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Exercise 1.

Choose the right option:

1) I ... a lot of junk food but now I am on a diet.
a) used to eating b) used to eat c) am used to eat

2) It took me a few months to … in China. At first everything seemed very

different, but then it became normal for me.
a) used to live b) be used to live c) get used to living

3) I didn’t understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly … it.
a) got used to it b) used to c) is used to

4) My mother … a busy businesswoman but now she is retired.

a) is used to being b) used to be c) got used to

5) My grandparents have always lived in hot countries so they … to the cold

winter of this country.
a) are not used to b) are used to c) used to

6) It was difficult when I first started university, because I … the amount of

work we had to do.
a) got used to b) wasn’t used to c) not used to

7) Alex has been living in England for two years so he … on the left now.
a) used to drive b) used to driving c) is used to driving

8) I … at this little Italian restaurant when I lived nearby.

a) am used to eating b) used to eating c) used to eat

9) It took me a few months, but I … German every day.

a) got used to speaking b) got used to speak c) am used to speak

10) We’ve got a new English teacher. She’s different from our former one. We
… her.
a) used to b) are getting used to c) not used to

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs
(Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous):
1) Last night I … (dream) about going to the Moon.
2) When Jane … (see) me yesterday, I … (cross) the street.
3) My dad … (paint) the living-room for two hour before my brother …
(come) to help him.
4) Nora … (lie) in a hammock while Phil … (weed) the garden.
5) As Claire … (dust) the furniture, she … (break) her mum’s vase.
6) Mr. Roberts … (work) in the company for six years before it … (go)
7) The alarm clock … (not, ring) yesterday morning and I … (be) late for
8) Yesterday at this time, Karen … (write) a letter of application to the
manager of L’Oreal.
9) We … (never, see) the Pyramids before our trip to Egypt in 2005.
10) They … (wait) for more than an hour before Lady Gaga …
(appear) on the stage.
11) Where … (you, spend) your last winter holidays?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct present form of the
verbs (Present Simple, Present Cntinuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect
1) George … (sprain) his wrist and he can’t write now.
2) Where … (you, be)? We … (wait) for you since three o’clock.
3) What time … (the library, open) on weekdays?
4) In my class there are children who … (never, travel) abroad in their lives.
5) I … (usually, walk) home from school but today my friend’s mum …
(give) me a lift.
6) A: … (Laura, ever, act) in a school play?
B: As far as I know she … .
7) She … (not, get) up yet. She … (not, work) today so she can stay in bed
8) It … (rain) all day. We can’t go outside to play in the gatden.
9) Rita … (type) letters for two hours. She … (already, type) four.
10) A: Where … (you, keep) your toys?
B: In a wicker basket.
11) Tommy … (lose) his keys. He’s furious about it.

Exercise 4.

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