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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

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Research on quantitative assessment of climate change risk at an urban

scale: Review of recent progress and outlook of future direction
Bin Ye a, Jingjing Jiang b, *, Junguo Liu a, Yi Zheng a, Nan Zhou c
School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China
School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, 518055, China
Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA


Keywords: Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change
Climate change risk impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities
City to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on
Quantitative assessment
global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban
Climate change vulnerability
scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate
change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent
literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies
which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk
assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major chal­
lenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction
of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of
risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of
urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching
knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the
best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.

1. Introduction specifically, over 2000 climate disasters that attacked cities have been
reported in 2016. More than 70% of cities surveyed have suffered at
Cities emerge as a powerhouse for production, consumption and least one type of extremely serious or serious climate disasters (Fig. 1b),
trade and have currently accommodated 54% of the global population with the attacks of extreme climate and weather events happening the
and gathered 80% of the global wealth [1]. However, acting as a foil to most frequently (Fig. 1c) and the sectors of residential health and living,
the socioeconomic center, cities have become the hotspot for energy resource and agriculture, and transportation and energy infrastructure
consumption and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs) around being affected the most (Fig. 1d). Moreover, looking forward to the
the world. Currently, they account for two-thirds of global energy con­ future, all of the expansion of urbanization, the growth of urban energy
sumption and are responsible for as high as 70% of global anthropogenic demand, and the far-reaching impact of climate change are unequivocal
GHG emissions. What’s more, with highly concentrated inhabitants, trends [6,7], implying an increasing exposure of cities to climate change.
wealth and infrastructures, cities are also one of the primary victims of Judging these, cities bear the brunt of climate change risks both now and
climate change which can be largely ascribed to energy consumption into the future.
from themselves. As presented by Fig. 1, cities are confronted with Given the increasingly significant impacts from climate change,
fast-emerging climate disasters [2,3]. A great majority of cities with many cities have expanded their efforts from decreasing fossil energy
millions of populations, particularly the megacities, are located at consumption and GHG emissions towards developing climate change
low-lying coastal regions [4,5], being highly exposed to threats of rising adaptation [8]. Quantifying and assessing climate change risk has
sea level and more frequent storm surge and flood (Fig. 1a). More valuable significances for a city to understand the potential benefit of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Jiang).
Received 29 February 2020; Received in revised form 16 May 2020; Accepted 21 September 2020
Available online 28 September 2020
1364-0321/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

climate change adaptation and thereby take pro-active adaptive action Judging from these, the article makes a critical literature review of
[9,10]. While the important implication of climate change risk has been recent studies on urban-scale climate change risk assessment. It attempts
increasingly recognized, most of studies focus on global, national or to contribute to the current literature from three aspects of: sorting out a
regional dimensions, but only a few have attempted to examine climate stepwise modelling chain and four key components that move from
change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent global-scale climate change to urban-scale risk assessment, which pro­
literature review [11–13]. Consequently, quantitative approaches and vides the practical guidance to assess climate change risk of city;
their applications on urban-scale climate change risk assessment still fall combing the major methods, models and practices related with urban-
short in many aspects. scale assessment of climate change risk, which offers a clear perspec­
First, the guideline about the stepwise procedure and method se­ tive on recent progresses and major challenges in current literature; and
lection from global climate change to urban-scale risk assessment re­ giving insights into several directions in urgent need of further research.
mains very limited [14,15]. The impact of climate change on each city To make these contributions, the paper is composed by two major parts.
depends on the specific change in local climate this city experiences Sections 2-5 represent the first part of this article which makes a
coupled with the way it is exposed and responds to, calling for more critical literature review of recent researches. Using the search terms of
city-oriented practical guidance on climate change risk assessment. climate change simulation, urban microclimate, climate change
Second, the integrated framework of climate change risk assessment for vulnerability, urban climate change risk, and climate risk assessment,
city is hardly to meet practical needs. Current researches mostly focus on the paper retrieves relevant documents from Web of Science database and
urban direct risk from one specific type of climate hazard, such as the focuses on those published during 2010–2020. After the literature
casualty and direct economic loss from flood [16]. However, climate collection, the article makes a preliminary examination of collected
change can increase the occurrence of multiple climate hazards and can documents based on abstracts, keywords and major findings; and a total
affect many aspects of a city via either direct or indirect channels [17, of 180 high-quality articles are screened out and used for more detailed
18], for instance the increasing outbreak of compound climate events literature analysis, refining, synthesis and commentary. Moreover, the
increase both system instability and maintenance cost of urban energy review analysis finds that although being discussed from various as­
system, and such impacts may trigger the secondary risk to other sys­ pects, the current literature can be basically classified into four major
tems that energy system serves [19,20]. Third, there remain large gaps categories of research which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling
between city science and climate science. The development and chain [23–26]. More specifically, Section 2 reviews the recent studies on
behavior of a city itself also interact with climate change. For instance, the downscaling of large-scale climate change to a local scale, which
the transformation from fossil to renewable energies will not only represent the first category of research. Section 3 moves to the second
mitigate urban GHG emissions and climate change, but also alter energy category of study which simulate future urban development and couple
system vulnerability to climate change [19]. It is thus an urgent need to regional and local climate forcing to project the urban microclimate.
bridge climate and city sciences and facilitate interdisciplinary model­ Based on the above analysis of urban socioeconomic development and
ling of the interactions between urban socioeconomic development and microclimate change, Section 4 proceeds to the third category of study
climate change [21]. On the whole, given the far-reaching impacts of which assess urban climate change vulnerability. Following this chain,
climate change on a city and the complex interactions in nearly each Section 5 further introduces uncertainties and summarizes recent
step of relevant analysis, making a quantitative assessment of studies on the integrated assessment of climate change risk for city,
urban-scale climate change risk remains a severe challenge and awaits which detail the fourth category of research. Overall, these four sections
further study [14,22]. specify the up-to-date progresses and major challenges in current

Fig. 1. Climate change risks to cities. (a) Global pattern of urbanization extracted from the World Cities Report 2016, (b) the number of cities at different types and
degrees of climate change risk, (c) the number of top climate hazards affecting cities, and (d) the number of top urban sectors exposed to climate hazards. (b)–(d) are
derived from raw data in city climate hazard survey, Carbon Disclosure Project.

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment. On this modelling into a finer scale.
ground, Section 6 presents the second part of the article that advocates Statistical downscaling adopts the between-variable empirical rela­
to advance future research from four important directions of: improving tionship from a historical period to derive future climatic features of the
study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on targeted scale from large-scale GCM outputs. It is relatively easy to
future city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and understand and operate but may cause significant biases when long-run
exploring the best practice for city-specific climate risk service. The and high-quality observation data are lacking, or when between-
overall framework of this article is illustrated by Fig. 2. variable relationships nonlinearly vary by condition or by time [31,
32]. Comparatively, dynamical downscaling relies more on physical
2. Research on downscaling of large-scale climate change to a laws, which applies the nest of regional climate models (RCMs) with
local scale GCMs to explicitly represent climatic and meteorological processes at
the finer grid. For an urban scale, such downscaling can be conducted by
Climate change risk of each city depend on the specific change in integrating GCMs with the nested RCMs or specific meteorological
local climate the city is exposed to. Hence, downscaling of large-scale models, such as hurricane model. Although dynamical downscaling can
climate change to a local scale is the prerequisite and first-step work ensure the physical consistency between large-scale and fine-scale cli­
to assess climate change risk for a city. This section will make a critical matic variables, it is computationally expensive and may also yield
review of how climate change simulation can be downscaled from global biased results. Such biases may inherit from the upper-level driving
and regional scales towards a local scale and discuss the major pro­ GCMs or be caused by the improper transfer of information between
gresses and challenges in the current literature. GCMs and RCMs, the misrepresentation of sub-grid physical processes,
as well as the unclear conditions of boundary delimitation [33,34].
Additionally, the methods of statistical and dynamical downscaling
2.1. Statistical and dynamical downscaling are compared in their practical applications, exhibiting considerable
differences in projection of future climate condition. The empirical ev­
The general circulation models (GCMs) are one of the most advanced idences demonstrate that how good the performance of each method
instruments to simulate the response of future climate system to would vary by location and by climatic variable, proposing to select
increasing GHG concentrations at global and continental scales, but they appropriate models based on the local reality. Moreover, the combina­
are shortage of confidence in mesoscale and local details [12,27,28]. tion of dynamical and statistical downscaling methods has been
The resolution of GCMs is typically as large as hundreds or dozens of increasingly advocated by recent studies. The combined application can
kilometers, which are too coarse to be applied for detecting the possible draw both advantages of capturing the regional-specific climate forcing
changes in climate conditions or climate hazards for a city. This limi­ and feedbacks and removing the possibly systematic biases of models,
tation is particularly prominent in situations where the local physical providing a prospective option for future fine-scale study [35,36].
process and feedback play significant roles, such as urban heat island
effect [29]. It also hinders the modelling of those phenomena which by
their nature often happen within a small spatial scope of few kilometers 2.2. Calibration and bias correction
or for a quite short time, for instance heavy rainstorm and tropical
cyclone [30]. Against this, current researches generally apply statistical Although significant progresses have been achieved, downscaling, by
and dynamical downscaling to convert large-scale climate change itself alone, still cannot guarantee a reliable enough conversion from the

