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Business Communication: Week 9

Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Do Now
Replace the phrasal verbs with a single verb. Identify whether the phrasal verb is
separable or inseparable.

My contact thought I had let him down, and his boss simply decided not to turn up
at the meeting. We'd set up a meeting in Brussels by e-mail, but he called it off at
the last minute.

Oh, what went wrong? Well, I'm going to carry on working until about six. We
could meet after that. How did you turn it around? It's fine now, but at the start of
the year, it was disastrous. Well, I went over my contact's head and went directly to
his boss at Toyota Motors
Key Concepts
- Phrasal Verb Review

- Business Situations
Business Situation I
While attending an event hosted by your company, you recognize someone you think
you have seen before. How might you start a conversation with that individual?
Business Situation II
Explain to your boss how you cultivated a relationship with a new client. Use as
many of the verbs associated with developing a relationship as you can.
Business Situation III
Your friend suggested that you contact the head of a tech company, a friend of hers,
to discuss a deal where you would provide a loan (with interest) to the company so
that it could expand
Business Situation IV
You are interested in a position at a company, and a friend of yours has given you
the contact information of another friend who works at the company. How would
you break the ice with your friend’s friend?
Useful Expressions- Chapter 3

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