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1. The land on which the Arabs in the jahiliyyah period was known as
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Mesopotamia
C. Arabia peninsula
D. Makkah and Madinah
2. The Arabs of the jahilliyyah period worshipped
A. idols. B. cows
C. fire. D. trees
3. You alone do we ……. And You alone do we seek for help
A. praise. B. love
C. worship. D. understand
4. There is no other diety worthy of worship except ……
A. Holy Ghost. B. Allah
C. jinn. D. Archangel
5. We should be be grateful for the ……. Of Allah
A. love. B. kindness
C. help. D. bounties
6. The Ka'abah lies in
A. Madinah. B. Makkah
C. Baghdad. D. Yemen
7. Makkah is important to the Arabs because of
A. The Ka’abah.
B. The Quraysh
C. The Zamzam
D. The Ukaz market
8. The father of Muhammad (s. a. w) was
A. AbuTalib.
B. AbduMuttalib
C. Abdullah
D. Bahirah
9. The Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w) was in ……..
A. Madinah. B. Makkah
C. Ta'if. D. Syria
10. Aminah was to Muhammad’s
A. suckling mother
B. a mother
C. an aunt
D. a sister
11. Muhammad (s. a. w) was brought up by ……..
A. Halimah.
B. Ummu Haani
C. Maryam
D. Aminah
12. Halimah returned Muhammad (s. a. w) to his mother because of his
A. health.
B. safety
C. intelligence.
D. handsomeness
13. Abu Talib was to Muhammad
A. grandfather
B. friend
C. uncle
D. brother
14. It is important to purify
A. your soul only
B. your body only
C. your cloths
D. your house, body, cloth and soul
15. The Quraysh called Muhammad (s. a. w) al-Amin because
A. he was a Prophet
B. he was intelligent
C. He was trustworthy
D. he was poor
16. Tayammum is not permitted
A. when there is no water at all
B. when time for salah is running out
C. when water is too cold or too hot
D. when there is too much
17. Hadith may be collected from the Prophet himself or from his ……
A. companions
B. companions
C. children
D. neighbours
18. Suratul-Lahab is one of the early ……… suwar
A. Madinan. B. Madiyish
C. Makiyish. D. Makkan
19. Abu Laban was the ….. of the Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w).
A. uncle. B. nephew
C. cousin. D. cousin
20. Abu Laban …… the religion of Islam
A. liked. B. opposed
C. helped. D. hated
21. The hands of Abu Lahab shall
A. be stained.
B. be destroyed
C. be injured
D. perish
22. Abu Lahab’s wife tried to injure the Prophet by
A. strewing thorns about
B. digging pits
C. burning fire
D. throwing stones
23. Action must be judged according to
A. preparation. B. ability
C. intention. D. efforts
24. Suratut Fil consist of… …. verses
A. four. B. five
C. six. D. seven
25. The attack on Ka’abah was launched by the Governor of …..
A. Yemen B. Persia
C. Syria. D. Abyssinia
26. Abraha’s army was defeated by ……
A. birds. B. disease
C. prayer. D. soldiers
27. The event took place in the year in which Prophet ……… was born
A. Abraham. B. ‘Isa
C. Dawud. D. Muhammad
28. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is stated in
A. Injil. B. Quran
C. Zabur D. Sunnah
29. Prostration is to sujud as purification is to …….
A. ghusl. B. wudu’
C. tayammum. D. taharah
30. Allah is al-Jabbar because He is the
A. Merciful. B. Almighty
C. Compeller. D. Creator
31. According to the Prophet (s. a. w) a Congregational prayer is better than that of an individual
A. 25 times. B. 26 times
C. 27 times. D.28 times
32. The Prophet (s. a. w) received the first revelation in the month of
A. Muharram. B. Rajab
C. Sha'ban. D. Ramadan
33. The jahiliyyah era is referred to as the days of
A. light. B. knowledge
C. war. D. ignorance
34. The first article of faith in Islam is belief in the
A. existence of angels
B. Proohethood of Muhammad (s. a. w)
C. revealed book of Allah
D. oneness of Allah
35. fasting begins with sahur and ends with
A. iftar. B. ‘itikaf
C.kaffarah. D. zakatul fitr
36. The pronouncement of the Kalimatush shahadah makes a person a
A. Muhsin. B. Alim
C. Muslim. D. Abid
37. Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w) was sent to the ………
A. Arabs.
B. Poor
C. faithful followers
D. universe
38. Hadith 5 of an Nawawi ends with ………
A. man la us'nih
B. Las taghdab
C. falyukrimu dayfah
D. fahuwa raddu
39. Mankind is directed in suratul-Falaq (Q113:4) to seek refuge from the …….
A. evil of witchcraft
B. Lord of morning hours
C. evil of what Allah has created
D. evil of the entire when he envies.
40. Hadith 3 of an-Nawawi is based on the ……..
A. effect of anger
B. pillars of Islam
C. reward for good deeds
D. importance of intention.

1. Write suratu Fil in either Arabic text or transliteration

1b. Translate the surah to English

1c. Mention two lessons contained in the surah

2a. Narrate a brief story of Prophet Muhammad (a. s)

2b. mention two lessons contained in the story

3a. Complete the hadith below:

Man ahdatha fii …………………

3b. Translate the hadith to English language

3c. State two lessons from the hadith

4.Write I0 names of Allah and translate to English.

5a. Define tayammum

5b . Mention 3 reasons for performing tayammum.

5b. Describe how tayammum is performed.

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