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SPE 56541

Foamy Oil Flow in Primary Production of Heavy Oil under Solution Gas Drive
Brij B. Maini/ University of Calgary

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
The evidence in support of the suggested form of dispersed
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, 3–6 October 1999. flow comes from visual observations in etched glass
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of micromodels. These tests show that the dispersion is not a
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as result of nucleation of a very large number of bubbles but
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any forms by break-up of a much smaller number of nucleated
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
bubbles which become mobilized in the presence of high
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper pressure gradient.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Finally the conditions under which this type of dispersed flow
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
is likely to occur in the field are discussed.

Abstract Introduction
Foamy oil flow has received considerable attention in the Foamy oil flow is the name commonly used to describe a form
literature in last several years. It is believed to be a key factor of two phase oil-gas flow in porous media in which the gas
in producing the higher than expected well rates and the high phase remains partially or completely dispersed in the oil. This
recovery factors observed in several Canadian and Venezuelan type of flow sometimes occurs in primary depletion of heavy
reservoirs. However, beyond the recognition that it may oil reservoirs under solution gas drive and is believed to be a
involve dispersed flow of gas, there is little agreement as to key factor in producing the higher than expected well rates
what the underlying mechanisms are. and high recovery factors in several Canadian and Venezuelan
reservoirs. It is generally accepted that the unusual inflow
This paper presents a new mechanistic model of foamy behavior of primary depletion wells in these reservoirs can
solution gas drive and experimental evidence in support of the only be explained by postulating an unconventional flow
model. The main hypothesis in this model is that foamy oil mechanism that results in a drastic reduction of gas mobility
flow is simply two-phase gas-oil flow at high capillary and trapping of a disproportionately large volume of gas
numbers. It occurs when the viscous forces become strong within the reservoir. However, beyond the recognition that it
enough to mobilize gas ganglia growing from bubble may involve dispersed flow of gas, there is little agreement as
nucleation sites. to what the underlying mechanisms are. The purpose of this
The evidence in support of the existence of dispersed flow in paper is to review the observed behavior of cold production
solution gas drive in viscous oil systems comes from the effect wells in Canada and present a mechanistic model of foamy
of depletion rate on the performance of laboratory scale solution gas drive that is consistent with the field observations.
solution gas drive tests. These tests show that the high rate of Laboratory observations that support the model are also
pressure depletion at the production port results in: (1) a much presented.
higher oil recovery factor and (2) a high pressure- gradient
within the sand-pack. Relatively high pressure-gradient Cold Heavy Oil Production
persists throughout the duration of the high rate test and
declines very slowly even after the flow has virtually stopped. Heavy oil producers in Canada have learned from experience
It implies that the mobility of the free gas is exceedingly that some unconsolidated sand heavy oil reservoirs, exploited
small, which strongly suggests that the gas is not continuous. with vertical wells under primary depletion conditions,
By contrast, a high pressure-gradient never develops in slow perform better when sand is allowed to freely flow into the
depletion tests. wells. The improvement in well productivity is so remarkable
that a new name, “cold production,” was coined to distinguish
this type of production from conventional primary depletion.
Both oil production rate and the oil recovery factor are much
This work was done at the Petroleum Recovery Institute

