He asked
- Why what? – I asked a bit confused
- Why are you nervous? – He said
- Well, it’s not every day that the popular dude talks to me and even comes to my
house to study – I blurted out
- Well, it’s fine, I’m not one of those ‘High School Musical’ cool dudes so, don’t get
nervous – He said smiling
- So let’s go? – I asked
- Yes, but have you called your parents, you know to tell them I’m coming? – He said
- They’re not home, plus my mom is always asking when am I taking some guy home
so, she’ll be happy I guess – I said and he started to laugh
- Being hot and popular is just a bonus – he said still laughing
- Well, she comes home around 3 p.m so she’ll see your car on the front door. – I said
- So let’s go – He said and opened the glass door for me. What a gentleman I thought.

We went to his car, a black BMW, rich boy. He drove to my house, course I had to tell
him the directions, and he wasn’t what we can call the best driver in the world, but I
guess it’s normal. We arrived and he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for
- Thanks, you didn’t need to do that – I said
- My mom told me to always be a gentleman – He said while he closed the
door behind me and locked the car.
I quickly unlocked the front door of my house and made my way to my
- You can leave your stuff here, and I’ll – I was saying when my phone started
ringing, it was Lisa.
- Hello? – I said
-You and Alex, it’s good to know, you should’ve told me, not Jenny, but I’m not
mad at you, well have fun, if you know what I mean – She said laughing
- Yeah yeah, bye I love you too. – I said and hung up
- Your boyfriend? – Alex asked
- My boyfriend what? – I asked
- Was that your boyfriend on the phone? – Alex asked. Yeah pretty sure I have
a boyfriend, come on.
- No, it was my friend Lisa, I don’t really have a boyfriend – I said
- Welcome to the single club – He said and high fived me
- Yeah, awesome, well let’s see what do we have on the fridge, let’s go. – I said
and we went to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and saw all the stuff I had.
- Well I have turkey and I can make some pasta, what do you say? – I asked
- Perfect, but I was thinking in some fries, with ketchup – He said.
- Whatever, I just want to eat, I’m starving – I said
We started doing lunch, he wanted to do the turkey, and I’m never again
letting a boy cook, my kitchen turned into a mess. We soon had all ready and went to
my living room to eat and watch some tv, by this time it was almost 2 p.m.
- So, what time do you need to be home? – I asked
- Well, I don’t really have a time so. Maybe when the whole studying thing
starts to get boring I’ll leave. – he said.
- Studying is always boring. – I said
- Not when you’re studying with someone – He said
- Let’s see. You can tell that I’m the most boring person it this whole world, all I
do is sit on my bed and scroll through tumblr all day.
- yes, you’re right, you’re boring – He said laughing
- Hey, I’m the only one allowed to say that I’m boring – I said and punched his
- Ok, ok miss Holmes – He said still laughing
After that, we cleaned the table and went to my bedroom and started studying. Some
time later I heard the front door, it was my mom, suddenly my room door fully opened
and I jumped in my chair.
- Jesus Christ, you scared me mom. – I said
- Sorry Mary I just wanted to tell you that your aunt- hm, who is this young
man? – My mom asked smiling and Alex got up from his chair and shook her hand.
- I’m Alex, Alex Robinson. – He said
- Well, I’m Denise Holmes – She said
- I’m helping Alex with English – I said
- I’m glad you brought someone here, I haven’t seen guys around you since
Jeremy – my mom said
- Mom! – I said
- What? I’m glad you finally- She said, but I cut her off
- Mom, we’re just friends, please don’t start with all of your stupid romances.
- Well, I was saying that your aunt Angie will have dinner with us tonight, she’ll
be here around 7 p.m. – She said
- Yeah, whatever. – I said
- Well, it was nice to meet you Alex, have fun with your study – My mom said
- It was nice to meet you too Miss’s Holmes – Alex said laughing while my mom
closed the door.
- Sorry. – I said
- No big deal, just out of pure curiosity, who’s Jeremy? – He asked
- Jeremy is my ex boyfriend, well I don’t know if what we had can be called
relationship since we were like thirteen. – I said
- So he was your first kiss – Alex said
- Yes. – I said. Alex stop with those questions, I don’t want to talk about
Jeremy, I thought to myself.
- It was your dream kiss? – Alex asked
- Dream kiss? – I said
- Yes, like we all have that kind of kiss we wanted to be our first. – He said
- Oh no, I always dreamt that my first kiss was going to be under the rain, but it
was more like in his living room and it was weird – I said laughing – How was yours? – I
- Weird, our foreheads collided and it was with one of my cousin’s friend – He
said and then an awkward silence came in
- Well, we should go back to English, so – I said and we started studying again.
The time went by and then it was almost 6 p.m, I needed to get ready because
my aunt was coming over, but I didn’t wanted Alex to leave.
- I’m tired - he said and laid on my bed
- I think that, that means you’re leaving – I said
- Not that I want to but, see you tomorrow after school, 3 p.m ? – He asked
- Sure, you know where my house is now so, just text me when you’re here. – I
- Give me your number. – He said and I wrote it on a paper and gave it to him.
Then we went to the front door.
- So, see you tomorrow – He said and kissed me on the cheek.
- See you tomorrow. – I said and closed the door.

Was I dreaming? How did this whole thing happened to me? I know that after
his exam he’ll never talk to me again, I’m used to it but I don’t know. Am I starting to
like Alex? Come on Mary, he’ll never have something with you, forget it. Well I should
get dressed but first let me call Lisa and Jenny.

-Hello? – Jenny said

-Hey Jenny, put Lisa on the line too – I said
-Hello? – Lisa said
- Hey girls so I called to tell you that Alex just left my house – I said
- And how was your date? – Lisa said
` - It was not a date Lisa, we just studied – I said
- He didn’t even tried nothing? I’m surprised – Jenny said
- I told you that he was not one of those. – I said
- Yeah yeah, well I gotta go, see you tomorrow – bye Jenny said and hung up
- you guys didn’t even kissed? – Lisa asked
- No, I told you we just studied and ate –I said
- Boring, gotta go, my dad is calling me. Bye – Lisa said
- Bye. – I said and hung up.

Soon I started getting dressed, and I heard my mom calling me because my aunt was
already there. I went to the kitchen and gave a hug to my aunt.
- Where is dad? – I asked my mom
- He’ll not come early so he said that he’ll eat something at work. – My mom said

Dinner was great but when desert arrived, well my mom started with all those stupid

- So, did you knew Mary brought some boy named Alex here today? – My mom said to
my aunt
- Oh really? What about Jeremy I thought you guys were still dating – My aunt said
- Yeah, three years ago, can we stop with this conversation, we’re just friends, he
needed help and I helped him, nothing more. In fact he’s the popular guy type, I don’t think
he’ll ever look at someone like me. – I said
- You like him, don’t you? – My mom asked
- No, we just met. – I said. – Can I leave the table please? – I added
- Sure, but if I know that Alex guy ever hurts you, I’m gonna hurt him – my mom said
- Gosh mom, you sound like dad. – I said laughing
- Yeah yeah, go to your room then. – She said and I went straight to my room.

