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Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 1 of 26




Plaintiff, )
v. )
Defendants. )


Plaintiff Ernest N. Finley, Jr. files his Complaint for legal and equitable relief

to address unlawful employment practices and violations of Federal and State law

by Defendants, City of Montgomery and Mayor Steven L. Reed (collectively

referred to as “Defendants”).


1. All the events, transactions, or occurrences which gave rise to

Plaintiff’s claims took place in this Judicial District. Therefore, venue is proper in

this District and this Division pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(1).

2. This action arises under 42 U.S.C. § 1981, et seq.; the Civil Rights Acts

of 1964 (“Title VII”), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, et seq., as amended by the Civil Rights
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 2 of 26

Act of 1991; the United States Constitution, Amendment I; the United States

Constitution, Amendment XIV; and the laws of the State of Alabama.

3. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331,

1337, and 1343(4); Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(3); and Title I of the Civil

Rights Act of 1991, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, et seq.


4. Plaintiff Ernest N. Finley, Jr. is a Black male and at all relevant times a

resident of Montgomery County, Alabama. Finley was employed for six years with

the City of Montgomery Police Department as Chief of Police.

5. Defendant City of Montgomery is a local agency of the State of

Alabama. At all times relevant hereto, the City of Montgomery has engaged in

business in Montgomery, Alabama and has been an employer within the meaning of

42 U.S.C. § 2000e(a), Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1991 amendments

thereto. At all times relevant to this action, the City of Montgomery has maintained

and operated a business in Alabama and has fifteen (15) or more employees and is

considered an employer for Title VII purposes and the 1991 amendments thereto.

6. Defendant Mayor Steven L. Reed is the Mayor of the City of

Montgomery. Mayor Reed is an adult individual citizen of the United States and of

the State of Alabama. He is a resident of this Judicial District and Division.

7. Finley seeks all relief to which he is entitled, including reinstatement,

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back pay, front pay, compensatory damages, punitive damages, interest, and

attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in the bringing of this action. Finley requests a

jury to hear this matter.


8. On January 31, 2022, Finley filed a Charge of Discrimination with the

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), alleging

discrimination and retaliation. A copy of his Charge is attached as Exhibit A.

9. On December 16, 2022, the EEOC issued a Notice of Right to Sue,

which was received on December 28, 2022. (See Exhibit B.)

10. On January 28, 2022, Finley filed a Notice of Claim for Damages with

the City of Montgomery, pursuant to the provisions of §§ 11-47-23 and 11-47-192

of the Code of Alabama, 1975. (See Exhibit C).

11. There are no conditions precedent for Finley to bring this action under

42 U.S.C. § 1981.


12. Ernest N. Finley, Jr. (“Finley” or “Plaintiff”), a Black male over the age

of 40, was hired by the City of Montgomery in 2015 to serve as the Chief of Police

at the Montgomery Police Department.

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13. At the time of his hiring, Finley was a 29-year veteran of the police

force, having begun his career with the Atlanta Police Department in 1986, first as a

patrol officer, then as Deputy Chief of Field Operations.

14. Finley served as Chief of Police until he was forced to resign by Mayor

Steven L. Reed (“Reed”) in June 2021.

15. Finley was responsible for supervising the entire Montgomery Police

Department, which consisted at the time of approximately 200 police officers. Finley

reported to Mayor Reed.

16. On or about April 6, 2021, the Mayor conspired with certain City agents

and police officers to file false complaints against Finley that he engaged in bullying,

retaliation, race-based decision making, and ethical violations that he used his

position as Police Chief for financial gains. These allegations and false claims were

part of a conspiracy to force Finley to terminate his position with the City for

discipline of Black police officers for violating police policies, for promotion

decisions where a White police officer was promoted, and for speaking out on

matters of public concern.

17. Beginning in October 2020, Finley and Deputy Chief of Operations

Jennifer Reaves (“Reaves”) were tasked with the investigation of approximately 12

police officers for policy violations, ethics violations, fraud and theft involving

second jobs the officers were working.

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18. The results of Finley and Reaves’ investigation were forwarded to the

Investigator for the City.

19. All 12 officers were found guilty of violations of varying degrees.

20. Five officers reporting to Reaves were found guilty of ethics violations.

21. The remaining officers reported to Deputy Chief of Staff Zedrick Dean

(“Dean”), a Black male. The remaining officers under Dean were either not guilty

of ethics violations or the violations were considered minor.

22. The five officers reporting to Reaves should have been terminated

because of the totality of all the evidence discovered supporting the various ethical

and departmental violations. Finley reviewed the findings and recommendations but

forwarded the results to the Mayor. The Mayor’s office decided the final discipline.

