Laplace Inverse Laplace Transforms

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eS 1. INTRODUCTION eT se In eenemetics, a transformation is a device which converts one {onetion into another e.g., operation of differentiation on differentiable {opetion is a transformation because it converts a function into another fapetion known as f(x). Likewise operation of integration is also a transformation. The Laplace transformation, which we are going to study i» this chapter, reduces a given initial value problem to an algebraic cquation. Here the solution of initial value problem is directly found without finding the general solution. Laplace transformation is a method for solving differential equations in Physics and Engineering and its knowledge has become an essential part of background required for eee Engineers. 5.2. LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION (M.D.U. 2006} lace transform arAmaAwvrin ti “(t) bea function defined for allt 0. Then the Lapl noted by Lif (t)} and it is defined to be ; f(t) dt provided the integral exists. Thus : mae) LF OL= j et fio dt ce eat’ ch be real. aks ze will denote it by F(s) _ SPECIAL FUNCTIONSIAND INTEGRAL Tears “Wis called the Laplace transform operator and when operated upon fy maintoRs). Le) = Li) = jot -Ajeve Tin+) : gti” Provideds >Oandn+1>0ie,n>—1 (Using definition of Gamma function) nt Be Lun « yet (T(r +1) =ntifn isa tue integer or zero] OD itn>—1ande>o, SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGR Sa L (cos at) = om L(sinh at) = Lisinh at) = (wii) L (cosh at) = ieee =3J e terra )ay j Leto cteren a) a. Pee Uiest ay a a| &rs>a, S>-q L(cosh at) = s Fag? fors> jal, 5-4, LINEAR PROPERTY OF LAPLACE TRANSFORM 5 Ol=aL rays, Lig) +e Law), where a, b,c are constants and f, 8, h are functions oft. Proof. L af(t) +b g(t) +chit)] = j eo" lefts bale) + chiar TRANSFORMS “FO dt+d Je *g(t)dt+e Je A dt 3 3 Sa LO+bLig®)+ceL thio) Co 1, Above result can be generalised 2 Due to this property, L is called Linear operator. (eerie. | Find the Laplace transform of e* + 4t3 - 2 sin 3t + 3 cos 3t. Solution. Here f(t) =e + 4t3 — 2 sin 3¢ + 3 cos 3t L( f(t) = L (e® + 4t9 - 2 sin 3t + 3 cos 3¢) = L (e¥) +4 L (t9)- 2 Lisin 3¢) + 3 L (cos 3t)_ (By Linear property) L 3! *geath 1_, 24 3(s-2) si2 sf 5? +9” —_- [Beampie2 | Find the Laplace transform of (sin t - cos t?. —— Solution, (Refer Art. 5.3) L [(sin ¢ — cos ¢)?] = L [sin t + cos* t — 2 sin ¢ cos t] =L [1 -sin 24] =L()-L (sin 28) A 2s? +4-28 s 8742? s(s?+4) (ewe) Find the Laplace transform of sin 2t cos 3t. {K.U. 2017) =——— Solution. 1 (sin 2¢ cos 34) = u( 2 cos 3t sin 21) Loin st—sin | 2 [+ 2.cos A sin B =sin (A +B)-sin (A-B)| = Fl (sin 51) -L (sin 0) (Linear property] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAT Tage Sea 1 “Fa 2| (s? +25) (s? +1) 2(s? -5) (s? + 25) (s* +1)" ‘loca [+ cos 3A = 4 cos? A 3.0054 sul 3s 457436 s?