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CLC 12 Hailey Eliason

16 Personalities Reflection

The traits and skills provided about my entrepreneur personality connect to my career plan by
being most of the necessities required pursue teaching. Some traits I found in my personality
that match to being a teacher are observant, thinking and turbulent. Being observant in
teaching is extremely important, as you need to be able to take note of students strengths and
weaknesses for them to be successful. If a student is struggling and a teacher doesn’t notice,
there is a good chance that the student will continue to go downhill. Being able to think is a
mandatory skill because teachers need to arrange lessons and assignments and answer
questions. Finally, being turbulent is an important skill as well, because with teaching comes
necessary meetings to discuss new ideas and improvement. If a teacher doesn’t want to
improve or achieve more in their career, than they are not turbulent and therefore do not
acquire all the traits to excel in this particular profession.

Skills within my personality that connect to specifically to teaching include, sociable, direct and
rational and practical. Being sociable is the bare minimum skill needed to teach. Teachers must
have the ability to engage with students, students’ parents and other staff members in order to
discuss topics related to their work or communicate with a classroom full of students in general.
Being direct is another valuable skill within teaching, because when it comes to important
things like students grades, health or overall well-being, there should always be a verdict of
being straight to the point. If teachers are not able to properly communicate clearly with
students, than there is the risk of misinterpretation or misleading through discussions. Lastly,
being rational and practical is also a skill directly connected to being a teacher. Being rational
gives teachers the ability to relate to students in situations like homework load or the vast
majority of a class needing extended practice before a large test.

The career fields that the test suggested for my personality type included emergency response,
sportsman, acting and business. These results did not match with my career plan of going into
the teaching field. However, the career paths the test did suggest all share similar skill/traits
that are needed for teaching. For instance, to be in the field a business as a salesman, you must
be able have a strong sociable skill and a bold presence in order to sell somebody on
something; teachers must also have good social skills to teach a classroom full of students and a
bold presence to get any messages across and the entire class engaged.

After reviewing each component of the results, I do feel that the entrepreneur personality is an
accurate depiction of my own personality, despite the career paths not being exactly identical
to the one I have considered. Many of the descriptions on skills/traits have matched up with
the actions I present daily. For example, the skill of being perspective by noticing small shifts in
habits and appearances and using those observations to create connections with others. By this
description, I find myself perspective quite often in social scenarios- when in group discussions,
if I take note of a peer building onto my idea frequently, I recognize that we share the same or
similar ideas, whereas if a peer contradicts the idea, then I recognize that they feel differently
about my idea, so therefore I need to step back, listen to take into consideration their point of
view, and find a way to connect our ideas in order to be successful.
CLC 12 Hailey Eliason

The results of my given personality are also accurate in other aspects too such as friendships.
For example, one of the points stated within the friendships of an entrepreneur, is that their
natural confidence attracts friends who share their same attitudes and values. I feel that this
statement falls true to myself, as all of my close friends have the similar attitude of being
determined towards their life goals and the value of being family oriented.

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