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Open Beta version 1.

Creative Direction
Sebastian Czarnecki and Mark Brendan

Game Design and Lore

Mark Brendan

Sławomir Lasocki

Miniature Sculptor
Alessio Cisbani

Graphic Design and Layout

Sebastian Czarnecki

Knut Heykena, <<credit>>

Copyright © 2023 Metal Warrior Miniatures Ltd

Translated extract from Ahnenerbe field report
Doktor Friedrich Schuler
Chief Expedition Scientist

08-08-1938, Tibetan Plateau

…We marched eight days out from Kathmandu, to a truly remote and desolate monastery, clinging to the side
of a near vertical, frozen slope. In the bowels of this ancient structure, deep within the rock itself, lies a portal
of even greater antiquity, and it is herein we encountered and conversed with the being.

It has the outward appearance of a man, albeit taller than average, fair skinned, gracile, hairless, and with
uniquely pointed physiognomy. It was clad in armour reminiscent of our glorious Teutonic forebears, yet of
modern design and powered by an unknown energy source we believe to be Vril!

It communicates by means of a device mounted at the collar of its armour, which broadcasts its strange,
sibilant, rasping tongue in a perfect approximation of our own German language.

It claims the title of Herald of the Vatari Dominion, and that it has arrived in this place via the ancient portal
located herein. For now we can only take the being’s word for this, as the portal is inert, and seems no more
than an elaborate stone carving of great antiquity.

The Herald seeks to parley with the Leadership of the Reich, and promises to share advanced technology
in return for building a new portal similar to one in the temple, so that more of its kind can come to Earth.

The being readily submitted to our questioning, and it is our intention to comply with its request and bring
it to Berlin. If our theories are correct, these Vatari once came to Earth in the distant past, and civilised the
primaeval tribes. I personally believe them to be the original Aryan race from which our true Nordic people are
descended. As such they should be afforded every courtesy and given all possible assistance.

■ MG-34V

From The USA Chronicler front page - March 17th, 1942
Spacemen Do Their Bit

Ever since the so called Vatari Dominion’s flying saucers accompanied Tojo’s Zeroes on that black day in
December at Pearl Harbor last year, our boys have been on the back foot against these sinister space invaders.
But since then, a new bunch of little green men have come on the scene, and they ain’t green and they sure as
heck ain’t little.

At a historic press conference held at the White House yesterday, President Roosevelt announced the United
States formal alliance with the Skarn Federation.

So who are these Skarn fellows? Washington sources say their true place of origin is a planet called Vhog,
meaning Meridian in their language. It’s a bit bigger than Earth, and located in the Cygnus constellation, about
500 light years away. That’s a heck of a ways to come, but they say back home they were enslaved by the no-good
Vatari, then when the planet started dying, their erstwhile masters abandoned them to come here and join up
with the Axis. They got the transportation machines working, and somehow ended up in our great nation.
The scuttlebut has it that they just turned up in New Mexico a few months ago, marching out of a cave and asking
to “Take us to your leader.”.

They’re big, ugly hombres, and don’t speaka da English too well, but when asked what they were here for,
the message was loud and clear: “Kill Vatari!”

Well, that’s something we can all get behind. Welcome to America, friends.

■ Skarn Light Machine Gun

Components Setup
To play Exo Alliance '42 you will require the following: Exo Alliance '42 is a set of rules and a model range
that allows you to add sci-fi elements to your 28mm
● A 4’x4’ playing area, plus terrain pieces WWII armies and fight fast-paced platoon-level
battles with them. The set up described here is for
● 2 Platoons of miniatures, plus platoon rosters
two equally matched platoons meeting and fighting.
● Tape measure or ruler For more advanced setup options, see the Scenarios
section at the end of this rule book.
● Area effect templates

● Combat Dice. Rolled to attack enemy models:

Build Your Platoons
Each player needs a Platoon to play a game of
● Light dice for small arms fire and traditional Exo Alliance '42. A platoon consists of the following
melee weapons elements:

● Heavy dice for high explosives and other heavy ● Platoon Leader: This is an individual model that
weapons can issue orders to any other models in the
● Activation Dice/Counters. Used to indicate a
state that a model is in, all are mutually exclusive. ● Units: Each platoon consists of 2-4 units.
States represented on the dice are: Typically a unit is a squad of infantry

� Pinned � Unlike similar games, Exo Alliance '42 does

not operate a points system, and units are
� Retreating
balanced for fair play
� Overwatch
� Both players should have the same number
� Covering Fire of units, which will be decided by you before
you play
� Activated
● Add-ons: Add-ons are special weapons teams,
� Occupied fire-teams, vehicles, etc., such as a machine gun
team or a mortar team. They are usually smaller
in number than infantry units

● You may have one add-on in your platoon for

each unit you have

● The add-on is considered part of the unit it is

attached to for the purposes of some rules, so it
is important during play to keep track of which
add-ons go with which units

■ Sample profile
Profiles ● represents light armour, for example the
Each model in your platoon has a profile that
power armour worn by some alien infantry, or
determines how it is used in battle, how far it can
light skinned vehicles
move, how effective it is in combat, and any special
Special Rules it may possess. Here is a typical profile
representing URSUS Knights, elite power armoured ● represents heavy armour, such as tank
infantry of the Vatari forces. armour

Name: The first entry on the profile is the name of For more details on how armour works, see the
the model, in this case URSUS Knight Combat section later

Role: Next to name, the role of the model is Combat Stats: The middle section of the profile
displayed, in this case Infantry. Role is important in displays how many dice the model rolls, and of what
determining how the model moves and utilises cover: type, when attacking at different ranges. There are
three ranges, close, medium and long, and two types
● Infantry may move up to 6”
of combat dice, light dice representing small arms
● Walkers may move up to 8” fire and melee weapons, and heavy dice representing
high explosives and other heavy weapons For more
● Vehicles may move up to 12” detail, see the Combat section of the rule book later

Armour: Armour is represented by a shield symbol Special Rules: Special Rules are rules that allow the
next to the model’s role. If there is no shield symbol, unit to perform special actions, or behave differently
then the model has no armour. in certain situations. In this case, URSUS Knights
wield power weapons called Vril Axes that can carve
through armour in melee combat.

