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MARADMINS : 578/18

R 051607Z OCT 18
NARR/REFERENCE (A) IS MCO 1001R.65, Reserve Officer Commissioning
Program (ROCP). Reference (B) is MCO 1001R.1L w/CH-1, Marine Corps Reserve
Administrative Management Manual (MCRAMM).  Reference (C) is MCO 1001.59A
Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) in Support of the Total Force.  Reference
(D) is MARADMIN 204/15 Validation Requirements When Determining Primary
Residence For Reserve Component (RC) Marines.//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  This message provides guidance and procedures for
execution of the ROCP Professional Development Tour (PDT), previously known as
the One Year Experience Tour program.
2.  Situation.  In 2007, the ROCP was created to correct staffing deficiencies in the
Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) company grade officer ranks.  Prior to the
creation of the ROCP, the primary source of accession into the SMCR came from
experienced officers leaving the active component.  During a time with few Reserve
unit activation opportunities, officers accessing directly into the SMCR have fewer
opportunities to gain experience.  The intent of the program is to increase the
proficiency of the Reserve officer corps while alleviating active component officer
shortfalls, by providing orders for one year to newly accessed ROCP officers.  At the
conclusion of their PDT, ROCP lieutenants return to their assigned SMCR unit.
3.  Intent.  Provide newly accessed Reserve officers the opportunity for an operational
tour to gain leadership and technical experience, appropriate to their grade and
primary military occupation specialty (PMOS), by providing Active Duty Operational
Support (ADOS) opportunities after graduating from MOS school.
4.  Accession process and acceptance of Professional Development orders.
    a.  While at The Basic School (TBS):
        (1) Lieutenants will accept a PDT while attending TBS.  Lieutenants whom do
not wish to accept orders may communicate their request through their TBS Company
staff to the ROCP Manger in an Administrative Action (AA) form prior to the MOS
designation and unit assignment process.
        (2) The ROCP manager will coordinate with MMOA to determine tour
assignments for ROCP lieutenants.
        (3) Lieutenants will be provided their MOS classification, SMCR unit
assignment, and PDT assignment prior to departing TBS.
    b.  While at MOS school:
        (1) Lieutenants who did not accept a PDT while at TBS may do so while at MOS
school by contacting the ROCP manager.
        (2) MOS schools will direct ROCP lieutenants assigned to an SMCR unit within
150 miles of their primary residence to report immediately to their unit after
graduation.  Lieutenants assigned to an SMCR units outside of 150 miles will be
directed to report within 30 days following graduation.
    c.  Upon joining the SMCR:
        (1) Lieutenants who did not accept a PDT prior to completing initial accession
training may do so by submitting an AA Form through their SMCR unit to the ROCP
manager.  Requests for orders must be endorsed by battalion/squadron commander or
higher for receipt of orders.
        (2) SMCR units will join ROCP lieutenants reporting from MOS school to the
Billet Identification Code (BIC) assigned by Reserve Affairs while at TBS. 
Lieutenants will remain assigned to this BIC for the duration of their orders.
        (3) SMCR units will ensure primary residence addresses are accurately reflected
in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS), per reference (d), prior to
receiving orders.
        (4) SMCR units will authenticate ADOS orders as required.
    d.  Reserve Affairs is prepared to draft and fund ADOS orders that provide
permanent change of station authority to move lieutenants to their assigned PDT unit. 
To reduce confusion and to ensure the correct payment of entitlements, PDT orders
will not commence until the officer has joined their SMCR unit and all administrative
actions on the period of active duty covering initial accession training have been
    e.  Under no circumstances are Marines to travel to their assigned duty location
without orders.
    f.  Flights to and from the duty location will be coordinated by the SMCR unit
using the information provided in the orders.
    g.  Gaining commands are required to ensure ROCP lieutenants are employed
according to the billet they have been assigned to within their reporting orders.
    h.  When traveling between duty locations, service members rate the minimum
travel days specified by the Joint Travel Regulation.  Gaining commands must afford
officers on ADOS orders the ability to return to their home of record no later than the
end date of the orders.
    i.  Upon completion of their PDT, officers will report to their originally assigned
Reserve Training Center, and resume drilling with their assigned Reserve unit at the
next scheduled training period.
5.  Eligibility.
    a.  Grade requirements.  Must be a Second Lieutenant or a First Lieutenant with
less than six months’ time in grade.
    b.  Commissioning source.  Must be commissioned under the Reserve Officer
Commission Program.
    c.  Direct questions regarding eligibility to the point of contact listed above.
6.  Coordinating Instructions.
    a.  The ROCP manager is the point of contact for the PDT program and is
responsible for the overall planning, coordination, and execution of the program.
    b.  PDT orders and the continuation of this program is dependent on the availability
of funds.
    c.  Orders Extensions.  Per reference (c), orders will typically not exceed 365 days. 
Waivers to extend beyond 365 days must be submitted to Director, Reserve Affairs
Division via ROCP Manager.  Requests must be communicated in an AA Form
(NAVMC 10274), and contain endorsements from the PDT battalion/squadron
commander or higher and the officer’s SMCR battalion/squadron commander.  If
approved, the officer’s Mandatory Drill Participation Stop Date (MDPSD) will be
adjusted for the amount of days equal to the extension.
    d.  Early Termination.  ADOS orders may be terminated early by the member upon
submitting a AA Form, with endorsement from the commander of the gaining force
unit, to the ROCP Manager.
7.  This message cancels and replaces MARADMIN 021/17.
8.  Release authorized by Colonel J. M. Morrisroe, Director, Reserve Affairs Division,

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