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1. The mass M is attached to two identical springs of spring constant k and natural length a0. At
equilibrium the springs are stretched to a length a > a0. The other ends of the springs are
firmly attached to vertical walls as shown. Neglect gravity and damping.

(a) For longitudinal oscillations of the mass, show
that the net force is ∑ F = −2k x , so that the
motion is SHM with ω L = .
M x

(b) For transverse oscillations of the mass,

⎛ a0 ⎞ y
(i) show that the net force is ∑ F = −2k ⎜1− ⎟ y ,
⎝ l ⎠
where l = y 2 + a 2 , so that the oscillations are
not exactly SHM.

(ii) In the slinky approximation, the natural length of the springs is negligible a0 << a .
Deduce that the motion is approximately SHM with ωTslinky = ω L = .

(iii) In the small angle approximation, the vertical displacement y is small, y << a.
Deduce that the motion is approximately SHM with ωTsmall angle = ω L 1− < ω L .

2. Suppose that a straight tunnel of length d = 300 km is opened, joining Athens and Salonika.
The radius of the earth is R = 6400 km. Assume that the earth has uniform density and
neglect damping forces. You may take the gravitational acceleration on the earth surface to
be g0 =10 m s–2.

(a) Show that a train in the tunnel performs SHM and that if the train is released in
Athens it will reach Salonika after about 42 minutes, assisted only by gravity.

(b) Find the maximum speed of the train.

3. In the diagram, the positive charges +Q remain stationary, while the negative charge –q, of
mass m, is free to move along the horizontal x- direction. Neglect gravity and damping.

(a) Show that the net force on the negative charge is ∑ F = − x , where
r3 Ÿ +Q
r = x + a , so that the charge oscillates, but not exactly in SHM.
2 2

a r

(b) For small oscillations, x<< a, show that the motion is approximately

SHM and find the frequency. x Ÿ−q,m
(c) Take the positive charges to be protons and the negative charge to be
an electron. For a =1.0×10–10 m, show that the frequency of small a r
oscillations is f =3.6×1015 Hz.

(d) The oscillating electron emits electromagnetic waves of the same

Ÿ +Q
frequency. By comparing the wavelength of the emitted radiation to
the wavelengths of visible light, identify the region of the EM spectrum for this radiation.
4. A block of mass M = 180 g is initially at rest in equilibrium, supported by a vertical spring of
spring constant k = 20 N m−1. The other end of the spring is attached to a fixed point.

A bullet of mass m = 20 g is fired from below striking the block with a speed u = 2.83 m s−1 and
sticking to it. For the resulting vertical SHM of the combined object, block+bullet,

(a) Find the initial velocity.

(b) Find the period.

(c) Hence, show that the amplitude of oscillations is 3.0 cm. k = 20 N m−1
(You may take the gravitational acceleration on to be g =10 m s–2)

(d) Find the maximum speed.

M = 180 g
(e) Sketch graphs for displacement-time and velocity-time indicating the u = 2.83 m s−1
scale on both axes.

m = 20 g
(f) Find the time elapsed for the block+bullet to reach its maximum height

for the first time.

5. A block of mass M is attached to two identical springs, each of spring constant k, as shown.
A second block of mass m is on top of the first block.
The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is μ.
There is no friction between M and the floor.
The system oscillates with amplitude A.
µ ( M + m) g
Show that in order for m not to slide on M, we must have A ≤ .




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