Playing Area ● If you don’t have fixed terrain, just dice for it

Exo Alliance '42 is designed to be played on a 4’x4’ � You and your opponent roll a die each and the
playing area with two platoons, and all ranged player with the highest score gets to pick and
weapons are effective within that space. You can go place the first piece of terrain
bigger if you like, and add more platoons, but if you
� Alternate placing pieces of terrain until all
do so, apply the following rule:
the terrain you wish to use is on the playing
● The maximum attack range of all models is 48” area

You and your opponent should agree on an amount � Use this method if you’ve decided which side
of terrain coverage for your playing area before you of the table you will deploy your forces to
start. Generally speaking 25%-50% coverage will beforehand
make for an interesting game. You are free to decide
● Defender places all terrain
how to place the terrain, and you may indeed have
battle boards with fixed terrain built onto them. � As the top bullet point states, one player is
designated the defender and gets to place
Terrain will affect lines of fire, provide cover bonuses
all the terrain
to models being attacked, and create obstacles and
modifiers to movement. � The other player is designated the attacker,
and gets to choose which side of the table
If you need some guidance on a fair method of
they deploy their forces to
placing terrain, then we’d recommend one of the
following methods:

● If you have a fixed terrain board, dice for choice

of side

� You and your opponent each roll a die and the

player with the highest score gets to decide
which side of the playing area they deploy to

Terrain Examples
We don’t have hard and fast terrain rules in Exo Here are some examples of terrain pieces you
Alliance ‘42, generally go with what works for you and might include in your games.
your setup. If you're playing tournaments for
example, and need something more specific, we Stand of Trees
suggest you draft your own, detailed rules for terrain 3-4 trees arranged in a cluster that allows infantry
placement. With that said, there will be rules for how to move between them and take cover, but blocks
models interact with terrain, particularly with regard access for vehicles.
to combat, so here are some suggestions.
● A Terrain “piece” can be a single object, such as
a house, or a cluster of objects representing an An area of difficult ground that reduces the
area when placing, such as a stand of trees or movement of models, but provides no cover.
● Each terrain piece should probably be no more An impassable obstacle that models must move
than 6” on a side if you’re using an alternating around.
placement method
� You can place more pieces of the same type
A small, single story building that can be occupied
near existing placement to create larger
by a single squad of infantry. Infantry occupying
areas of a terrain type
a building like this can still be attacked by
● Long, linear terrain pieces, such as rivers should enemies, but they receive cover bonuses.
probably enter on one side of the table, and exit
on a different side
Low Wall
Provides good cover for infantry. Infantry can also
● If you have long, impassable features such as move across it with a movement penalty for
walls or deep rivers, there should be gaps or difficult terrain, but it counts as impassable to
crossing points every 12” or so vehicles.

● The Combat section contains rules for River

destroying terrain with artillery, so decide
Deep rivers are impassable to all units and can
beforehand with your opponent what structures,
only be crossed by bridges. Shallow rivers can be
if any should be destructible in this way (we’d
crossed but count as difficult terrain when doing
suggest most, apart from hardened structures
like bunkers and pillboxes, or geographical
features like hills or rivers)
Pill Box
Buildings A hardened building that can be occupied by up
to two infantry (e.g. a Machine Gun Team).
Buildings require some extra consideration if they
Indestructible to artillery.
are enclosed, and you want models to be able to
occupy them. Here is our suggestion.

● Move models up to the entrance, then replace

them with an occupied marker

Deployment ● Each player rolls a die and the highest score wins

A typical game of Exo Alliance '42 represents the � The loser must deploy an element first (unit,
point at which two platoons from opposing sides platoon leader or add-on)
enter combat range and engage one another in battle.
� Next the winner deploys one of their
Depending on the method you chose to place elements
terrain, each player will deploy their models to one
� Continue alternating like this until all
side of the playing area.
elements have been placed
● Players deploy their models to opposite sides of
the playing area

● The deployment area is up to 8” from the edge of

the playing area

Player A deployment zone

Player B deployment zone

To Battle! Initiative
With compulsory moves out of the way, it is time to
You’ve got your playing area all set and your determine who has initiative during the round.
respective forces are ready to go, so here’s how you
play. ● Both players roll a die, and the highest score is
the winner
Rounds ● The winner has the initiative and can choose to
Exo Alliance '42 plays out over a series of rounds take the first action, or make their opponent take
until one side is victorious. an action first

● Victory is achieved when the losing player either

concedes defeat, or has no models left that can
be given actions at the beginning of a round Each player gets 1 action per unit they start the game
A round has several distinct phases, which are
carried out in order, as follows: ● As casualties mount during the course of play, a
player will lose an action point if all models in a
1. Compulsory Moves unit, plus any associated add-on models, are lost

2. Initiative An action can be used to activate a single model to

perform an order such as move, attack or take up an
3. Actions
overwatch position, or it can be used to activate an
4. Clean Up officer who can in turn give an order to multiple
models, such as covering fire or suppressive fire and
Compulsory Moves have them carry it out simultaneously. Some officers
can also be activated to call in off-table support such
In the first round of battle there will be no compulsory
as artillery strikes on enemy positions.
moves. Once the battle is underway, models that
begin a round with a retreat counter on them must ● Once a model has been activated and performed
move their maximum move rate towards their side the desired action, it cannot be used again until
of the playing area. the following round. Place an activation counter
next to it
● Starting with the player who had initiative on the
previous round, move all models with retreat ● Orders given by leaders can be used to activate
counters on them models within 8” of the leader model. Models
outside of this range may be given different
� Models must take the shortest route
actions during the round
possible, avoiding obstacles, to reach their
table edge � Orders given by Platoon Leaders may be used
to activate all of the models in any friendly
� If this move causes a model to move off the
unit or add-on
playing area, that model is considered to
have fled the battle and is removed from play � Orders given by Squad Leader may be used
to activate all of the models in the squad,
� Retreating models that occupy buildings
including the leader
should be placed at the closest entrance to
their table edge, then moved away from the ● Models that do not participate in actions ordered
building, as described in the previous bullets by leaders may be used for other actions (e.g. an
LMG specialist may take up an overwatch
● Once this player has moved all of their retreating
position, while the rest of his squad advance with
models, their opponent does the same
the sergeant)