23. Mayor Reed encouraged the Montgomery Police Department officers

to complain about Finley to the City Council.

24. After completing the investigation of the officers, Finley was targeted

by agents and employees of the City for regular and ongoing hostility, harassment,

discrimination, and intentional insubordination, including employees and managers

of the Montgomery Police Department with whom Finley worked on a daily basis.

25. Because Chief Finley had promoted Reaves to the position of Deputy

Chief of Operations, he was also met with opposition for promoting a White police


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26. In the face of the false allegations, the Mayor told Finley he could not

defend himself or even speak during meetings. The Mayor told Finley he had to

remain silent even during the City Council meetings.

27. The City, its agents, employees, and the Mayor forwarded false and

fraudulent complaints against Finley and Reaves to the State of Alabama Ethics

Commission (“Ethics Commission” or “Commission”).

28. Finley and Reaves were then subjected to a full investigation, wherein

selected officers submitted anonymous complaints and statements to the ethics

investigator, Byron Butler (“Butler”), a former police officer with the City of

Montgomery that had reported to Reaves previously.

29. Butler and the City conspired to manipulate evidence to intentionally

find Finley and Reaves guilty of ethics violations.

30. Officers were being recruited to file complaints and give statements and

submit false evidence to the Ethics Commission against Finley and Reaves,

including, but not limited to, Zedrick Dean, Antavione Ferguson, Marcus Webster,

John Mackey, Earl Ware, Jr., and Jeremy Harrison.

31. Officer Tomekia Armstead told Peer Support for the City that she was

being recruited to file complaints against Finley and Reaves. Armstead gave Finley

permission to send the information to the City Investigator but the City ignored

Finley’s complaint.

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32. Finley was subsequently told by the Ethics Commission General

Counsel Cynthia Raulston (“Raulston”) that he would be found guilty of ethic

violations and he could accept the administrative resolution or be charged as a felon.

Finley was not told of what he had violated. Finley later learned exculpatory

evidence had been withheld from him and his lawyers that cleared his name and

showed the complaints were falsified.

33. Fearing he would be charged with a felony, Finley agreed to the

administrative resolution after pressure by Raulston.

34. Once the complaints were filed against Finley and Reaves, the City and

the Mayor forced Finley to resign his employment with the City. The Mayor

presented Finley with a resignation letter to sign or he would be terminated because

of the complaints brought against him.

35. Finley opposed the forced resignation and did not want to leave his

employment as he had done nothing to be removed from his position as Chief of

Police. Mayor Reed told Finley he was being removed and it could be easy or

difficult, meaning he was either resigning or Reed was terminating him.

36. Mayor Reed prepared the resignation document for Finley to sign.

37. The City of Montgomery and the Mayor wanted Finley removed from

his position as Chief of Police because they did not approve that Finley enforced

Civil Rights laws of the United States and hired, promoted and disciplined

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employees equitably, regardless of race or gender. Reed disfavored following anti-

discrimination laws and wanted Black officers promoted and provided better terms

and conditions because of their race.

38. On August 4, 2021, based on false and fabricated evidence created by

the City, the State found that Finley had committed an unspecified “minor violation”

of the Alabama Ethics Act.

39. The Mayor issued an immediate press release that was circulated to the

media including social media to intentionally disparage and defame Finley and his

personal and professional reputation.

40. On September 1, 2021, the City issued a press release entitled, “Interim

Montgomery police chief: Department morale is ‘coming back around.’” Finley’s

photograph and name were published, stating he had committed a “minor violation”

of the Alabama Ethics Act.

41. The City’s press release intentionally disparaged and defamed Finley

personally, professionally, and called into question his ethics so as to shame and

embarrass him with the community, his peers, and potential employers.

42. In November 2021, the Alabama Attorney General’s office exonerated

and cleared Finley and Reaves of all wrongdoing.

43. The Attorney General’s separate investigation of Reaves and Finley

concluded that the Ethics Commission conspired with the City and its agents in

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unethical and illegal acts to present false evidence to the Ethics Commission

regarding Finley and Reaves. Further investigation revealed exculpatory evidence

was withheld in violation of the law, and other evidence was continued and

incorrectly reported to the Commission in order for Raulston and Butler to secure

votes of the Commission to convict Finley and Reaves of ethical violations.

44. The City did not issue any type of press or media release that Finley

was cleared of a violation of the Alabama Ethics Act; nor did the Ethics Commission

acknowledge the findings of the Attorney General’s office.

