Restructuring of Organization and Con Ict On The Office of Integrated Services For One Gate in Takalar Regency

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Restructuring of organization and conflict on the office of integrated services

for one gate in Takalar regency

Article  in  International Journal of Academic Research · March 2014

DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-2/B.14


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2 authors, including:

Haedar Muhammad Akib

Universitas Negeri Makassar


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D. Daraba, H. Akib. Restructuring of organization and conflict on the office of integrated services for one gate in Takalar
regency. International Journal of Academic Research Part B; 2014; 6(2), 88-91. DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-2/B.14

Library of Congress Classification: HV1-9960


1 2
Dahyar Daraba , Haedar Akib
Doctoral Student of Public Administration, the Graduate State University of Makassar,
Professor of Public Administration, State University of Makassar (INDONESIA)

DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-2/B.14

Received: 20 Nov, 2013

Accepted: 24 Mar, 2014


This research aims at obtaining scientific information about the occurrence of conflicts for inter-agency and
inter-actor on the organizational restructuring of public services in the Takalar. This research was qualitative
research. The research strategy implemented was a case study with the consideration that this research would
like to answer the problem of why the conflict of inter-agency and inter-actor which happens after the restructuring
of the Organization of the public service was carried out. Data were obtained from some informants who came
from elements of public officials and officials of the technical agencies as well as several people on staff. The
Data were collected through in-depth interview. The data were analyzed by some steps, namely: (i) unitizing, (ii)
categorizing, (iii) interpretation of data. The data were validated by: (i) extending the time of observation, (ii)
increasing endurance, and (iii) doing triangulation. The research found that a conflict of inter-agency is caused by
the overlap of authority between the institutions and the emergence of institutional idealism. Conflicts of inter-
actor occur due to the presence of customs of actors involved in the organization that the sudden change such as
reduced income and the rise of insecurity in employment.

Key words: restructuring, authority, conflict


Many studies show that the restructuring of the Organization of public service has been conducted, but
many problems still found in the service. A study conducted by Kiriwenno (2004) found that the establishment of
the Office of Yapen Waropen in services is not based on local needs, and it is not yet run effectively and
efficiently, as well as greatly burdening the budget revenue and spending areas. Akbar (2003) in his study on the
institutional restructuring of Banjar Regency also found that the institutional structure of sub district is not
conducive in supporting public service accountability. Dwiyanto (2002) researching on public services in West
Sumatra, Yogyakarta, and South Sulawesi explains that accountability of public service is still poor, inefficient,
unresponsive, and it has not been satisfactory for service users. In addition, other studies have also reported that
the attitude and behavior of the authorities have not provided public service in order to satisfy the public (Nur
Wening, 2005; Idris, 2007).
From some studies presented above, there has not been a link between the organizational restructuring
and the conflict that occurs after the restructuring is done. The restructuring of public service organizations in
Takalar regency has been implemented. It is the formation of integrated service office for one gate. Restructuring
the Organization was conducted as local government efforts to improve the quality of service to the community,
but the implementation on the field was far from expectation. It can be seen from a few things, namely: time for
permission management is relatively long. The process is convoluted because it still must wait for the
recommendations of the technical agencies. The cost is relatively high because the process is lengthy and not
transparent so that it will open opportunities for the occurrence of wild charges. Another issue is the occurrence of
conflicts of inter-agency and inter-actor after a restructuring of the organization of the public service. This
research aims at studying the problems occurred after the restructuring of the public service organizations.
Implementation of the restructuring of the Organization is in line with the opinion Dwiyanto, (2011) One of
the things that is greatly urgent for immediate reform of the bureaucracy conducted for public in Indonesia is
reviewing again a very hierarchical bureaucratic which is structure, long and complex. The long structure makes
the process not only work very slowly, but it is also often a source of distortion of information (Pace & Faules,
2005: 56). In addition, organizations that are not able to perform continuous innovation will be oppressed by a
competitor who does not know compassion. Organizations that are not able to understand the environment will
always have failed, and it would just be a follower, so it will never be the best.


