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NO. MATRIKULASI : 000701121906001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 000701-12-1906

NO. TELEFON : 0132003963




PART I..........................................................................................................................3
TASK 1: INDIVIDUAL VIDEO PRESENTATION................................................3
TASK 2: REFLECTIVE REPORT............................................................................3
PART II (ONLINE CLASS PARTICIPATION)......................................................9





1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this reflective report is to examine and explain the analysis of
video recordings that have been made about the effects of short working hours in the
workplace. In this report, the planning stage for making a video and the challenges
throughout doing the report will be described below and there are some advantages
and disadvantages in making this video. I have also determined more specific and
relevant ways to produce interesting videos.

2.0 Reflection

2.1 Criteria 1

First of all, I will explain about some of the process or stages the making of a
video about the effects of working short hours at work that I made myself. Before
making the video, I was very excited because the topic of the assignment this time
was quite interesting to me, which was about the effects of short working hours at
work. This is because most people debate about the effects of working long hours and
I also agree that working long hours has some advantages and benefits of its own.
Before recording this video as well, I have done some research on this topic to get
information so that I can deliver my video well and smoothly. However, during the

making of the video there are some challenges that I have gone through. My biggest
challenge is not having the right time to make videos. A few months ago my eldest
sister gave birth to her first child. Because her maternity leave is over and she has also
started working, I have been asked to take care of her child because the other siblings
have their own busy schedule and I have no choice. Therefore, my time to do the
given task is very limited. I will do my assignments when I have free time and at
midnight. Even I know that will make my sleeping time irregular and make my health
less good, but I will try my best so that the given task can be completed before the
deadline. However, after some time I was doing tasks in the middle of the night, I
realized that it would affect my health so I made my own schedule by dividing the
time for doing house chores, taking care of my niece and also the time to do the tasks
given . Although all this will make my time very busy but at the same time make me
very satisfied with a useful and organized daily routine.
After making the video, I was very happy and relieved to be able to complete
the first task despite some obstacles. But here I realized that learning is very important
even in a situation busy with daily routine. I have also put a lot of preparation into this
situation, both as the director and the speaker for my own video, especially in terms of
knowledge and speaking confidence. Despite not much and not perfect, but I am
aware of how the effort I did with the first assignment which involve making a video
and the second task where students are required to make a report about it.

2.2 Criteria 2

Next, I will explain how long the timeline took me to complete the video and
explain some of the importance of involving innovation and creativity in the task.
Because I already know that I will not have much time and would only complete the
tasks given in my free time, I estimated or planned that this would take a long time
which is almost 2 weeks. Before I started the recording, I did studies on the topic of
the video  which will make it easier for me to deliver the speech. This information
search activity took me 5 days and the rest was my preparation to record the video.
Apart from looking for relevant material, I am also looking for suitable pictures to
include in my video assignment. This is intended so that the video will be more
interesting and less straightforward.

Creativity is important not just for creating videos but also for many other
reasons. Most people would agree that creativity is important. Perhaps the most
important soft skill of the 21st century. After all, it enables us to develop new ideas
and solve problems innovatively. Creativity is an important part of our lives because,
without creativity, we would not have the things that bring us so much happiness and
satisfaction. Creativity is one reason things like art, music, dance, and film exist.
Creativity helps us express our feelings and ideas about all kinds of things. It also
allows us to share our ideas with other people. Therefore creativity is important in
many aspects. For example in this assignment, creativity and innovation are needed to
develop students' ideas. We can use various facilities such as the internet, powerpoint
and also editing applications such as capcut, VN, filmora, funimate and many more.
In the application we can use various effects, transitions, change the background, add
subtitles, background sounds and much more. All of this connected to creativity
which can help students in completing assignment more effectively and competently.

2.3 Criteria 3

As we are already aware, the issue of the topic this time is related to short-
term work and what are the effects. I have made a video recording about this topic
and of course it takes effort to complete it. There were numerous mistakes while I was
filming the video. speaking in front of the camera is a bit difficult for me because I
find my way of speaking too fast and unclear and the environment also uncooperative.
when I want to make a recording, my environment is quite noisy and it is difficult to
me to make a good video. Therefore, I have decided to make the video at night where
I can shoot in a calm state. Besides that, I also use a dictionary like google translate as
my reference to improve how to pronounce the sentence accurately and clearly.
Before that, I had taken some recordings but after looking back I found that the voice
on my recordings was not clear. I had to take the recording again but this time to solve
this problem I used a microphone so that my voice could be heard more clearly.
Although this topic relates to short-term employment, I am unfamiliar with it
because I have previous experience working in a glove factory. While working, I have
had the opposite experience where I have worked overtime at work. This company
has set 12 working hours in a day with the aim of increasing productivity and quality