Fig. 2. The overall framework of this article.

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

large-scale climate change modelling into a local scale. When calibrating climate variable while rarely involve multivariate analysis. Hence, how
the downscaled climate simulations with historical observations, there to represent the dependence structure and co-variability between cli­
often exhibit significant biases which may be caused by the incomplete matic variables and how to perform multivariate cross-calibration and
knowledge on climate systems or the simplified spatial averaging within bias correction need to be further studied and improved in future [31,
grid cells [37]. Therefore, to bias-correct the raw climate simulation 51].
results is of great importance to provide the more reliable inputs for
future climate projection and follow-up impact analysis. 3. Research on simulation of urban development and
Generally, bias correction is built on the comparison between model- microclimate
simulated and field-observed climatic variables and can be carried out
by three major steps. To begin with, the simulated climate results are Cities are not only highly exposed to climate change impacts, but also
calibrated with actual observations in a historical baseline period, with interact with regional climate forcing to jointly shape their local mi­
an aim to identify the biases and establish a statistical relationship be­ croclimates. Although the well-processed RCM results have become
tween them. Then based on this analysis, the second step makes a bias- capable of reflecting urban overall climate, they remain unable to pro­
correction of simulated climate results for the historical baseline period, vide detailed information on the microscale climate insides a city.
while the third step proceeds to a future period and yields the bias- Therefore, after the downscaling of climate change simulation, the
corrected results of future climate projection [38]. Under the above literature needs to project the possible changes in local climate forcing
framework, a wide variety of methods have been developed to reduce factors driven by urban expansion and socioeconomic development, and
the biases either in GCMs or RCMs results prior to processing or in then couple these changes with regional climate forcing to simulate the
locally downscaled results. The most previous researches use the method future microclimate of the studied city. This section will offer a critical
of mean adjusting, which assumes no difference in variability between review of how to project future socioeconomic development of a city and
the simulated and observed sequences and merely correct biases in their how to couple local and regional climate forcing to simulate urban
mean values [39]. But in fact, biases in variability are usually a more microclimate. Noticeably, the projection of urban socioeconomic
prominent issue than that in mean. Hence, variance adjusting has development can also help identify urban fields and systems potentially
become a more general approach used for bias-correction, which can vulnerable to climate change impact, which will offer important infor­
correct the biases in not only mean but also variability of simulated mation for vulnerability and risk assessment in the next two sections.
variables relative to field observations [40]. The overall framework of this section is illustrated by Fig. 3.
Remarkably, both of mean and variance adjusting methods perform
not well for the relatively more stochastic variables, such as precipita­ 3.1. Projection of urban socioeconomic development
tion and solar radiation. As an illustration, they often show a drizzle
problem featured by too many weak but too few heavy rain events Socioeconomic development is a primary engine for urban expansion
compared to the observations [41]. Against this, a more sophisticated and growth which will in turn drive the change in urban local climate
approach of quantile mapping has been increasingly applied in recent forcing factors, such as land cover, spatial morphology, aerosol con­
researches. This type of approach can individually adjust each quantile centration, and surface heat flux. Additionally, socioeconomic devel­
of the simulated or downscaled results to actual observations and hence opment also serves as a critical pillar to identify and examine the
performs better to capture both short-spanned variability and extreme potential exposure and risk of future urban system to climate change,
behavior in climate distribution [37,41,42]. Regarding the urban scale, such as population, infrastructure, economy, and wealth.
many state-of-the-art quantile mapping techniques have emerged over Scenario-based analyses have been commonly used to describe the
the recent years. They are usually implemented after the downscaling possible future of a complicated urban organism. Some scenario studies
step and employed to make a further calibration of downscaled climate focus on one or several specific aspects of a city [13,52], while some
and weather information, such as heat wave [13], extreme temperatures others attempt to draw out urban overall blueprints [53,54]. Addition­
[43], and daily precipitation [44]. ally, facing with more and more significant impacts of climate change,
many cities have taken active efforts to combat climate change. The
2.3. Major progresses and challenges updated researches have increasingly incorporated urban strategy and
action on climate change mitigation and adaptation into scenario
Overall, the recent developments in downscaling and bias correction building [55]. Although scenario-based analyses can offer the storyline
methods have rendered climate change simulations more applicable to and narrative of future urban development, they cannot satisfy the
the urban-scale study. However, the practical application of advanced detailed information demand for quantifying the change in urban local
models or methods remains sometimes trapped by mismatched time­ climate forcing and the impact of climate change on cities. A variety of
scales between global/regional and local-scale models. In some cases, input-output (IO) models, computable general equilibrium (CGE)
the results obtained after downscaling and bias-correction may still models and integrated assessment models (IAM), therefore, have been
provide unreliable or even misleading information about the property used to translate narrative scenario into numerical simulation. These
and distribution of climatic variables. These misrepresentations not only models show advantage of representing various parts of a city and their
result from the inherent defects of GCMs or RCMs, for instance the interactions with each other by a consistent framework. However, their
simplified parametrization of physical processes [45], and the defective applications are largely restrained by the lack of input-output tables or
representation of internally random variability and spatiotemporal dy­ social accounting matrices at an urban scale [56,57]. Complementarily,
namics in the real world [46]; but also can be attributed to the over­ many studies have attempted to make reasonable simplifications of
looking of local climate forcing and feedbacks, such as urban urban development simulation and concentrate more on one or certain
land-surface forcing and aerosol contributions [47–49]. Hence, the specific fields. For instance, the system dynamics, non-equilibrium dy­
post-processing of climate change simulation for the local-scale analysis namics, network, and chemistry-transport models have been exploited,
needs to properly account for the underlying physical processes which respectively, to simulate future urban economic growth, infrastructure,
govern the location of interest and should be conducted based on population, as well as urban GHG, pollutants and anthropogenic heat
case-specific merits [47]. Apart from these, the interdependence and emissions [58–60].
interaction between climate variables, such as temperature and pre­
cipitation, have been increasingly evidenced recently, which will likely 3.2. Simulation of urban local climate forcing and microclimate
increase the occurrence of compound and extreme climate events [50].
However, the current studies mostly focus on univariate features of Land cover, spatial morphology, aerosol, and surface heat flux are all

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

Fig. 3. The overall framework to project future socioeconomic development and microclimate of a city. Contents in the dashed box can provide important infor­
mation for the follow-up vulnerability and risk assessment.

