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SELF EVAL FORM “Constructing the Cat-Walk” NAME: William Carroll

Evaluate and score the elements on the front page
Highlight relevant comments
Write your reactions/comments/suggestions/overall eval (C O D I) on PAGE 2.
See more detailed instructions on the SELF EVAL website page

5+ 4√+ 3 √ 2√- 1-
excellent good average fair poor

TOPIC __approved •challenging ▪broad for time limit (1”PowerPoint”) VISUALS (opt)

INTRODUCTION •Nice eye contact/connection with audience •looked great •nice addition ▪helpful

▪Attention getter •Sustain eye contact throughout intro /Consistency •well utilized •random format •image credits
▪Related to audience •Be sure it’s doing its complete job/Number the sections •spelling •wordy • pop in subpoints ▪Established credibility •make

a complete “show” •opening slide closing slide

•PREVIEW of ___ PURPOSE •very clear •really emphasize •unclear •didn’t state •include on outline _3_ MAIN POINTS
___(THEME) opt


•SUPPORTING MATERIAL •variety ▪fully supported ▪ effective choices examples stories researched content

•Use of sources ▪used source material well ▪needs more __overall support __oral citations as •PROOF of claims •credit


• Review restated: ▪purpose ▪main points •important concepts ▪needs a more thorough review

•Memorable statement •creative •theme ▪needs a stronger finish ▪sustain eye contact throughout •none


• Easy to follow Main points •clear •well planned •really emphasize ▪not clear when Pt I/Body began ▪confusing/ ‘connect the dots’ •Transitions

▪helpful •creative •simplistic •plan them in outline •make them ‘bridges’/more conversational •use as planned

OUTLINE •late (-10) •needs bibliography (2)_4__ •use complete citations_Yes__ annotations____ •follow suggested format


•Eye contact •very nice •inconsistent •include everyone/both sides •too many notes •reading cards/screen •Confident stance •poised •looking down

•looking at screen •shifting/swaying/pacing •posture/stance •gestures add dynamics •Animated vocals •conversational •“um” “uh” “like” “tsk” “so”

Rehearse to minimize •pace ▪fast ▪choppy •“reading”/memorized •Enthusiasm/energy •engaged audience •nice energy •more: physical vocal dynamics

energy •need to ‘chat’ your info to us •NOTE CARDS •use fewer notes (2 max) __2__ •use actual cards, not scraps •write on 1 side only
___6:30__TIME • short _____ • long _____ -1 pt per :10 past grace period Rehearse more for time



OVERALL See more detailed instructions on the SELF EVAL website page

➢ Content
○ As planned, I felt like my content was very thorough and coincided well with
my purpose statement. However, I would like to mention that I left what felt
like an integral part of my speech out of my actual presentation. It was within
the “Model” section and this main point talked about how the process of
model casting wasn’t as progessive as it should be and projects many
problems found within the industry. Within my rehearsal strategy, I made
sure to include this part of my speech, however, I neglected to actually say it;
making the “model” unit feel incomplete. I’ve also left my memorable
statement out, but that was because I didn’t feel comfortable addressing it
due to the energy felt in the room. In summary, I felt like my actual planned
content met all of the criteria, however, there was some part of my content
that I didn’t say; leaving holes within my speech.
➢ Organization
○ The organization of my speech was very on point to the rubric; flowing
through each specialist from ultimate planner to smaller, more niche jobs.
Again, it drew very close to the rubric. Which is nice since it provides
concision and thoroughness, however, I would like for my next speech to
have a little more creativity concerning its organization.
➢ Delivery
○ Although I saw some improvements from my last speech, I didn’t feel like
this speech possessed my best delivery. I had a solid stance, made relatively
nice eye contact, and had a clear projection within my voice. I felt more
articulate and there were viewer fluctuations within my voice. I’ve made
reference to this within the Content portion, but I’m still kicking myself
about leaving some important information. This was directly caused by my
rehearsal strategy as I didn’t allocate enough time for rehearsal due to
Midterms. This lack of rehearsal led me to lose a bit of confidence before my
speech and, in turn, led me to go over the information that I remembered
rather than the information that I’ve internalized. In addition, I still have
problems with “ums” and “uhs” but that’s also a reflection of some lack of
➢ Innovation/Creativity
○ I felt that my speech had a good topic which deviated from the rest of the
presentations I’ve seen. Therefore, It did possess some uniqueness which I
admire. However, I didn’t feel like this speech was fully innovative. It was
still fairly cookie-cutter and had many rooms for improvement.
➢ Overall Summary
○ I had a good topic and addressed my main point clearly. There was enough
content to fill the time slot and my rough-draft for the speech met all of the
requirements. Within my delivery, I left some integral information which
would have added more contextualization for my topic. Furthermore, I forgot
to mention a source and left out my memorable statement. I never
appreciated the value of a good rehearsal until I went through this speech
with minimal rehearsal time. For my next speech, I will make sure to provide
enough rehearsal time for myself to instinctively know my information and
feel confident to present in front of my peers.

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