higher when the sand is produced into the wells and sand flow. However, this sometimes causes the well to
transported to surface with the oil. Oil production rates have become blocked with sand inside the casing before the pump
been reported to be more than ten times the flow rate predicted is operational.
by Darcy’s law. Also, the conventional wisdom predicts that
It is important to ensure continuous production without
the solution gas drive recovery factor in these viscous oil
interruptions that could cause settling of sand in the tubing or
reservoirs should be in the range of 1% to 3% of original oil in
blockage of the pump intake. Sometimes, sanding-in of the
place (OOIP). With cold production, the actual and projected
pump intake occurs due to a massive sand-influx. Many
recovery factors are in the range of 5% to 15% OOIP. The
operators use a 10 to 20 meter deep “sump” in their cold
typical reservoir characteristics associated with successful
production wells. This sump is an unperforated casing section
applications of cold production are listed in Table 1. It should
below the perforated zone that provides a buffer for occasional
be noted that it might be possible to apply the cold production
massive sand influx. A large sump appears to reduce the
technology to reservoirs that do not fall within the range of
likelihood of sand related failure during start-up. The pump is
characteristics shown in Table 1. At present, the limiting
generally placed one meter below the top perforation.
reservoir characteristics have not been clearly established.
Workovers are required more frequently in cold production
New cold production wells go through a start-up phase during
wells compared to their frequency in conventional wells. In
which the sand cut and the fluid rate change in a characteristic
workovers, two objectives need to be considered: the well
manner. Immediately on starting production the sand cut is
should be cleaned of sand to allow re-installation of the
very high. The reported volume fraction of sand in this phase
equipment, and the stable sand flow must be re-established. It
is 10 percent to 50 percent (Elkin et al., 1972; McCaffery and
is this second objective that is often more difficult to meet.
Bowman, 1991; Huang et al., 1997). As the production from
Different operators employ different strategies for re-
well continues, the fluid rate increases slowly while the sand
establishing the sand-flow. These include a high rate injection
cut declines rapidly. After some time on uninterrupted
of fluid (designed to unblock perforations and destabilise the
production, the sand cut stabilises at a lower value that seems
near wellbore zone to re-establish sand-oil flow), injection of
to be a function of viscosity of the crude oil. The reported
heated oil, and injection of various chemicals.
values of sand cut in this phase are in the range of 0.1% to 5%
by volume (Elkin et al., 1972; McCaffery and Bowman, 1991; Cold heavy oil production is accompanied by production of
Huang et al., 1997). The oil rate continues to increase for two two waste products that must be disposed. The sand that
to five years and then starts a slow decline as the reservoir settles at the bottom of stock tanks is water-wet and contains
depletion effects begin to dominate the inflow performance. up to 5% heavy oil residue. Another waste is an emulsion of
The total volume of sand produced from cold production wells oil, clay, other fines and water that is very difficult to break. It
over their productive life can range between 500 m3 to 1000 appears that the composition of oil in this emulsion is different
m3 for wells which typically produce 10 to 20 m3 of oil per from the separated crude oil. It appears to have a larger
day. Progressive cavity pumps are used to handle this volume proportion of more surface-active components. Perhaps these
of sand production. The wells are usually operated at or near components adsorb preferentially on the clay particles and
atmospheric back-pressure, i.e. the drawdown is kept near the other fines.
It is believed that the sand production increases the fluid Foamy Oil Flow
mobility in the near well zone by increasing the permeability
The enhancement of fluid mobility resulting from the sand
in the affected zone. Continuing sand production generates a
production can explain the improved inflow performance of
growing zone of enhanced permeability that could be
cold production wells but it does not explain the two to three
considered a growing negative skin effect. The actual
fold improvement in the primary recovery factors. To explain
morphology of the affected sand is not well understood; two
plausible models are networks of wormholes and uniformly the improved recovery factors, it is necessary to postulate a
dilated sand. It is likely that the continued production of sand mechanism that traps a larger fraction of the released solution
gas in the reservoir. This mechanism appears to be the so-
more or less eliminates permeability damage in the near well
called “foamy oil” flow. It is a different form of two-phase
zone by fines migration or asphaltenes precipitation. The oil-
flow in which at least a part of the released gas flows in the
water-sand-gas mixture is produced as a foamy mass, which
form of dispersed bubbles. The actual structure of such gas-in-
goes to a stock tank for gravity segregation.
oil dispersions and how they are formed are still not well
The field experience shows that the chances of success of cold established. Much of the earlier discussion of foamy oil flow
production can be improved by modifying the drilling, in the literature was based on the concept of micro-bubbles,
completion and initial operation of these wells to promote i.e. bubbles much smaller than average pore throat size and
sand production. For example, it is desirable to use large therefore free to move with the oil during flow through the
diameter, closely spaced perforations and to use under- rock (Sheng et al., 1999). This type of dispersion can only be
balanced perforating. Some operators use aggressive swabbing generated by nucleation of a very large number of bubbles
after perforating for cleaning the perforations and initiating the (explosive nucleation) and by the presence of a mechanism