In the following day, there was I on hell again, school until 1 p.m, at least Alex was
coming to my house later this day. Then I saw Jenny, Lisa and John, I greeted everybody and
then I heard footsteps behind me, Jenny made me signals to look behind me, and there was
Alex, coming in our direction.
- Hello everybody. – He said, then he shook John’s hand – I’m Alex and you are?
- I’m John, this is Jenny my girlfriend, and Lisa – John said pointing to them, he then
shook their hands too, at this point he didn’t said a word to me. Yet. Then he turned to me.
- Well, and good morning to you – He said and kissed my cheek
- Good morning – I said, I could see Ashley glaring at me from the other side of the hall.
- See you guys around, and see you later – He said smiling and went to his class.
- What was this Mary? – Lisa asked
- Are you sure, you guys didn’t do nothing, like- Jenny said
- No – I cut off. – He’s just being nice, I guess – I added
- Well he shouldn’t be nice to you ‘cause you look like a tomato right now – John said
- Well, I gotta go to math, you coming Jenny? – I asked
- Yes – Jenny said – see you later – she said to John and Lisa and we went to our class

I guess time flew today because I was already home, on tumblr, like usual, 2:30 p.m,
Alex was already here I thought, then I received a text, I didn’t knew the number so I opened
“My teacher didn’t came, can I go to your house, like now?”
It was Alex, I saved his number, and then I texted him back
“Sure, tell me when you arrive”
“I’m kinda here already” – he said. How the hell is he here already, I put a t shirt on,
because when I’m home alone I’m only on my shorts and bra, I’m in my house so I can do what
I want, whatever. I opened the door and there was him standing in front of me.
- Hi – I said
- Hey – He said and hugged me, he smelled good.
- Come in. – I said, and he did and we went straight to my bedroom, and there we
were studying for his exam. Two hours later we decided to do a break.
- You want to eat something? – I asked
- No, I’m fine – He said
- Oh come on, I’ll bring pop corn, what you think? – I asked
- Yes, and can you bring me a pillow, my ass hurts from this chair – He said
- We can study in my bed, it’s more comfortable – I said
- If you say so – He said and sat on my bed with all those English papers in front of him.

I did what I said and went to the kitchen to grab some pop corn and pepsi, when I
came back I saw that he was on my laptop, what the f.
- What are you doing Alex? – I asked
- I was seeing you’re tumblr – He answered
- That’s kinda private – I said
- It’s online, it’s not that private, but I liked it – He said
- Whatever, don’t do that again, here are the popcorns and I brought some pepsi – I
- I won’t, I was thinking, since we have the popcorns we should watch a movie – He
- Well, and what about your exam? – I asked
- We still have 1 week and a half left to study, come on – He said, it was true
- We can see what movies my mom has, but I think she only has those romantic
comedies that no one likes – I said
- I don’t care what kinda movie is, I just want to take a break – He said. So I went to my
mom’s room and brought the first movie I saw. And went back to my room.
- I found this one, it has one of those High School Music cool dudes so I thought you
would like it. – I said and he laughed
- ‘That Awkward Moment’, yeah, let’s give it a shot – He said and we sat on my bed,
side by side, we were half sitting and half lying so it would be comfortable. Then I hit play and
the movie started.
Thirty minutes later I was half asleep already, his shoulder was right beside me, should
I rest my head there or would it be too much? Well let’s give it a shot. As I rested my head on
his shoulder he stretched his arm and the next thing I know is that that arm is around me, nice
move. And not long enough after I fell asleep.
When I woke up he was still there, in the exact same position, sleeping too. I saw what
time it was, 7:47 p.m, fuck my mother is already home, pretty sure she saw us, now she’ll start
with those dramas again. I slowly woke him up.
- Oh God, what time is it? – He said
- Almost 8, I think we fell asleep here, I knew watching a movie wasn’t a good idea. – I
- I slept very well so I guess it was a good idea – He said
- well I guess you have to leave – I said
- yes, I think so – He said and got up, picked his stuff and we went to the front door, my
mom heard us.
- Hi Alex – She said
- Hi Miss Holmes – He answered
- Are you leaving already? – She asked
- Yes, we kinda fell asleep so now is a little late to be here – He said
- Yeah, I saw you guys all cuddled up – My mom said
- Mom – I interrupted
- Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us? It’s just me and Mary – My mom said.
Alex looked at me and hesitated a bit
- I, I don’t know, I don’t want to take over your family time and- Alex was saying but I
cut him off
- Stay – I said
- Ok, I’ll just text my mom then. – He said and we went to the table.

My mom made eggs, pasta and meat balls, it wasn’t my top choice but it was delicious.
- So Alex, for how long you two met? – My mom asked. Here we go I thought
- We started talking a few days ago, but I think we went to the same school a few years
- Yes, we did like in 8th grade or something – I said
- I knew your face wasn’t strange to me, now I understand – He said
- And how old are you? – My mom asked
- I’m almost seventeen – He said
- So and where do you see yourself in a couple of years, like after high school? – My
mom asked
- I don’t know if I’m going to attend college but I would like to do something that had
music since I play the guitar. – He answered
- Oh you play the guitar? Mary does it too – She said
- Really? You didn’t told me – He said
- I guess it was not something that we brought up – I said
- Well, this was delicious ma’am but I gotta go, I have school tomorrow. – Alex said
- Please, just call me Denise – My mom said
- Ok, so thank you for the dinner Denise – He said and picked all his stuff. We went to
the front door.
- So, see you tomorrow? – I asked
- Yes. – Alex said and smiled
-So, ahm, bye – I said
- Bye – He said, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.
-Bye – I said and we both laughed. Then I saw him getting into his car and I closed the
door, went to my room and I was almost sleeping when I heard my phone ringing once, it was
a text message. From Alex.
“ I forgot to tell you, get a good night of sleep, I don’t want to fall asleep tomorrow.
Good night. xx “
“ I will. Good night. x”
Time went by, and we still had those studying ‘dates’, I think I can call that. We
switched from those old chairs to my bed and we had lunch or dinner once in a while. I was
feeling very close to him, the way I never felt before with anyone. My mom loved having Alex
around, and so did I, and now we only had two more days until his exam, would all this getting
to an end? I was still the same insecure girl, and I guess I was afraid to lose him. Do I love him?
No. Do I have feelings for him? hell yeah.
I was on my room on tumblr and on those old shorts and bra, the usual. Then someone
knocked my door, it must be my mom since Alex always texted me to open the front door.
- Hey your mom let me in ‘cause she was on the front yard and- Alex was saying
- HOLY SHIT! – I screamed interrupting him and I covered myself.
- Oh sorry, jeez, fuck, now I know why you always wanted me to text you – Alex said
with his eyes covered while I dressed some old nirvana shirt.
- it’s ok – I said
- Can I look? – He asked
- Yes – I said and he hugged me
- Well, my exam is in two days, I’m nervous – He said
- Don’t be, I feel like you’re ready to do it. – I said
- Get dressed, we’re going for a walk – he said
- What about English? – I asked
- Like you said, I’m ready, I’ll study a little bit more tomorrow – He said
- If you say so – I said
- I’ll wait on the living room – He said
- You don’t need to, stay here watch some tv and I’ll get dressed in my bathroom – I
- I always forget that you have a bathroom on your room, and you tell me that I’m the
rich boy – he said laughing
- Be right back – I said and went to the bathroom, I put on some jeans and a shirt
showing some skin, I was not used to it but whatever. 20 minutes later I was ready.
- Well, let’s go – I said and we went to his car.

He drove for around 10 minutes and we stopped by some park with a lake. We stayed
there for around an hour and a half. We only talked about some things about each other’s life,
now I know he has a little sister called Karla.
- Well we better go, your mom will be worried – He said
- Yes, let’s go – I said
- Hey, why don’t you have dinner in my house today? – He said
- I don’t know – I said
- Come on, my mom would love to meet you – He said
- I need to call my mom – I said and called her.

