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Symbolism Consciousness, Sequel: Infinity, Uraeus, Kundalini, Caduceus, Leviathan.

Maybe one of the most popular and widespread symbols in both science and occult
arts. This symbol is plain, yet mysteriously beautiful. Moreover, its magical
wisdom is hidden because of its tremendous power, which is no other by the power
which lies in you! So, let’s take a look at the importance and the meaning of the
Infinity Symbol.

Where does the Infinity Symbol come from? ∞

According to conventional knowledge, the Infinity Symbol is just a mathematical
symbol used in all sciences, physics, even in html coding. However, there is plenty
of symbolism which if understood, we can change our lives.

And this is why I want to start with this.

1. It symbolizes divine Power – ∞

What very few people discover (or remember) is that the symbolism of the Infinity
comes from the great Uraeus, symbols of the Goddess Wadjet. The Uraei (plural) is
commonly known as the symbol of power, worn by pharaohs or gods and goddesses.
During the coronation of the pharaohs, one was not a king or a queen until they
were crowned by this divine snake. What this symbolic act represents, is that one
will never have true power until s/he realizes the divine power within.

2. Mehet or iaret (the risen one) – ∞

What is less known is that the same symbol is found in two depictions. Hence, the
Uraeus is either mehet or iaret. Mehet means ‘the coiled one’ and iaret means ‘the
risen one‘. Both snakes symbolically assume the ∞ position with one exception.

What you can now see is that the risen Uraeus, is the one who messes with the
perfect symbol of ∞. Furthermore, the risen Ureaus is the eye of the Sun, ready to
claim its power and defend what needs to be defended. Thus, it is ready to fight
against darkness and oblivion. Hence the Iaret Uraeus has risen up and is awakened!

3. It’s Ouroboros – ∞
Mehet Uraeus (the coiled one) is simply Ouroboros. The secret teaching is that we
are bound to repeat our incarnations as we stick to this Realm. A Witch (meaning an
awakened one) should realise that this Life offers all kinds of experiences which
should be received as lessons for the Awakening. Once we have been awakened, we can
end the circle of infinite incarnations, exactly as many ancient religions teach
like Hinduism and Buddhism.

As we’ve already seen, Ouroboros has been used to symbolise the eternal life and
the following incarnations.

The Circle of Life – Birth – Death – Rebirth

The Material Plane
The Karmic Circle
Hence, Ouroboros is not a simple of evil as many fanatics proclaim. It merely
symbolizes the lessons of this plane (which frankly are sometimes pretty hard).

4. The divine Blessings of Nile

Wadjet is also the goddess of the river Nile. Nile, in ancient Egypt was not just a
river. It symbolized all the blessings and the divine gifts descending from Gods.
Moreover, Nile was a “mirror” of the Milky Way, reflecting the blessings of beyond
this Earth, beyond this Realm. Interestingly, Nile was also linked not only to this
Realm, not only to Space but also to the afterlife. As certain astrological
alignments take place, the Gate of the Underworld opens or closes. But we will talk
about this in future article!
5. It comes from the last Greek letter Omega (Ω – ω) – ∞
This is something more scholars agree on. The symbol of infinity, is derived from
the letter omega which is the last letter of the original alphabet – the Greek one.
Let me remind you here that in Christian iconography, Jesus Christ is symbolically
depicted as the Alpha and Omega (A & Ω) which is the beginning and the end (of the
time). However, as God and time is infinite, the letter Omega (ω) became the
infinity symbol, to denote the continuity beyond the End (∞).

Sometimes, you just want to say something more elegant than, ''Hey, check out that
snake thing on the pharaoh's crown.'' Well, that snake thing is called a uraeus,
and it's an ancient Kemetic symbol of a reared snake, typically a cobra. The uraeus
was attached to the very front of the pharaoh's crowns.

Uraeus Symbol
Uraeus is an important symbol associated with the Gods, Goddesses, and Ngr/Niggers
aka Pharaohs of ancient Kemet. It is represented by the image of an upright cobra
in a threatening pose and is believed to have its origins in ‘Iaret’, a Kemet word
meaning ‘the risen one’. The icon symbolized divine authority, royalty,
sovereignty, and supremacy and was worn as a crown or head ornament by the ancient
Kemetic divinities and rulers.