that prevents these bubbles from growing into much larger be stressed that the two scenarios described above are the two
bubbles with decrease in the reservoir pressure. ends of a continuous spectrum of flow behaviour. The
transition between the conventional flow and dispersed flow
An alternate hypothesis concerning the nature of foamy oil
does not occur abruptly at a certain critical capillary number.
flow is that it involves much larger bubbles migrating with the
It appears to be a transition that occurs gradually above a
oil and that the dispersion is created by break-up of bubbles
threshold capillary number.
during their migration with the oil. The main difference
between the conventional solution gas drive and the foamy In the following sections we present evidence in support of
solution gas drive is that the pressure gradient in the later is this model of foamy oil flow. This comprises results of
strong enough to mobilise growing gas clusters after they have depletion tests in linear sand-pack models and visual
grown to certain size. The pore level mechanisms involved in observations in etched glass micro-models.
foamy solution gas drive are discussed in the following
Linear Sand-Pack Depletion Tests
Linear depletion tests were carried out in a 200 cm long sand-
Mechanistic Model of Foamy Solution Gas Drive pack using the equipment shown schematically in Figure 1.
The effect of depletion rate on the performance of solution gas
This model is based on the laboratory and field observation
drive was evaluated in several different oil-sand systems
that lead one to conclude that the differences between foamy
(Maini 1999). Figure 2 presents the oil recovery performance
solution gas drive and the conventional solution gas drive stem
observed in four different tests with one of these systems. The
as much from the differences in operating conditions as from
recovery factor was much higher in two fast depletion tests
the differences in rock-fluid properties. Laboratory depletions
compared to the two slow depletions. This remarkable
in several different rock-fluid systems could be made to
increase in the recovery factor comes from dispersed gas flow
behave like conventional solution-gas-drive by using a very
in the fast depletions. This becomes apparent when we
slow rate of pressure depletion (Maini 1999). On the other
compare the gas production history and the pressure history at
hand, foamy flow ccould be induced in the same rock-fluid
different locations within the sand-pack.
system by using a fast rate of depletion. Wells in the same
reservoir under agrressive cold production show foamy oil Figure 3 presents the pressure history and the gas production
effects while with sand control and reduced drawdown, the history of a slow depletion test. It is noted that the pressure at
same wells tend to behave like normal solution-gas-drive the inlet end of the sand-pack was always very close to the
wells. Table 2 compares the pore level processes occurring in outlet end pressure, i.e. the pressure gradient within the sand-
conventional and foamy solution gas drives. Both processes pack was always very small. It is also noted that the gas
start by nucleation of gas bubbles driven by super-saturation production ceased and the entire sand-pack became pressure
of dissolved gas in the oil. This nucleation is believed to occur depleted soon after the outlet end reached the final low
in the roughness of pore walls. It is likely that a large number pressure. It shows that the fluid mobility near the end of the
of bubbles are formed in the rough cavities of pore walls but depletion was high enough to deplete all parts of the sand-
only a few actually grow out of these cavities and become pack simultaneously.
detached from the wall. This is due to the presence of a
The pressure and gas production history of a fast depletion test
capillary barrier to bubble growth (Yortsos and Parlar, 1989).
is shown in Figure 4. In this case a substantial pressure
Up to this point the two processes are very similar. The gradient was maintained in the sand-pack at all times during
difference comes from what happens to the growing bubble the depletion. There was very little continuing gas production
after it has become larger than the pore size. In conventional after 2000 minutes, even though there was more than 50 psi
solution gas drive the bubble remains trapped and continues to pressure difference between the inlet and outlet ends of the
grow without ever leaving the pore in which it originated. It sand-pack. This pressure difference decayed very slowly with
will eventually grow large enough to occupy several pore time and a substantial pressure gradient was still present when
bodies and will become connected to other bubbles that started the experiment was stopped. Thus near the end of the run, the
in other pores. Finally a continuous gas phase is created that gas saturation was about 25 % (as indicated by the cumulative
can flow out into the production well. In foamy solution gas oil production), but the gas mobility was so low that a
drive the bubble, after growing to a certain size, starts substantial pressure gradient could be maintained over
migrating with the oil. This size depends on the relative extended periods. It strongly suggests that the gas phase was
magnitude of capillary trapping forces and the viscous not continuous, otherwise the gas mobility would be expected
mobilising forces. The migrating bubble continues to grow, to be high enough to quickly deplete the pressure.
but is prone to break-up into smaller bubbles. The break-up of
Experiments with all other oil-sand systems showed similar
migrating bubbles into smaller bubbles maintains dispersed
behaviour (Maini, 1999). Slow depletions resulted in low
gas flow by counteracting the effects of bubble coelescence.
pressure-gradients and low recovery-factors. In contrast, the
Since the gas remains dispersed in the oil, the produced GOR
fast depletions were always accompanied by high pressure-
remains low and a higher recovery factor is obtained. It should

