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9 Livestock - animals and birds that are kept on a farm

Net return - money received from a company's activities after

all costs have been paid
Offspring - the young of an animal, or a person’s children
Precarious - in a dangerous state because of not being safe
Scarce - not easy to find or get
Exclusively - only

10 Repel - to force someone or something to stop moving towards

Seep - to flow slowly through something
Infest - (of animals and insects that carry disease)
to cause a problem by being present in large numbers
Exclude - to prevent someone or something
from entering a place or taking part in an activity
Discard - to throw something away or get rid of it because you
no longer want or need it
Untended - not cared for or attended to
Regarding - in relation to, about
Retain - to keep or continue to have something
Take hold - to become strong; to be established

11 Altitude - height above sea leve

Cue - a signal for someone to do something

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