local-scale climate forcing factors in cities, among which land cover and types of approaches normally share a common assumption that regional
spatial morphology play particularly important roles. Hence, after the climate forcing are offline conditions not affected by changes in the city
scenario analysis and simulation of urban development, how various itself. The third family of approach adopts a different strategy by ac­
socioeconomic drivers and neighborhood interactions will jointly counting for city’s interactions with regions and accordingly provides a
determine the land cover and spatial morphology of a city is another key more realistic modelling of urban microclimate via online coupling be­
link for urban microclimate projection. Currently, the statistical models, tween LCMs (or UCMs) and RCMs [72]. Recently, the computational
geospatial models and diverse types of their coupled models are the most fluid dynamics-based models (CFDMs) has emerged as the fourth type of
well-known methods to perform this work [61,62]. However, without promising method. With a fine-resolution representation of urban sur­
the adequate consideration of micro behavioural and decision changes, face and a better knowledge of related urban flow fields, CFDMs enable
the credibility of projection from these models might be quite limited for the simulation of urban microclimate at block or even building scales
a long-term future, which is unfortunately a critical time horizon for [73,74].
climate change studies. To address this, multi-agent models have been
increasingly applied to represent the dynamics of urban microstructure 3.3. Major progresses and challenges
change [63,64]. A more recent advancement is to couple statistical,
geospatial, or multi-agent models with the newly emerging artificial To sum up, the recent advances in method and model have provided
intelligence methods, such as artificial neural network and deep more powerful instruments to simulate the future socioeconomic
learning. Such practices will significantly improve the capability of development, spatial morphology and microclimate of a city. However,
modellers to deal with the high complexity and computational difficulty there remain several challenges to be overcome. The simulation of urban
of networked urban systems [65,66]. climate change adaptation should be improved. Most of the current
Moreover, given the multiple interplays between urban local and studies analyse climate change adaptation taken by individual urban
regional climate forcing, cities are characterized by large variations in sectors or systems, showing an insufficient integration of adaptive ac­
its microclimates across sub-areas, communities, or blocks. For example, tions across the entire urban network. Additionally, current planning
urban center often displays the obviously higher summer temperature and simulation of climate change adaptation are mostly built on a static
and heavier precipitation than other areas of a city [67]. Against this, framework, without enough considerations of the dynamical process of
four types of approaches are exploited to move climate change simula­ climate adaptation and the behaviour change of urban micro-agents
tions further down to a neighborhood level, which integrate urban local over the long term. Therefore, the integration of climate change adap­
and regional climate forcing to simulate urban microclimate. The first tation across various urban sectors and systems, and the dynamical
type of approach is to couple RCMs with land cover models (LCMs), upgrading of urban adaptive actions need to be seriously addressed in
which applies post-processed RCMs results as regional climate forcing future study [75].
and models the future microclimate of a city with particular concerns on Moreover, the interdisciplinary modelling of interactions between
urban land use and land cover change [68,69]. The second type of socioeconomic and climatic driving forces should be enhanced for better
approach couples the RCMs with urban canopy models (UCMs), estimating urban microclimate change and in turn assessing the poten­
enabling a more comprehensive consideration of various urban activ­ tial risk caused by climate change [76]. Currently, socioeconomic
ities and their impacts on urban local climatic fields [70,71]. These two development planning of a city is typically focused on the horizon of few

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

decades (for instance 10 or 30 years); whereas climate change modelling detailed progresses and challenges discussed as follows.
often has either a long-term horizon (such as 50 or 100 years) or quite a
short-term slice (such as hourly or daily). Consequently, the practice of 4.1. Vulnerability of residential life and health
the interdisciplinary modelling remains trapped by mismatched time­
scales between socioeconomic and climatic modelling of a city. Evidence is mounting that climate change may bring obvious dam­
Furthermore, the high complexity to couple and integrate multiple ages to life and health of urban residents [79]. Many cities around the
models is also a severe challenge. Against these, the future research world, particularly the megacities and rapidly developing cities, are
should extend and construct urban socioeconomic development plan­ confronted with increasing mortality, morbidity, and life loss from
ning towards a coherent timescale with that of climate change model­ temperature rise [80], air quality deterioration [81] and infectious
ling. A broader understanding of how to exchange information between disease [82] induced by climate change. The previous studies have
urban and regional climate forcing factors and across different aspects of generally formed a classical modelling chain to examines the vulnera­
simulation, is also urgent for improving the microclimate projection of bility of urban public health to climate change, which consists of four
future city. major parts as showed by Fig. 4 [23,83,84]. The first part makes a
projection of future changes in microclimate and the related changes in
4. Research on assessment of urban climate change environmental and ecological conditions of a city, with the second part
vulnerability projects future changes in urban population and demography. Via these
works, the two parts can estimate the exposure of urban population to
The specific impact of climate change on each city depends on not climate change. The third part of the modelling chain moves to a sta­
only the change in local climate this city experiences but also the way it tistical analysis of dose-response relationship between climatic and
is exposed to and responds to. Hence, after the projection of urban health variables, which captures the sensitivity and adaptability of
microclimate, the following work needs to examine how vulnerable public health to climate change from epidemiological and toxicological
various sectors and systems of a city are to climate change impacts. The perspectives. Finally, the fourth part combines the historical
current literature has widely acknowledged the exposure, sensitivity and between-variable statistical relationships with future projections on
adaptability as three key components that collectively determine urban climate and population to estimate the potential impact of climate
climate change vulnerability of a city [9,77]. However, the traits, in­ change on residential health for a studied period.
dicators and methods used to measure these components as well as the With an improved availability of data, recent studies on public health
frameworks used to calculate their resultant vulnerability vary markedly vulnerability have proceeded from the assessment of urban overall
across researches [78]. Among the wide categories of climate change mortality and morbidity towards more disease-specific details, which
impact, the four most serious concerns for urban managers and dwellers provide the greater guidance for allocating health service resources
consist of: (1) residential life and health, (2) economy and wealth, (3) [85]. Additionally, the changing structure of urban population and the
resource availability, and (4) ecosystem and biodiversity. Against this, interaction between climate change and other stresses occurring with
this section will make a critical review of recent researches on the rapid urbanization have been growingly incorporated into health
assessment of climate change vulnerability in these four urban systems. vulnerability assessment [7]. For example, some researches examine the
Based on the review analysis, the mainstream modelling chains used to effect of the ongoing inflow of population into megacities and the ageing
assess climate change vulnerability are summarized in Fig. 4, with more of urban population, uncovering that these changes tend to increase the

Fig. 4. Mainstream modelling chains used by the current literature to examine climate change vulnerability of four urban systems of serious concern.