-She says it’s fine – I said

- So here we go – He said
He drove us to his house, it wasn’t very far from mine, like 5 minutes far. As soon as
we got there I was getting nervous again.
-You’re with that look again – He said
- What look? – I asked, but I knew exactly what he was talking about
-The nervous look that you gave me the first day I came to your house, listen my
mom’s name is Camila and my sister’s is Karla and she’s 5. Now don’t be so nervous – He said
- I’ll try – I said and he quickly got off the car and opened my door. Then he rang the
door bell since he forgot his keys inside. His mom opened the door.
- Hey son, and this must be the famous Mary, Alex talks a lot about you – His mom
said, I couldn’t help but smile and I looked at him, I think he was blushing.
- It’s nice to finally meet you – I said and shook her hand
- Well, get inside or you’ll start freezing – His mom said and stepped aside so we could
go in. Inside there was a table with four plates already with food. Alex pulled some chair for
me and sat next to me, I was in front of his sister and he was in front of his mom.
- What is your name? – His sister asked
- I’m Mary and you must be Karla – I said
- How did you knew that? – Karla asked surprised
-Your brother told me – I said laughing
- Are you his girlfriend? – She asked
- No, I’m just his friend - I said laughing
- Let’s eat – Alex said, cutting the conversation on purpose

While we ate we occasionally talked, I was already done with dinner, so was Alex.
- So, I think it’s time to go home now – I said
- I’ll drive you home – Alex said
- I can call my mom to pick me up – I said
- Come on, I asked you to come, I’ll take you home – He said
- Ok then, bye Miss’s Robinson and bye Karla – I said and waved at them
- Give me a hug before you go – Karla said and I hugged her and went to Alex’s car

- Karla liked you – Alex said

- I think so - I said smiling
- Well, we’re here, see you tomorrow after school? – Alex asked
- Yeah, but tomorrow my classes end around 4 p.m – I said
- Perfect, me too, well, goodnight – He said and reach up to me to give me a hug and
kissed me on the forehead and I left the car and went straight to my room, took a bath and
went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and did the same thing I do every day, got dressed ate
something and went to school, but this time, something different, as soon as I closed my front
door, I saw Alex’s car in front of me.
- You need a ride? – Alex asked smiling
- I don’t know, I kinda want to ride on a bus full of people I don’t know smelling like
shit, what you think? – I asked laughing
- Get in – He said and I did as he said
- Where are your gentleman side to open the door for me? – I asked laughing
- It’s 8 in the morning, I’ll open when we arrive. And where are your moods, you didn’t
even greeted me – He said and I hugged him – That’s better – He added
Soon as we arrived I could tell people were looking at us and talking to each other, I
didn’t really care, I was happy and that was all that mattered for me.
I saw Jenny and Lisa by the lockers so Alex and I went there to talk to them
- Good morning – I said
- Good morning – They both said
- Hey Alex – Jenny said and Lisa just looked at us
- Hey – Alex said
- Sorry for the question, but are you two a thing? – Lisa blurted out
- No – I answered
-It looks like it – Lisa said
- Not everything that seems like something really is, I learned that with you girls – I
said and the bell rang
- Well English here we go – Alex said and we went to the class room, and as usual Alex
sat right beside me. Alex started playing with my bracelet through class.
- Pay attention to the class, you’ll have a exam tomorrow – I said
- You’re a better teacher than he is so, I don’t care about this class, after all it’s the last
one until my exam and I still have some studying time with you today – Alex said
- Mr. Robinson, is miss Holmes bracelet more important than this class? – Mr. Thomas
- Sorry Mr. Thomas – Alex said
- Pay attention! – Mr. Thomas said and Alex didn’t said anything
- I told you – I whispered and he smirked
- Well class, now we’ll watch a movie – Mr. Thomas announced
- Last time we watched a movie we kinda didn’t watched it – Alex whispered
- well, this time we can’t fall asleep – I said smiling
- I want everybody to be quiet and enjoy the movie – Mr. Thomas said and the movie
started, I didn’t even knew what kind of movie it was or even the name but I didn’t even really
cared about that. Alex had his arm around me and I had my head resting on his shoulder since
the teacher didn’t really bother. Suddenly I felt something on my leg, Alex’s hand, I knew he
had attitude but we’re on a damn class. So I touched with my hand on his hand and he took it
off, I think he got the message. Ok let’s go back to the movie.
- Sorry – He whispered into my ear
- It’s ok – I said and we went back to the movie
The class quickly went to an end and we went back to the hall.

- Sorry about that again – Alex said

- It’s ok – I said
- Well, see you later, I gotta go – Alex said and kissed my cheek and left
- See ya – I said
- Love is in the air, na na na na na na na – Lisa started singing
-It’s not love – I said
- Come on, you have feelings for him don’t you? – Jenny asked
- I think so – I said
- And he seems to like you too – Lisa said
- I don’t know – I said
- Ask him – Jenny said
- Yeah right – I sarcastically said
- When is his exam? – Lisa asked
- Tomorrow – I said
-Well we don’t have classes tomorrow, but if after his exam if he stops talking to you,
we’ll give him a lesson – Lisa said
- I don’t think he’ll stop, now we already know each other’s families so it would be
kinda weird if we stopped talking I guess.
- Well, I don’t know about you Lisa but we have one more class before lunch, so gotta
go – Jenny said
- See you later, alligator – Lisa said
- See you later – I said and went to gymnastics class

Well, we can tell that gymnastic isn’t my favorite subject, and I was getting tired
quickly. Maybe I should go back to doing exercise after school, but with this Alex thing I barely
had time to myself, not that I’m complaining, but I really need to go back to exercise.
Half an hour later I was sitting on my table for lunch, it was me, Jenny and Lisa, Jenny
was sitting in front of me and Lisa was right by her side. Then I felt someone grabbing me and I
swear I jumped on my bench.
- Hey there – Alex said
- Hi, you scared the shit out of me – I said trying to catch my breath
- I just wanted to hug you – He said and sat beside me
- You shouldn’t, I’m all sweaty – I said
- I don’t care – He said and grabbed a few fries from my plate
- You really like fries don’t you? – I asked
- yes, but I like you more – He said smiling
- You want us to leave? – Lisa asked but I was too hypnotized by those words to even
- Hello? The earth calls Mary, you want us to leave? – Jenny asked
- No, ahm, Alex, so will you eat here? I mean this is not like the popular table – I said
- The popular table is wherever I am so, welcome to the popular table – he said and we
ate our lunches.

- Well, I need to go, otherwise I’ll be late for music class – Alex said
- Yeah, we should go too Jenny – I said
- See you later, wait for me, I’ll take you home for our final study – He said
- Sure, see you later – I said and kissed his cheek. Soon the bell rang and we went to
our last class.

Later there was him waiting for me.

- Oh God you smell so bad – I said laughing
- It’s normal, I was playing basketball – He said
- If you want to go home first to have a bath I can go home on the bus – I said
- No, you know what, let’s go to my house and have a bath on my backyard, clothed of
course – Alex said
- I don’t have clothes to dress after it – I said
- I can give you some shorts and a shirt – He said
- Your clothes are double sized of mine – I said
- Come on, after that we’ll head to your house, not some Victoria Secret’s show – He
- Alright then – I said
- Let’s go – He said and we headed to his car. Soon we were already at his house

- You can leave your stuff on my bedroom, third door on the right – he said and I went
to his room. It was a big room, with some basketball posters and some dirty laundry on the
ground. What a mess, I left my things on his bed and went to his backyard.

- Are you ready? – He said

- I don’t know, it’s kind of cold – I said
- I’ll hug you then – He said and we went under the backyard shower, like one of those
where you shower before going to the pool, but we had shampoo, so it was kinda like a normal

- I’m done, I’ll grab a towel and wait for you – I said a couple minutes after
- Wait, stay a bit more – Alex said
- It’s cold Alex – I said
- I’ll do like I said and I’ll hug you - He said opening his arms. How in the world could I
refuse that? So I went straight in between his arms.
- Remember when you said that your dream first kiss was kissing under the rain? – Alex
- Yes, and? – I asked
- Well, we can pretend this is rain and this could be like your first kiss – Alex said
- I can’t really have my first kiss back – I said
- Well it could be our first kiss – He said smiling
- What do you mea- I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine, they were soft. Am I
dreaming, wait, are we making out? Well it’s better if I kiss him back, so I did and I noticed he
smiled as I did. Then he slowly pulled away and opened his eyes.
- I think we should get dressed and go to your house – He said
- ahm, yes, course my house, ahm, I need you to give me some clothes – I said
- Yeah let’s go to my room – He said, we went to his room and grabbed some clothes
and gave them to me.
- The bathroom is that door, you can change there – He said while he was pointing to
some door on the hall
- Thanks – I said. Soon we were in his car heading to my house and I decided I should
text Jenny and Lisa.
“We kissed”
“Finally, how was it?” Jenny asked
“WHAAAAAT? Forreal? Fuck Yeah, have fun” Lisa said
“We’ll talk later, I’m almost home, I’ll call you girls later” I said. Lisa seemed the
hysterical girl but I liked her like that.
When we reached my house, he opened my door and then I unlocked my house’s
door. He didn’t say anything since we left his house. Was he regretting that kiss? Well don’t
think about it now.
- You want a drink? – I asked
- Yes – he said
- What do you want? – I asked
- Whatever you’re drinking – He said
- Alex – I started
- What? – He said
- Why are you so quiet? – I asked
- I’m not quiet – He said
- You’re acting weird – I said and handed his pepsi
- Well, you didn’t said anything after we kissed, or on the ride home, I thought you
were mad at me – He blurted out
- What? No, I’m not mad at you – I said
- thank God, I was feeling so bad – He said and smiled and then we headed to my

We started studying, but not long after I started laughing.