These are the actions you can perform: ● Each model moves and attacks individually, and
is subject to the usual targeting rules, modifiers,
Move etc (See Combat rules later)
Move a single model up to the maximum distance
determined by its role. ● Place activation markers next to the models on
resolving the action
● If the model encounters impassable terrain it
must move around or stop Charge
Charge is an order given by a leader to attack with
● If the model encounters difficult terrain, such as
multiple models with the Melee special rule.
a mud filled crater or a low wall the model, then
any remaining move it has is halved as it ● Each model moves and attacks individually
struggles through the mud, or shins over the wall
● See the Melee special rules later for details on
● Models occupying buildings should be placed at how to move and attack with models during a
an entrance, then moved as described above charge

● Place an activation marker next to the model on ● Place activation markers next to the models on
resolving the action resolving the action

Forward Overwatch
Forward is an order given by a leader to move A model on Overwatch is waiting to respond to enemy
multiple models up to the maximum distance movement within an area to their front.
determined by their roles.
● Place an overwatch marker next to the model,
● Place activation markers next to the models on with the pointer in the direction the model is
resolving the action covering

Attack � If the model is occupying a building, place the

Move a single model up to half the maximum distance overwatch marker so it is pointing out of a
determined by its role to take up a firing position, window or doorway
then roll attack dice against an enemy target.
● The model may choose to roll attack dice against
See Combat later for rules on what you can on any enemy model that moves within close or
target, modifiers to the dice rolls, and results. medium range, and within a 90 degree arc of the
Overwatch counter’s pointer
● Models occupying buildings can attack out of any
windows or doorways � This interrupts the enemy model’s move

� If you decide to move, then place the model � If the attack dice fail to cause any
at any entrance and move it away from the suppression (see Combat later), your
building, as described above opponent may complete the move

● Place an activation marker next to the model on � If the model is destroyed, remove it from play
resolving the action. as normal

� For any other result, the model’s action ends

where the player chose to exercise their
Blitz is an order given by a leader to attack with overwatch attack
multiple models. Move the models up to half the
maximum distance determined by their roles, and roll ● Models on overwatch can remain so indefinitely
attack dice against enemy targets. as the counters are not removed during the clean
up phase of the round. Counters are removed

● The model takes the option to fire on an enemy Recover
Recover removes the effects of suppression on the
Covering Fire model.

Covering Fire allows a leader to lock down an area of ● If the model has a retreating marker on it, replace
the battlefield with sustained fire from multiple it with a pinned marker
models, effectively neutralising enemy overwatch,
attacks or manoeuvres within it. ● If the model has a pinned counter on it, replace
it with an activated marker
● Place covering fire markers next to all models
participating in the covering fire action Rally
Rally allows leaders to remove the effects of
� Models occupying buildings can provide
suppression on multiple models.
covering fire too, place the markers so they
are pointing out of one side of the building ● If a model has a retreating marker on it, replace
where there are windows and/or doors it with a pinned marker
● Then place the large circular template anywhere ● If a model has a pinned counter on it, replace it
within the leader’s LOS (line of sight, see the with an activated marker
Combat section later for more details)

� You may then replace the template with a

Clean Up
covering fire marker at the point beneath the The last phase in the round is clean up, during which
centre of the template, so play may continue the following markers are removed from the playing
without the template in the way area:

● Any enemy model that attempts any action in the ● Activated

area that was covered by the template, including
● Covering fire
overwatch fire, has 2 light attack dice + 1 light
attack dice for each additional model providing Markers not listed here remain in play into the next
covering fire after the first round.
� You may interrupt an action by your
opponent and use the large circular template
to check if it falls within the covering fire area

� If the attack dice fail to cause any

suppression (see Combat later), your
opponent may complete the action

� If the model is destroyed, remove it from play

as normal

� For any other result, the model’s action ends

● Enemy models that move into the area affected

by the covering fire must stop immediately, and
are also attacked as described by the previous

Combat LOS
LOS stands for line of sight, which is used to
Now to the crux of the situation. How do you crush determine if a model can target an enemy model or
your enemies? Read on! a point on the playing area.

Targeting Rules ● Draw a straight line from the centre of the

attacking model’s base to the centre of the
In order to attack an enemy model with one of yours,
defending model
you must first determine if it is a valid target.
� For models attacking out of buildings, take
Target Priority the line from the centre of the window or
Unless a model has the Special Rule to override door the model is attacking from
target priority (e.g. it is receiving an order from a
● If there is no terrain or models blocking the line,
leader), it must attack the closest enemy model to it
then you are clear to attack
that is in LOS (see next).
● If a friendly model is blocking the line, you may
● The exception to this rule is if the attacking
not attack that target, but can choose a different
model only uses light attack dice at the target
target, according to target priority rules
model’s range, and the target has .
● If the line is blocked by terrain, it’s time to get
your head down to model level and check how
much, if any of the target model you can see
C � If you can’t see any of the target model, you
may not attack that target, but can choose a
different target, according to target priority
B rules

� The target is only partially obscured if you

can see more than half of it. In this case you
are still clear to attack

� If you can see less than half of the target, you

can attack but it gains for cover if it is

Infantry. Other roles may not benefit from

this bonus
● When attacking models inside buildings, you do
not get decide which models to attack
Diagram - Target Priority
� If the building contains more than one model,
Skarn Warrior A takes an attack action against the your opponent gets to decide which model
nearby Axis soldiers. Axis model B is closest, behind inside the building is the target
cover, where it receives  . Model C is in the open
� Defending models gain against
but slightly further away, and model D is further away
and is not obscured by enough of the cover to receive attacks that originate from outside close
the bonus. range

Model A must target model B as it is closest, even

� Defending models gain against attacks
though its benefiting from a cover bonus.
that originate from close range

Diagram - LOS - I
Skarn Warrior A is given an attack action, but the only
enemy model within range is fully obscured by
intervening cover, therefore the attack cannot be

Diagram - LOS - II
In the same scenario, Skarn Warrior A can see part of
the model, but less than half of it is visible. Therefore

the target receives a cover bonus.

Diagram - Target Priority

ame scenario again, but this time more than half of
the target model is visible behind the cover, giving
Skarn Warrior A a clear shot

Range Dice
On models’ profiles you will see three different range Exo Alliance '42 uses special 6-sided dice to
bands: close, medium and long. When attacking, determine combat results. The white ones are for
models may use different dice at different ranges. light attacks, representing small arms and traditional
melee weapons, and the red ones are for heavy
● Close: Up to 6” attacks such as high explosives and armour piercing
● Medium: 6-24”
Here’s what each result means:
● Long: 24”+

In order to determine the range to a target when

attacking it, measure from the edge of the attacking
model’s base to the edge of the target.