+4 s(s” +28) +36) (5? +4)" Find the Laplace transform of the function sinh? 2t. (K.U. 2013] L(sinh? 20) = L [* eeu ] 2 =L [ jer pune 5%) Fite - abe) + 38L(e-*)-Lie™) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL Tease s(s* 4112) 1 « 2 +z, 8>0 is? +144)? +16) | 9? s(s? 417) ee cae 425) +H)” s>0 262-5) 4 0S " Grae s ee aa 2a"s 16 FGF vn 25, tal — F (s), then L le f(O1=F (6-@) then Laplace transform of function changing s tos-ainF(s)]- j et et fat o ettis obtained by multiplying f(® by a gee? £0) at=ferfeoat {say s-a=r] Cy a =Fr)=Fs -a). BY APPLYING SHIFTING PROPERTY RESULTS OBTAINED ctions. ace transform of some elementary function: ‘otand changing s tos— ain the Lap! jsrequired, by, [M.D.U, 2015] b [s—Cay?—e2 [By shifting property, changing s tos —(—a)) 7a (sa) —b? If the Laplace transform of the function f(t) for t > 0 is F(s), then show that Li(cosh at) f(0) = Firs-a) +P +0). [M.D.U. 20041 — Lie f()) = Fis —a) Lie f()] = Fls +a) [By shifting property] sh at) (0) = ("] Fi) = FIL(et FCO) + Lier F00 Fire -o)+ Fe +0). e transform of sinh 3t cos? t. - {K.U, 2014, 07, 04; M.D.U. 2009) vo = uum (oe) aE wiesal| 6s +13) = (8 +3) (s? ~ 65 4 3) +13)" ~ 36s? iil step ott =e, 0 _ L(t cos 3¢ +i ¢ sin 3¢) 2 L(tcos 3¢) +i L(¢ sin 34) = $= 9 (s? +9)? Bquating imaginary parts on both sides, we have Litsin 3¢) = 8 (7 +9)? By using shifting property, we get 6(s+4) G(s + 4) (s+ 4)? +9)? (s? + 8s + 25)? [mares | Find the Laplace transform of the function e~* sin t cos 3t. * (KU. 2015; M.D.U. 2006} gue® 2.cos 3¢ sin ¢) L (te sin 3t) = Solution. _L (e~* sin ¢ cos 3t) L{e-(sin 4t — sin 2¢)) Nie Nie [L(e™ sin 4t)—L(e™ sin 2¢)] ple 2 2[ (542)? +16 (+2) +4 0 (5? +45 +20) (s? + 4s +8) 2 At 2s? + 85-8 | piper ee oO 2| (6? +45 + 20) (s? +45 +8) pe reeese _ ~ (F445 + 20)(s? +45 +8) ary Find the Laplace transform of the function e-* (2 cos St ~3 sin 5t),¢ 20 — Solution. 1 (e-¥ (2 cos 5¢ ~3 sin 5] = 2L (e* cos 5t)— 3L (e* sin 5¢), ¢2 0 +38 5 ee ES Se ed TD =e) G 3) +5?) [By shifting property, changing s to s + 3) 1 | s? + 28+5-s?-25-1 (s+1)(s? +28 +5) | (s+ 1)(s? +2545) [By shifting property| [e IfL (f) =F (s), then Le f(®) =F (s—@)] Find the Laplace transform of the following functions : = Lte™ 2 (+2) .e 3. e- sin 4¢ 4, Pe sin at 5. sin2e 6. eM sin 2¢ cost 7. et cost cos 2t 8, e'(sin2-y 9. int cos" te-# 10. sinh at cos at 11. sinh at sin at (M.D.U. 2008} 2 (2s? ~ 2641) GF ioe 1 Sor >= 7. fe 5425s a} S 8? 449414 a(s? ~ 2a”) (9? +48420)(5? +4548) 7 (5? 20)? + 4 8. 16(s?+2s+5)? 9, 5.8. PIECE-WISE CONTINUITY OF A FUNCTION IN AN INTERVAL Let an interval (a, 6] in which the function isdefined 1 be divided into a finite number of sub-intervals. Suppose the function is continuous in each of the sub-intervale except at the end points of these intervals where it is discontinuous and at these points of. discontinuties, the function has finite jumps at the end points of thers intervals. Then the function f(t) is called sectionally continuous or piece wise continuous in interval [a, bl. In piece-wise continuity, left hand and right hand