45. The City and the Mayor’s office have remained silent and did not

attempt to rectify the professional and reputational harm it caused to Finley. The

City did not reinstate Finley to his former position or restore his pay. Rather, the

City and the Mayor hired a permanent replacement for Finley and displacing the

Interim Police Chief, Ramona Harris (“Harris”).

46. When Harris later decided to retire, the City recognized Harris with a

retirement ceremony, thanking her for her years of service to the citizens of

Montgomery, attended by the Mayor and other City officials. Finley and Reaves

were denied recognition of their years of service and forced out of their positions.

The City refused to acknowledge their tenure, positions or service, allowing Finley

and Reaves to have their offices packed up in boxes and delivered later to them.

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47. Defendants wrongfully interfered with Plaintiff’s civil rights, including

his First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights. Defendants’ ongoing

discrimination, harassment and retaliation of Finley caused him reputational harm

and damaged his reputation in the community, the City, the Police Department, and

with the State of Alabama. Finley was intentionally targeted by Defendants to force

him to resign. Defendants created ethics charges against Finley so as to terminate

him with shame, ridicule and embarrassment by tarnishing his name and reputation.


42 U.S.C. § 1981 and TITLE VII

48. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

49. The City of Montgomery forced Finley to resign because he disciplined

Black police officers and promoted a White police officer.

50. The City forced Finley to resign because of his race, Black, and in

retaliation for his objection to intentional race discrimination by the Mayor and the


51. The City forced Finely to resign in retaliation for enforcing Civil Rights

laws of the United States and hiring, promoting and disciplining employees

equitably, regardless of race or gender.

52. Finley’s race was a motivating factor that prompted the City of
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Montgomery to force his resignation. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(m); Quigg v. Thomas

County School Dist., 814 F.3d 1227, 1237-38 (11th Cir. 2016).

53. Finley was told by the Mayor that he was being removed and it could

be easy or difficult. Finley considered the Mayor’s comments and actions

threatening and had no choice but to sign the resignation prepared by the Mayor.

54. Finley’s resignation began immediately and without notice.

55. As a proximate result of Defendant’s unlawful discrimination and

retaliation, Plaintiff suffered financial loss, loss of dignity, loss of career

opportunity, embarrassment, humiliation, emotional distress, and physical pain and



following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be

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42 U.S.C. § 1981 and TITLE VII

56. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

57. The City of Montgomery, though its agents and employees, harassed

Finley because he is a Black male.

58. The City harassed Finley because he disciplined Black police officers

and promoted a White police officer.

59. The Mayor became hostile and adversarial to Finley in retaliation

because Finley would not engage in the Mayor’s race-based decision-making.

60. The City harassed Finley because of his objection to intentional race

discrimination proposed and condoned by the Mayor and the City. The City

subjected Finley to adverse terms and treatment.

61. On or about April 6 2021, the City, its agents, employees, and the

Mayor caused false complaints to be made against Finley before the Montgomery

City Council and subsequently the State of Alabama Ethics Commission.

62. Finley suffered damages because of the hostile work environment and


63. As a proximate result of Defendant’s unlawful harassment and

retaliation, Finley suffered financial loss, loss of dignity, loss of career opportunity,

embarrassment, humiliation, emotional distress, and physical pain and suffering.

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following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be


64. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

65. In taking the above-described actions, Defendants intentionally and

willfully retaliated against Plaintiff for his constitutionally-protected speech under

the First Amendment, to include removing him from his position as Chief of Police

of the Montgomery Police Department and stripping him of all pay and benefits of

his position.

66. Plaintiff’s constitutionally-protected speech regarded matters of public

concern, specifically, abuses in the Police and Mayor’s Departments, as set out in

articles participated in or generated by Plaintiff and numerous statements or

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presentations before the City, its officers, and community reports.

67. Said speech played a substantial part in Defendants’ decision to

discharge Plaintiff as Chief of Police.

68. As a proximate consequence of Defendants’ violation of the First

Amendment, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer damage to his

professional life, reputation, and future career opportunities, future pecuniary losses,

emotional pain, embarrassment, humiliation, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, and non-pecuniary damages.

69. Each Defendant committed acts to further the conspiracy.


following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 15 of 26


70. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

71. By and through its conduct, as alleged herein, and acting under color of

law, the City of Montgomery is liable for violations of Plaintiff’s Fourteenth

Amendment substantive due process rights.

72. On or about April 6, 2021, the Mayor conspired with certain City agents

and police officers to bring false complaints against Finley to the City Council.

73. Mayor Reed told Finley that neither he nor anyone representing him

could speak to defend the Police Department, Finley, or Reaves at the same meeting.

74. The City, its agents, employees, and the Mayor then forwarded the false

and fraudulent complaints against Finley and Reaves to the State of Alabama.

