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Decide on a sum of money that would fulfill your immediate financial needs and
write it down on a piece of white or green paper.

On the back of the paper write your name, date of birth and your full address, if
you don't have an address, the first two will do. This is to ensure the spirits do
not get you mixed up with someone else by the same name.

Take the paper and soak it in coconut water or pure orange juice and leave it out
to dry.

Once it has dried take it in your hands and place it on your heart. Say this;

"I open up this center of power and twin my talisman with it." 3X

Now, put the piece of paper in a fireproof bowl or plate and say this in a
commanding voice;

"I plead Divine mercy from the Heavens to be with me, Holy angels of the quarters
guard me, my ancestors I call on you to ground me.

Oh spirits of the lands beyond, come here to me this day.

Stretch time and traverse the universe to be here.

Spirits of money, I call to thee, do my bidding, hear my cry and hearken to my


Money spirits whose power is great and everyone loves, come to me, stay with me,
give to me this thing I ask, I beseech thee powers of the money spirits by the
great names of Adonai Elohim, Emmanuel, Messiach, el Agla, So Mote It Be!"

Take the paper in your hand and light it at one of the corners. Once it starts to
burn place it in the fireproof bowl and wait for it to burn out.

Take the ashes and divide into two parts. Take one part in your palms and blow to
the wind. Add the other part to water and bath with it. or you can add it to your
lotion and use.

After this, It will not be too long before the spirits of money give what you have

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