line exists in every sub-interval though at the end points of the interval it has jumps. Fig Graph of a piece-wise continuous function in an interval is shown in fig 5.1 ee q SAT FUNCTION OF EXPONENTIAL ORDER rarer ‘Afunction f(t) is said to be of exponential ord ler at > Oif Lim e-* (exists and is a finite jnother words, using the definition of a limit ti a. Bet ak that 1it of a function as t +», we can say there exists Je-* f(@| T or |f@)| T Illustration. (i) We know that |¢| 0 Compare it with |/(t)|< Me“ fort >T Here f(t) =t,M=1,a=1andT=0 f(t) =t is of exponential order 1. (ii) We know that _|cos t| Sef for ¢20 F(t) = cos tis of exponential order 1. (iii) Consider Lim et t",a>0 Now, Lim 2”. is of the form = toe et © rule successively n times] ee By opeine L Hospital ton ad to ate” =0=a finite number jg of exponential order @ 7 fo 5:10, THEO) TRANSFORM) sumecient CONDITION FOR THE EXISTENCE OF LAPLACE transform ise continuous in f (tis piecewise ¢ gia for alt e> 21 in een gandis of 1 exponential order a- is Proof, in 0,7) Let f(t) be piece-wise cont ; continuous in Then e -* f(t) is also piece” WIE T . i ent f (tat exists. Z Sn ction of ¢ defined as below and denoted by reece tans ‘| OifOa ae Pt aul (M.D.U. 20091 ei Se tee pod a) | By definition of Laplace transform) @at+ f eg (dt [e g(t) =0ifta) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND iy RAT my SOLVED EXAMPLES Solution. Lf) = fe“ rae 6 1 : = fe“ fades fe“ fod {Property Of definite neg o 1 "7 eeldt+ fewxoae i eM dt 40= | | (exmpiea. ) Find the Laplace transform of f(t)= | %"t f Onx ——S Solution. — Lif@} = fe finat é = few ft)dt+ Je* Fit) dt : a1 = f e*sintdt+0=|-<— ( ssint— cose) ? s41 sl 1 1 -ns @-D= (i+e™) so? 41 1+s? -————— oot (Cexamptes. ) Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = |t-1| + |t+1|,t>0. M@DU? ———! Solution. Here f(t) = |t-1| + |¢+1], 220 -(@-D+t+1=2 when 00 et gt pete > 8>0. 0, O Le) a ad i eis" 4 ; show that (Sy cxf) - fe*. AQ) bs f(0)=01 [Using Art. 5.19 eee (6? +25)? © (s? +1)?” ya of Band tt [Using Art. 5.13 acee a +a?)1~ 5.28 Ss 4a’ (s? +02)? me 2 _, 200759) _ (2 4.07) 4.0? a5? See aes rg) 2a° “Casa f(t) = sin at —at cos at f(t) =a cos at ~a (-at sin at + cos at] = a” sin at fO=0 Lf'®=s Fis) - f(0) s Fis) a utsinad =e 0 [ ds {K.U. 2007, 06] 4) 4¢2a2s? + 2a — 2s" IK.U. 2005) [By shifting propery) (By Art. 5.13) = Lim log = Lim s3e log coat exist. rm of Sat sin ut Does the transform of gd ww SPEGIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL Tea Oh * ; Lim log (s? +a”) — log (s? + «) which not exist as Lim log (s + a”) = infinite. cos at ‘Thus the transform of does not exist. 