gradients and high recovery factors. The high pressure- 3. The asphaltenes did not appear to play a significant role in
gradients persisted even when the flow virtually stopped. It bubble nucleation.
was concluded that the gas phase did not become continuous
4. Wettability did not appear to be a critical parameter in the
in high rate depletion tests.
solution gas drive process.
When the depletion tests conducted with different oils were
5. In water-wet media, bubble nucleation sometimes occurred
compared to evaluate the effect of oil viscosity, it was found
in the trapped layer of water.
that the depletion rate needed to obtain the high recovery
factor became slower with increasing oil viscosity. With a 6. In fast depletion tests, the nucleation was not instantaneous
50,000 mPa.s oil, high pressure gradients and high recovery and new bubbles continued to be nucleated throughout the
factors could be obtained even in seven days decline test. On entire depletion.
the other hand with a 200 mPa.s viscosity oil, the depletion
7. In slow depletion tests, a smaller number of bubbles
time had to be shorter than a few hours to obtain the high
performance behaviour. It became apparent that the
experimental parameter that had a clear link to the depletion 8. Coalescence of the gas bubbles was more likely to occur
performance was the pressure gradient generated within the when the liquid velocity was low and the bubbles remained
sand-pack and not the depletion rate on its own. It strongly in contact for a longer period.
suggested that a high pressure gradient may be required to
generate the dispersed flow that results in high recovery 9. The presence of the asphaltenes appeared to hinder
factors. This role of pressure gradient is also evident from coalescence.
visual observations of bubble flow dynamics in etched glass 10. Bubble break-up was likely to occur at high flow rates.
micro-models, which are presented in the following section.
11. High oil viscosity coupled with high flow velocity lead to
dispersed flow.
Micro-model Observations
12. The presence of a large number of microbubbles could not
Two series of micro-model experiments were carried out to be verified.
visually examine the formation and flow of gas bubbles under
solution gas drive conditions. These experiments have been The second series of micromodel tests was designed to settle the
described in detail elsewhere (Bora et al., 1997; Maini et al., issue of microbubbles smaller than the optical resolution being
1998; Bora; 1998). The first series examined the effects of present without being detected. A heterogeneous pore network,
depletion rate and of the presence or absence of asphaltenes on containing a well-defined pore size distribution and pore throat
solution gas drive behaviour. size distribution, was used in these tests. The compressibility of
the live oil, undergoing pressure depletion within the pores of a
These tests showed that the pore scale flow behaviour was micromodel, was evaluated by measuring the volume expansion
dramatically different in slow and fast depletion tests. In slow as a function of declining pressure. The fluid compressibility
depletions, the bubbles did not become mobilized with the oil would be much larger than the liquid phase compressibility in
and grew in size without ever leaving the pore in which they the presence of a large population of micro-bubbles. These tests
originated. An example of this type of bubble is shown in showed that, indeed, the compressibility of the oil became much
Figure 5. In contrast, the bubbles in fast depletions started to larger than the liquid phase compressibility before visible
move with the flowing oil soon after nucleation. The bubble bubbles were formed. This implied the presence of microbubbles
growth continued while the bubble was moving. The in large numbers. Fluid compressibility was also calculated after
mobilized bubbles tended to break into smaller bubbles during appearance of the first visible gas bubble in the micromodel.
their migration. The continued migration and breakup There was a smooth transition in fluid compressibility suggesting
eventually resulted in dispersed gas flow. A sequence of that the visible bubbles are the result of unhindered growth of
snapshots leading to dispersed flow is shown in Figure 6. these invisible microbubbles. Therefore, the process of gas
The total number of bubbles nucleated during the slow nucleation (i.e., appearance of a macroscopic visible gas
depletions was in the range of 1 to 10. The number of bubbles) appears to consists of the following succession of steps:
nucleated bubbles was somewhat higher in fast depletions, • formation of a large number of microbubbles in small
typically in the range of 5 to 20. The total number of bubbles cavities in rough pore walls and trapping by capillary forces,
generated by bubble breakup in fas depletions was several
orders of magnitude higher compared to the number of • growth of these trapped microbubbles,
nucleated bubbles. It was concluded that the dispersed flow • activation of some these sites when the pressure drawdown
was generated not by explosive nucleation but by bubble balances capillary trapping forces, and
breakup. Other conclusions drwan for this work were:
• growth of these released bubbles until they become visible.
1. Bubble nucleation occurred mostly at pore walls.
2. Trapped impurities also acted as nucleation sites.