75. Once the complaints were filed against Finley and Reaves, the City

forced Finley to resign his employment with the City.

76. Finely opposed the forced resignation and did not want to leave his

employment as he had done nothing to be removed from his position as Chief of

Police. Mayor Reed told Finely he was being removed and it could be easy or

difficult, meaning he was either resigning or Reed was terminating him.

77. Mayor Reed prepared the resignation document for Finley to sign.

78. Mayor Reed and the City made the decision to terminate Plaintiff
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without review of any of the evidence and based their decision on arbitrary and

capricious factors. Mayor Reed and the City terminated Plaintiff in violation of

clearly established law regarding municipal employees.

79. The actions of the Defendant of unlawfully terminating Plaintiff have

caused Plaintiff financial loss, severe emotional distress, and a contracted quality of


80. Defendant has a habit and/or practice of allowing and condoning

discrimination based on race, age and retaliation.

81. Plaintiff has suffered embarrassment, humiliation, shame, damage to

reputation, mental distress, emotional distress, emotional and physical pain and

anguish, and lost wages as a consequence of Defendant’s unlawful conduct.


following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 17 of 26

(42 U.S.C. § 1985)

82. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

83. Plaintiff alleges that Defendants conspired to violate his civil rights in

violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1985. In taking the above-described actions, Defendants

intentionally and willfully conspired against Plaintiff to deprive him of his

constitutionally-protected speech under the First Amendment, to include stripping

him of his position as Chief of Police.

84. Plaintiff’s constitutionally-protected speech regarded matters of public

concern, specifically, abuses in the Police and Mayor’s Departments, as set out in

articles participated in or generated by Plaintiff and numerous statements or

presentations before the City, its officers, and community reports.

85. Said speech played a substantial part in Defendants’ decision to

discharge Plaintiff as Chief of Police.

86. As a proximate consequence of Defendants’ violation of the First

Amendment, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer damage to his

professional life, reputation, and future career opportunities, future pecuniary losses,

emotional pain, embarrassment, humiliation, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, and non-pecuniary damages.

87. Each Defendant committed acts to further the conspiracy.

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following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be


88. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

89. A civil conspiracy under Alabama law requires a combination of two

or more individuals to accomplish an unlawful purpose or to accomplish a lawful

purpose by unlawful means.

90. Plaintiff’s claim of civil conspiracy is brought against the Defendants

named in their individual capacities.

91. Finley was Chief of Police of the Montgomery Police Department. He

held a property interest in that position. Defendants conspired to illegally deprive

him of that property interest by engaging in the violation of his rights under the First

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Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

92. Defendants conspired to illegally retaliate against Finley for engaging

in federally-protected speech and exercising his federally-protected right to speak

out on matters of public concern.

93. Defendants conspired to deprive Finley of his civil rights.

94. Defendants conspired to damage Finley’s reputation and name by

removing him from his visible and prestigious position as Chief of Police, which

diminished his standing and reputation in the community, and by limiting his income

to inadequate or nonexistent amounts.

95. Defendants conspired among themselves and each Defendant

committed acts to further the conspiracy.


following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 20 of 26


96. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

97. On or about August 4, 2021, the City said or caused to be published the

following false statement about Finley: “The Alabama Ethics Commission found

Montgomery Police Department Chief of Operations Jennifer Reaves and

former Police Chief Ernest Finley each committed a minor violation of the

Alabama Ethics Act.”

98. On or about September 2, 2021, the City said or caused to be published

the following false statement about Finley: “ Also, shortly after she assumed the

role, the Alabama Ethics Commission found that Finley and Montgomery

Police Department Chief of Operations Jennifer Reaves each committed a

minor violation of the Alabama Ethics Act.”

99. These statements are defamatory per se.

100. The City published or caused the statements to be published on WFSA

12 News and

101. The defamatory statements to WFSA communicated to Montgomery

community that Finley had committed an ethics violation.

102. The City knew or should have known that the statements it made to

WFSA were false.

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103. WFSA published these false and defamatory statements to WFSA with

malice or intent to harm Finley, his professional reputation, and his reputation within

the community.

104. Alternatively, the false and defamatory statement to WFSA was made

with reckless disregard of the consequences of the City’s false and defamatory


105. As a direct and proximate result of the City’s intentional and malicious

publication of false and defamatory statements, Finley has been and will continue to

be damaged and injured in his character and reputation.

