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EE-603 Linear System Theory

Lecture 06

Dr. Sheraz Khan

University of Engineering & Technology Mardan

November 11, 2022

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Remarks about Computation of e A (t)
As discussed in Section 3.6 (chen), three methods of computing functions
of a matrix. They can all be used to compute e A (t) :

Using Theorem 3.5

First, compute the eigenvalues of A; next, find a polynomial h(λ) of
degree n − 1 that equals e λt on the spectrum of A; then e At = h(A)

Using Jordan form of A

Let A = QÂQ ; then e At = QeÂt Q−1 , where A is in Jordan form and
e At can readily be obtained by using (3.48).

Using the infinite power series in (3.51)

Using the infinite power series in (3.51): Although the series will not, in
general, yield a closed-form solution, it is suitable for computer
computation, as discussed following (3.51).
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In addition, (3.58) can be used to compute e At

e At = L−1 (sI − A)−1 (4.8)

The inverse of (sI − A) is a function of A; therefore, again, we have many
methods to compute it:
1 Taking the inverse of (sI − A).
2 Using Theorem 3.5.
3 Using (sI − A)−1 = Q sI − Â Q−1
4 Using the infinite power series in (3.57).
5 Using the Leverrier algorithm discussed in Problem 3.26.

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Structured e At via Taylor expansion

convenient when A is a diagonal or Jordan matrix

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Structured e At via Taylor expansion

convenient when A is a diagonal or Jordan matrix

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Structured e At via Taylor expansion

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Structured e At via Taylor expansion

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Mass moving on a straight line

Consider a mass moving on a straight line with zero friction and no
external force. Let x1 and x2 be be the position and the velocity of the
mass, respectively. The state-space description of the system is

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Mechanical system with strong damping

Consider a spring-mass-damper system with m = 1, k = 2, b = 3. Let x1
and x1 be the position and velocity of the mass, respectively. We have

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Mechanical system with strong damping

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Low-Order e At Column Solutions

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Computation of e A (t)

Computing Low-Order e At Column Solutions

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Columns of The State-Transition Matrix

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Computation of e A (t)

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Online Computation using Octave

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