● If the target is in a building, measure to any

window or door in that building. If you don’t have the special combat dice, you can use
ordinary d6s (six sided dice). Use the following table
to convert d6 results:

D6 result Light Dice Heavy Dice

1 No Result No Result
E 2 No Result No Result
D 3 No Result 1 Hit
4 1 Hit 1 Hit
5 1 Hit 2 Hits
C 6 2 Hits 3 Hits

Diagram - Range
Target model B is clearly in Close Range, Target model
C is in medium, and target model E is clearly in long
range. Target model D straddles the line between
■ Gauss Thompson SMG
medium and long range, but as distances are
measured from edge of base to edge of base, it counts
as being at medium range.

Special Rules � Each model only has 1 use of the action per
game, so after they complete a demolition
Special Rules are listed on models’ profiles, and action, mark it off on their roster so it cannot
represent abilities, training,or equipment used by the be used again
model. In most cases these rules will allow models to
● The target must be within close range and LOS
perform certain unique actions, or benefit from
advantages conferred by the rule. In a limited number ● If the target is an enemy vehicle or walker, roll 1
of cases Special Rules also account for restrictions heavy die and apply the result
on how the models can be used during a game.
● If the target is a structure, roll 1 heavy die
� If the target is a hardened structure, it is
Many regular infantry carry a limited number of
destroyed if the result is 3 hits. otherwise it
grenades that can be used at close range to clear
is unharmed
infantry out of cover positions, or to disable armour
by perhaps throwing a track. � If the target is a normal structure it is
destroyed if the result is 2 or more hits
● You may give a Grenade action to a model that
has the Special Rule ● Place an activation marker next to the model on
resolving the action
� Each model only has 3 uses of the action per
game, so after they complete a grenade Platoon Leader
action, mark it off on their roster. After 3
Platoon Leader is an officer Special Rule that enables
uses, the model may not be given the action
them to give orders to troops under their command,
activating multiple models, and ignoring the usual
● Models occupying buildings can lob grenades out target priorities.
of any windows or doorways
● See the list of Actions for more details on the
● Place the small, circular area effect template orders that can be given by officers
anywhere within close range of the model
● Actions initiated by officers change target
performing the action
priority rules if they involve directly attacking
● Roll 1 heavy die against each enemy model enemy models (i.e. Blitz)
touched by the template
� Instead of attacking the nearest enemy
● You can also throw grenades into structures. If model in LOS, models may choose the
you do so, there must be a window or door within nearest enemy model in LOS from a different
close range of the attacking model enemy unit as the target (e.g. there is a
closer enemy infantry squad, but the
� Do not place a template, just roll 1 heavy dice sergeant issuing the order determines a
against each occupant of the structure more distant machine gun team to be the
greater threat)
● Place an activation marker next to the model on
resolving the action ● Platoon Leader allows the officer to give orders
to any models in the Platoon
Demolition is a limited use close range attack used Squad Leader
by engineers and some special forces to destroy Squad Leader is an officer Special Rule that enables
structures and enemy armour. them to give orders to troops under their command,
activating multiple models, and ignoring the usual
● You may give a Demolition action to a model that
target priorities.
has the Special Rule

● See the list of Actions for more details on the � Also roll 1 heavy die for any destructible
orders that can be given by officers terrain touched by the template. It is
destroyed on a result of 3 hits
● Actions initiated by officers change target
priority rules if they involve directly attacking � Hardened terrain such as bunkers are
enemy models (i.e. Blitz) unaffected by mortar fire

� Instead of attacking the nearest enemy ● Mortar teams may not move and attack in the
model in LOS, models may choose the same action
nearest enemy model in LOS from a different
enemy unit as the target (e.g. there is a ● The weapon may only be operated if both crew
closer enemy infantry squad, but the members are within 3” of one another, and
sergeant issuing the order determines a neither is retreating
more distant machine gun team to be the
● Instead of attacking with the mortar, individual
greater threat)
crew members may be activated and use their
● Squad Leader allows the officer to give orders to profile to engage enemies
any models in their Squad
� If one member of the mortar team is
eliminated or retreating, the weapon is
abandoned, and the remaining crew member
Models with the Camouflage Special Rule may not be fights on using their profile
attacked if there are other targets available.
MG Team
● This overrides Special Rules that allow models to
ignore target priority rules, such as Tactical Weapon teams operate machine guns such as US .30
Training and orders given by officers Cals and German MG-42s. It requires both members
of the team to operate the weapon.
● If models with Camouflage are attacked, they
● When an MG team is given an action, both models
gain 1 against attacks that originate from are activated and perform it
beyond close range � MG Teams may be given an Attack action for
4 light dice at any range. LOS is taken from
Tactical Training
the weapon operator, model, not the loader
Models with tactical Training can ignore target
priories and choose any legitimate target in LOS � MG teams may be put on Overwatch, again,
when attacking. the overwatch marker should be placed on
the weapon operator
Mortar Team
� MG Teams can be given a covering fire order.
Mortars are used by weapon teams to provide light
They will attack with 4 light dice according
artillery support for their platoon. Mortars can clear
to the normal rules for covering fire
infantry from cover and damage armour.
● MG teams may not move and attack in the same
● When a Mortar Team is given a Mortar action,
both models are activated and perform it
● The weapon may only be operated if both crew
� Place the small circular template within LOS
members are within 3” of one another, and
of either member of the team, or if the order
neither is retreating
is given by a squad or platoon leader, then
you can use their LOS ● Instead of attacking with the MG, individual crew
members may be activated and use their profile
� Roll 1 heavy die against each model covered
to engage enemies
by the template and apply the result

� If one member of the MG team is eliminated ● If the target is an enemy vehicle or walker, roll 2
or retreating, the weapon is abandoned, and heavy dice and apply the result
the remaining crew member fights on using
their profile ● If the target is a structure, roll 2 heavy dice