This sacred serpent symbol reiterated the connection between the Gods and the
Pharaohs and wearing the Uraeus conveyed legitimacy to the royal personage. The
rearing cobra indicated that the ruler enjoyed the protection and patronage of
Goddess Wadjet, the Lower Kemet deity. After the unification of Kemet, the Uraeus
was depicted together with the Vulture, which was the symbol of Nekhbet, the
patroness of Upper Kemet. The merged symbol was called ‘The Two Ladies’, the joint
protectors of the country.

The first Uraeus is believed to have been made from earth’s dust and the spittle of
Sun-God by the Goddess Auset who used it to gain the throne of Kemet for Ausar, her
husband. Besides being used as a royal emblem or adornment, Uraeus is also an
important Medu/Metu Neter aka Hieroglyphics referring to a priestess, Goddess, or
shrine of Goddess. It can be seen in the ancient Kemetic relics, artifacts,
manuscripts, tombs, and temples

Now that you know what it's called, it's time to learn how to talk about it.

That snake symbol on the royal crown is called the uraeus.

Why do pharaohs put a stylized rearing cobra on their crowns? To understand this,
we need some background on Kemetic mythology. In Kemetic art, the cobra often
represented the goddess Wadjet. Wadjet was a protective deity and daughter of the
sun god, Ra. Her job was essentially to help protect Kemet and the cosmos from
chaos, the ultimate evil in Kemetic mythology.

Wadjet was one of the oldest deities in the Kemetic pantheon, worshipped from the
earliest evidence of Kemetic civilization and presumably even beyond that. In fact,
her cult actually predates unified Kemet itself. Wadjet was specifically the
protective deity of Lower Kemet, the kingdom based around the Nile Delta. Even
after the Lower and Upper Kingdoms unified into a single state, Wadjet would always
remain a symbol of this part of Kemet. In fact, one of the ubiquitous symbols of
unified Kemet is the Eye of Ra with a vulture (a protective symbol of Upper Kemet)
and the uraeus (the symbol of Wadjet and therefore of Lower Kemet).

The Uraeus and the Pharaoh

Wadjet was a goddess who protected Kemet from the forces of chaos, so her
appearance as a reared cobra makes sense. But this doesn't explain why she was
found on the crowns of the pharaohs, resting on the monarchs' forehead. To explain
that, wedjat simply wandered off, so Ra sent Thoth, the moon god, to fetch it. When
it returned, the eye found that another eye had taken its place. To pacify the
furious eye, Ra placed it on his brow in the shape of a uraeus (a cobra goddess),
where it could rule the whole world. Pharaohs wore the uraeus on their foreheads as
a symbol of protection and to show that they were descended from the sun god. The
uraeus was also found on crowns and statues of queens (although the uraeus was
uncoiled on the queens' crowns and coiled on the kings').

As a symbol of unified Kemet, the uraeus was also a symbol of royal authority.
Wearing the uraeus on the crown demonstrated that the pharaoh was divinely
appointed by the Kemetic Neteru to rule over all of Kemet and that his authority
was unquestionable. This was reinforced by the fact that the uraeus also implicitly
evoked the authority of Wadjet's father (the sun god, Ra).

Uraeus also known as Kundalini in Hindu, Indian

Within each of us lies the potential to activate a personal connection to the

superconscious and metaphysical called “Uraeus” in ancient Kemetic language and
“Kundalini” in ancient Hindu yoga traditions, our innate serpent power of spiritual
transcendence inhabits the base of the spine in its dormant state. When awakened,
it unfurls along and rises up the spinal column, precisely "33" vertebrae to the
middle of the two hemispheres of the brain to the little by size and pine cone by
shape gland called the Pineal Gland aka 1st eye aka Eye Of Heru, connecting
individual consciousness to the consciousness of the universe and cosmos enfolded
within the dark matter of space all through the African Spiritual exercise called
meditating. At the root of creativity and spiritual genius across innumerable
cultures and civilizations, this intelligent force reveals portals that enfold
time, space, and the luminous matrix of reality itself. So much to mention about
Uraeus aka Kundalini, but a dose of it per some period will be good. Next time I'll
go in detail about Uraeus/Kundalini, Energy Centers aka Chakras. Dua-u, Shem hotep

#HotepAmunRaWakwaNtu #Uraeus #Kundalini #PinealGland #33 #Wadjet #EyeOfRa #Kemet

#Nubia #AfricanSpirituality #AfricanCivilization

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