5.15, LAPLACE TRANSFORM OF A PERIODIC FUNCTION — — ‘Let a function fit) be periodic with period w so that f (t + nw) = f(y, dy 2,3, ony then Lifwl= J (M.D.U. 2014 a Proof Lfw= fe“ fWdt é . by au = fe“rwades Jet roars Je“fodr.. a %5 aie (Property of definite integral] 2 (nsw = Lro=> J eo fithat n=O nw Put ¢ =x + nw so that dt = dx Reumeeen xSw Lf) = > fe ete mle Ce 4 naw) de nao j > ae M8 FC) de [ev fe + nw) = fe 3 ips Jexre de é = He He) fem™ f(a) de 3 ae 3 je eo f(x) de= ices fe at id the Laplace transform of periodic function kt . et) pets ft+T)=f(. (M.D.U. 2015) is periodic with period T (Ref, Art. 5.15] [: Fo) = cGiver| te 5.36 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSrOmyp ssin ¢ — cos t) | Jo F J ettsin bx de = —S— 5 (a sin bx ~b cos bx a? +b SS eS o-»| 1=e | 541 J Find the Laplace transform of the following functions : 1. ¢sinhat 2. tsin’t 8. Pe* 4. te-™ sin 2t 5. te-*cosht 6. (¢? - 3¢ + 2) sin 3¢ (M_D.U. 2009, 7. tet 8 (ete 9. Psinat (M_D.U. 2005) i yy, 00826 = cos 3 qe, 6% = 20s bt ‘ E t e t 13. @e-“sin 2¢ 15. Given 2] x 16. Use Laplace transformation to prove that ous /5 ® 0 nla Using definition, fem sata = Smt p= eot™ (0) Takes=Oanda=1 -. ows i | ht SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSrORS Now, Lig) = $9(s)-4(0) [Denoting L §(#)= (s)) (Using Art. 5.1, = $6 (s) (By (3, $06) =LWO) [Reversing the sides) or o@) =2LIfO) [6 =f(b) by 3 1 or Lio) = rg (fol i 1 or 1 fraray = —F(s) 3 3 Evaluation of integral : If LIf@)=F(s) ie. Je“ so de=FO) 3 ‘Taking the limits as s > 0 froma =F) 3 assuming the integral to be convergent. r (M.D.U. 2015) (Re) coctsare f conve, ————— 3 Solution. fie== teost dt = J et cost dt [Taking s=2) j j =L(¢ cost) (By def: of Laplace transforma?" Pata ds‘\s? +1 (4D1-s.2s 1 @?+D? |G? +0? piste IL 3S s22 (5741)? (2741)? 25° m s? +m? that L (sin mt) = (M.D.U. 2018, 14; K.U. 2015) AND INTEGRAL TRANSFOR ( | (s? +16)” = TRANSFORMS, 5.41 taking the limit as s —> 0, foe = log 2 t a 3 (cones Show that [ te sintat~ 2. IK.U. 2018) —=— a tesin’) = Crea — ee Gelation. pO Se meda\a a (eae Seo (s? 41? fewtesine de = o were Taking the limits as s > 3, we have Rear gO 13 Je tsintdt = 5-Z5- ‘ee! sint Evaluate 1 je at fo, _,, t a Solution. We know that i L [fw du =2F@), where L [f (01 =F(s) (Ref. Art. 5.16) é ae Hire fp Now, esa — ea yt mt} = | + — as-[ten1e-0] J@=n? 41 . = 5 ~ tan" (5-1) =cot"! (s— 1) ‘sin t eas i ie st oy. 1 Ay) = 2 (=) to s s 5.43 (Taking s =i) [See note before this example] (2) {s=i] (s=d) [See note before this example] —_— TT ‘TRANSFORMS OF SOME IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS (K.U. 2016) = | 1 - + ee wy! 2Qn+2)” 2.4 (2n + 2)(2n +4) xe peace, 2.4.6 (2n + 2) (2n + 4) (2n + 6) (Ref. Art. 5.17.1) | (KU. 2012, | | | | i — ge 5.47 qr cee: io SP? Jerl sjs+l- 5176. Laplace transform of exponential integral function ji dx, which is denoted ? by EW). [K.U, 2018; M.D.U. 2012, 11) Given BE = [See a) Thei ute integral on R.HLS. is a function of ¢ say f(t) Let Fe) (2) - June fi) dt= Jriona-tro le : 3 - ‘Lim /(#) — Lim fit) = Lim ((@)—- f(0) = Lim fit) : [Brenan of tnt Here x= “| cos ees goes est SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS ‘ cost Aa=— [Using Leibnitz theorem of differentiation under integral sign) tf) =-cost or 8 Lief) = ufo) ar, a - Lisr)-f0) = - 35 or 2: Ese pina [+ f(0) is constant] ds sP41 Integrating, sF(s) = Fog (2 +1+e 1 Let s +0 ‘ as 2 RS Lim ¢F() = Lim Slog (s?