106. As a direct and proximate result of the City’s intentional and malicious

publication of false and defamatory statements, Finley has been and will continue to

be damaged in his profession and his business.


following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 22 of 26


107. Plaintiff adopts and realleges paragraphs 12-47 as if fully recited herein.

108. On or about August 4, 2021, the City said or caused to be published the

following false statement about Finley: “The Alabama Ethics Commission found

Montgomery Police Department Chief of Operations Jennifer Reaves and

former Police Chief Ernest Finley each committed a minor violation of the

Alabama Ethics Act.”

109. On or about September 2, 2021, the City said or caused to be published

the following false statement about Finley: “Also, shortly after she assumed the

role, the Alabama Ethics Commission found that Finley and Montgomery

Police Department Chief of Operations Jennifer Reaves each committed a

minor violation of the Alabama Ethics Act.”

110. These statements are defamatory per se.

111. The City published or caused the statements to be published on WFSA

12 News and

112. The defamatory statements to WFSA communicated to Montgomery

community that Finley had committed an ethics violation.

113. The City knew or should have known that the statements it made to

WFSA were false.

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114. Upon information and belief, the City communicated directly with

WSFA about Finley.

115. Upon information and belief, in its direct communications with WFSA,

the City made defamatory statements to WFSA to the effect that Finley had

committed an ethics violation.

116. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s false and defamatory

statements to WFSA, Finley has been and will continue to be damaged and injured

in his character and reputation.

117. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s false and defamatory

statements to WFSA, Finley has been and will continue to be damaged in his

profession and his business.


following relief:

a) That he be placed in the position in which he would have

worked absent Defendants’ retaliatory treatment, or, in the
alternative, front pay;
b) Back pay from the date of his retaliatory removal and for the
raises he should have received;
c) Punitive damages, to deter such conduct in the future;
d) Injunctive relief;
e) Interest;
f) Attorneys’ fees;
g) Costs; and
h) Such other legal or equitable relief to which Plaintiff may be

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 24 of 26

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests this Court:

A. Grant a permanent injunction enjoining Defendant, its officers,

successors, assigns, and all persons in active concert or participation with it, from

engaging further in discriminatory treatment on the basis of race and age, and

retaliation based on protected activity;

B. Order Defendant to institute and carry out policies, practices, and

programs that provide equal provisions and employment opportunities for all

employees, and which eradicate the efforts of past and present unlawful employment

practices, including implementing a policy against race and age discrimination and

against retaliation for engaging in protected activities;

C. Order retraining of the City and the Police Department on EEO policies;

D. Order Defendant to make Plaintiff whole by providing back pay, front

pay, reinstatement, interest, and other affirmative relief necessary to eradicate the

effects of its unlawful employment practices, including, but not limited to,

compensatory, punitive, and liquidated damages;

E. Award Plaintiff reinstatement to his former position with back pay,

raises and bonuses, compensatory, punitive and liquidated damages;

F. Award Plaintiff monetary damages for his discharge;

G. Award Plaintiff costs and expenses herein, including reasonable

attorneys’ fees; and

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City of Montgomery
103 North Perry Street
Montgomery, AL 36104

Mayor Steven L. Reed

103 North Perry Street
Montgomery, AL 36104


Ernest Finley, Jr.

c/o Alicia K. Haynes
1600 Woodmere Drive
Birmingham, AL 35226

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-1 Filed 03/16/23 Page 1 of 1
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-2 Filed 03/16/23 Page 1 of 2

MD AL MODIFIED AO 440 (Rev. 12/09) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Middle District
__________ District of
of Alabama

Plaintiff )
v. ) Civil Action No.
Defendant )


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if
you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in
Fed. R. Civ.P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — or 90 days in a Social Security action — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to
the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must
be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are:

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-2 Filed 03/16/23 Page 2 of 2

MD AL MODIFIED AO 440 (Rev. 02/09) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2)

Civil Action No.

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(1))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-3 Filed 03/16/23 Page 1 of 2

MD AL MODIFIED AO 440 (Rev. 12/09) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Middle District
__________ District of
of Alabama

Plaintiff )
v. ) Civil Action No.
Defendant )


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if
you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in
Fed. R. Civ.P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — or 90 days in a Social Security action — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to
the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must
be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are:

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-3 Filed 03/16/23 Page 2 of 2

MD AL MODIFIED AO 440 (Rev. 02/09) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2)

Civil Action No.

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(1))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-4 Filed 03/16/23 Page 1 of 5

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-4 Filed 03/16/23 Page 2 of 5

Received 01-31-2022
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Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-4 Filed 03/16/23 Page 4 of 5

Ernest N. Finley, Jr.

EEOC Charge of Discrimination Exhibit A
Page 1 of 2

My name is Ernest N. Finley, Jr. I am a 60-year-old Black male. I began my career with

the Atlanta Police Department in 1986, first as a patrol officer, and then as Deputy Chief of Field

Operations. In January 2015, I was hired by the Montgomery Police Department as Chief of Police,

and I served the City of Montgomery in this capacity until I was forced to resign by the Mayor in

June 2021.