of work. Sometimes, I only have Sunday off and the rest of the day is work time. So
far I have not experienced short-term work anywhere before, so it is quite difficult for
me to explain about this topic. Therefore, I only rely on the internet to get information
and ask questions to friends who have experienced it.
The way I do the video recording task is to record my speech first and after
that I will start editing. But during the process of making a video recording, it
occurred to me that apart from the way I did, I could also do it by using powerpoint or
slideshow to explain about the topic of the issue. PowerPoint is referred to be a flash
card that can be used to assist presenters. Another benefit of using Powerpoint is the
ability to make presentations more entertaining by using colours, letters, animations,
and related images. Additionally, PowerPoint offers eye-catching templates and
simple operations for organising all design components, backgrounds, colours,
patterns, and programme configurations. Because of this, I believed that creating a
Powerpoint was another effective technique in the video recording task that has been

2.4 Criteria 4

After completing the video assignment, I showed the video to one of my

sisters and asked for her opinion. Here, she has watched the video diligently and given
some comments. The first comment was that she advised me to speak in front of the
camera with more confidence and try to not look too much at notes. She also
suggested that I put the notes behind the camera so that it would be easier for me to
refer to them and not be too noticeable when I look at them more often. This is so that
I look calmer, confident and not miss any important point that I want to convey to my
audience. My sister also commented on how the way I talk. She said that my
pronunciation is not clear, too fast and need to be enhance in various ways such as
daily reading aloud to build up the jaw muscles, regular use a dictionary, and more
practise speaking english. She also spoke out on my body language and intonation
which seemed a bit stiff and less encouraging. This is because body language and
intonation are very important when delivering a speech regardless of whether it is in
front of a phone screen or in front of a crowd. Body language and voice intonation
can also attract the audience to hear what the speaker wants to convey. With

comments like this, I learned a lot more that I need to improve in terms of self-
confidence, the way of speaking, intonation and also how to use the right body
language. All those comments are very helpful in completing this video assignment.
After getting an opinion from my own sister, I have tried to improve where the parts
need to be fixed in order to complete this task perfectly.

2.5 Criteria 5

In this section, I will tell about my feelings and thoughts related to the video
recording of the task has been given. In my opinion, making this video is a good way
and can help students to improve their communication, creativity and can also
challenge students to complete their assignments. This is because I believe there are
some students who are still experiencing difficulties or have not yet explored the
world of technology. Therefore, with the task instruction to make a video recording it
can indirectly assist students in learning a little bit about editing and other related
skills. I also believe that making a video recording can save energy compared to
writing a lengthy essay because I find creating videos to be quite enjoyable. I enjoy
selecting songs, sound effects, and adding other decorations to my videos. Apart from
that I also think that this video recording task is also an effective way for student
learning especially in English subjects because students can be evaluated through
video recording related to pronunciation, vocabulary, knowledge of the topic and also
public speaking skills. As a result, I fully agree with the assignment requirements to
do video recording because it has a lot of benefits and qualities of its own.
But if video recording is not advisable, here I would like to give an opinion
that audio recording can also be used instead of video recording. Audio was the
dominant form of communication for a very long time. It took a back seat with the
arrival of television and continued to be relegated by the internet. However, as the
public uses video recording more and more, this kind of audio recording is becoming
less popular. The really special thing about audio is that we as the listener become
part of the story. Our ears transmit information from the sounds we hear to our brain,
where the imagination fills in the details. Audio also has many benefits over video
because it less expensive, easier to create and the best way to engage with many while
maintaining social distance. If some videos were presented as audio the audience

would be inclined to listen more carefully. This is because the speaker is no longer
worrying about how they look on camera, or the lights, or the cost of the production.
Audio recording is much easier and less stressful for the person being recorded. As a
result, they loosen up a bit. They get a bit more expressive in the way they talk. The
result is a more enjoyable, more effective experience for all concerned. That is why I
chose audio recording as another way to deliver the speech

3.0 Conclusion

In conlusion, I managed to overcome all the challenges in completing the task

1 and task 2 which we are required to make a video recording about the effects short
term work in a worplace and make a repport about it. I was able to overcome all those
challenges with the help of my coursemate and our tutors of course. although there
were some obstacles that I experienced throughout the process of completing the
assignment given, but that was not my reason for not sending and not completing the
assignment. Also, I would like to thank for ou tutor, Mr. Manoharan for giving us all
the guidance through class online



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