- What? – Alex asked
- I still can’t believe you thought I was mad at you – I said still laughing
- Are you making fun of me? I was scared – He said laughing
- Well, I’m kinda mad at you, you know? – I said smiling and he made a confused look
- Why? – He asked
- Well, you stole a kiss, I think you should give it back – as soon as I said that, next thing
I know we were making out, for like a good five minutes. Then my door fully opened, it was my
- Honey, oh sorry – My mom said and quickly turned away
- Knock the next time for fucks sake mother – I screamed
- Sorry – She said already from the kitchen
- Sorry about that – I said
- No big deal, just get ready for your moms dramas, as you like to call it – He said
- Tell me about it, well we should go back to English – I said
- Actually, first I need to go to the bathroom – Alex said, and soon as he got up I saw
why, well, I think you already know why, but in case you missed it, he had a boner. I think he
only needs to get refreshed a bit, so I’ll wait. Let’s go to tumblr.
A little bit after he came back.
- Can we start? – I asked
- Yes – He said and we went straight to the studying thing.

Some time passed by and as soon as I looked over to my watch it was almost 8 p.m
- I guess you got to go – I said
- Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow after my exam – He said
- Actually you can come over after your exam, just text me - I said
- I gladly will – He said smiling and picked up his stuff and we went to the front door.
-So, see you tomorrow – He said and gave me a quick peck
- See you – I said and he turned around to his car. – Alex, wait come back – I said
- yes? – He said
- What is this? – I asked
- This what? – Alex asked
- We, what is this? – I asked
- I don’t know, a thing I guess – He answered. Yeah Alex, that’s exactly what I wanted
to hear, a freaking thing, whatever.
- See ya tomorrow – I said
- Yeah, see you tomorrow – He said and got in his car.

- Mary, come here – My mom yelled from the kitchen

- What? – I asked
- We need to talk, about Alex – She said
- Look, nothing happened there – I said
- I know, and I trust you, I just want to make sure you know what you’re doing – She
- What do you mean? – I already regretted asking that
- I mean that I don’t want to be a grandma already – She said
- Mom, come on, I don’t want to talk about this with you, I’ll go to my room – I said
- Actually you’re not, dinner is served and daddy is coming home tonight so he’ll eat
with us – She said
- Finally, I miss him – And soon as I said that I heard the front door, it was him, I ran
and jumped in his arms
- I guess you missed me – He said
- A lot, come, dinner is served – I said and we went to the table, he gave my mom a kiss
and we started eating

- So, mom said that you have a new friend – my dad said
- Yes, his name is Alex – I said
- Is he only your friend or- My dad said but my mom interrupted him
- I think he’s her boyfriend – she said
- No he isn’t – I quickly said
- So now you kiss all of your friends? – She asked
- No, we are just a thing, I don’t know, I don’t need to talk about this, don’t you guys
have something to talk, to catch up, well I’m going to my room, excuse me – I said and went to
my room and texted Lisa.
“ My mom just had the talk with me”
“now? Why?” – She asked
“she kinda caught Alex and I making out and she already thinks she’ll be a grandma” –
I said
“well, don’t worry about it, it’s just mom’s stuff” – She said
“ I try not to” – I said and she didn’t answered.

Then I got another text, this time was Alex

“ So any drama?”
“Lots, now my dad’s home and she told him everything so, prepare yourself for some
daddy problems” – I said
“Oh shit, remind me tomorrow to climb your house and sneak in by your window, I
don’t want to die this young” – He said
“you silly, get some rest and good luck tomorrow. X” – I said
“ goodnight. X” – he said and I went to sleep

The next day I woke up around 11 p.m with a text from Alex.
“It’s now or never, wish me luck”
“ you’ll do great. Good luck (: “ – I answered
“ Thanks, around 2 p.m I’m free from school so, I’ll be there” – Alex said
“ Ok, see you later” – I said and he didn’t answered

I ate lunch and went to my living room. Then I got a text from Alex saying he was
already here, so I went to the front door and opened the door for him. He hugged me and
spun me around
- I got a B+ - He yelled
- Congrats – I said and closed the door behind him
- And it was all thanks to you – He said and hugged me again – We should celebrate –
He added
- How? – I asked
- Grab some beers and let’s cuddle and watch tv – He said
- Sounds good to me, go to the couch, I’ll grab the beers – I said and I went to the
kitchen. Then I headed to the living room and sat on the couch watching tv and drinking some
beers, well we only had one beer each, then I heard the front door opening, and then the living
room door, it was my mom.
- Hey guys – She said
- Hi mom – I said
- hi Denise – Alex added
- Why are you guys drinking? – She asked
- Well, it was only one beer and it was to celebrate ‘cause I got a B+ and all thanks to
your daughter – Alex said
- Congrats Alex, but let’s save this beers for another occasion ok? – She said
- Sure – Alex said and handed the rest of the beers to my mom
- Well I will not interrupt you guys anymore, I’m I the kitchen if you need anything –
She said and closed the door

After some time watching tv, Alex started getting closer to me.
- Why don’t we continue what we started yesterday? – He asked
- I don’t know why you asked – I said and kissed him.
Since we were on the couch we barely had space for each other so I was lying and Alex
was half sitting and half on top of me, things were getting hot, but I knew exactly when to stop,
first of all we were on the couch, and we weren’t even dating so, I don’t know what he is
thinking. Suddenly I felt his hand on my back and then he unbuttoned my shirt, great now I
have my tummy and my bra popping out. He started kissing my neck, I think it’s time to tell
him to stop but then he took off his shirt and continued kissing my neck.
- Alex no. – I said, but I guess he didn’t heard and he didn’t stop
- Alex, I said no! – I yelled and pushed him away and he fell on the floor. My mom
started running through the house and opened the living room door.
- Oh Gosh, is everyone ok? I heard some weird noise like something fell. – She said and
then she looked at Alex who was shirtless on the ground and I was with my shirt unbuttoned
- What were you guys doing here? – She asked, I could tell she was mad. Alex dressed
his shirt and went straight to the front door and left. Yes he left without even saying a word.
- Just go to your room, we’ll talk about this later – She said and I went to my room

“You were right about Alex” – I texted Jenny

“What do you mean?” – Jenny asked
“He only wanted to take advantage of me, and soon as I said no, he left” – I said
“Lisa and I are on our way, 10 minutes we’ll be there” – Jenny said

While I was waiting for them I went to the kitchen to drink some water, my mom was
there and guess what, yes she started talking
- You know we need to talk – She said
- I know, talk now, it’ll happen sooner or later so, and Jenny and Lisa are coming so we
still have some time alone – I said
- What was happening? – She asked trying to act calm
- Nothing – I said
- Why was Alex on the ground? Not to mention he was shirtless – She said
- Because I pushed him away – I said
- I thought he was a good boy, I guess I was wrong – She said
- So did I – I whispered to myself
- And I think you forgot the conversation we had the other day about this – She said
- I didn’t – I said
- So? – She said
- So what? – I asked
- I don’t want you doing those kind of stuff already – She said
- How do you know I didn’t already? – I asked. ‘Course I didn’t but she was getting on
my nerves
- Mary! – She yelled
- What? – I said
- What if it wasn’t me walking through that door, what if it was your father? – She said
- If it was him neither Alex nor I would be here to tell the history – I said
- At least next time go to your room – She said
- It will not be a next time, Alex will not come around soon – I said
- I was already expecting – She said
- And by the way you had me when you were seventeen so don’t try to fuck with me
ok? – I said and walked away to the living room
- I’m not the one trying to fuck with you – She yelled from the kitchen. Seriously I had
to laugh at that.

