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Mutanosiblik hujjati oluvchilar uchun talabnoma
1. Ogrencinin Adi ve Soyadi
Student’s Name & Surnam e / 0 ‘quvchining isim va familiyasi
2. T.C. Kimlik No veya Pasaport No
Turkey ID N o / T.R. yoki 0 ‘z.R. pasport seriyasi FACM f t U K
3. Baba Adi
F ather’s name / Oiasiningismi 4A.c\ rr\ CJLO
4. Anne Adi sj
M other’s name / Onasiningismi z ck
5. Dogum Yeri ve Tarihi
Birth o f place and date / Tug'ilgan yeri va sanasi (k/o/y) Л си л о .'.ю П . л&Ск&аП-
6. Ogrenim gordiigu filke adi
Name o f the country studied last / Та 'lim olgan davlat nomi
Л Г 1 0,
О X f c e iL c
7. Okudugu son egitim kurumu (ilkokul/ortaokul/lise)
Name o f the schools studied abroad (Primary or
Secondary or High School)
Та 'lim olgan oliygohlari va ushbu ta 'lim davom iyligi (yil)
8. Ogrenci daha бпсеTurkiye’de ogrenim g6rdti mu? ( ) Evet /Yes /Н а (V ) Hayir / N o / Yo‘q
Has the student Studied in Turkey before? / 0 ‘quvchi awal Turkiyada ta 'lim ulgamni?
*Cevabiniz ‘Evet’ ise, Ogrencinin son olarak bitirdigi veya aynldigi okulun adi ve snuf seviyesi nedir?
I f your answer is ‘YES What was the name o fth e school and ‘the grade level ’? .
Javobingiz ‘Ha ’ bo ‘Isa oxirgi bitirgan о ‘qishi yoki tugallamagan о 'qishi va sinifining nomi hamda uning darajasmiyozing.

9. Denklik beigesinin nerede kullanilacagi

What is the document o f equivalence askedfor? /M utanosiblik hujjati qayerga taqdim qilinadi?
( ) YOK /The Council o f Higher Education / Oliy ta'lim kengashi
( ) Okul Kayit /For Elementary&Second. Schools& University /Maktablar va universitetlar
( ) Surucu Belgesi /Driving Licence / Haydovchilik guvohnomasi
( ) Afik Ogretim /Distant Education /M asofaviy ta ’lim
( ) i§Ba§vuru /Job Application / Ishgaariza
( ) Hem§irelik /Nursing Application / Hamshiralik
(\J ) Kurs Yjsyii!Enrolment to a Private Course/Xususiy kursga ro ‘yxatdan о ‘tish
( ) Askerlik /Military service / Harbiy xizmat
Yukanda yazdigim bilgilerin ve ekte sundugum belgelerin dogru oldugunu, bunlann yanh? olmasi
halinde sorumlulugun §ahsima ait olacagim beyan ederim.
I confirm the information set out above and the documents attached are accurate and current, and affirm that I
will be held accountable for false statement.
Yuqorida keltirilgan m a’lumotlar va ilova qilingan hujjatlar to'g'ri ekanligini, yolg'on bayonot uchun
javobgarlikka tortilishimni tasdiqlayman.

ABKES/ADDRESS/Adres **........ ...... ..............

n n . n A . / S S / 2022

tv* v О 0 Ba$vuruda bulunanm Adi-Soyadi-imzasi

tL/CITY/Shahar: ... (Applicant’s Name & Surname & Signature)
Talabnoma beruvchining isim vafamiliyasi

TELEFONAPtfШ Е N o :.ItS Q S * З А . %*&&&&&.. Щ А л л Х с Д й © « 0 / j|(P

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