The dynamics of community life that continues to thrive requires a change in the figure of an ideal
bureaucracy to be able to meet the expectations of the community. There are two important aspects in the
institutional restructuring of the bureaucracy, namely: the institutional setup vertically and horizontally. Institutional
setup vertically is conducted to simplify the bureaucratic hierarchy so that it becomes simpler and shorter.
Simplifying the structure horizontally is conducted to make the process work the bureaucracy becomes more
efficient. (Dwiyanto, 2011: 177).
The restructuring is conducted because the organization is now no longer able to provide services and the
satisfaction of customers and can no more meet the demands of society. The development of rationality of
community living patterns increasingly wants to get good service and easily accessible by the public. This leads to
the necessity of changes in public service organizations to adjust the needs of the community.
Restructuring within government organizations is different from restructuring in business organizations.
Business organizations are always trying to find ways how to suppress the cost (efficiency) and how to improve
the results achieved or productivity (Abdullah, 1996: 6), Government organizational structure within the
organization is not efficiency-oriented, but it is more on service to the community. However, any organizational
changes will affect the performance of individuals, groups and entire organizations (Gibson 2006:18).
Psychological aspects can be found in the behavior of the performance that appeared such as in the form of
declining creativity, low job satisfaction, emotional level, as well as concerns that unstable and tend to increase
(Band & Tustin, 1999: 132).
The restructuring led to a change in the Organization. Therefore the chance of occurrence of conflicts
either inter-agencyor conflicts within the organization can occur. Different types of conflicts can be found in the life
of a group or organization. According to Eunson (2007: 87), there are various types of conflict: conflict of vertical,
horizontal conflicts, conflicts between staff lines, and the conflict of roles. In addition, Wirawan (2010: 55-56)
group the conflicts based on the number of people involved namely conflict of personal conflict and interpersonal
The process according to Hendricks conflict (in Wahyudi, 2008:19) is composed of three phases: first;
daily events, this process is characterized by the presence of individuals feel dissatisfied and irritated at the work
environment. In the second stage, if there are problems, everyone maintains and blames the other party. Then in
the third stage is the emergence of opposition at this stage of everyone or group aiming to win and beat the other
groups. Jehn (1997:346) defines conflict refers to the conflict between individuals or groups that may increase
tensions as a result of blocking each other in achieving goals.
Furthermore, to clarify the issues in this study, the main problems are formulated is why there is a conflict
between institutions and between actors, post the restructuring of public service organizations?


This research is qualitative research. The research strategy is implemented case studies. Consideration of
the case study strategy is used is that the study wants to answer the problem of why the conflict between
institutions, and between actors occur after the restructuring of public service organizations implemented. As
recommended by Creswell (2010) that the case study strategy is suitable for carefully investigate an event,
activity, process, or group of individuals.. Data were obtained from a number of informants coming from elements
of public officials and officials of the technical institutions as well as some of the employees until the required data
are considered sufficient. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with informants related to the reasons
why there is a conflict between institutions and between actors. Furthermore, the data were analyzed through the
steps of (i) processing unit, (ii) categorization, (iii) the interpretation of the data. Examination of the validity of the
data is done by: (i) extend the time of observation, (ii) increase the persistence, and (iii) perform triangulation:
source, time, and method.


Restructuring of public service organizations, leaving the problem is with the transfer of part of the
authority of the technical institutions to KPTSP. Transfer of part of the authorities led to the overlapping authority
and in turn lead to job interdependence. The licensing service KPTSP cannot be solved immediately because
they have to wait for the recommendations of the technical agencies. Interdependence of the work ultimately led
to the throwing of responsibility between parties KPTSP with technical agencies.
Interdependent coloring process of completion of work in KPTSP, consequently, discontent and
indignation to the working environment for personnel. On the other hand, customers also feel the lack of certainty
of the time in completing a licensing matter. In this condition, the KPTSP and technical institutions respectively
tend to hold opinions and even blaming the other party. This finding is in line with the opinion's Hendricks (in
Wahyudi, 2008) that identifies the conflict. According to Hendricks conflict, process consists of three stages: the
first stage; events of the day, the process is characterized by the presence of individuals feel dissatisfied and
irritated at the work environment. In the second stage, if there are problems, each individual maintains and
blames the other party. In the third, stage arises disagreement of each individual or group and aims to win and
beat the other groups.
Conflict between institutions is also caused by the presence of conditions that create opportunities for
conflict. The condition is interagency rivalry Unit (SKPD) to increase revenue (PAD) as structurally each on
education demanded by Parliament to contribute to the improvement of the PAD. These circumstances give
space to the technical institution with KPTSP to compete in increasing their income. Other conditions which also