On or about April 2021, the City of Montgomery, its agents, employees, and the Mayor for

the City caused false complaints to be made against me for the purpose of forwarding those

complaints to the Alabama Ethics Commission and specifically to investigator Byron Butler of the

Ethics Commission. Butler previously worked for the Montgomery Police Department and is a

personal friend of several police officers. Butler was previously supervised by Jennifer Reaves,

Deputy Chief, and should have been conflicted from investigating Deputy Chief Reaves or me by

the Ethics Commission.

In 2020 and 2021, Deputy Chief Reaves and I had investigated several police officers for

policy violations, fraud and theft. Our attempts to follow the disciplinary policies and discipline

those officers were met with opposition by the Mayor and certain police officers. The Mayor

encouraged the officers to complain to the Council for the City of Montgomery. However, I was

told by the Mayor that neither I nor anyone reporting to me could speak to defend the Police

Department or ourselves at the same meeting.

The City, the Mayor, and agents of the City conspired with Butler and Cynthia Raulston,

General Counsel for the Ethics Commission, in order to bring and investigate false ethical

complaints against me. Three weeks after Butler notified me in writing of the ethical complaints

against me, the City, specifically Mayor Reed, forced me to resign my employment with the City.
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-4 Filed 03/16/23 Page 5 of 5

Ernest N. Finley, Jr.

EEOC Charge of Discrimination Exhibit A
Page 2 of 2

I did not want to leave my employment and had done nothing to be removed from my position,

but the Mayor told me I was being removed and it could be easy or difficult. I considered the

Mayor’s comments and actions threatening and I had no choice but to sign the resignation he

handed me. The Mayor had prepared the resignation document.

It is my belief the Mayor wanted me removed from my position because he did not approve

that I was enforcing Civil Rights laws of the United States and hired, promoted and disciplined

employees equitably, regardless of race or gender. Based on false and fabricated evidence created

by the City, the Mayor, Butler, and Raulston, the Ethics Commission found that I and Deputy

Chief Reaves had each committed a “minor violation” of the Alabama Ethics Act. The Mayor

issued an immediate press release that was circulated to the media including social media to

intentionally disparage me and my professional reputation. These actions caused me personal and

professional harm.

In November 2021, the Alabama Attorney General exonerated and cleared me of all

wrongdoing. The Attorney General’s independent investigation found that Raulston and Butler

had engaged in unethical and illegal acts to present false evidence to the Alabama Ethics

Commission. Neither the Mayor nor the City issued any type of press or media release that I or

Deputy Chief Reaves had been cleared of a violation of the Alabama Ethics Act. Rather, the City

and the Mayor have remained silent, refusing to rectify the professional and reputational harm it

caused me or taking any action to reinstate me to my position.

I believe I have been discriminated on the basis of my race and age. Further, I believe I

have been subjected to retaliation based on my objection to intentional race discrimination by the

Mayor and the City of Montgomery.

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Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-5 Filed 03/16/23 Page 2 of 5
To: Earnest N. Finley Jr. From: Birmingham District Office
1130 22nd Street South, Suite 2000
Montgomery, AL 36117 Birmingham, AL 35205

EEOC Charge No. EEOC Representative Telephone No.

420-2022-01038 IRAN CRUZ, 2056517029

(See also the additional information enclosed with this form.)


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
Act (GINA): This is your Notice of Right to Sue, issued under Title VII, the ADA or GINA based on the above-numbered charge. It has
been issued at your request. Your lawsuit under Title VII, the ADA or GINA must be filed in a federal or state court WITHIN 90 DAYS
of your receipt of this notice; or your right to sue based on this charge will be lost. (The time limit for filing suit based on a claim under
state law may be different.)
More than 180 days have passed since the filing of this charge.
The EEOC is terminating its processing of this charge.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA): You may sue under the ADEA at any time from 60 days after the charge was filed until 90
days after you receive notice that we have completed action on the charge. In this regard, the EEOC is closing your case. The refore, your
lawsuit under the ADEA must be filed in federal or state court WITHIN 90 DAYS *of your receipt of this Notice.* Otherwise, your right to
sue based on the above-numbered charge will be lost.

Equal Pay Act (EPA): You already have the right to sue under the EPA (filing an EEOC charge is not required.) EPA suits must be brought
in federal or state court within 2 years (3 years for willful violations) of the alleged EPA underpayment. This means that backpay due for
any violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 years) before you file suit may not be collectible.