� If the target is a hardened structure, it is

destroyed if either result is 3 hits. otherwise
Flamethrowers are operated by teams of infantry, or it is unharmed
as a secondary weapon on some vehicles and
walkers. They are the ultimate terror weapon against � If the target is a normal structure it is
infantry. destroyed if either result is 2 or more hits

● You may give a Flamethrower action to a model ● Place an activation marker next to the model on
that has the Special Rule resolving the action

� Place the large, teardrop shaped template Launch Grenade

with its narrow end touching the base of the
Some specialist units, such as Skarn Blasters, carry
attacking model
limited use grenade launchers that can lob grenades
� Roll 3 light dice against all other models much further than a humanoid can throw one..
touched by the template
● You may give a Launch Grenade action to a model
� Also roll the dice against any Flammable that has the Special Rule
cover touched by the template. It is
� Each model only has 6 uses of the action per
destroyed if any of the dice results are 2 hits
game, so after they complete a Launch
● Flamethrowers can also be used against Grenade action, mark it off on their roster.
occupied buildings After 6 uses, the model may not be given the
action again
� To do so the attacking model must be in base
contact with an entrance or window on the ● Models occupying buildings can launch grenades
building out of any windows or doorways

� Instead of placing the template, simply roll 3 ● Place the small, circular area effect template
attack light dice against each occupant of anywhere within LOS of the model performing
the building and apply the results the action, or if the order is given by a squad or
platoon leader, then you can use their LOS
● Place an activation marker next to the model on
resolving the action ● Roll 1 heavy die against each enemy model
touched by the template
AT Launcher
● You can also launch grenades into structures. If
AT Launchers are single use, high explosive you do so, there must be a window or door within
launchers, such as bazookas and panzerschreck, for close range of the attacking model
use against armour and fortifications.
� Do not place a template, just roll 1 heavy dice
● You may give an AT Launcher action to a model against each occupant of the structure
that has the Special Rule
● Place an activation marker next to the model on
� Each model only has 1 use of the action per resolving the action
game, so after they complete an AT
Launcher action, mark it off on their roster
so it cannot be used again

● The target must be within medium range and

LOS. Target Priority rules do not apply.

Mechanic ● For a precision bombing mission, target any one
Models with the Mechanic special rule can effect non-infantry model or structure within the
field repairs on damaged vehicles, getting them back Leader’s LOS
into the fight at full strength. � Roll 2 heavy dice to attack the model or
● As an action, a Mechanic can remove all structure
suppression from a single vehicle model within � If the target is a destructible structure, it is
3” destroyed if either dice scores 2 or more hits
� Place activation markers on both models � If the target is a hardened structure, it is
destroyed if either dice scores 3 hits
Medics improve morale by their mere presence, as Secondary Attack
well as being able to treat injuries in the field and get Some larger single models such as tanks and walkers
troops back in the fight. can make multiple attacks during their action.
● As an action, a Medic can remove all suppression ● When models with this Special Rule receive an
from a single infantry model within 3” attack order, attack with their primary weapon
� Place activation markers on both models as usual, but then you may make another attack
using the secondary weapon’s attack dice
● During the cleanup phase, automatically remove against a different target.
1 suppression marker from one infantry model
within 3” of the medic Melee
Units with the melee special can make a close
Radio Operator quarters attack, either with natural weapons such as
Radio operators allow nearby officers to order teeth and claws in the case of some units, or
support from HQ in the form of artillery strikes and specialist close assault weaponry like Vril Axes in
precision bombing. others.

● As an action, the Radio Operator can either call ● Models with this rule that have ranged capability
an artillery strike or a precision bombing mission can choose to make a normal attack or a melee
� There must be an available model (i.e.
unactivated) with either the Platoon Leader � If the model has no ranged capability, then it
or Squad Leader within 3” may only make melee attacks

� On completing the action, place activation ● When a model with this special rule is given a
markers by both models Melee order, it must be able to move to base
contact with the desired target (normal targeting
● For an artillery strike, place the large, circular rules apply)
template anywhere within the Leader model’s
LOS � You may move the model up to its full move
to make a Melee attack
� Roll 1 heavy to attack each model touched by
the template � If the model cannot reach, you may not
attack with it
� Roll 1 heavy die for any destructible terrain
touched by the template. On a result of 3 it is � To attack targets inside buildings, move the
destroyed attacking model to base contact with a door
or ground floor window on the building. The
defending player may choose which model is

● Targets attacked in this way receive no benefit � Starting with the model that is nearest ANY
from cover other model of a different type to the Beast
model, make a melee attack against the
● The attacker rolls the dice listed with their melee nearest model (according to the Melee
rule special rules). For example, if a Gorehound
Pack loses their Packmaster, they will attack
● You cannot attack terrain with the Melee rule
any non-Gorehound model that they can
Controller reach

Models with the Controller special rule are a type of � If no models are in attack range, move the
officer that controls dangerous units in battle that model its maximum move towards the
would otherwise attack indiscriminately, such as the nearest model of a different type
Skarn Gorehounds and the Vatari Vril Puppets.
Suppression Immunity
● See the list of Actions for more details on the
Models with Suppression Immunity are relentless and
orders that can be given by officers
fearless foes that must be destroyed to remove them
● Actions initiated by officers change target from play as they will never retreat or flee from
priority rules if they involve directly attacking battle. Examples include the mindless Vril Puppets
enemy models (i.e. Charge) of the Vatari.

� Instead of attacking the nearest enemy ● Models with suppression immunity do not suffer
model in LOS, models may choose the any of the effects of being Pinned or Retreating
nearest enemy model in LOS from a different
● Place pinned and retreating markers next to
enemy unit as the target (e.g. there is a
units according to the normal rules, to track how
closer enemy infantry squad, but the
much damage they are taking, but they suffer
sergeant issuing the order determines a
none of the effects of these states, and can be
more distant machine gun team to be the
given orders to move and attack as usual
greater threat)

● Controller allows the officer to give orders to any

models in their Squad

Fast models are infantry that can move
considerably faster than a normal soldier.

● Models with the Fast rule have a maximum

movement rate of 8” instead of 6”

Models with the Beast special rule require a
controller to operate safely in battle.

● If the Controller model of a unit of models with ■ MP-42V SMG

the Beast special rule is removed from play,
these models are no longer controlled by the
player that owns them

● During the Compulsory Moves phase of the

round, any models with this special rule that have
lost their controller move and attack

Withheld US soldier’s letter from North Africa, 1942

November 20th 1942

Pvt. Mike O’Sullivan



My dearest Lucy.