Soon after the living room door opened, it was Lisa and Jenny.
-Hey – Lisa said and hugged me, soon after I started crying my heart out, last time I
cried like this was about four years ago when my uncle passed away.
- I guess he screwed up – Lisa said
- Pretty much – I said between sobs
- He’s a jerk, he doesn’t deserve you, just forget it – Jenny said
- I can’t – I said
- Why? – Jenny asked
- Well, if I told you to forget about John, could you? – I asked
- No – She answered
- Why? – I asked
- Because I love him – Jenny said
- I think you got your answer right there – Lisa said – We can hire a stripper if you want
you know? – Lisa added
- Yeah, then my dad would kill you – I said laughing
- Well I bought some ice cream and we can spend the night here – Jenny said
- Sure. – I said

Later we went to my room, to spend the night, we were seeing some boring movies,
then I felt my phone buzzing. Alex.
“We need to talk”
“ I don’t want to talk with you” - I said
“I’m sorry” - He said
“I don’t need your apologies” – I said
“Why are you mad at me?” – He asked
“You must be kidding me” – I said
“I was embarrassed, that’s why I left” – He said
“I don’t care, you should’ve at least say ‘goodbye’, and not to mention you almost
forced me into something I didn’t wanted to do” – I said
“I bet if your mom wasn’t home you would do it” – he said
“And I thought you knew me. Go fuck yourself and never talk to me again” – I said and
went to sleep

Next day I woke up with 2 missed calls, from Alex. Lisa and Jenny were still sleeping so I
called back. After some rings he answered.
“What do you want” – I asked
“To talk to you” – He said
“I’m listening” – I said
“Can we meet up?” – He asked
“No, Lisa and Jenny are here so I’m not leaving them here without saying nothing” – I
“Ouch, listen I didn’t mean to hurt you” – He started
“you already did” – I cut off
“ Mary I really miss you, tell me you don’t miss me” – He said
“I don’t miss you” – I said. I was lying of course
“No, tell me in my face you don’t miss me” – He said
“Ok, on Monday as soon as I see you I’m gonna tell you I don’t miss you. Come on I got
important stuff to do” – I said
“I’m on your front door, come here and tell me you don’t miss me” – He said
“this is private propriety, go away” – I said
“you’re lying” – He said
“No I’m not, this is really private propriety” – I said
“not that, you’re lying, you miss me” – He said. By this time Jenny and Lisa were
already awake
“Ok, I’ll tell you in your face then” – I said and hung up
- Alex is on my front door – I said
- You want us to go there and kick him out? – Lisa asked
-No he says he only wants me to say on his face I don’t miss him – I said
-But you miss him – Jenny said
- I know, but he will not go away so I’ll tell him I don’t – I said and went to the front
door and they went with me. I opened the front door, and there was him.
-Hi – He said
- I don’t miss you – I said
-Go away - Lisa said from inside the house
- Mary let me at least explain what happened – He said
- Explain – I said
- Can I go inside? – He asked
- No – I said
- So, can we sit here and talk. Alone? – He asked and I sat on the ground and closed the
door behind me, but I was pretty sure Lisa and Jenny were trying to hear.

- Listen, put yourself on my shoes, what would you do if it was in my house and was
my mom? – He asked
- It would never happen believe me, but I would at least say sorry – I said
- I already apologized – He said
- Yeah, a million years after, and you didn’t even apologized to my mom, it was
disrespectful – I said
- Where is your mom? – He asked
- You don’t need to know. I’m tired of you. Bye bye – I said and got in my house and
saw Alex leaving through my window

- I think he is really sorry – Jenny said

- No he isn’t – I said
- He is, and you know it. Look we got to go, you can call us if you need something – Lisa
said, they hugged me and left.

Later in the afternoon I decided I should rest a bit watching tv, but I ended up falling
asleep. I woke up with some familiar voice. It was Alex, great I was only on those old shorts
and bra but I pretended I was sleeping maybe he would walk away, but he started to talk.
-Hey, I was talking to your mom and she allow me to come here and talk to you, and I
already apologized to her and- he was saying but stopped – Are you awake? – He asked but I
didn’t say anything – I guess not – He added. Maybe he’ll go away I thought.
He then laid beside me and started rubbing my back.
- Jeez, you’re so beautiful, and I’m the biggest asshole in the world, how could I let you
go? I miss you so much, and thinking it all started because of some English stuff, I think I need
to thank Mr. Thomas – he said and I took a long breath to not laugh – I wish we could start all
over again, but I guess that’s not possible – I could tell he was almost crying. He was still
rubbing my back when he stopped and kissed my forehead. – I wish you were awake to tell you
this but I’ll tell you the same way. Well I gotta go. Love you – He said, yes he said he loves me,
those two words touched my heart in a way I couldn’t even tell, I think I almost had a heart
attack because of how fast my heart was beating. Then I heard the front door closing and I
started crying, I don’t know why, I think they were happy tears. I have to ask for help, so I’ll
text the girls.
“Alex just came to my house and said he loves me”
“I think he proved he deserves another chance” – Jenny said
“That fucker, give him another chance, he looks like a sad puppy” – Lisa said. Yes Lisa
was always like this.

The weekend went by and Monday arrived, well here we go, English. With Alex.
Soon as I arrived I saw Alex talking to one of his friends, I went straight to where he
- Hi I’m Mary The Insignificant Girl – I said smiling and shook his hand
- And I’m- He started
- You’re Alex The Popular Guy – I said
- What are you doing? – He asked
- I’m starting all over again – I said
- You were not sleeping – He said
- I was half of the time, it doesn’t matter – I said and the bell rang – Well I’m going to
English, you can sit next to me, there’s a free table – I added
- Sure – He said and we went to English

Already during class I started talking to him

- I need your help – I said
- With? – He asked
- I need to know all the basketball rules until Thursday – I said
- 1 p.m, on the front hall, we’ll pick some Mc Donald’s – He said and smiled
- Whatever you want – I said and smiled at him

When the bell rang we went to where Lisa, Jenny and John were, since Jenny didn’t
came to English because she wasn’t feeling alright.
- Good morning – I said when I approached them – How are you feeling Jenny? – I
- Better, thanks. So how are you guys? – She asked
- We’re starting all over again – Alex said and looked at me smiling
- I’m glad you’re on better moods now – Lisa said and the bell rang
- Well I got to go – Alex said – See you guys later – He said
- You’re forgetting something – I said
- Yeah, right – He said and hugged me
- That’s not what I was saying – I said
- So? What am I forgetting? – He asked and I gave him a quick peck, that was the first
time Alex and I kissed in public. People were looking at us
- I thought we were starting all over – He said
- You expected me to wait another month to be able to kiss you? – I asked
- Yeah you’re right, but I really need to go, otherwise I’ll be late – He said and kissed
me again and left
- So are you guys dating? – Ashley asked
- It’s not your business – I said
- you know, Alex is the type of guy that likes one night stands, he’ll leave you sooner or
later – She said
- We’ll see, but I don’t remember asking for your opinion or your help – I said
- You know, you’re still the same insignificant girl you know? – She said
- And you’re still the same bitch – I answered
- So now you have attitude? You know I can snap my fingers and Alex will- She started
- Shut up Ashley, I got stuff to do, goodbye – I said and went to my class, what a bitch,
who the fuck she thinks she is to say something like this. Whatever.

