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Building the Next Generation of Progressive Leaders

The Progressive Landscape

Nonprofit Organizations
Media & Message
The Center for Progressive Leadership
The Center for American Progress, Campaign for Americas Future, People for the American Way, Media Matters, DEMOS

Political Organizations
21st Century Democrats, EMILYs List, ACT, Wellstone Action, DFA

Campaign Staff Training

Progressive Majority, New Democrat Network, EMILYs List, Democracy for America

Political Leadership Development

Identify, recruit, train, mentor and network new leaders.
League of Conservation Voters, NARAL, PIRG, Clean Water Action, Human Rights Campaign, USAction

Campaign Training for Candidates

Issue Advocacy

SEIU, UAW, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, the Laborers

Labor Union Training

Building the Next Generation of Progressive Leaders

Recruiting and Training New Leaders

High School and College Students
Year-long Fellowship

Lead campus and community political organizing efforts

Center for Progressive Leadership

Political Operatives & Activists

Nine-month Fellowship

Direct campaigns and political organizations

Candidate Development
Nine-month Fellowship

Run for local, state or national office

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