I surely miss you, and can’t wait until the next time I get leave
and can see you again. I showed your photograph to some
of the men and they got real jealous. Reckon I’ve got the
prettiest girl in the whole dang Corps.

There’s actual desert where we’re quartered, so thank God

it’s November. We got some of those Skarn
spacemen and they’re something else. They
don’t talk much and keep to their own kind,
but in battle, let me tell you I’d have no
other on my side. They’re real hard butts,
pardon my French. All they ever do talk about
is killing Vatari, them’s the other spacemen
on the Nazi’s side. These Skarn guys are
tough, pretty damned fearless, and way
stronger than a man. Their equipment is a
bit fancier than ours, they got body armor,
their grenades are about the same as
ours, and they got these fully automatic
rifles that are better than ours up close.
They also got these light armored vehicles
with big tires and a turret gun that are great
for wrecking Nazi tanks. Some day we’re
supposed to be getting gear like theirs,
but things move slow in the army.

Write me soon darling,

All my love,

Your Mikey Boy

Allied Forces
Forces from this list can represent troops and vehicles from any of the Allied powers of World War 2, including
their new alien friends, the Skarn. The arrival of the aliens has somewhat changed their historical appearance
and platoon compositions, so they favour smaller units, and have aspects of alien tech represented in their
gear and weapons.

Platoon Leader Platoon Leader Infantry

The Platoon Leader is usually a Lieutenant or Captain

Close Medium Long
from one of Earth’s allied powers. Platoon Leaders
are represented by an individual infantry model on 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
the playing area.
Special Rules Platoon Leader

You can add 2-4 of the following units to your platoons.

Regular Infantry Squad Leader Infantry

Regular infantry are the backbone of any army and

Close Medium Long
excel at mid range combat, they include American
GI’s, British Tommies or Soviet Rifle Squads. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A regular infantry unit has the following composition.
Special Rules Squad Leader
● 1 Squad Leader

● 4 Riflemen
Rifleman Infantry
● 1 Specialist
Close Medium Long
You may choose one specialist for your regular
infantry unit from the following list: 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Medic
Special Rules Grenade

● AT Launcher

Skarn Warriors Skarn Squad Leader Infantry

Skarn Warriors excel at close quarters fighting where

Close Medium Long
their ferocity and strength makes them more than a
match for any human combatant. They wield 3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
automatic rifles and grenades, and their specialists
include LMG and grenade launcher operators. Special Rules Squad Leader
● 1 Skarn Squad Leader

● 3 Skarn Warriors
Skarn Warrior Infantry
● 1 Skarn Specialist
Close Medium Long
You may choose one specialist for your regular
infantry unit from the following list: 3 Light 2 Light 1 Light

● Skarn Grenade Launcher

Special Rules Grenade
● Skarn LMG

Skarn Grenade Launcher Infantry Skarn LMG Infantry

Close Medium Long Close Medium Long

3 Light 2 Light 1 Light 2 Light 3 Light 2 Light

Special Rules Launch Grenade Special Rules

Gorehound Pack Skarn Packmaster Infantry

Gorehounds are ferocious, doglike creatures bred for

Close Medium Long
war by the Skarn, and cybernetically modified with
armoured plates and a control implant. In battle a 3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
Skarn Packmaster controls the animals via the
implant, but if the Packmaster is taken out, the Special Rules Controller
Gorehounds will run rampant, attacking anything in
their path.
Gorehound Infantry
● 1 Skarn Packmaster

● 5 Gorehounds Close Medium Long

0 - -

Special Rules Fast, Beast, Melee: 3 Light

Engineers Engineer Squad Leader Infantry

Engineers are armed with SMGs and carry satchel

Close Medium Long
charges they can use to disable enemy armour.
An engineer squad has the following composition. 3Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Squad Leader
Special Rules Squad Leader
● 2 Engineers

● 1 Specialist Engineer Infantry

You may choose one specialist for your Engineer unit Close Medium Long
from the following list:
3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● AT Launcher

● Flamethrower Special Rules Demolition, Mechanic

Special Forces Special Forces Squad Leader Infantry

Allied Special Forces include units such as the SAS,

Close Medium Long
Spetsnaz, and US Rangers. Squads have the following
composition: 3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Squad Leader
Special Rules Squad Leader, Camouflage
● 3 Troops

Special Forces Infantry

Close Medium Long

3 Light 2 Light 1 Light

Special Rules Demolition, Camouflage

Infantry Specialists
Here are the profiles for the infantry specialists available to Allied human forces

Medic Infantry LMG Infantry

Close Medium Long Close Medium Long

2 Light 2 Light 1 Light 2 Light 3 Light 2 Light

Special Rules Medic Special Rules -

AT Launcher Infantry Flamethrower Infantry

Close Medium Long Close Medium Long

2 Light 2 Light 1 Light 2 Light 2 Light 2 Light

Special Rules AT Launcher Special Rules Flamethrower

Allied Forces can choose from the following Add-Ons for their platoon.

Sniper Sniper Infantry

Armed with precision long rifles such as the M1903A4

Close Medium Long
or the Lee Enfield No.4, snipers are lethal, long range
marksmen who carefully select and pick off targets 1 Light 4 Light 4 Light
from concealment. It is imperative to keep important
personnel, like officers and specialists, out of their Special Rules Camouflage, Tactical Training
line of fire.
A Sniper Unit consists of:
● 1 Sniper

Flamethrower Team Flamethrower Infantry

Flamethrowers are the ultimate terror weapon

Close Medium Long
against infantry, with for example US flamethrower
teams consisting of two operators equipped with M2 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A Flamethrower Unit consists of: Special Rules Flamethrower
● 2 Flame Units

Mortar Team Mortar Team Infantry

Allied Mortar teams provide light artillery support in

Close Medium Long
the field, with crews consisting of a loader and an
operator manning, for example, a US M1 81 mm mortar 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
or a British 2-inch mortar.
A Mortar Unit consists of: Special Rules Mortar Team
● 2 Crew

MG Team MG Crew Infantry

Allied MG teams provide fire support, with crews

Close Medium Long
consisting of a loader and an operator manning
weapons such as the .30 calibre Browning M1919, or 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
the Vickers Machine Gun.
An MG Unit consists of: Special Rules MG Team
● 2 Crew

