Global Citizenship Essay

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Isis Garcia

World Literature
Period 6

Global Citizenship Essay

Throughout life, we face experiences that shape us into who we are today. ASGL inspires

students to become lifelong learners who can adapt to future challenges. ASGL is committed to

equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in life. In addition, ASGL prepares the

next generation of leaders who will shape our society's future. A global citizen is caring and

open-minded, recognizing that we are all part of a larger community and responsible for caring

for one another. It requires looking beyond our own borders and acknowledging that we are not

the only ones who matter.

Melanie Martinez is a global citizen known for her caring nature towards her fans and

open-mindedness. She values her fans and often interacts with them on social media and in

person. Her music and artistry showcase her unique and open-minded perspective, encouraging

her fans to embrace their own individuality. Melanie Martinez's actions and beliefs demonstrate

her status as a global citizen while using the Learner Profiles in her everyday life. She is a role

model for many young people today due to her unwavering dedication to her fans and her unique

perspective on life.

During my time at RFK, I have gained valuable skills and knowledge that have helped

me become a global citizen. The Learner Profiles have taught me important qualities such as

being caring, open-minded, and principled. I have applied these qualities in my interactions

with individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those who struggle with mental health

issues such as depression and anxiety. Through empathy and understanding, I have been able to

connect with others and become a more compassionate individual. In addition, I have learned to
be a principled individual by consistently sticking to my values and beliefs such as showing

equal respect for individuals from anyone on the gender spectrum, sexuality, and beliefs. This

approach has allowed me to be respectful towards many individuals, despite the many

differences that exist within society. This skill is something I aim to carry with me into

adulthood, as I aspire to be recognized as a supportive and trustworthy individual.

As I prepare to enter adulthood, I am focused on improving my communication skills

and maintaining an open-minded attitude. To support my college education, I plan to work in

customer service and enhance my abilities to interact effectively with customers and support

them in any situation. I understand the importance of being open-minded, especially when

resolving disputes, and will continue to expand my communication skills to better serve others.

In addition, to continue my work in customer service, I am also committed to being an

open-minded individual in all aspects of my life. I believe that it is important to support

individuals regardless of their gender, cultural background, ethnicity, or any other aspect of their

identity. By doing so, I hope to create a more inclusive and accepting society, where everyone is

valued and respected for who they are.

During my middle and high school years, I learned about various Learner Profiles and

gained valuable skills that have shaped me into the person I am today. As I reflect on my own

experiences, I strongly believe that future generations of students should also be exposed to these

profiles. By doing so, they can gain a better understanding of their own learning styles and

develop the skills necessary to become successful global citizens. These skills include being

mindful of their own thought processes, being open-minded to new ideas and perspectives, and

being principled in their actions and decisions.

In my own life, these profiles have helped me to become a more balanced individual. By

being reflective, I am able to identify areas where I need to improve and take steps to address

them. By being an inquirer, I am able to ask questions and seek out new information that can

help me to better understand the world around me. And by being empathetic, I am able to

connect with others on a deeper level and understand their perspectives. I strongly believe that

these learner profiles are crucial in shaping the minds of young individuals and preparing them

for a successful future.

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