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

vulnerability of urban public health to climate change [13,59]. Some which reflects the vulnerability of urban freshwater resource to climate
researches explore how warming temperature, heat island effect and air change. Finally, the fourth step accounts for groundwater withdraw and
pollution may interact with each other in future cities, setting off a reexamines the impact of climate change on urban freshwater deficit.
warning that the combined effects may bring greater damages to urban Noticeably, during this process, climate change affects not only the
public health [86,87]. However, because of the limited knowledge about availability but also the demand of urban freshwater resource [102]. For
chemistry- or biology-climate interactions, the current modelling of how example, urban energy demand and in turn cooling water used for power
climate change affect air quality and living environment of a city and in generation are sensitive to high temperatures, while urban seasonal
turn affect public health remain not sufficiently credible and need to be water consumption is highly depended on daily temperature and annual
further improved [88,89]. total precipitation, all of which tend to evolve an increasing trend with
climate change [103,104]. Moreover, the impact of climate change on
4.2. Vulnerability of economy and wealth urban freshwater security is also heavily affected by the development of
a city itself, such as land use, landscape pattern, population growth, and
Cities are also confronted with increasing economic and wealth demand-side management. Against this, an increasing number of recent
losses from more frequent advents of extreme climate and weather studies have investigated the combined effect of climate change and
events, particularly heavy rain, violent storm, flood and wildfire [5,90, other socioeconomic development changes on urban freshwater
91]. Taking flood as an example, the current literature has facilitated a resource [105].
computationally tractable monetization of climate change damages to
urban economy and wealth by four major steps [24,92,93], as illustrated 4.4. Vulnerability of ecosystem and biodiversity
by the second module of Fig. 4. The assessment process begins with the
projection of future changes in flood-related climatic and meteorological Apart from what are discussed above, it has been widely recognized
variables for the studied city, such as sea level and precipitation. Then that climate change will exacerbate ecosystem degradation and loss in
based on the hydrologic and hydraulic models, geographic information biodiversity [106]. Current researches have applied many different
system (GIS) techniques and urban development planning, the second methods to examine the vulnerability of species diversity to climate
step moves to simulate flood frequency and peak discharge and identify change, but the basic idea of their assessments can be summarized as the
those urban areas, assets and infrastructures highly exposed to flood fourth module of Fig. 4 [26,107,108]. The assessment process is started
risk. The third step introduces damage functions or loss curves that from the identification of ecosystems and species that are exposed to and
describe the responses of affected assets or infrastructures to different vulnerable to climate change impacts in the studied city and its perim­
degrees of flood, and accordingly, estimates physical and direct mone­ eter zones, particularly those vulnerable species living in vulnerable
tary losses for the studied city. On this basis, the fourth step further urban ecosystems. After this, the second part projects the possible
accounts for intersectoral interactions and examines indirect and sys­ change in relevant climatic and meteorological conditions for a future
tematic economic losses for the studied city by various types of macro­ period, while the third part analyzes how such changes will affect
economic models, particularly IO, CGE and IAM models. climatically suitable habitat and living condition of vulnerable species
However, the practical application of the above vulnerability by virtue of species distribution or ecological niche models. Finally, the
assessment chain has been questioned because of the linear extrapola­ fourth part makes an integration of exposure, sensitivity and adapt­
tion of damage functions or loss curves into future and inadequate ability analyzed above to examine the impact of climate change on
consideration of probably huge changes in urban economic system [94]. future species survival and persistence.
To address this, the recent studies have increasingly taken the dynamical Noticeably, the city-scale assessment of biological vulnerability to
evolution of urban economic system into account, and accordingly, climate change has its own unique feature and methodology require­
update the damage function and loss curve for their applications in ment relative to global and regional assessments. As an example, in
future scenarios [95]. Moreover, the defective representation of climate addition to climate change, the process of urbanization and the related
adaptive action taken by cities is another weak point. With more thor­ anthropogenic activities also significantly affect ecological environment
ough analysis and more advanced models, recent studies have evaluated and biodiversity in cities. To address this, the recent studies have
and compared the potential of various types of adaptation measures to increasingly accounted for the interactions between climate change and
alleviate climate change-induced economic losses [93,96]. The main other urbanization factors, such as land cover change, noise, air pollu­
results not only confirm the large potential of climate change adaptation tion and adaptive actions, and accordingly, explore their combined ef­
to decrease urban potential economic losses, but also note the signifi­ fects on urban biodiversity [109]. Moreover, most of previous
cantly different effectiveness across alternative measures, proposing to researches adopt the projected decline or fragmentation of climatically
select climate adaptive measures based on urban features and develop­ suitable habitat to measure the exposure of species to climate change.
ment realities [97,98]. However, climate change brings much more complicated shocks to the
survival and livelihood of species. Therefore, more updated researches
4.3. Vulnerability of resource availability have expanded the impact mechanism analysis and pay more attention
to the potential influence on species through channels such as food
Driven by the combined effect of climate change and rapid urbani­ availability and round-trip migration [110].
zation, many cities are confronted with resource shortage problems. The
deficit of freshwater is one of the most prominent resource challenges to 4.5. Major progresses and challenges
cities [99]. The current literature examines the vulnerability of urban
freshwater resource to climate change generally by four major steps, as To sum up, the recent researches have made significant progresses to
illustrated by the third module of Fig. 4 [25,100,101]. First, global hy­ examine the vulnerability of urban residential health, economy and
drological models are coupled with global climate projections to simu­ wealth, resource availability, and biodiversity to climate change,
late future terrestrial water cycles at the macroscales, which are then particularly in terms of capturing the interaction and the combined ef­
downscaled to the fine-grid availability of freshwater resource for the fect of climate change and other urbanization stresses and of repre­
urban watershed of interest. The second step projects urban socioeco­ senting the potential of various adaptive actions. However, there remain
nomic development and integrates it with water-use models to estimate some deficiencies and challenges to be addressed.
future freshwater demand in the studied city. On the basis of projected For the assessment of residential health vulnerability, one of the
freshwater availability and demand, the third step moves to estimate the greatest concerns is that the dose-response relationship between cli­
possible deficit of freshwater resource faced by cities in a future period, matic and health variables may change by conditions and timescales

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

[47]. An expected trend of steadily rising health damages may be dis­ 5. Research on integrated assessment of urban climate change
rupted by much more severe or even beyond-threshold climate change risk
events. How to deal with nonlinear and non-stationarity relationships
between variables is, thus, a serious challenge to be addressed. For the Nearly each step of urban microclimate simulation, socioeconomic
assessment of urban economic vulnerability, current studies are con­ projection and vulnerability assessment faces a lot of uncertainty fac­
strained to damages that occur concurrently with climate hazards and tors. On the ground of the above sections, this section emphasizes the
can be felt by the markets. Such a partial scope overlooks a fact that effect of uncertainty and offers a critical review of the recent literature
climate change may affect a city for many subsequent years and may concerned with how to assess urban damage potentially induced by
cause damages to other important but non-market values [111,112], climate change under multiple uncertain conditions. Many previous
which deserves more attention in future. As for the assessment of researchers have attempted to address this issue, but they present sig­
freshwater resource vulnerability, trans-regional and trans-basin trans­ nificant inconsistencies in analytical paradigm and assessment
fer of freshwater resource have quickly increased in cities. Such change approach. For instance, some studies focus on uncertainties in climate
brings additional uncertainties to freshwater resource availability and hazard assessment [120], some on uncertainties in vulnerability
vulnerability assessment [25,113], posing another challenge to future assessment [121], while others on uncertainties in impact assessment
study. For the assessment of ecological vulnerability, current researches [122]. However, these three types of practices, given their partial scopes
commonly adopt the intrinsic traits of a species to reflect its climate of uncertainty and mutual isolations, cannot deliver a comprehensive
sensitivity and adaptability. However, such practices still have draw­ understanding about how uncertain climate change will affect uncertain
backs in inadequate consideration of certain important traits [114], urban system in future. To overcome this, the method of climate change
arbitrariness of trait selection [115], and incomparability across risk assessment has been increasingly advocated in the recent literature,
different taxonomic groups [116]. Therefore, the development of more which can not only capture the interactions between climate hazard,
scientific and standardized trait system and the improvement of vulnerable urban system and resultant consequence but also better deal
comparability are two challenges to be overcome. with multiple uncertainties surrounding them [15,123]. As illustrated
Furthermore, there are several common challenges confronted by the by Fig. 5, an integrated assessment of climate change risk to city consists
assessment of climate change vulnerability in all four urban systems. of three main modules, namely risk identification, risk quantification,
First, climatic variables can sometimes interact with each other, and the and risk synthetic evaluation. Moreover, the assessment is carried out
compound effect of them may pose greater disturbances to various as­ through a continuous and iterative process, with massive information
pects of a future city [20]. As an illustration, high temperature and exchanges between any two modules [124].
drought are generally concurrent in some regions [117]. These com­
pound hot and drought events affect not only the power demand and 5.1. Identification of climate change risk
load curve but also the operational flexibility and cost of urban energy
systems, particularly those with high proportions of renewable sources The process of climate change risk assessment starts from identifying
[118]. Therefore, the assessment of urban vulnerability to compound the potential climate hazards a city is exposed to, the vulnerable urban
climate events is a common challenge to be overcome. Second, the in­ assets (population, economy, resource, ecosystem, etc.), and the con­
dicators and forms of their scoring to measure urban climate change sequences that climate hazards may cause in this city for a given time
exposure, sensitivity and adaptability present significant differences and slice. Risk identification sorts out the hazard-asset-consequence pair
controversies in current practices, calling for more consensuses on in­ which will be regarded as a basic unit for the follow-up analysis. The
dicator system and more advanced methods on indicator scoring and recognition of the currently known concerns about climate change and
weighting [119]. Finally, when aggregating exposure, sensitivity and the participation of extensive stakeholders are vital to get a preliminary
adaptability into vulnerability, the future literature faces a challenge to set of all possible hazard-asset-consequence pairs [125]. After this, the
disentangle the synergism in these three components and get a better selection of the critical pairs for more detailed risk evaluation is closely
understanding about the critical fields to act to reduce the vulnerability related with city-specific geographical locations, socioeconomic con­
of an entire city [21]. texts and developing situations, and each city should be examined on a
case-by-case basic [120]. For instance, flood is identified as one of the
most severe climate hazards to human life and infrastructure in New

Fig. 5. An integrated assessment framework of climate change risk to city. Here, H, A, and C indicate climate hazards, affected urban assets and the resultant
consequences, with i, j, k representing their different types and categories, respectively.