Radio Operator Radio Operator Infantry

Radio Operators maintain communication with HQ

Close Medium Long
and enable nearby officers to order artillery strikes
and air support missions against enemy targets. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A Radio Operator Unit consists of:
Special Rules Radio Operator
● 1 Radio Operator

Jeep Jeep Vehicle

Jeep units consist of two vehicles, each crewed with
a driver and a mounted machine gun operator. Close Medium Long

A Jeep Unit consists of: 1 Light 3 Light 3 Light

● 2 Jeeps Special Rules -

Medium Tank Medium Tank Vehicle

There are a plethora of allied medium tanks models,
with typical examples including the US M4 Sherman Close Medium Long
and the British Vickers Mark 2. Typically they were
2 Heavy 2 Heavy 2 Heavy
equipped with a main turret gun and a secondary
machine gun.
4 light 4 light 4 light
A Medium Tank Unit consists of:
Special Rules Secondary Weapon - MG
● 1 Medium Tank

Barracuda Barracuda Vehicle

The Barracuda is a six wheeler Skarn armoured car,

Close Medium Long
equipped with light armour plating, a 3-inch gun and
a secondary flamethrower. It is typically operated by 2 heavy 2 heavy 2 heavy
a crew of three.
– – –
A Barracuda Unit consists of:

● 1 Skarn Armoured Car Special Rules Secondary Weapon - Flamethrower

■ Skarn Combat Pistol

Extract from German after action report, North Africa

Oberfeldwebel Dietrich Baden


6th June, 1942

…Regarding the effectiveness of our Vatari allies in the field, I am pleased to say they acquitted
themselves with honour and courage, and proved to be a most useful addition to my platoon.
The armoured suits of their Ursus Knights’ operate surprisingly well in desert conditions, neither
slowing nor stifling the Vatari soldiers encased within. Their Vril weaponry is something to
behold, truly a terrifying spectacle for any enemy. They do not wield rifles, like their Skarn
enemies, but instead, most cunningly, the same Vril energy that powers their suits is discharged
through the lenses of their helmets, thus turning their eyes into blazing beams of destruction.
Not only that, but the axes they wield channel Vril too, enabling them to shear through enemy
armour at close quarters. Lastly the larger suits, known as Talos mount heavier armour and Vril
weaponry making them the equivalent of one-man
tanks. We must surely expedite the production of
these Vatari designs at our manufacturing plants
throughout the Reich, for with such weapons
victory shall be

Axis Forces
Forces from this list can represent troops and vehicles from any of the Axis powers of World War 2, including
their new alien allies, the Vatari. As with the Allied Forces, the arrival of the aliens has changed their historical
appearance and platoon compositions.

Platoon Leader Platoon Leader Infantry

The Platoon Leader is usually an Oberfeldwebel,

Close Medium Long
Hauptmann, or equivalent from one of Earth’s Axis
powers. Platoon Leaders are represented by an 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
individual infantry model on the playing area.
Special Rules Platoon Leader

You can add 2-4 of the following units to your platoons.

Regular Infantry Squad Leader Infantry

Regular infantry are the backbone of any army and

Close Medium Long
excel at mid range combat, they include units like
Panzergrenadiers and Japanese Imperial Guards. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A regular infantry unit has the following composition.
Special Rules Squad Leader
● 1 Squad Leader

● 4 Riflemen
Rifleman Infantry
● 1 Specialist
Close Medium Long
You may choose one specialist for your regular
infantry unit from the following list: 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Medic
Special Rules Grenade

● AT Launcher

URSUS Knights URSUS Squad Leader Infantry
URSUS Knights are elite Vatari fighters that wear Vril
Close Medium Long
powered suits of armour, fitted with on board
weaponry. They are particularly dangerous at close
3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
quarters where they can bring the powered axes into
play that are capable of hacking apart even heavy
Special Rules Squad Leader, Melee: 2 Heavy
armour. An URSUS Knight unit has the following

● 1 URSUS Squad Leader

URSUS Knight Infantry
● 2 URSUS Knights
Close Medium Long
● 1 URSUS Specialist
3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
You may choose one specialist for your URSUS
Knight unit from the following list: Special Rules Melee: 2 Heavy

● URSUS Vril Cannon

URSUS Vril Cannon Infantry

Close Medium Long

1 Heavy 1 Heavy 1 Heavy

Special Rules Launch Grenade

Vril Puppets Puppetmaster Infantry

Vril Puppets are abominations of Vatari science that

Close Medium Long
have turned prisoners of war into mindless, unfeeling
killing machines entirely under the command of a 2 Light 2 Light 2 Light
Vatari Puppetmaster. These tragic wretches feel no
pain, no fear and are superhumanly strong. They exist Special Rules Controller
solely to serve their alien masters, slaying their
former comrades.
Vril Puppets Infantry
● 1 Vatari Puppetmaster

● 5 Vril Puppets Close Medium Long

0 - -

Suppression Immunity, Beast,

Special Rules
Melee: 1 heavy, 1 light

Engineers Engineer Squad Leader Infantry

Engineers are armed with SMGs and carry satchel

Close Medium Long
charges they can use to disable enemy armour.
An engineer squad has the following composition. 3Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Squad Leader
Special Rules Squad Leader
● 2 Engineers

● 1 Specialist Engineer Infantry

You may choose one specialist for your Engineer unit Close Medium Long
from the following list:
3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● AT Launcher

● Flamethrower Special Rules Demolition, Mechanic

Special Forces Special Forces Squad Leader Infantry

Axis Special Forces include units such as the

Close Medium Long
Fallschirmjaeger. Squads have the following
composition: 3 Light 2 Light 1 Light
● Squad Leader
Special Rules Squad Leader, Camouflage
● 3 Troops

Special Forces Infantry

Close Medium Long

3 Light 2 Light 1 Light

Special Rules Demolition, Camouflage

Infantry Specialists
Here are the profiles for the infantry specialists available to the Axis human forces.

Medic Infantry LMG Infantry

Close Medium Long Close Medium Long

2 Light 2 Light 1 Light 2 Light 3 Light 2 Light

Special Rules Medic Special Rules -

AT Launcher Infantry Flamethrower Infantry

Close Medium Long Close Medium Long

2 Light 2 Light 1 Light 2 Light 2 Light 2 Light

Special Rules AT Launcher Special Rules Flamethrower

Allied Forces can choose from the following Add-Ons for their platoon.