+)+0=¢ 2 Lim fi) =e (See result proved in box after Art. 5.17.6 or O=c 1 2 From (1), SFO) = 5 log (s? +1) PO) = logis? +1) 2s nee smd 2 fi 5 35 108 (6? +1). : 4 ee Se Tg (t).— STN) 1 Solution. We have L [J,(t)— cos t] = |: LJg(t) = yl+s? 1(2@=o4) “pale a] = 5.14) 7 Wea (Ref. Art. 5 = log 2+1 a (= 2 wna TS a1 Ur 5.52 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTI Linear Property or Shifting Theorem af, (0) +a,fy(t) aL (AO) +a, Lip First Translation et © Fis—a) or Shifting Theorem (t-a),t>a Second Translation G@= { Sf Data es Change of Scale Property Flat) shay # 2 t r (5) oFas Differentiation Theorem f'® sFi fo s"F(s)-s" - Ben ath (0) Multiplication Theorem tf) Fis er) cys re in Division Theorem fo fre { 1 fitipralThccrecn J fw du Rs 3 a Fundamental Theorem | ip) [ fe Ee) 5 l-e? for Periodic functions where f(t) is a periodic function of period p. ? Initial Value Theorem Lim f(t) = Lim s L (f(t) Final Value Theorem Lim fit) =Lim sLifo) EGRAL Ti TRANSFORMS gg INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORM Suppose L | f (1) = ? (8). f(t)| = F (s), Then f(t) is called Inverse Laplace transform of F(s) and we write L-! (F(s)] =/@. (4) arm o (35) ine -*as Le™)= a ( ) iin sin 80 = 39 3? +9 rransform is unique as given PY proof). alo a, then the inverse Lap! amavrSia results of inverse Laplace are direct consequenc® of nation of some standard functions giver earlier which d memorize. >0, as pay + ifs? ee : a ae : ey Poe (s? ~ a?) + 2ias +a? imaginary parts, wehave +isinat)] = SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL Trans a_ zz Pena enat i 1 c ————! (M.D.U.2 ([eeampies) Find the inverse Laplace transform of 28-5, 48 4s? +25 Solution. L~ pee ee 18 = Qs-5 ee ‘ 9-s' 2, 25) #43) 5 = 1200s 1 » 4 " Bcoshige +18) sinhis? [Using formulas 3, 4, 5, 6; Art. 6.1) 1 5 eg = 4p loosS sin 5 ¢] - dcosh + sinh se. =) SNe iarteree Laplace teansfarm of ——-** —. (e+ 2)? (8- D? ES ae ee pe D) (s +2)? (s - 1) s+2 s- (s +2) (s-1)' Multiplying both sides by (s + 2)? (s—1)®, we have 142s =A(s+2)(s—1)?+B(s- 1) (s+ 2)? +C (s-1)? + D(s +2)” (2) Puttings=1in(2): 3=9D = p-3 Putting s =-2in (2): -3=9C = C Comparing the coefficient of s? on both sides of (2), we have O=A+B Comparing the constant term on both sides of (2), we have 1=2A-4B+C+4D 1,4 a5 8 Bee =) * 1 =2A-4B- < 2A-4B =0 = A~2B =0 Solving (3), and (4), we have A=0,B=0 1+2s (+2) (@- DP 1+2s L | ———T (—ti2ts) pesto s Bay on (ares B Coed: AD Solution, Pe ntsc Let Sap giam ari Gane" ott (4) [M.D.U. 2015) oe = SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFOR Multiplying both sides by (s + 1)? (s? + 1), we get 5 =A +1) (62+ 1) +B (6? +1) + Cs +D) (6+ 1)? 