Since only a handful of visible bubbles were formed The foamy oil flow can be considered two-phase oil-gas flow
(typically in single digit numbers), it is apparent that only a few at high capillary number in which the behaviour is dominated
of the millions of microbubbles can overcome the capillary by dynamic of gas ganglia. The magnitude of pressure
growth barrier. The dispersed flow that was seen in high rate gradient needed for onset of this type of flow can be estimated
tests was created by migration and break-up of these visible using the capillary number relationships reported by Chatzis
bubbles. However, it was noted that in high rate tests, a larger and Morrow (1981). They reported a relationship between the
number of bubbles were able to overcome the capillary barrier in critical displacement ratio (∆P/Lσ) and air permeability.
pore wall cavities. Some of the other important conclusions Assuming the air permeability to be 3000 md and the
drawn from this series of tests were: interfacial tension to be around 25 mN/m, the pressure
gradient required for ganglion mobilization, according to this
1. A high degree of supersaturation was required to initiate the
correlation, would be 25 kPa/m or approximately 1.0 psi/ft.
formation of visible gas bubbles in the micromodel.
The pressure gradients generated in cold production of heavy
2. Nucleation of the gas bubbles was found to occur randomly oil at high drawdown pressure are expected to be larger than
within the porous medium and the nucleation site varied this value.
between repeat runs.
3. The value of critical supersaturation was similar in heavy oil Field Implications
and other oil samples denoting that the effect of the
If one accepts the premise that foamy oil flow is a form of
asphaltenes in the nucleation behaviour was not very
non-Darcy two-phase flow in which the viscous forces have
become comparable to or stronger than the capillary forces,
4. Visual investigation of micromodel experiments revealed then the implications in terms of field operations are not
that the pressure depletion rate played a dominant role in difficult to determine. Promoting this type of flow requires
determining the structure of gas-oil dispersion in porous conditions that generate high pressure-gradients in the
media, and thereby, the performance of the solution-gas- reservoir. The magnitude of pressure gradient needed depends
drive process. Comparison of microvisual experiments on the sand characteristics and the interfacial tension between
revealed that the pressure depletion rates had a similar effect the oil and the released gas. When a new well is put on
on the pore scale behaviour in both the homogeneous and production, sufficient pressure gradient would be initially
the heterogeneous micromodels. The slow depletion available in the vicinity of the well in all heavy oil reservoirs
experiments resulted in a classical solution-gas-drive type if a high drawdown pressure is used. However, as the
displacement. On other hand, the fast depletion tests resulted depletion propagates deeper into the reservoir, the pressure
in a dispersion of gas in oil resulting in a foamy solution gas gradient becomes smaller and may be no longer sufficient to
drive process. generate the dispersed flow. The drainage area that can sustain
dispersed flow would depend on the reservoir properties.
Based on the combined weight of these micromodel tests and
a large number of sand-pack depletion tests, the following When sand is produced with the oil and it increases the fluid
requirements emerge for the generation of dispersed flow mobility in the zone from which sand has been removed, the
under solution gas drive conditions. reach of high pressure-gradients needed for foamy flow
becomes much longer. Since mobility becomes high in the
• Viscous forces acting on growing bubbles should exceed the
near well zone, the zone of high pressure-gradient moves
capillary trapping forces.
deeper into the reservoir. Thus, sand production is helpful in
• Gravitational forces should not be capable of inducing sustaining the dispersed flow in reservoirs that would
gravity segregation of the two phases. otherwise exhibit this type of flow only during the initial
production period. It is apparent that even with sand
• Interfacial chemistry effects that hinder bubble coalescence production, the drainage area that can be produced with foamy
may also be needed. flow is not boundless. The required pressure gradient would
It is readily seen that whether or not these requirements are be available only up to a certain radial distance away from the
met depends on the rock and fluid properties and the operating well, beyond which the dispersed flow would not be
conditions. In terms of the reservoir characteristics, dispersed generated.
flow is more likely to occur when the permeability is high, the
oil is viscous and the interfacial tension between the oil and Conclusions
the released solution gas is low. To generate the required 1. Foamy oil flow involves dispersed flow of gas in the form
viscous force, a high drawdown pressure would be desirable. of pore size or larger gas bubbles that become mobilized
The viscous trapping force decreases when the pore body/pore due to the presence of high pressure gradient during the
throat aspect ratio becomes low. Therefore the foamy oil type depletion process.
dispersed flow would be more likely to occur in well-sorted
unconsolidated sands that are partially dilated.