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

York and other coastal cities [126], while drought poses the most 5.3. Synthetic evaluation of climate change risk
dangerous threat to freshwater resource, agricultural production, and
wildfire in dryland cities [127]. After risk identification and quantification, the third step forges
In addition, screening out major uncertainties in each of the selected ahead to provide a user-friendly synthetic evaluation of climate change
hazard-asset-consequence pair is another crux in climate change risk risk for city. Here, the results of risk quantification will be compared
identification [128]. Although the assessment of climate change impact with evaluation criteria to clarify risk grades and then deliver the
on a city faces multiple sources of uncertainty, most of previous re­ determined outcomes to target users, which involve three key elements
searches focus on uncertainties in future climate change while rarely of risk evaluation criteria, risk rating and form of risk expression. Ac­
caring about uncertainties in affected urban systems and their vulnera­ cording to different evaluation targets and objects, the synthetic eval­
bilities [129,130]. However, with the continuous improvement and uation of climate change risk can be classified into three major
upgrading of climate models, urban exposure, adaptability, and categories. One category focuses on a specific climate threat a city is
vulnerability play increasingly important roles to determine the ulti­ exposed to, for instance a synthetic evaluation of flood risk to various
mate impact of climate change on a future city. Taking drought risk in assets of a coastal city. Taking climate change induced flood as an
Africa as an example, it is estimated that although drought hazard is the illustration, many researches firstly identify the major urban assets
worst in northern African countries, drought risk tends to be the highest vulnerable to flood hazard, such as residential life and health, economic
in central African countries owing to their growing population and so­ production, and infrastructure. On this basis, various probability-
cioeconomic vulnerability [131]. Hence, recent studies have put more casualty or probability-loss curves are separately applied to count the
attention to explore uncertainties and their interdependences in socio­ expected loss in each of individual urban assets, which are then syn­
economic development and climate change adaptation of the city, which thesized to determine the synthetic flood risk for a studied city [94,143].
help to facilitate a more systematic identification of multiple related Notably, spatially explicit data and GIS technique gain more and more
uncertainties [132,133]. applications in recent several years, which contributes to creating a
visualized climate change risk map for the studied city [144,145].
5.2. Quantification of climate change risk Taking Venice, Italy as an example, the score of climate hazard,
vulnerability and risk has been individually calculated for every urban
After identifying a critical hazard-asset-consequence pair, risk grid and broken into different risk grades; and then, a flood risk map is
assessment moves to quantify the uncertain effect of uncertain climate produced for the Venice city based on risk score and risk grade of each
hazard on an uncertain urban future. To perform this, current researches urban grid and ArcGIS [146].
firstly adopt the probability density functions (PDFs) to describe major The other category of research focuses on a specific urban system
uncertainties in urban climate change, socioeconomic development and being extremely vulnerable to climate change, such as the synthetic
vulnerability, and model how these uncertainties in input can be prop­ evaluation of urban energy system risk from all possible climate threats.
agated to the uncertainties in urban damages. Next, the literature will Taking urban electricity system as an illustration, the studies identify the
determine a critical threshold of climate condition (which, if being major climate hazards this system exposes to and individually detect the
triggered, will lead to abrupt change or irreversible consequence), and risk possibly induced by each of these hazards, such as warming tem­
hereby calculate the probability of exceeding this threshold and the perature, declining water availability, and increasing climate and
associated expected loss. This is called as the threshold-exceedance weather extremes. Afterwards, the result of individual evaluation for all
probability method, which is applicable to quantify urban risks from identified climate hazards will be synthesized to determine the overall
gradually changing climate events; for instance, public health risk and climate change risk faced by urban electricity system [147,148]. In this
ecological degradation risk from climatic disturbances [134,135]. process, warming temperature and declining water availability may
Noticeably, multiple uncertainties are usually not independent each bring urban electricity system increasing power demand while
other. The phenomena of urban risks being aggravated by compound decreasing supply capacity, causing the operational risk of increasing
climate events have been frequently observed nowadays [136,137]. To production cost, system instability or blackout [149]. Extreme climate
address this, joint PDFs and copula-based probability models have been and weather may pose the increasing damage to electric infrastructure,
increasingly employed by the recent researches to capture the depen­ leading to the substantial risk of escalating maintenance and recon­
dence structure between interrelated variables, which advance the struction expenditure [150,151]. It is noteworthy that two issues have
simulation of compound climate events [117,138]. gained growing attention in last several years. Renewable energies that
In addition to gradually changing events, cities suffer from more are closely related with climate conditions, will take an increasing
frequent attacks of extreme climate and weather events, and concomi­ proportion in electricity system. Hence, the recent literature concerns
tantly, increasing catastrophic risks. How to quantify urban risks from more about how climate change will affect the operation of decarbon­
climate and weather extremes poses a new challenge. As an illustration, ized electricity systems with the high penetration of renewable sources
an occurrence of an extreme rainstorm implies that most of the related [152,153]. Moreover, the disruption of urban electricity system may
uncertainties concurrently deliver an ensemble of the worst case. Thus, trigger cascading damages to other systems it serves, and consequently
the second type of risk quantification aims at climate catastrophes which lead to secondary risks. The recent development of integrated simula­
have very low probabilities of occurrence but may trigger extremely tion models largely improves the capacity to capture the relevance and
disastrous consequences. In this case, the ability to capture the tail interaction between various urban systems, which helps extend the
behaviour of uncertain variables is vitally important [139]. The early scope of evaluation to cover secondary risks [154,155].
literature mostly applies Generalized Extreme Value models to facilitate Another category of study covers all types of climate change related
the estimation of the potential impact of extreme climate event on a city threats to all aspects of a city [156], offering a synthetic evaluation of
[140]. Recently, an increasing number of studies have endeavoured to all-round climate change risks faced by a city. Noticeably, given the
introduce more advanced techniques to enhance the estimation of dis­ complicated interactions and interdependencies between climate and
tribution parameters of uncertain variables, such as Markov Chain, and human systems, a fully integrated evaluation is impractical while some
Markov Chain Monte Carlo [141,142]. By further accounting for the reasonable simplifications are necessary [157]. According to this prin­
time-varying and jumping features of uncertainty, this progress gets ciple, the current literature focuses on the impact of primary climate
closer to the actual behaviour of climate extreme and helps to facilitate a hazards on major vulnerable systems of a city. After the determination of
more realistic quantification of urban climate catastrophic risks. major hazards and vulnerable systems, two configurations are mostly
applied to perform the all-round evaluation of urban climate change
risk. The first type of configuration starts from a synthetic evaluation of