When I ended all my classes I saw Alex waiting for me, soon as I approached him he
gave me a quick peck and laced his fingers with mine and we went to his car.

- Are we still a ‘thing’? – I asked while I was putting my seat belt to avoid
looking at him
-I don’t know, I guess not but I don’t want to make the same mistakes so we
should take it slow, what do you think? – He asked. That was not what I wanted to
hear. I want to be his girlfriend, well, yes, we should take it slow but I want to know
what we are next time someone asks.
- So we are not friends, and we aren’t in a relationship, what do you call this
then? – I asked
-Something – He said and started driving
- Whatever – I said and looked through the window

We made a stop at Mc Donald’s and then went straight to my house.

I can tell Alex isn’t good in English, but when it comes to basketball, he’s
smarter than I thought.
- So if I shoot after this line I score a goal and before I score three? – I asked
- Actually it’s called points, there are no goals in basket – He said laughing
- I’m tired of this, we’ll have to study tomorrow – I said
- It’s only 4 p.m, you want me to leave already? – He asked
- I did not say that did I? – I asked smirking
- No, so? – He asked
- We can watch ‘The Fault In Our Starts’, people say it’s a great movie – I said
- Sure – He said and we went to my bed to watch the movie on my computer

Sometime after the movie was almost over, I looked over Alex and he was
- Are you crying? – I asked laughing
- What? No, it’s just my allergies – He said whipping his tears
- Sure, cry baby – I said still laughing, then he grabbed my arms and jumped
over me
- Who are you calling cry baby? – He asked laughing, I started hysterically
laughing and I tried to catch my breath
- No one, no one – I said and he started tickling me and I couldn’t stop laughing
– stop, Alex please, stop I can’t breath – I said and he jumped to the other side of the
bed. Then someone knocked on my door
- Yes – I said
- Hi honey, and hi Alex – My mom said
- Hi Miss Holmes – Alex said
- Denise – She said
- Yes, hi Denise – Alex said
- So, are you guys back together? – She asked
- Yes – Alex quickly said
- Don’t hurt her again young boy – My mom said
- I will not – He said smiling
- Well, I will leave you guys alone – my mom said
- Thanks – I said smiling and she closed the door
- Do you want to have dinner here? You can finally meet my dad – I asked
- I’m kinda afraid of your dad you know, but I accept – He said
- He doesn’t bite – I said laughing
- Yet – He added and kissed me
- We should go to the kitchen, by this time dinner is almost done – I said
- Sure, let’s go – He said and grabbed my hand

We were waiting for my dad to eat and I could tell Alex was nervous.
- Are you really afraid of my dad? – I whispered
- A little bit – He said, the we heard the front door, it was my dad
- Hi there family, and, sorry I don’t know who you are – My dad said as he sat
on his chair
- I’m Alex – Alex said and shook his hand – It’s nice to finally meet you Mr.
Holmes – he added
- ow, the guy who my daughter kisses but it’s not her boyfriend – my dad said
- dad – I said. I hate when he starts with these things
- well, at least don’t make the same mistakes you did, now I know who you are
and you don’t want to see me mad – My dad said
- Yes sir – Alex said

Time went by and we all four went to the living room, my dad was on a arm
chair and I was on the couch in the middle of my mom and Alex and I had my head
resting on his shoulder and we were holding hands.
- You were right – Alex whispered into my ear
- About what? – I asked
- It’s stupid that we act like a couple and we’re not a couple – He said
- What does that mean? – I said
- Do you want to be my girlfriend? – He asked smiling
- Of course – I said and started to lean in to kiss him
- Nah-ah – My dad said
- We should save this one for later – He whispered
- I agree – I said laughing
- Well, I got to go – He said to my parents – It was nice to meet you Mr. Holmes
– he added
- You too – My dad said and shook his hand
- Bye Denise – He said and hugged my mom
- Bye – She said and we went to the front door
- So, see you tomorrow – He said holding both my hands
- Sure – I said smiling
- I’ll pick you up at 8 – He said
- You don’t need to - I started
- I want to – He cut off
- Ok then, see you tomorrow – I said, kissed him and quickly pulled away

The week went by and it was already Thursday and it was my last day of
studying basketball, I was tired of it but after all I wanted to have the best grades, so it
was worthy. Jenny missed school again, and there was Lisa with some guy I didn’t
- Hi Lisa – I said
- Hi love birds – She answered
- And you are? – Alex asked the dude
- Will, nice to meet you but I need to go, bye guys and bye Lisa – He said
-Bye – Lisa said biting her lip
-Who is he? – I asked
- Some guy I met yesterday when I went bowling – She answered
- I see – I said laughing and the ball rang
- See you later – Lisa said
-Yeah, see you later too – Alex said and kissed me. Everything seemed perfect,
well until I saw Ashley
-So you guys are still together? – Ashley asked
-Yes, better than ever – I said
-So I suppose you guys didn’t slept together yet – She said
- you don’t have to suppose anything, it’s not your life, so not your business.
Excuse me but I have things to do – I said and turned around
- Take my advice, Alex is a one night stand guy – She added
- I don’t need your advices – I said and went to my class

Later that day I was already home with Alex, but I was thinking in those words
Ashley told me.
-What’s wrong? – Alex asked, I think he noticed
- Nothing – I answered
- I can tell you’re not like ‘here’ – He said
- It’s just… Actually it’s nothing – I said
- Come on, tell me – Alex said
- Ashley talked to me, and she said that, well pretty much she said that you’re a
one night stand, and I mean I trust you and I know you, but it kinda bothers me that
people see you like that, so what will they say about me? – I blurted out
- Mary, come on, it’s Ashley, she dislikes everyone – He said
-Yeah, I know but- I started
- No ‘buts’, listen, I’m with you, I’m happy with you and I don’t care what
Ashley says, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she just wants attention, let’s
not talk about it – He said
- Me too – I said smiling
- You too what? – He asked
- I love you too – I said
- So you were not sleeping that day, you listened to everything – He said
- Yeah, I heard but I was still mad at you – I said
- Well, I love you. You know what day is tomorrow? – He asked, I knew it was
his birthday but I wanted to tease him
- My exam – I answered
- Nothing more? – He asked
- Not that I remember, well, I need to get ready I’m going to have dinner in
some restaurant with my cousins and my parents – I said
- Well, that means I’m going home – He said
- Yeah, sorry – I said
- You don’t have to be – He said laughing – Well, see you tomorrow after your
exam, you want me to pick you up? – He asked
- No, just come over after lunch – I said
- Ok, bye – he said and left my house

Next day I went to school to do my exam, come on Mary you’re ready to do

this, Alex told you everything he knew about the subject, it’s no big deal, you know
this, come on, it’ll be great.
“Hope everything goes great” – Alex texted
“Thanks” – I told him
Soon the bell rang and I went to my class room to do my exam. After some
time I had already done all the questions, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be,
now I only need to wait a 20 minutes until I get my note, well I think I should go to

Fifteen minutes later, the teacher called me.

- Well done – He said and handed me that piece of paper with my note and
went inside the room again. I got a fucking A, hell yeah. Now, I should buy something
to give Alex, after all it’s his birthday, I don’t know what he wants, maybe I should buy
that Lakers shirt he’s always talking about, yes, well I should go before he arrives at my
house and I still need to lunch.
I went to a mall close to my house, bought his shirt and ate something there,
then headed home.
When I arrived I took a quick bath and dressed some nice clothes I knew he
liked, it’s not every day that it’s your boyfriend’s birthday so whatever.
Some time later I heard someone knocking on my front door, I saw it was him
and I opened the door.
- Hi – I said
- How was it? – He asked
- Well…I got an A – I said with a smile on my face
- Yaaaaaaaaas – He said and then kissed me
- Come, I have something for you – I said and we went to my room
- Here – I said and gave him a bag
- What is it? – He asked
- Come on, you really think I would forget about your birthday? – I asked
-I was hoping you didn’t – He said
- Open it – I said and he did
- Oh my God, thank you so much, I was looking forward to buy this one. Thank
you – He said and kissed me – Now I have to do something special for you on your
birthday – He added
- I hope so – I said laughing and I kissed him in a way he was not expecting and
pushed him to my bed and got on top of him. Then he turned all the way around so he
could be on top of me and started to kiss my neck, then I took off his shirt and kissed
him again.
- You sure you want to do this? – He asked
- Well, happy birthday – I said and kissed him again.