2. Whether or not foamy flow occurs in primary depletion Calgary University et al. Heavy Oil & Oil Sands Technical
depends not only on the oil properties but also on the sand Symposium, Calgary, AB, March 14, 1991.
properties and the operating conditions. Sheng, J.J., Maini, B.B., Hayes, R.E., and Tortike, W.S., “Critical
3. The magnitude of pressure gradient needed for onset of Review of Foamy Oil Flow,” Transport in Porous Media 35:
157-187, 1999.
this type of flow is readily available in the near well
region in primary depletion of heavy oil reservoirs under Yortsos, Y.C. and Parlar, M., "Phase Change in Binary Systems in
solution gas drive. Porous Media: Application to Solution Gas Drive", Work
Performed Under Contract No. FG18-87BC14126, prepared for
4. Sand production with the oil in Canadian reservoirs can the US Department of Energy, October 1989.
potentially extend the zone over which foamy flow occurs
in those reservoirs.

This work was done while the author was working at the
Petroleum Recovery Institute. Their permission to publish this
work is gratefully acknowledged. Contributions of Mr. Fausto
Nicola and Dr. Rupam Bora in conducting the experiments are
also acknowledged.


Bora, R., Maini, B.B. and Chakma, A., “Flow Visualization Studies
of Solution Gas Drive Process in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a
Glass Micromodel” SPE 37519, presented at the 1997
International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium,
Bakersfield, California, 10-12 February.
Bora, R., “Cold Production of Heavy Oil – An Experimental
Investigation of Foamy Oil Flow in Porous Media,” Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Calgary, 1998.
Chatzis, I. And Morrow, N.R., “Correlation of Capillary Number
Relationship for Sandstones,” SPE 10114 presented at the 56th
Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers, San Antonio, Texas, October 5-7, 1981
Elkins, L.F., Morton, R. and Blackwell, W.A.: "Experimental
Fireflood in a Very Viscous Oil-Unconsolidated Sand
Reservoir, S.E. Pauls Valley Field, Oklahoma," paper SPE4086
presented at the 1972 SPE Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX,
Oct. 8-11.
Huang, W.S., Marcum, B.E., Chase, M.R. and Yu, C.L., “Cold
Production of Heavy Oil from Horizontal Wells in the Frog
Lake Field” SPE 37545, presented at the 1997 SPE International
Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Bakersfield,
California 10-12 Feb.
Maini, B., “Laboratory Evaluation of Solution Gas Drive Recovery
Factors in Foamy Heavy Oil Reservoirs,” Paper 99-44,
presented at the 1999 CSPG and Petroleum Society Joint
Convention, Calgary, June 14-18, 1999.
Maini, B., Das, S., Bora, R. Jackson, C., Fung, H. and Stanislav, P.,
“Improving Cold (Foamy) Heavy Oil Operations,” JIP Report
(97/98-3), Petroleum Recovery Institute, Calgary, March 1998.
McCaffrey, W.J. and Bowman, R.D., "Recent Success in Primary
Bitumen Production," paper No. 6 presented at the 8th Annual

