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Do aliens exist?

This is a really interesting question and one that NASA has been trying to
understand, explore, and figure out for a long time. We have not yet discovered life on any
other planet, and we have not seen any scientifically supported evidence for extraterrestrial life.

But if we think about life on this planet, beyond the big things — the elephants, the whales,
redwoods trees –– and focus on the tiny things, nearly everywhere on Earth that we've looked,
we've found microbial life.

Our definition of habitable environments continues to expand. Off the Earth we've only begun
to look. NASA has sent five rovers and four landers to the surface of Mars. Additionally,
orbiters have been outfitted with some amazing cameras to take pictures of the whole surface
of the Red Planet. But we've only explored a tiny fraction of Mars. And that's only one of the
promising bodies to look for life in our solar system.

There are icy moons in the outer solar system like Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s
moon Europa that look like they may have subsurface oceans that could be habitable. And
that's just what's in our solar system. The more exoplanets we find around other stars, the
more we learn about how many different environments could exist for life.

We can't yet say for sure whether or not aliens exist. To quote Carl Sagan: “The universe is a
pretty big place. If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.” So, NASA will keep

Speculation has been rife about the contents of an unclassified report set
to be released later this month from the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena (UAP) task force.

The document, expected to drop on June 25, will supposedly provide a

comprehensive summary of what the US government knows about UAPs
— or, to use the more popular term, UFOs.

While the report is not yet public, the New York Times
recently published what it claimed was a preview of the findings, provided
by unnamed senior officials who were privy to the report’s contents.

According to the Times’s sources, the report does not provide any clear
link or association between more than 120 incidents of UFO sightings
from the past two decades, and a possibility of Earth having been visited
by aliens.

If the Times’s sources are to be believed, there’s clearly still no good

reason to interpret an unexplained object in the sky as evidence of aliens.
But does that mean aliens aren’t out there, somewhere else in the
universe? And if they are, could we ever find them? Or might they be so
different to us that “finding” them is impossible in any meaningful sense?

It’s easy enough to write off much recent phenomena, quoting anything from
wayward weather balloons to the perpetuation of the legend and UFO sightings in
pop culture providing a cohesive image of extra terrestrials for eye witnesses to
draw on should someone cry alien. But what’s slightly harder to dismiss is
the ancient evidence (i.e. pre the National Enquirer). Enter the ‘The Madonna with
Saint Giovannino’, otherwise known as the UFO painting.
Created in the 15th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary and in the backdrop of the
painting, a man and his dog staring up at a hovering disk-like object that is
suspiciously familiar. And this painting isn’t alone either, with everything from
ancient cave paintings to Sanskrit Scrolls all depicting alien life. A sighting even
crops up in the Bible in The Book of Ezekiel. Either this is compelling evidence, or
humanity has a rich tradition of conspiracy theorists.

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