Next thing I know is that I was resting with Alex’s arms around me and I was
trying to catch my breath, I surely need to go back to exercise. Guess what, I lost my V
card aka my virginity.
Alex hugged me from behind and started kissing my shoulder
- That was great – He said hoarsely
- Yes – I said and turned around to face him and I was about to kiss him when I
heard the front door.
- Oh shit, that must be my mom, get dressed, I’ll have a bath, be right back – I
said and jumped off the bed fully naked
- Ok, by the way, nice ass – He said laughing while I closed the bathroom door
While I was in the bathroom I heard my mom getting in my room
- Hi Alex, where is Mary? – She asked
- She’s having a bath – He answered
- oh ok, tell her to make her bed, I don’t know why this room is still a mess she
usually doesn’t leave the house with her bed like that but whatever, don’t forget to tell
her – She said
- I’ll tell – He said and she left. Yes Alex you handled the situation well. Soon
after I left the bathroom with some shorts and an old t shirt and we went to the
kitchen where my mom was.
- Is your room still a mess? – She asked
- Yes, in a few hours I’ll be sleeping so what’s the point? – I asked
- It passes, this time. Well is Alex having dinner with us? – She asked
-Well, since it’s his birthday I thought that he could spend the night, please
mommy – I said
- I didn’t knew, happy birthday Alex. Yes he can spend the night but first call
your mom – She said, then Alex went walked away to talk to his mom
- So are you guys still friends? – My mom asked
- No, we’re officially dating – I said smiling
- Hope he doesn’t screw up this time – She said
-Listen mom- I started but Alex cut off
- She said it’s ok but you have to have dinner at my place someday – He said
-Sounds good to me – I said and we went to the living room, we spent a lot of
time watching tv, until my dad came home and we went to the kitchen to eat and then
back to the living room again, but this time my mom and dad came too.

- So Alex, it’s a bit late, don’t you have to go? – My dad said
- Actually Alex is spending the night here – I said
- When will he sleep then? – He asked
- In my room – I said
- You two, sleeping together? Not in my house – He said
- Dad, come on I’m not ten anymore – I said
- Yes Dave, I think we can trust them, it’s just one night – My mom said
- Well, at least you need to leave the door open – He said
-Whatever, I just think you should trust me, I’m not that disrespectful – I said
- I trust you, I don’t trust him – My dad said
- Dad, Alex is- I started
- Your dad is right, he doesn’t know me, I think I need to gain his trust first –
Alex said
- You’re already scoring points boy – My dad said. Nice played Alex

Later that night I was on my bed with Alex and we were almost asleep when
my phone rang.
- Don’t answer, whoever it is can wait until tomorrow – Alex said
- You’re right – I said and closed my eyes to sleep, but then my phone started
ringing again.
- I’ll see who is calling – I said, it was Jenny – I need to answer it’s Jenny – I
- Hello? – I said, Jenny didn’t said anything I was just hearing her crying – Jenny
what’s wrong? - I asked
- I, John and I… ahm – She started but then started crying again
- You guys broke up? – I asked
- no – she answered
-So? Jenny what’s wrong, I’m worried – I said
- I’m pregnant – She said
- What? How? – I asked
- Mary, we had sex – She said
- That’s not what I was trying to say, how did you let that happen? – I asked
- I don’t know, I need your help, how do I tell my mother? – She asked
- I, I don’t know, tell her she’ll be a grandma or something – I said
- Yeah, of course, I will not tell her that – She said
- Well I don’t know then, I’ve never been through something like that you know
– I said
-Sometimes I forget you’re Miss Virgin – she said laughing
- Well, not anymore – I said
- You guys already slept together? – She screamed into the phone
- Yes – Alex said
- What is Alex doing there, it’s like 1 a.m – She said
- He’s spending the night here – I said
-Well, don’t make the same mistakes I made, I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you –
She said
- Love you too – I said and hung up

- Oh man, I’m afraid for Jenny – I said

- Go to sleep now, call her tomorrow – Alex said
- Well, goodnight – I said and kissed him
- I’m hearing you guys! – My dad shouted from his room
- Whatever – I shouted back and closed my eyes to sleep

Alex left before lunch on the next day. Soon as Monday arrived, I went to
school and looked for Jenny, there she was with John.
- Good morning – She said and I hugged her tight
- How are you? – I asked
- I don’t even know – She said
- Look, anything you need, I’ll be here ok? – I said and hugged her
- We should go to our classes now – Alex said
-Yes, sure, see you later – I said and we went to our classes

A few days went through and Jenny didn’t tell her mom about her baby, I guess
she’s just afraid of her reaction, after all it’s not every day that you get pregnant.
We went to gymnastics; I’m not sure what a pregnancy is all about but I’m
pretty sure you aren’t suppose to jump on a trampoline doing back flips.
- Jenny! – I screamed and she stopped and came over me
- What? – She asked
- You are not supposed to do that you know? – I whispered
- You are not my mom you know? – She shouted back
- That’s because she doesn’t know about this, does she? – I asked
- No, not yet, I- She started but the teacher called her
- Jenny, you’re next, evaluation time, two back flips ending in position – He
- Jenny don’t do this – I said and grabbed her hand
- I will do it – She said and walked away
Guess what, next thing I know is that I’m calling the 911, Jenny fell while she
was doing her back flips, I think this one of those times where I tell her ‘I told you so’
but this is a serious moment, she can be seriously injured, and I’m afraid for the baby.

Jenny went to the ambulance, and I, well I rushed to the hospital with Alex,
soon as I got there her mom was already on the waiting room.
- How is she Mrs. Amelie? – I asked
- I don’t know yet Mary, and thank you for coming – She said and I saw Lisa
coming too
-what happened? How is she? – Lisa asked
-we still don’t know, but – I started but I was interrupted by a nurse
- You’re Jenny’s family? – She asked
- Yes I’m her mom – Mrs Amelie said
- Well, Jenny is alright, everything is normal and she is stable but she had a
natural aborting right when she fell, and we couldn’t save the baby. I’m sorry – the
nurse said
- Baby? What baby? What - - I’m shocked I didn’t knew Jenny was pregnant –
Jenny’s mom said
- It’s normal, I suspect that Jenny didn’t knew either, she was just a few weeks,
that’s why the baby died, he wasn’t strong or developed enough to handle – the nurse
- Where’s my daughter, I want to talk to her – Mrs Amelie said
- Her room is on the second floor, number 32 – The nurse said and we all went

Soon as we opened the door, Jenny sat on her bed and smiled
- I’m so happy to see you guys – She said
- Did you knew you were pregnant? – Mrs Amelie blurted out right away
- Mom, I can explain, I- She started
- Why didn’t you told me right away Jenny? – Her mom asked
- I was afraid mom, I was preparing myself to tell you – Jenny said tearing up
- You know this since when? – Her mom asked
- A week or so, I think – Jenny answered
- Look Jenny, I surely am mad at you but I would not judge you darling, you
needed my help, I bet you were scared and, now Jenny don’t let this happen again –
Mrs Amelie said
- Thanks mom, sorry – Jenny said
- You’re still grounded – Her mom said