If you file suit, based on this charge, please send a copy of your court complaint to this office.

On behalf of the Commission

December 16, 2022

Enclosures(s) /for Bradley A. Anderson
District Director

cc: Brandy Morgan

103 N PERRY ST STE 200
Montgomery, AL 36104

Stacey Bellinger
City of Montgomery
103 N. Perry Street, Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36104

Alicia K Haynes
Haynes & Haynes
1600 Woodmere Drive
Birmingham, AL 35226

Lauren Branham
Haynes & Haynes
1600 Woodmere Drive
Birmingham, AL 35226
Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-5 Filed 03/16/23 Page 3 of 5
Enclosure with EEOC
Form 161-B (01/2022)


(This information relates to filing suit in Federal or State court under Federal law.
If you also plan to sue claiming violations of State law, please be aware that time limits and other
provisions of State law may be shorter or more limited than those described below.)

PRIVATE SUIT RIGHTS -- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), or the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act (ADEA):

In order to pursue this matter further, you must file a lawsuit against the respondent(s) named in the charge within 90 days of
the date you receive this Notice. Therefore, you should keep a record of this date. Once this 90-day period is over, your right
to sue based on the charge referred to in this Notice will be lost. If you intend to consult an attorney, you should do so promptly.
Give your attorney a copy of this Notice, and its envelope, and tell him or her the date you received it. Furthermore, in order to
avoid any question that you did not act in a timely manner, it is prudent that your suit be filed within 90 days of the date this
Notice was mailed to you (as indicated where the Notice is signed) or the date of the postmark, if later.

Your lawsuit may be filed in U.S. District Court or a State court of competent jurisdiction. (Usually, the appropriate State court
is the general civil trial court.) Whether you file in Federal or State court is a matter for you to decide after talking to your
attorney. Filing this Notice is not enough. You must file a "complaint" that contains a short statement of the facts of your case
which shows that you are entitled to relief. Your suit may include any matter alleged in the charge or, to the extent permitted
by court decisions, matters like or related to the matters alleged in the charge. Generally, suits are brought in the State where
the alleged unlawful practice occurred, but in some cases can be brought where relevant employment records are kept, where
the employment would have been, or where the respondent has its main office. If you have simple questions, you usually can
get answers from the office of the clerk of the court where you are bringing suit, but do not expect that office to write your
complaint or make legal strategy decisions for you.


EPA suits must be filed in court within 2 years (3 years for willful violations) of the alleged EPA underpayment: back pay due
for violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 years) before you file suit may not be collectible. For example, if you were
underpaid under the EPA for work performed from 7/1/08 to 12/1/08, you should file suit before 7/1/10 – not 12/1/10 -- in order
to recover unpaid wages due for July 2008. This time limit for filing an EPA suit is separate from the 90-day filing period under
Title VII, the ADA, GINA or the ADEA referred to above. Therefore, if you also plan to sue under Title VII, the ADA, GINA
or the ADEA, in addition to suing on the EPA claim, suit must be filed within 90 days of this Notice and within the 2- or 3-year
EPA back pay recovery period.


If you cannot afford or have been unable to obtain a lawyer to represent you, the U.S. District Court having jurisdiction in your case
may, in limited circumstances, assist you in obtaining a lawyer. Requests for such assistance must be made to the U.S. District Court
in the form and manner it requires (you should be prepared to explain in detail your efforts to retain an attorney). Requests should
be made well before the end of the 90-day period mentioned above, because such requests do not relieve you of the requirement to
bring suit within 90 days.


You may contact the EEOC representative shown on your Notice if you need help in finding a lawyer or if you have any questions
about your legal rights, including advice on which U.S. District Court can hear your case. If you need to inspect or obtain a copy of
information in EEOC's file on the charge, please request it promptly in writing and provide your charge number (as shown on your
Notice). While EEOC destroys charge files after a certain time, all charge files are kept for at least 6 months after our last action on
the case. Therefore, if you file suit and want to review the charge file, please make your review request within 6 months of this
Notice. (Before filing suit, any request should be made within the next 90 days.)

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-5 Filed 03/16/23 Page 4 of 5
To: Earnest N. Finley Jr. From: Birmingham District Office
1130 22nd Street South, Suite 2000
Montgomery, AL 36117 Birmingham, AL 35205

EEOC Charge No. EEOC Representative Telephone No.

420-2022-01040 IRAN CRUZ, (205) 651-7029

(See also the additional information enclosed with this form.)