Table 1: Reservoir characteristics associated with successful applications of

“Cold Production” in Canada
Characteristics Value
Reservoir rock Unconsolidated sand
Depth, m 400 - 800
Net pay, m 4 - 25
Reservoir pressure, MPa 2.5 - 6
Reservoir temperature, oC 10 - 23
Porosity, % 30 - 34
Permeability, mD 500 – 10,000
Oil saturation, % 67 - 87
Oil Gravity, oAPI 11 - 1 6
Oil viscosity (in situ), mPa.s 1000 – 100,000
Solution gas/oil ratio 5 - 15
Primary drive mechanism Solution gas drive

Table 2: Comparison of pore level processes in conventional

solution gas drive and foamy solution gas drive.
Conventional solution gas drive Foamy solution gas drive
1. Pressure depletion creates supersaturation Pressure depletion creates supersaturation
2. Bubbles nucleate in rough cavities of pore walls Bubbles nucleate in rough cavities of pore walls
3. Some bubbles detach and start growing in pore bodies Some bubbles detach and start growing in pore bodies
4. Bubbles continue to grow in place without vacating the Bubbles start migrating with the oil after growing to
pore in which they originated certain size
5. Different bubbles originating in different pores grow Migrating bubbles keep dividing into smaller bubbles.
large enough to contact each other
6. Bubbles coalesce to form a continuous gas phase Dispersed flow is achieved by break-up of large bubbles
into smaller bubbles
7. Producing GOR increases rapidly once the gas starts to Producing GOR remains low
flow as a continuous phase
8. Reservoir energy is depleted at a low recovery factor High recovery factors are obtained.


Inlet Outlet
(Far End) (Production End) B.P.R.

To Gas Collection
Oil Collection
Transfer and Metering Vessel
To Ruska Pump

Figure 1. Apparatus for solution gas drive tests in linear sand-packs

Hamaca Oil at 66 Deg. C

Comparison of Oil Production at Different Depletion Rates

300.0 300.0
Cumulative Oil Produced (mL)

24 Hours Decline
250.0 8 Days Decline 250.0
22 Days Decline
200.0 Maximum Drawdown 200.0

150.0 150.0

100.0 100.0

50.0 50.0

0.0 0.0
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
Mid-Poiny Pressure (psi)

Figure 2. Typical effect of depletion rate on oil recovery.


Hamaca Oil at 66 Deg C, 8 Days Decline

1200 20000

Cumulative Gas Produced (Std. mL)


Pressure (psi)

Far end pressure
600 10000
Midpoint pressure
Production end pressure
Cumulative Gas Produced 6000

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time (minutes)

Figure 3. Typical gas production and pressure history of a slow depletion test


1200 18000


Cumulative Gas Produced (Std. mL)


800 12000

Production end pressure 10000

600 Far end pressure
Midpoint pressure
400 Cumulative Gas 6000


0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
TIME (min)

Figure 4. Typical gas production and pressure history of a fast depletion test
10 BRIJ B. MAINI SPE 56541

Figure 5. A typical large bubble formed in a slow depletion test in the uniform pores size micromodel.



Figure 6. Features of a fast depletion test showing growth, migration and breakup of gas bubbles
leading to dispersed flow.

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