0) i Putting s = —1in (2): =2B => Beas Comparing the coefficients of s%, s* and constant term in (2), we have 0=A+C @ 0=A+B+2C+D (4) 0=A+B+D (5) Putting the value of B = — 3 in (4) and (5), we have A+2C+D= a (6) ae 1 a A+D= 2 7 Solving (6) and (7), we have C=0 From (3), A=0 "Thus from (7), p=i eee ee [From (1 (s+)? (s? +) ne s 5 : js +1)? (8? =a) es 2 Find "|, _* 7° ___| (a) es Stee _AstB Cs+D 1 (s? +1) (6? +2542) 5? 41 +2842 Solution. Let Multiplying both sides by (s? + 1) (s?-+ 2s + 2), we have 8? +8 =(As +B) (s?+ 2s + 2) + (C+D) (s?+ 1) Comparing the coefficients of s%, s?, s and constant terms in (2), we get O=A+C 1=2A+B+D 1=2A+2B+C 0=2B+D from (6) and C = ~ A from (3) in (4) and (5), we have 1=2A+B-2B ie. 1=2A-B AD 1=2A+2B-A ie, 1=A+2B (8) petra | — Set 5 (+0? +1, -1(_1_)]_1,1(8s+3-1 + } (5) oe (2Bey Pee laste) (a poeta! 3) ee u (a) s eames! (K.U, 2016; M.D.U. 2014) (9) [+ B+D=0) o We have m{ ot “i s° +4s+13 '( 1 (s+2? +9 apif__3+4 (s+ 4)? +81 =e~* cos 9 “ s-244 s+4 +2 } of Sa Reames, « ~4°+29, 41 ¢95 94 +e cos Bt + = e¥ sin St e sin 3t+e FiGsin t sin 2 20, dee = tig + 22, 24-1 sint+—sin 3t. 9 8 ore an ee DD) L*F(s) =f() F(s) =L(f@) ~ F(-a) =Lle* f(#)) I> F(s-a) =e" f(O 17 F(6-a) =e% LF(s) ty is known as shifting property of inverse A le) =f (0, then 17 (e-*F\6) =f (¢—2) u a) for any a> O where (Using (D) Laplace transformation) (Ref. Art. 5.11) that Lf'(t) =5F (s)-fO : [Given f(0)=0) =sF(s) f'@=Ls F(s) IAs F@= Spo. , from Laplace transform ofnth order derivative, fo) Ber fe OA) fr-¥(0) = 0, then Ref, Art. 5.16 ides, we have peversing the si LIf@) =F (s) d Lief) =- aE Fis) (Ref. Art. 5.13) 1pm = |-2 f [ < iF] . _peversing the sides again, we have * e a o[-4 rel] =tfl. | Breit 2 L7[F()] =f LIf(l =F(s) Lf(t) =F (s), then (22) = fro f Fis) ds ]-42 providnshetnern rancor 3 (Ref. Art. 5.14) ee wf F(s) «| t ¥ PRU aa F (s—a)=e% L7 Fis) ‘on LHS. and obtain Fis) and multiply Py alge: [By Art. 6.2.3) the inverse Laplace transform of log +8 . [K.U. 2015] s - LF (Gs) =f (0, where F (s) = log As (6) ef 4 Ro = tf [By Art. 6.2.4.) vf = log 2s] =tf) s sresite: — £ tog 0-2) 108) =tfO pa ew ete Oe ee) . a-e') fO 1) ah ext) (By) 7 2 : isa -D? IK.U. 2013; M.D.U. 2005) [By Art. 62.1 fo 1 = (sin nt) t fo 1 (ott * _ sin xt ® ees Find the inverse Laplace transform of tan-! =~. (KU. 2017, 141 3 sD Solution. Let Lt (an z ) =f(t) s =tf [By Art. 6.2.4) 4s ut =tfo) ieaes a zt ze =tf() (asaicer 13)/__#___| =r ) (s? +28 + 2)(s? — 2s + 2) Let 4s a pao 405+ G?42s42)(2—25+2) 87 +2542 8° —2s+2 4s = (As +B) (62 — 2s +2) + (Cs + D) (s? + 28 +2) 5 (2) Comparing the coefficient of s°, s?, s and constants in (2), we have O=A+C 8) 0=-2A+B+2C+D ie 4=2A-2B+2C+2D => 2=A-B+C+D at 0=2B+2D => 0=B+D 6) Poting the value of B+ D (= 0)in (4), 0=-2A+20 => 0=-A+C 1 1 Le) = i=! | —~__| - e* "| > 4 cae f (2) 2. 2 et —=— te” The ad a a6 Aie-5 =L*(* Fis) ad i = f(t-5)ut-5) = qe et) u(t-5) inverse Laplace transform of <5. (M.D.U. 2008) He- L-' Fis-a) =e" L"* Fis) (K.U. 2008) "ANSWERS: eo 2012, 11, 07;K.U. 2011) Fig. 6.1 ‘of integration by supposing the area to be made of horizontal. strips J e* flu) g(t-w) a) du (For horizontal strip, u varies from 0 to =] ( fester fw a e- »| dt du = ce g(t-w) «| du I ev gv) «| du (Putting t—u=v for inner integral] 6 cs 3 eM fu) Gls) du= fe flu) du. Gls) < 66) =L'F(s). G(s) <— SPECIAL FUNCTIONS /AND INTEGRAL Tay 624 = Eryn see cv ge) __ Ep — Apply convolution theorem to evaluate L~' (o? +a”)? 