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
Act (GINA): This is your Notice of Right to Sue, issued under Title VII, the ADA or GINA based on the above-numbered charge. It has
been issued at your request. Your lawsuit under Title VII, the ADA or GINA must be filed in a federal or state court WITHIN 90 DAYS
of your receipt of this notice; or your right to sue based on this charge will be lost. (The time limit for filing suit based on a claim under
state law may be different.)
More than 180 days have passed since the filing of this charge.
The EEOC is terminating its processing of this charge.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA): You may sue under the ADEA at any time from 60 days after the charge was filed until 90
days after you receive notice that we have completed action on the charge. In this regard, the EEOC is closing your case. The refore, your
lawsuit under the ADEA must be filed in federal or state court WITHIN 90 DAYS *of your receipt of this Notice.* Otherwise, your right to
sue based on the above-numbered charge will be lost.

Equal Pay Act (EPA): You already have the right to sue under the EPA (filing an EEOC charge is not required.) EPA suits must be brought
in federal or state court within 2 years (3 years for willful violations) of the alleged EPA underpayment. This means that backpay due for
any violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 years) before you file suit may not be collectible.

If you file suit, based on this charge, please send a copy of your court complaint to this office.

On behalf of the Commission

For Bradley A. Anderson

District Director

Case 2:23-cv-00146-KFP Document 1-5 Filed 03/16/23 Page 5 of 5
Enclosure with EEOC
Form 161-B (01/2022)


(This information relates to filing suit in Federal or State court under Federal law.
If you also plan to sue claiming violations of State law, please be aware that time limits and other
provisions of State law may be shorter or more limited than those described below.)

PRIVATE SUIT RIGHTS -- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), or the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act (ADEA):

In order to pursue this matter further, you must file a lawsuit against the respondent(s) named in the charge within 90 days of
the date you receive this Notice. Therefore, you should keep a record of this date. Once this 90-day period is over, your right
to sue based on the charge referred to in this Notice will be lost. If you intend to consult an attorney, you should do so promptly.
Give your attorney a copy of this Notice, and its envelope, and tell him or her the date you received it. Furthermore, in order to
avoid any question that you did not act in a timely manner, it is prudent that your suit be filed within 90 days of the date this
Notice was mailed to you (as indicated where the Notice is signed) or the date of the postmark, if later.

Your lawsuit may be filed in U.S. District Court or a State court of competent jurisdiction. (Usually, the appropriate State court
is the general civil trial court.) Whether you file in Federal or State court is a matter for you to decide after talking to your
attorney. Filing this Notice is not enough. You must file a "complaint" that contains a short statement of the facts of your case
which shows that you are entitled to relief. Your suit may include any matter alleged in the charge or, to the extent permitted
by court decisions, matters like or related to the matters alleged in the charge. Generally, suits are brought in the State where
the alleged unlawful practice occurred, but in some cases can be brought where relevant employment records are kept, where
the employment would have been, or where the respondent has its main office. If you have simple questions, you usually can
get answers from the office of the clerk of the court where you are bringing suit, but do not expect that office to write your
complaint or make legal strategy decisions for you.


EPA suits must be filed in court within 2 years (3 years for willful violations) of the alleged EPA underpayment: back pay due
for violations that occurred more than 2 years (3 years) before you file suit may not be collectible. For example, if you were
underpaid under the EPA for work performed from 7/1/08 to 12/1/08, you should file suit before 7/1/10 – not 12/1/10 -- in order
to recover unpaid wages due for July 2008. This time limit for filing an EPA suit is separate from the 90-day filing period under
Title VII, the ADA, GINA or the ADEA referred to above. Therefore, if you also plan to sue under Title VII, the ADA, GINA
or the ADEA, in addition to suing on the EPA claim, suit must be filed within 90 days of this Notice and within the 2- or 3-year
EPA back pay recovery period.


If you cannot afford or have been unable to obtain a lawyer to represent you, the U.S. District Court having jurisdiction in your case
may, in limited circumstances, assist you in obtaining a lawyer. Requests for such assistance must be made to the U.S. District Court
in the form and manner it requires (you should be prepared to explain in detail your efforts to retain an attorney). Requests should
be made well before the end of the 90-day period mentioned above, because such requests do not relieve you of the requirement to
bring suit within 90 days.


You may contact the EEOC representative shown on your Notice if you need help in finding a lawyer or if you have any questions
about your legal rights, including advice on which U.S. District Court can hear your case. If you need to inspect or obtain a copy of
information in EEOC's file on the charge, please request it promptly in writing and provide your charge number (as shown on your
Notice). While EEOC destroys charge files after a certain time, all charge files are kept for at least 6 months after our last action on
the case. Therefore, if you file suit and want to review the charge file, please make your review request within 6 months of this
Notice. (Before filing suit, any request should be made within the next 90 days.)

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