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

climate change hazard and vulnerability. Then, multiple hazards and city-specific climate risk service.
multiple vulnerabilities are aggregated into the overall hazard and
overall vulnerability indexes respectively, which are in turn synthesized 6.1. Improvements in study methodology
to determine the overall index and grade of climate change risk for the
studied city [158]. Such practice is derived from traditional natural Many methods and models have been employed to downscale large-
disaster risk assessments and hence is relatively easy to implement. scale climate change simulation into a local scale, to simulate future
However, the separation of vulnerability from its paired threat has been socioeconomic development and microclimate of a city, to examine the
criticized for lacking the scientific basis [156,159]. The second config­ vulnerability of various urban systems to climate change, and to make
uration begins with the separate evaluation of risk caused by each an integrated assessment of city-specific climate change risk. Table 1
climate hazard, and then, weights all individual risks to calculate the summarizes the major methods and models in the current literature,
overall risk index and grade or draw a risk map for the studied city [124, together with the discussions on pros and cons of their applications.
160]. Comparatively, it makes advancement to account for Moreover, in despite of significant progresses, different parts of methods
hazard-vulnerability interactions. Moreover, some climate hazards in the urban-scale climate change risk assessment chain need different
happen concomitantly or in succession, which may bring more severe improvements to enhance their performances. Several suggested im­
consequences to the affected city. This issue has gained more attention provements to study methodology are presented from left to right, in the
in recent studies, with efforts to explore the relevance of different types Fig. 6. These suggestions are not meant to be exhaustive but rather
of climate hazards and examine their integrated or accumulated dam­ intend to deliver some examples for future improvement directions.
ages to future cities [161,162]. To begin, the current practice of downscaling and bias correction
displays limited abilities to enhance the credibility of local-scale climate
5.4. Major progresses and challenges change projections for the city, and may even deliver false signals [30,
31,47]. To get more credible information on the spatiotemporal varia­
In general, the recent studies have achieved significant progresses in tion in climatic variable, the future literature needs to explore more
the integrated assessment of climate change risk to city, for instance the advanced approaches on physical-statistical combined downscaling,
more systematic identification of uncertainties, the improved repre­ stochastic quantile mapping, and multivariate bias correction. Addi­
sentation of tail behaviours of uncertain variables, the increased tionally, a better coupling of urban local with regional climate forcing
consideration of relevance and interactions between climate hazards are vital to improve the microclimate projection of a city [53,70,86]. On
and between climate and human systems, as well as the application of one hand, urban planning and design should extend their time horizons
spatially explicit data for more precise assessment. However, there to that can be associated with climate change studies. On the other hand,
remain some challenges to be conquered. the simulation of future urban socioeconomic development should take
First, it is extremely difficult to develop a mathematical model that both Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and city-specific scenarios
can explicitly represent the process of uncertainty propagation in case of as co-driving forces, with special attention on climate change mitigation
wide uncertainties and their interdependences. Thus, how to couple and adaptation, spatial morphology, aerosol concentration, and local
uncertainty propagation analysis with numerical modelling or artificial climate zone of the city. Additionally, a seamless online coupling of
intelligence should be addressed to enhance risk quantification [163, regional and urban climate forcing deserves ongoing exploration. As
164]. Second, the evaluation scope of current studies is mostly confined urban microclimate is not only driven by regional climate but also reacts
to human casualty and economic loss while overlooking some other to it, LCMs, UCMs or CFDMs should be bidirectionally activated between
important assets for the city [144,165], advocating for more attention to urban-scale and mesoscale modelling for properly reproducing the in­
historical heritage, cultural value, and social welfare. Third, when teractions between urban and regional typical features. Such online
making the synthetic evaluation of climate change risk faced by a city, coupling is strongly suggested for cities surrounded by complex terrains
the aggregation of multiple types of hazards, vulnerabilities or risks all or affected by distinctive regional climatic dynamics, such as coastal or
remain the emergent and subjective practices. The relative importance valley cities.
of different types of climate hazard and vulnerability indexes vary In the realm of estimating urban climate change vulnerability, the
considerably by city. More context-specific index weighting and risk construction of credible between-variable relational function is a chal­
rating are, therefore, needed for a synthetic evaluation of the overall lenge that needs to be addressed. The common practice of extrapolating
climate hazard and vulnerability. Additionally, owing to the different historical statistical relationships into the future has been increasingly
features of climate hazards and their different spheres of impacts, the questioned, as such relationships are often nonlinear and vary by time
synthesis of multiple climate change risks still has many problems to be and condition [88,168]. Therefore, it is suggested to identify the critical
resolve, particularly the objective and comparable index and metric thresholds at which between-variable relationships may shift abruptly
systems on the urban-scale climate change risk assessment, the more and explore the tailor-made forms of relational functions for various
integrative approaches to standardize and normalize different types of climate-vulnerable urban fields. Additionally, how a city adapts itself to
climate change risks faced by various urban systems, and the formal a changing climate notably affects its vulnerability. Improving extant
evaluation procedures with broad stakeholder participation [144,156]. approaches and introducing new approaches, such as relational function
Finally, transmission and spillover across climate change risks are shifting and analogue city, are important directions to incorporate urban
widespread and may increase urban overall risk [166,167]. Regrettably, acclimatization into the vulnerability analysis. Moreover, the scope of
this issue has not gained adequate consideration and urgently needs urban climate change impact assessment is mostly confined to resident
further exploration. health and direct economic loss, while omitting potential damages to
human well-beings as well as indirect or non-market values [165,169].
6. Prospects for future research This paper advocates delineating the scope and hierarchy of vulnera­
bility assessment, which cover all potentially affected urban functions
Despite some progresses have been achieved in the recent literature, and proceed from direct, immediate and market impacts to indirect,
an accurate quantitative assessment of city-specific climate change risk long-lasting and non-market impacts. Accompanying this, another
remains highly challenging. To satisfy the practical need for facilitating worthy endeavour is to develop a globally unified unit of accounting,
more effective climate change adaption in cities, this article advocates such as the Social Cost of Carbon. Such work can convert different as­
future research along four important strands to (1) improve study pects of climate change vulnerability into a uniform metric, and thereby,
methodology, (2) enrich knowledge of climate change impact on future enable an examination of urban overall vulnerability and facilitate the
city, (3) enhance accessibility to data and information, and (4) explore intercity comparison.

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Major methods and models on urban-scale climate change risk assessment in the Category of Study method or Advantage Disadvantage
current literature. study model
Category of Study method or Advantage Disadvantage computational offering the more coupling of urban
study model fluid dynamics- realistic modelling local models and
Downscaling of Statistical Relatively easy to Requiring high- based models with of urban regional models
large-scale downscaling understand and quality observation regional climate microclimate
climate operate, data, possible biases models
change to a numerous in case of nonlinear Assessment of Statistical Commonly used Limited ability to
local scale available methods or dynamical urban modelling of dose- and widely deal with nonlinear
and flexible forms statistical climate response accepted and non-stationarity
relationship change relationship statistical methods relationships
Dynamical Physical Computationally vulnerability in climate-health between climatic
downscaling consistency expensive, possible impact assessment and health variables
between large- biases inherited damage functions, Multiple types of Constrained to
scale and local from upper-level loss curves methods and damages that occur
climatic variables models or caused by models, concurrently with
multiple other commonly used to climate hazards,
reasons reflect the neglecting the
Dynamical- Draw advantages Requiring both the relationship possible damages to
statistical of both statistical ability to represent between affected other important but
integrated and dynamical physical processes assets to different non-market values
downscaling methods, perform and the reliable degrees of hazards
well to capture tail observation data Hydrological Strong ability to Limited ability to
distribution models, water-use simulate account for the
Mean and Relatively easy to Poor performance in models terrestrial water human-induced
variance adjusting operate, without the case of more cycles, widely trans-regional and
the information stochastic climatic used models in trans-basin transfers
need of variables climate-water of water resource
probability impact assessment
distribution species Widely used Inadequate
function distribution models to considerations of
Quantile mapping Perform well to Needing high- models, ecological investigate the unique feature of
match all quality data to build niche models climate change city-scale
statistical probability impacts on species assessment, and the
moments and distribution distribution and impacts of other
capture short- function, poor biodiversity urbanization
spanned performance to stresses
variability and capture internal Integrated Probability Multiple types of Difficulty to develop
extreme behavior variability and assessment of density functions, available models, mathematical
of climatic temporal trend of urban probability widely used models in case of
variables climatic variables climate models methods to multiple
Simulation of Scenario-based Offering detailed Lack of input-output change risk simulate interrelated
urban numerical information on all tables or social uncertainty uncertain variables
development simulation, input- possible futures of accounting matrices propagation
and output, a city, at an urban scale Generalized Strong ability to High computational
microclimate computable representing extreme value capture the tail difficulty in extreme
general various systems models behavior and value distribution
equilibrium, and their feature of and parameter
integrated interactions by a uncertain estimation
assessment consistent variables
models framework Probability- Widely used Confined to human
System dynamics, Making Limited to one or casualty curves, methods to casualty and
non-equilibrium reasonable certain specific probability-loss estimate the economic loss,
dynamics, simplifications of fields, cannot reflect curves expected casualty overlooking some
network, a complicated the overall or economic loss other important
chemistry- urban organism, development under uncertain assets to a city
transport models relatively easy to blueprint of a city conditions
operate Index weighting, Various types of Lack of objective
Statistical models, The most well- Without enough risk rating, GIS- available methods and comparable
geospatial models known methods to considerations of based spatial to integrate index systems,
and diverse types simulate land possible changes in overlaying multiple types of context-specific
of their coupled cover and spatial microstructure and climate change weighting and risk
models morphology of a micro-agent risks into urban rating methods, and
city behaviors over the overall risks more standardized
long run methods in risk
Offline coupling Numerous Unable to reflect the integration
of land cover, available methods mutual interactions
urban canopy, and models, between urban and
computational relatively low regional climate Furthermore, how to represent multiple uncertainties and their in­
fluid dynamics- computational forcing terdependences remains a conundrum for risk quantification. The study
based models with difficulty in advocates to address this issue from two aspects. On one side, the ca­
regional climate multiple-model
models coupling
pacity of modelling interrelated climatic variables should be largely
Online coupling of Accounting for High computational enhanced for examining the compound climate events, which trigger
land cover, urban city’s interactions complexity to make climate catastrophes [166,167]. The future literature on climate hazard
canopy, with regions, online bidirectional simulation needs to advance the methods for reproducing an ensemble
of interrelated climatic variables and incorporating their relevance into