1 Maen, Te) yen eee] =u ae Din teat (s? +a”) Now, L7 IF) -( - :} = cos at (=f (t) say] s4a From (1), by convolution theorem a ee et 8 i (7 +07)? s? +a” )\(s? +a”) 1A (G()] = (et Z sin at [=6 (©) say] waa’ t = + feos ausin a (tu) du @ é re a J 200s au sin (at - au) du 6 ' 4 s . Sta Jivn at ~sin (2au — at) |du t [ean at + 008 (2au ~ at) a 2a lo [« sin at + ——— cosiat a) IK.U, 2015; M.D.U. 8 Solution. L Slee (os Bits Cay marl) =L" Is). G{s)} (say) 2009 e 3 zg " Weta) ptiner=r0 wy Bsampten sin at = g(t) u cos at du cos(2au—at)]' 1 [u® i ee ae a 0 cosat _ et 4a? ee oe ® g s g 1 8 = 7 a|- om cos at cosa] (K.U. 2018; M.D.U. 2018) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL Teanirome JON OF DIFFERENTIAL ATIONS BY LAPLACE d Engineering sometimes it is required to solve ns subject to some initial conditions. General solution contains many arbitrary constants which can be conditions. But Laplace transform method solves giving us the particular solution even without ‘and eliminates the labour of determining the re n method is used to solve many types of ordinary ‘and partial differential equations. However in the will solve the linear differential equations with e coefficients and simultaneous linear equations EAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH [CIENTS BY TRANSFORM. METHOD rmiavritn Laplace transform of both sides of differential ns using the method of transform of derivatives, using 1 conditions. an algebraic equation called subsidiary equation. he coefficients of 7 which is used in place ansform of both sides. Laplace transform of derivatives. $2 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRA If / () is a function and their derivatives are denoted by f '(t), f(t) we have seen ete, Lf'®=s Fs)-f(0) Lf") =s?F\s)-s f(0)-f') Lf) = s"F (s)—s"-1(0)-s"-2 (0) ..... (?~*0) where L f(t) = F (s). In further study if we use the function as y = f(t), then wé shall use ¥ in place of F\s Le, L fit)= ¥ andy (0), y'(0), y"()..... will be used in place of f (0), f'(0), f”"(0) In light of these notations, we write dy u(2) yO) 2, (<3) = s?¥-sy(0)-y'0) and so on. de Solve the following equation by transform method dy ,& FY 4D yay 20-4 =y(O= A Get tae BY =e) where yO) =y'0) = 1. KL 2 a Solution. The given equation is Fy 4 By ayes de dt ‘Taking Laplace transform of both sides of (1), we have [s? 7 - 97 (0) — XO) + 4107 — yO 435 = stl or [s? 7-8-1] +4[s5-11+35 = a [Given y (0) = s+ 2 ae or (+4549 = Tz tetled s th s?4+6s+5+1 or GP +de +7 = yg tsts=S tGes5et FIONS BY LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION s? +6546 3? +65+6 ye epuaccurOst:Gs F (s+)? 