Sniper Sniper Infantry

Axis snipers use weapons such as the German K98

Close Medium Long
Mauser. They are lethal, long range marksmen who
carefully select and pick off targets from 1 Light 4 Light 4 Light
concealment, therefore commanders must keep
important personnel, like officers and specialists, Special Rules Camouflage, Tactical Training
out of their line of fire.
A Sniper Unit consists of:
● 1 Sniper

Flamethrower Team Flamethrower Infantry

A typical German flamethrower team consisted of

Close Medium Long
two operators equipped with Flammenwerfer 35
flamethrowers. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A Flamethrower Unit consists of:
● 2 Flame Units Special Rules Flamethrower

Mortar Team Mortar Team Infantry

Axis Mortar teams provide light artillery support in

Close Medium Long
the field, with crews consisting of a loader and an
operator manning, for example, a German 8cm 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
Granatwerfer 34.
A Mortar Unit consists of: Special Rules Mortar Team
● 2 Crew

MG Team MG Crew Infantry

Axis MG teams provide fire support, with crews

Close Medium Long
consisting of a loader and an operator manning
weapons such as the MG-42. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
An MG Unit consists of:
● 2 Crew Special Rules MG Team

Radio Operator Radio Operator Infantry

Radio Operators maintain communication with HQ

Close Medium Long
and enable nearby officers to order artillery strikes
and air support missions against enemy targets. 2 Light 2 Light 1 Light
A Radio Operator Unit consists of:
Special Rules Radio Operator
● 1 Radio Operator

Motorbike and Sidecar Motorbike and Sidecar Vehicle

The motorbike and sidecar combination is especially
common as an add-on to German platoons, typically Close Medium Long
consisting of a BMW R75, crewed by a rider and a
machine gun operator in the sidecar. 1 Light 3 Light 3 Light

A Motorbike and Sidecar Unit consists of: Special Rules -

● 2 Motorbikes and Sidecars

Medium Tank Medium Tank Vehicle

The Axis powers deploy many medium tanks with
typical examples including the German Panzer III and Close Medium Long
the Japanese Type 97. Typically they were equipped
2 Heavy 2 Heavy 2 Heavy
with a main turret gun and a secondary machine gun.

A Medium Tank Unit consists of: 4 light 4 light 4 light

● 1 Medium Tank Special Rules Secondary Weapon - MG

Talos Talos Vehicle

Named after the legendary bronze automaton of

Close Medium Long
Greek Mythology, Talos units are large Vatari walkers
powered by Vril reactors. They are somewhat like a 2 heavy 2 heavy 2 heavy
scaled up version of the URSUS Knights, but the pilot
sits within an armoured hull, rather than wearing the – – –
suit. from this armoured cocoon, they operate a Vril
cannon and a secondary flamethrower. Special Rules Secondary Weapon - Flamethrower

A Vatari Walker Unit consists of:

● 1 Vatari Walker

The rulebook describes setting up a standard engagement between two equally matched platoons, but we
can mix it up a bit with some other scenarios which have different platoon selection rules, deployment
rules and victory conditions..

Take and Hold

In a Take and Hold scenario both sides are trying to capture a strategic point on the battlefield.

Sides ● This may be a destructible object, in which case, neither

side can win if it is destroyed
Sides are equal in this scenario, and should be chosen
according to the rules earlier in this rule book.
Victory Conditions
Deployment The battle ends after 6 rounds.

Use the normal deployment rules found earlier in this rule If no models occupy the objective, it is a draw
If one side has more models on or in the objective at the end
Special Rules of the game, they win
Place one piece of terrain in the centre of the playing area, If the objective is destroyed at any point, the game
and designate this as the objective. This could be a building, immediately ends in a draw
a hill, or perhaps a bridge.

● The terrain piece should be something that can either

be occupied by infantry, or an area that models can be
placed on

Armoured Engagement
In an Armoured Engagement two equally matched Armoured Platoons do battle.

Sides Deployment
Ignore the normal rules for choosing a platoon. Instead, each Use the normal deployment rules found earlier in this rule
side consists of an Armoured Platoon: book.

● An Armoured Platoon consists of 2-4 Armoured Units Special Rules

� Both players should have the same number of Units None

● An Allied Armoured Unit consists of either: Victory Conditions

� 3 Medium Tanks As per the standard rules, victory is achieved when the losing
player either concedes defeat, or has no models left that can
� 3 Barracudas be given actions at the beginning of a round.

● An Axis Armoured Unit consists of either:

� 3 Medium Tanks

� 3 Talos

In a Defender scenario a small force must hold out against a larger enemy force.

Sides Special Rules

For a standard sized battle of this type the sides are as follows: During the Clean Up phase of each round, the attacker may
choose one reserve unit or add-on to place in the
● Defending side consists of: deployment area.
� Platoon Leader Units in reserve do not contribute to the number of actions
� 2 Units the attacker has available.

� 2 Add-Ons Once a unit is in play, it adds 1 action to the attacker’s

available actions
● Attacking side consists of:
Victory Conditions
� Platoon Leader
The battle ends after 6 rounds*, when the defender’s relief
� 4 Units force arrives.

� 4 Add-Ons The defender wins if more than half the models they started
with remain in play.
The attacker wins if more than half the defender’s models
The Defender places their whole army first:
have been removed as casualties.
● All defender models must be within 8” of the centre of
Be aware that if you scale this scenario up to, for example,
the playing area
one full defender platoon versus 2 full attacker platoons,
The attacker then deploys their Platoon Leader plus half of you’ll need to change the time limit in victory conditions
their Units and Add-Ons: (we’d suggest 9 rounds for this example).

● Models can be placed within 6” of any table edge

● Remaining Units and Add-Ons are held in reserve and

will be brought into play on subsequent rounds.

deployment zone

Attacker deployment zone


Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated

Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated

Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated Activated

Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned

Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned


t in

t in

t in

t in

t in

t in

t in

t in























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t in

t in

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t in

t in

t in






















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Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering

Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire

Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering Covering

Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire

Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied

Roster sheet

Name Close Medium Long Type Special Rules


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