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

Fig. 6. State-of-the-art progresses and future potential improvements in study methodology on urban-scale climate change risk assessment.

hazard probability counting. On the other side, the study advocates the climate processes and their interactions can shape compound climate
more flexible coupling of advanced uncertainty quantification tech­ threats. Third, significant socioeconomic changes and emerging initia­
niques, such as multi-agent, random numerical simulation and artificial tives to combat climate change are expected for future cities, and such
intelligence, which will offer the computationally feasible solution to changes may substantially alter urban vulnerability [43,163]. As an
represent realistic and complex uncertain issues [141,164]. Addition­ example, a city has now predicted that the risk to experience extreme
ally, how to deliver a reliable integrated assessment of urban climate climate events will increase, and accordingly it takes efforts to
change risk in intuitive and user-friendly ways is another big challenge strengthen urban infrastructures, which may in turn alleviate climate
[146,160]. A suite of globally standardized index and metric systems change risk. Considering this, the future literature needs to deepen the
coupled with the multidisciplinary analytical framework need to be understanding of the changing nature of city itself, and to build the
established, which help scientifically synthetize different types of complete knowledge system for resolving the feedback loops between
climate change risks into an overall risk. Furthermore, the current risk climate change, urban adaptive actions, and dynamics of urban climate
assessments generally adhere to a stationary framework. However, this change risk.
has been repeatedly questioned by the growing occurrence probability The fourth priority is to improve the knowledges regarding the
of climate extremes and their time-varying attributes. Therefore, the critical thresholds of climate change vulnerability in various urban
article advocates upgrading the static framework to a dynamic one and systems. Demographic change is one widely expected trend in cities,
developing new time-varying assessment approaches, which can better which will alter residential vulnerability to heat stress [170]. The
capture the evolution of urban risk with dynamical climate change and identification of group-specific vulnerability threshold is thus important
urbanization processes. for climate-health vulnerability analysis. Additionally, the tipping point
of climate change-induced freshwater shortage in cities needs deeper
exploration, with research to identify the major factors affecting urban
6.2. Enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city freshwater availability and demand under a changing climate, and to
elucidate the interactions between urban, watershed and regional water
The quantitative assessment of urban climate change risk is woefully cycles [15,102]. Moreover, the current climate science is barely able to
hindered by the currently limited and compartmentalized knowledges determine the threshold of climate change beyond which a city will be
on future climate change and urban response [15]. To feed the emerging placed at huge systemic risks. A better comprehending of how multiple
intellectual hunger, this article advocates bridging the gaps between a climate tipping points interact with each other and how they may
variety of related disciplines and study fields to reassemble existing collectively trigger a climate catastrophic risk to future city are eager for
knowledge reserves. Moreover, all involved scholars and stakeholders further study.
should make the concerted efforts to develop a rigorous urban-scale The fifth priority is to build a complete scientific system concerning
climate risk science, which requires knowledge enrichment in five pri­ the influence mechanism of climate change on cities, and the trans­
ority areas: (1) coupling of climate modelling at global-, regional- and mission mechanism of climate risk inside or across cities. Changes in
urban scales; (2) compound climate event; (3) feedback loop between global, regional and local climates can affect a city via multiple manners
climate change, urban adaptation and climate change risk; (4) critical directly or indirectly, immediately or tardily, solo or as multiplier [17,
threshold of vulnerability in various urban systems; and (5) transmission 112]. Direct and immediate influence mechanisms are currently the
mechanism of climate change risk inside a city or across cities. major focus of public concern. Comparatively, indirect, and delayed
First, climate modellers from global, regional and urban dimensions influence mechanisms gain much less attention; for instance, the influ­
need stronger communication and collaboration, and through these ef­ ence channel that leads from a climate extreme to disastrous asset losses
forts, they will be able to present greater scientific clarity about the and then to irrecoverable human capital damages and long-term pov­
processes of how global- and regional-scale climate change will drive erties. Additionally, climate change does not act alone, but as a multi­
local-scale climate change of a city, how urbanization and its relevant plier with other urbanization stressors, such as air pollution and slums.
features will contribute to regional and local climates, and how regional An extensive involvement of natural and social scientists, policy makers
and urban local climate forcing will collectively determine the micro­ and other stakeholders, therefore, is vital for making a well-rounded
climate of a city. Second, urban risks from compound climate events assessment of climate change impacts and for facilitating a co-design
have been increasingly observed around the world, but our under­ of important study questions. Moreover, city is a highly networked
standing of this topic has seriously lagged behind [166]. Another and dynamic system which is both affecting regional and global contexts
pressing need is, therefore, to expand the knowledges of how underlying