Baku, Azerbaijan | 89
contributed to the development of inter-institutional conflict is due to sectored idealism. Technical institution's
party considers that technically they are more understanding than KPTSP, as they relate to its basic tasks.
Consequently, the technical institutions are not willing to give most of the authority to KPTSP. On the other hand,
the KPTSP feels responsible for the completion of a licensing immediately. This finding is in line with the exposure
of Robbins (2003:166) that one of the initial stages of the process is the potential for conflict or discrepancy
opposition (Opposition or potential incompatibility), namely the existence of conditions that create opportunities for
Meanwhile, the conflict between actors occurs due to due to the habits of the actors involved in the
organization that has suddenly changed. The actor feels that with the transfer of part of the authority means their
role reduced and eventually impact on reduced incomes. In addition, the emergence of insecurity in the job (job
insecurity) is another type of change that they feel out of earlier traditions. This finding is in line with the opinion of
Robbins (in Winardi, (2003: 236) which states that an individual's refusal to change is anxiety or worry that the
changes that occur will cause the income / revenue to shrink or diminish. Moreover, Robbins (2003: 385) defines
conflict as a mismatch of values or goals among members of the organization.
Inter-agency conflict between actors and post-restructuring of public service organizations, as described
above is very interesting for contributions to the theory of organizational equilibrium. Barnard (in Williamson,
1995) as the originator of the theory of organizational equilibrium contribution, providing a clear analysis of the
need for economic incentives, to secure the contribution of the individual as a participant for the achievement of
organizational goals.
Only when the organization is successful in securing a sufficient incentive to motivate individuals to
continue to participate (to contribute time, energy, and resources) organization to survive. In other words, when
the economic incentive of the individual is not considered, then the individual will not participate to the fullest to
contribute time, energy, and its resources. In fact, what happens is the disappointment of the individual and
ultimately lead to conflict. Although the provision of sufficient incentives to individuals to consider, but on the other
hand, also to be anticipated on the individual's involvement and control at all levels of the organization, it is
important to keep the possibility of personnel on many levels follow their personal interests by creating a sort of
'empire building' and utilize organizational resources for their personal interests (Williamson, 1995).
Indeed, restructuring the Organization of the public service is carried out in an effort to improve the quality
of public services. Realignment of the former Ministry was still in the respective technical agencies, then styled
into a one-stop service (UPT-SIMTAP), and then set again to be One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP) is
the result of the thought that service to the community need to be improved are always quality. This effort is in line
with the "U" theory developed by Otto Scharmer (2009) where the main features of the "U" is the
interconnectedness theory of the openness of mind, heart, and will as a whole which is inseparable. The
Government's desire to provide a quality public service and then perform the organizational restructuring of the
public service is a reflection of the openness of mind, heart, and the will to improve the quality of public services.
It's just on his way if the process of restructuring the Organization of the public service is associated with five
movements that follow the line U i.e. Co-Initiating, Sensing, Co-Co-Pre-censing, Co-Creating, and Evolving, then
the process of restructuring the Organization of public service even though it is already established but with the
existence of a conflict can be said to still be in the Co-Pre-censing. It is characterized by an awareness of the
Government to change the inner workings of the place (the inside) of the Organization of the public service by
rearranging the public service organization, but on the other hand, when the inner changes place has done turns
in case of conflicts intergovernmental agencies technical or between the actors. It explained that the restructuring
of the public service organizations that do not yet able to present future space that can accommodate the
interests of various parties.
Analysis on the occurrence of conflict post restructuring public service organizations are reviewing about
the kinds of conflicts that occur. The research found that the kind of conflict that occurs is as follows:

1. Conflict between technical institutions, such as between the Departments of public works with One Door Integrated
Services Office (KPTSP), the Department of transportation with One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP),
Office of Population with One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP), and others. Form conflict of throwing each
other responsibility due to interference of jobs. The other form is the existence of sector idealism.
2. Conflicts between actors, such as between the head of Department (top management) in the technical agencies
with top management at One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP), head of Department with the staff assigned
to the Office of One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP), and between staff on duty with the staff at One Door
Integrated Services Office (KPTSP). Form conflict violations committed with such permissions have been published
by One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP) before exiting the recommendations of technical agencies. The
other form is the actors felt disappointed due to its reduced and impact on dwindling revenue.
3. Conflict of roles; be in the form of misconceptions about what should be done by a staff. This conflict occurred
because of the dualism of the leadership. Sometimes the staff confused to work what to do, whether to follow orders
from the Head Office of the main agency or command from the head One Door Integrated Services Office (KPTSP).

Kinds of conflicts between institutions and the different actors with the kind of conflict that is expressed by
Eunson (2007) because of the type of conflict identified by Eunson is a conflict within an organization such as a
vertical conflict between levels of the hierarchy, a horizontal conflict between people who work on the same
hierarchy level, while the findings in this research is the kind of conflict that occurs between organizations.
Specific to the type of conflict that the third role conflict in line with the classifications of types of conflict expressed
by Eunson (2007) a misunderstanding of what ought to be done by someone.
This kind of conflict is also different kinds of personal conflict expressed by Wirawan (2010: 55-56).
Personal conflicts according to Wirawan happens within the individual because of the need to choose from a


number of alternative options exist or because having multiple personalities. This contrasts with the role conflict
as this research findings because of a conflict of role does not mean that there are a number of options available
but due to the presence of two different orders the source and do not clearly outline the task of each actor. Role
conflict occur not because the actor had multiple personalities but solely due to the vagueness of the status of
their staffing as a result there are two current commands that must be obeyed and the task of each actor which is
not clearly detailed.
Other kinds of conflict expressed by Wirawan (2010: 55-56) is an interpersonal conflict. One of the seven
types of conflict that includes the kinds of interpersonal conflict is a conflict of interest. The kind of conflict that one
also occurs on the restructuring of the public service organizations that happen to actors between the imperatives
of implementing organizations with interest in exerting all its own resources for the achievement of the objectives
of the Organization and the individual interest for example, to get extra income or security of their careers.
Kinds of conflict as expressed above views in terms of the conflict including the perspective of traditional
perspective (The Traditional View). It says accordingly because the conflict is seen as something bad, ugly and


Based on the results and discussion of the research, and then the writer concluded, such as:

1) Conflicts between institutions take place due to the existence of overlapping powers between the
institutions and the emergence of institutional idealism.
2) Conflicts between actors took place due to the presence of customs of actors involved in the
organization that the sudden change such as reduced income and the rise of insecurity in employment.


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