Later on I went home with Alex, he was having dinner at my house, the usual,
we went to my room to have a little time alone
- What a day – I said as I sat on my bed
- Yeah, now we can have a little time for ourselves – Alex said smiling as he
kissed me and I laid on my back, we were having a make out session, the usual. Then
he started rubbing my stomach and I knew what he wanted
- Alex, I can’t – I said and he pulled away
- Yes you can c’mon – He said
- Alex, it’s that time of the month – I said and he got up
- Oh fuck – He said and I started laughing
- You’ll have to wait a few days – I said
- You girls are weird – He said
- Yeah, right, look we should go downstairs dinner must be almost ready – I
- At least that – Alex said laughing as we went to the kitchen

Days passed, my relationship with Alex improved, and we had rings and all.
School was still the same hell but not so dark now, I think Alex really made my life
better. Well I thought, until I saw Ashley near Alex. I watched them from far away after
all I still trusted him. I saw that Ashley was all smiles and laughs to him, she just
wanted to piss me off, I thought until I saw they kissing, yes, they kissed right there, I
turned around and went to my locker. I took off my ring and threw it inside.
Lisa saw me and went to where I was.
- What’s up? Or down, what’s wrong? – She asked
- I just saw Alex and Ashley kissing right in the middle of the hall – I said
- Weren’t you guys like in a relationship? – Lisa asked
- Yes, well, I’ll fucking break up with him as soon as I see him, he can have that
little hoe then – I said already tearing up and Alex came and hugged me from behind
- Hey babe – He whispered into my ear and I pushed him
- Hey asshole, don’t ever grab me again – I said
- What’s wrong baby? – He said and tried to kiss me
- How in the fucking world you act like everything is alright? – I said
- What are you talking abo—ooh, you saw that – Alex said
- Yes, we’re over, now get out of my face and go fuck that little hoe, I knew you
were being too good – I said
- Look I can explain Mary – Alex started
- I don’t want to hear another word from your dirty mouth, I gotta go to class,
if you don’t mind, see you never – I said and started crying on my way to gymnastics

Gymnastics went very well, we had a boxing class so I had my revenge there.
After class I went to the girls locker room. Today I wanted to have a quick bath
I was too sweaty. I showered, grabbed a towel and went over the place where my
clothes were, I heard the door open but I thought it was some girl from my class. It
- Look Mary we need to talk – Alex said
- You can’t be here – I said
- I don’t care, I need to talk with you – He said
- I’m naked – I said
- Like I didn’t saw that before – He said
- And I don’t want to talk to you – I said
- Ok, you don’t need to talk, just listen – He said and got closer to me, grabbed
my shoulders and looked me in the eyes
- Look, you really think I would cheat on you? – He asked
- No, but after what I saw yes – I said
- Why are you always like that? Why do you jump into a conclusion without
knowing what really happened Mary? – He said
- Tell me what happened then – I said
- Ashley was asking and talking about the NBA with me and I was being polite
and answered a few questions she had, and all of a sudden she said bye and kissed me
– He said
- Why didn’t you told me you guys kissed, if I didn’t saw it you would never tell
me – I said
- That’s because it’s our relationship and Ashley has nothing with it, if I told you
I’m pretty sure you would run into her and yell at her, and that’s all she wants.
Attention – He said. I kissed him passionately
- I forgive you, but only this time, I don’t want to see you around that bitch
ever again – I said and he smiled
- Well we live in a world with 7 billion people, you need to prepare yourself –
Alex said laughing
- Alex – I said laughing
- What? – He asked still laughing
- I love you – I said
- I love you too, next time let me at least explain – He said
- There will be no next time Mr. Robinson – I said
- Whatever – He said and kissed me
- You know, I need to get dressed – I said
- Don’t. We can end here what we started the other day at your house – He
said and kissed me
- Nope, not here – I said pulling away
- Alright, get dressed, quick, we’ll go to my house to spend the afternoon, if
you know what I mean – He said and went to the door
- You’re crazy – I shouted
- Quick – He said and closed the door

Soon as we arrived at his house we walked in hand in hand and his sister Karla
saw us
- Hi Mary, what are you doing here? – She asked with a smile
- Hi Karla I- - I started
- We’re gonna study, don’t go there because we are doing boring stuff – Alex
said and we went to his room
- You’re such a liar – I said and he pushed me to the bed
- You like me either way so, just shut up – He said and closed his door.

A few days passed and we couldn’t be better, it was almost holidays but better
than that it was my birthday tomorrow. I was excited.
- You know what day is tomorrow? – I asked
- Sure – He said and kept playing in his playstation
- Alex, do you really know what time it is tomorrow? – I asked
- Sure. Motherfucker, it’s a fault asshole – He started screaming to the tv
- You know they can’t hear you – I said
- Mary I’m not that dumb – He said
- So why are you screaming? – I said laughing
- I don’t know – He said laughing
- Well I gotta go, today is Friday bowling night with the family – I said
- Why am I not invited? – Alex asked
- Grow up, marry me, and you’ll be invited – I said laughing and gave him a
quick peck – Bye, see you tomorrow? – I asked
- Sure, I’ll pick you up at 7, dress nicely – He said
- Sure – I said, he knows what day is tomorrow I thought to myself

Next day I woke up and my mom and dad were in my room with breakfast
- Happy birthday darling – My mom said
- Thanks mom – I said and my dad kissed my forehead
- You’re all grown up now, yesterday you were playing with your Barbie’s and
ken’s and today you’re the Barbie and you have a ken – My mom said
- What the fuck, mom, that was so cheesy, are you really my mom? – I said
-Yes, yesterday you were afraid to talk and now you curse all the time, yes
you’re growing up – She said
- That’s my mom – I said
- Well I need to go to work, I don’t know if I’ll make it up to dinner but I’ll do
something for you then darling – My dad said
- Don’t worry, I’ll have dinner with Alex – I said smiling
- Alex, the guy that you have a ‘thing’? – My dad asked
- Dad, you’re so late, we are dating, and it’s serious – I said and showed him my
- Woah, well I need to go, happy birthday darling – He said and left followed by
my mom as I ate

Through out the day I received a few birthday messages, and some posts on
facebook, thanks facebook otherwise people would not know that it is my birthday.
When it was almost seven I was ready, I had a black thigh dress and some red
heels. I was not used to it but whatever today was a special day. Then I heard the door
bell, it must be Alex so I went there and opened the door. There he was standing, in a
black smoking and a blue tie.
- Hi – He said and gave me a kiss – Happy birthday my love – He added and
gave me a bouquet of red roses
- Thanks babe – I said
- And you look, woah amazing – He said looking from the bottom to the top
- You look pretty hot – I said giggling
- I really like your outfit but I’ll gladly take that off later on – He said laughing
- I heard that Alex – My mom shouted from the kitchen
-Hi Mrs. Holmes – Alex said and laced our fingers
- See ya later mom – I said and closed the door

Alex stopped by a really nice restaurant and quickly got off the car and opened
my door
- You shouldn’t – I said
- It’s called love – He said and laced his fingers into mine and we went to the
restaurant, there was a table for two with flowers and candles.
We ate and then ordered the desert.
- How in the world are we dating? – I asked
- What kind of question is that? – He asked
- We are so different – I said
- Different ends always connect – He said and I swear to God I was falling more
in love with him second after second

After dinner we went for a walk, it was already late.

- What time is it? – He asked
- Almost 1 a.m, why? – I said
- We should go home, I bet your mom is almost calling you – He said
- Let’s stay just a little bit more – I said and received a text message

“Dad and I are at your aunt’s house, you have the house for you and Alex. Be
careful, I don’t want to lose the trust I have in both of you. Have a good night. x”
- Alex? – I said
- Yeah? – He said
- Let’s go home – I said
- You changed your mind quickly – He said and got up
- Whatever – I said and we went to his car

I couldn’t wait until we reached my house so I started kissing him as soon as

we got out of the car.
- Are you thirsty or something? – He said laughing as I unlocked my front door
- Come on – I said and kissed him again already inside
- Mary your parents – He said as he pulled away
- They’re not home, happy birthday to both of us huh? – I said and we made
our way to my bedroom.

Two different ends always connect; happiness can be around the corner, or in this
case, in the table right beside you.

The End

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