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

and affected by them [171]. Hence, additional knowledge is required to complement them to produce finer-resolution, higher-frequency, and
understand the cascading effect of climate shocks across various systems more real-time data and information.
and functions of a city, and to understand the two-way spillover of
climate change risks between a city and its surrounding regions, which 6.4. Exploring the best practice for city-specific climate risk service
will help estimate the secondary, social, and diffuse risks.
How to translate science, knowledge, data, and information into the
6.3. Enhancing abundance and accessibility to data on-the-ground climate change adaptation raises general concern [174].
This translation poses a tough challenge to conduct climate change risk
To perform a quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change management at an urban scale, which involves a wide range of scientific
risk, the future study requires an enhancement of data availability and disciplines and requires a lot of evidences from many related domains. A
quality, and an advancement of information integration and sharing well-rounded, unbiased, and transparent synthesis of available sciences
across various parties involved. and evidences about climate change, city, as well as climate change
Previous climate change studies mostly concentrate on global and impact on city is hence a pressing concern [175]. A joint task force
regional levels, resulting in a large gap at the urban level. Data on urban- composed of extensive stakeholders should be assembled to enable full
scale climate forcing are rarely available or even non-existent. Hence, it discussions and debates on all potentially related disciplines and evi­
is crucial to compile the urban-scale inventory of GHG emissions. dences. This can guarantee the synthesis as systematic and objective as
Emission inventories of other climate-forcing air pollutants are also possible and help identify the places where emerging sciences or evi­
needed—particularly ozone, aerosol and black carbon [61]. Urban au­ dences may refresh current synthesis. Future research also needs to
thorities should establish a set of official systems to periodically take acknowledge and explicitly describe limitations and uncertainties in
stock of GHG and other climate-forcing pollutant emissions, together current synthesis practices, which will make the synthesized results
with the standardized procedure and the unified accounting framework more reliable, robust, and useful for audiences.
to verify these inventories and ensure their consistency across time. As manifested by the inadequate exploitation of data and informa­
Fine-grid urban spatial data are also limited [15,65]. Advanced remote tion and by the failure to meet user demands, there remains a significant
sensing technologies should be increasingly employed to monitor the gap between climate science and practice. To narrow this gap, the
real-time change in dense urban fabrics and enable the access to development of customized climate risk service, which translate avail­
high-quality spatial data. These data can then be coupled with wide able climate science into easy-to-understand information and easy-to-
sources of urban planning data in the GIS-based analysis platforms, use instruments for climate-informed decision making, is a vital need
which provide supports for simulating future microclimate and drawing [176]. Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is presently a
climate change vulnerability and risk map of the city. leading international initiative on production and supply of
A credible integrated assessment of climate change risk needs high- science-based climate services, which helps different types of user
quality data on wide-ranging impacts potentially caused by climate communities to alleviate potential losses from current climate change
change on complex urban networks. This requirement has currently not and build resilience to future climate change [177]. However, GFCS
got satisfied [22]. Regarding climate-health impact assessments, this focuses primarily on global, regional and national scales, while rarely
study proposes to refine existing data and expand future observations on outreaching to an urban scale. The large scope inherent in that frame­
dose-response relationship, and develop more age-, income-, or work cannot satisfy the demand of climate risk management from cities.
disease-specific data subsets on health impacts [84,85]. Regarding Hence, the exploration of customized climate risk services for diversified
climate-economy impact assessments, the currently available data are users at an urban scale is advocated by this article, as presented in Fig. 7.
rarely derived by a consistent manner in either data source, data pro­ Urban-scale climate risk service can start from climate-sensitive
cessing or data calculation, rendering the comparability of economic sectors, such as residential health, energy, freshwater, and emergency
loss across studies or cities a daunting task [15,172]. Against this, management sectors, and should tailor to the personalized demand of
further work should guarantee the consistency in the scope, type, and customer. A variety of user-friendly interfaces and easy-to-use products
statistic calibre of data collection, as well as the normalization of data on climate risk management are strongly proposed to be developed for
processing and calculation—particularly the scope of direct and indirect different types of user communities [178]. For scholars and researchers,
economic losses and the discounting of future losses into current dollars. climate risk service should commit to enabling the interoperable access
For climate-biodiversity impact assessments, given the dual stresses to related data/information, the standardized interface to upload and
from climate change and rapid urbanization, the future study needs to download heterogeneous resources, and the easily operated product for
develop databases which help identify the vulnerable ecosystems and multi-model coupling. For urban planners and managers, such service
species in different types of cities, coupled with the city-tailored data on should focus on informing the possible range of climate change impacts
ecological thresholds [135]. and offering science- and trust-based information to assist planning and
With an increasing abundance of data, making the best use of these policymaking [179]. For business operators and residents, a series of
resources is of equal importance. Even if they become available, data portals, apps or dashboards that can provide intuitive presentations of
and their embedded information are widely dispersed across diverse information and be easily embedded in computers or mobile devices,
agencies and sources. Consequently, it remains very difficult to get a deserve a quick development. As non-expert users often have limited
complete dataset required for citywide climate change risk assessment. science capacities and merely care about certain specific issues, these
The development of web-based platforms, which can facilitate infor­ highly readable products will deliver them more workable information
mation integration and sharing and hereby enable user’s discovery and and help them better respond to climate change.
access to entire information sets, is a pivotal need [173]. Such platforms Furthermore, the developers of climate risk service must closely
should contain both the monitoring data gathered from related statis­ interact with their data providers and users to regularly update and
tical agencies and the extrapolated or simulated data produced based on upgrade services [180]. The developers need to regularly absorb new
the metadata, narrative storylines, and state-of-the-art modelling tools. knowledges from related disciplines and research fields, as well as new
Importantly, these data should adhere rigorously to the agreed-upon data and information from multiple stakeholders. Just as important,
standards of interoperability and compatibility in data collection, pro­ they also require frequent interactions with customers to master the
cessing and use. Furthermore, several analogous platforms have been latest service demands. By these efforts, the timeliness, quality, and
assembled at national, regional or basin levels, such as the Climate Data applicability of climate risk service will be continuously improved to
API developed by World Bank. Urban-scale platforms can link to these meet the newly emerging demands. Additionally, it is equally important
platforms for accessing the upper-level resources, and they can also to introduce proper case-study products. The assessment and

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

Fig. 7. Urban-scale customized climate risk services for various types of users.

management of climate change risk has become one of the mainstream scales and the interdisciplinary modelling of climate change impact on
actions taken to combat climate change in many European countries and city. Second, the current practices show inadequate capacities to
cities. However, such initiative is not as widely applied in cities of represent nonlinear and non-stationarity relationships between vari­
developing and least-developed countries, which are woefully the most ables, to disentangle synergies between urban climate change exposure,
vulnerable places to climate change. Developers of climate risk service sensitivity and adaptability, to convert different aspects of urban
for such cities are recommended to select a set of analogous cities as vulnerability into a unified metric, and to capture complicated and
their reference samples and develop case-study products. Via these interrelated uncertainties in urban climate and socioeconomic systems,
products, users can learn about how other cities handle the similar posing serious challenges to the assessment of urban-scale climate
problems and benefit from good international practices. change risk. Third, climatic variables sometimes interact with each
other, calling for the better reproduction of compound climate events.
7. Conclusions and limitations Four, current assessments of climate change risk are mostly constrained
to damages that occur concurrently with climate hazards and can be felt
In view of the increasingly significant and far-reaching impact of by markets, facing a challenge to incorporate long-lasting and non-
climate change, adaptation to climate change has become as important market impacts into assessment scope. Fifth, the aggregation of multi­
as climate change mitigation for numerous cities. Quantifying and ple types of hazards, vulnerabilities or risks remain emergent and sub­
assessing the risk possibly induced by climate change has great signifi­ jective practices, calling for more standardized procedure, objective and
cance for the city to take pro-active climate adaptive actions, and hence, comparable metric system, and advanced approaches to synthesize
gains increasing attention in recent years. This study makes a critical different types of climate change risks faced by various systems of a city.
literature review of recent researches concerned with the quantitative Finally, the transmission and spillover across climate change risks have
assessment of climate change risk at an urban scale. It is discovered that been increasingly evidenced, posing another challenge to explicitly
the current literature can be basically divided into four major categories represent the mechanism of risk transmission insides or beyond city.
of research respectively on the downscaling of large-scale climate Against these, this article advocates to advance future research from
change to a local scale, simulation of urban development and micro­ four important directions consisting of improving study methodology,
climate, assessment of urban climate change vulnerability, and the in­ enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing
tegrated assessment of urban climate change risk. These four categories abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice for
of research constitute a stepwise modelling chain that moves from global city-specific climate risk service.
climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment, providing city- The article still has some limitations that need to be further
oriented practical guidelines on climate change risk assessment. More­ improved. This article makes a systematic review of recent researches
over, some significant progresses have been reached during the past related with urban-scale climate change risk assessment and classifies
decade, such as the approaches, models and practices to conduct the them into four major categories. However, we do not dig deep enough
downscaling and bias correction of climate change simulation, to project into each specific category, which should be improved in our future
the future socioeconomic development, local climate forcing and work. Additionally, this article makes a universal analysis of climate
microclimate of city, to examine the vulnerability of four key urban change risk assessment for cities while not distinguishes different types
systems to climate change, and to identify, quantify and make a syn­ of cities, which in fact have remarkably different features of urban
thetic evaluation of climate change risk to city with multiple un­ exposure and vulnerability to climate change risk. In the next study, we
certainties. These advancements have rendered the quantitative will zoom into several typical types of cities such as the megacities, low-
assessment of climate change risk more viable at the urban scale. lying coastal cities and poverty-stricken cities, and make more effort to
However, there remains many deficiencies and challenges in the specify the type-based framework and guideline to identify, quantify
current literature. First, the timescales between mesoscale and urban- and assess climate change risks for cities. Furthermore, high un­
scale models and between climatic and socioeconomic models are mis­ certainties and interdependences in climatic and socioeconomic vari­
matched in many cases, which traps the coupling of models at different ables have been addressed in this study but not get much detailed

B. Ye et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110415

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