44543) (6+1)(8+3)(6+) =o +646 (s+3) (s+)? transform, we have 2 E 6546 ees eo (2) = (+0? eee 3) s+8 stl (s+1) 52 +65 +6 =A(s +1)? + Bs + 1) (8 +3) + C8 +3) (4) r 6+6=(C1+3)C = C=> ‘on both sides of (4), we have 6 =A+3B+3C Cin (3), we have no: os ‘ = FG+H 4 ri Bere . 1 + eonte= Flan. dty —++2 oye y=sin t by transform method, where ae y0)= a = y"(0)=y"(0)=0. [M.D.U. 2015, 091 equation is Sr aFt oy sint ‘on both sides, we have ae, —sy’(0)-y"Ol + Q[s27- sy O)-y O+Y = yy pe ylo)=y"0)=9"O=7"(0) = 8) met = GPa (et +28" +D +n? AD -1| mals) @ war @p m to find the invers® transform. aL Gint-t eos 5 ce cer (-H] esint(=g) "| f(t)say) (By Art. 6.1-1.) SAND INTEGRAL TRAN om SO ‘transform on both sides, we have “4 ee cS 1 =sy(0)— yO + 2Is¥-y Ol+5F = Tae 'F —0-1)+ 2(sy - 0) +59 = =—— [vy @=0,y =) 5 242843 (s? + 2s + 2)(s? +28 +5) ys a $2 +2543 oy (s? + 2s + 2)(s? + 25 +5) As Bs? (2) +2542 57425845 +B) (s? + 2s+5)+(Cs+D)(s?+2s+2) (3) sand constant terms in (3), we get ese 2 (M.D.U. 2008, 05} IM.D.U. 2007) 2 y=t-3sint+cost ¥ s-( w_ y)ert » Sin wt = wos wt isu? 1+? ee ef — 75 (cost + 2sint) 3B cog ¢ +2 cos Bt 16 16 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH VARIABLE ORM METHOD uations with variable co-efficients can be solved by jlving the equations having the terms of the form — B10 — { ‘Example 1. \ Solve 4 ¥+-2) % xy =0,y(0)=1,y"0=2 fe —=——— SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAL TRANSFOmgp kx (K.U. 2018, 16; M.D.U. op, ay ie 0 Solution. The given equation is ¢ a +(1-2¢) ai 2y = ‘Toking Laplace transform of both sides, we have fede lon(e ) - au 2). 2L() =0 \ de? d its ae en aS, je F890) YON + 89 y +2 [sF- (0-25 = ds s ~ Folie s0 9467-424 67-1) 25 =0l-y SF 205-1} 007-12 cee 25 -0 ds ds” GE 267-125 41-2522 254 05 =0 2-29 3 5 65 =0 (F-29245 oy y Integrating, log ¥ log y Taking inverse transform, Taking t = 0, Hence y = e* is the required solution, +2 Bstymsine, when y (0) =1. (KU. 2017, 12,10) equation is ¢ FF Hy 2 sty sint on both sides, we have [ey @=) et (+s?) aalesl I SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRAT a Omg ‘ mtv =-[ones fant a 3 (Convolution theory t tl ty-fanee$ fomon-0 con 3 ; : or ty= sine 5 (ne > veose] 2 2 lo or é Dalene sine ty fsine sf pT feast + | or 3. ty = gota gt cost oe shige pelea (.D.U. 2018 SE OF SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT BY TRANSFORM METHOD. solved examples will illustrate the method. Solve the following simultaneous equations ete ca Banos 2" al Se gD 4 5y « Gi +4 say 20 IK.U, 2016; M.D.U. 2014, 12, 11, 041 ‘equations are ete S25. (1) Sereda et? -2 -(2) (3) (5) AB ee me is rafretsge n' pee tse 0: ine curve at any time t (x, y)of a particle moving along a pla moves along the curve (M.D.U. 2016) that particle a A EE MT, ‘Taking inverse transform, ‘Taking inverse transform, ety 5.(, Fe re), 111 ) se ()-3" (#5) aac: ated) 3 Fal 1 zt wal 2-5 =.=sin 2t bu a y= -gsint+3-5sin 2 oat) 1 es epee ty eS 2° 3 6 A Hence the solution is x = J feos -F eos 2", y= (M.D.U. 2015) (M.D.U. 2006)

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